Download - Methodology to teach to read in two weeks




For over 17 years I have developed a methodology to teach reading CHILDREN IN MAXIMUM TWO WEEKS. This methodology and technology solutions resulting from it can also be used to:

1_ The prenatal stimulation, from the fifth month of pregnancy.

2_ The prevention of developmental abnormalities and subsequent academic performance. 3_ To solve problems of learning and information storage in the brain to preschool, primary, secondary and higher level.

4_ The teaching of mathematics and writing. 5_ The adult literacy. 6_ Language Learning. 7_ And the development of a new programming language for artificial intelligence.

8- To encourage adequate way new neural connections and capabilities of oral learning,

reading, scriptural, genetically prefigured by the information and communications



9- To achieve by 2021 Educational Goals in the education we want for the bicentennial generation.

10- The development of partnerships between the public and private sectors that contribute to the advancement of quality education. 11- Strengthen, resize and formulate new thematic lines in education and teaching on topics such as Early Childhood Education, Education and cognition, language and training, Mathematics Education, and information and communications technology, theories, models and pedagogical practices, Education higher labor skills and productivity, education, culture and development.

12. Transforming conceptions of abortion, of how the information in the brain and THE ROLE IN STIMULATING FATHER BABY DURING PREGNANCY IS STORED. 13- To strengthen the family as the fundamental actor in early childhood development, TO JOB RECOGNITION OF MOTHERS, AS THE PRIMARY EDUCATORS OF THEIR CHILDREN.

14. Change the way you think in terms of when the transmission of knowledge and the learning begins.

This methodology will become a reference worldwide for help to solve the problem of education suffering in the world:

_ 250 million children can not read or write at the time they reach grade. _ Millions of students today enrolled study leave or leave school without ever having acquired the basic skills in reading, writing and arithmetic. _ 126 million children and youth who do not attend school. _ 175 million young people (a figure that is roughly equivalent to a quarter of the youth population) can not read a complete sentence or a part of it. _ 774 million adults who lack the necessary basic training to get out of poverty, of which 508 million women are illiterate.

This methodology, innovative and clearly differentiated by their effectiveness preexisting has been developed based on:

_ Research, optimal and repeated.

_ A set of skills that are actually verified and that we know are true.

Hat is progress, resulting from the application of scientific method to try to explain certain observations during prenatal baby to solve learning problems, information storage in the brain, preventing developmental disorders and academic performance later that presents a full review on how to teach reading, based on actual time spent on the process of teaching and learning.

It is a hybrid of all the interrelated disciplines, where everyone, brings its own interests and concerns, AN IMPORT OF KNOWLEDGE AND METHODOLOGIES OF ECONOMIC AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES, a meeting of several principles from the fields of neuroscience and cognitive science, which, as is based on the syllabic method, phonetic and other technical and coadyudantes factors used ancestrally not represent a proposed experimental model, therefore, it is a widely and successfully tested, suitable system for application and does not require proven.

The methodology is based on:

The neurological basis of knowledge depends on imaging as claimed by neurologist Antonio Damasio and others.

The doctrine of nativism under which suggests some sort of idea, knowledge or mental content which is present at the time that an organism is born, that is, which is not acquired or learned by it.

The nativist assumptions contained in the theory of transformational grammar of American linguist Noam Chomsky, linguistics which stood in the center of studies on the mind. According to him, the linguistic theory must account for the universal grammar, innate knowledge common to all members of the human species; It should also explain the fact that children learn to speak fluently at an early age, despite the limited data and lack of experience at their disposal.

The principles described in the book Raising written by László Polgár genius father and trainer of the famous Polgar sisters, "chess master: Sofia, Judit and Susan first woman to win the title of Grand Master and breaking a number of gender barriers the chess. Polgar, part of the hypothesis that geniuses are not born, but made. The thought that the school system served only to produce mediocre minds. However, if a child is specialized in something from an early age may become a "genius" of the subject matter.

The biologist Craig Venter theory according to which life is governed by software, which is the genome system.

The theory of physicist Vlatko Vedral information based on the concept of Claude Shannon information according to which the universe is only quantum information,

School and his disciple KONRAD LORENZ, RIEDL RUPERT known for years, in the context of evolutionary biology, and biology knowledge and according to which processes information, receipt, storage, retrieval, treatment and processing of information, They existed in nature, not only in the biological world but also in the physical.

Calls computational theories of living beings and man started by Warren McCulloch and in the sixties and which tend to understand living beings like robots governed by mechanical and deterministic processes and the human brain as a processor device information produced by the inter-tripping in neural network system or engrams that trigger either organic automation, good psychic life (sensation, perception, consciousness, knowledge).

Theory FRANCIS BACON (1605) in which he spoke of a system whereby the alphabet could be reduced to sequences of binary digits.

The approach PAUL CHARLES WILLIAM DAVIES on the need to apply quantum mechanics to understand living things and sensitivity-awareness.

Studies confirming the formation of the intellect from an early age, even before birth, and state that it is not necessary to wait to learn it properly but there is a proper way to stimulate new neural connections before a child reaches the world but considering each critical stage of brain development.

The research confirms that:

- Brain operates based on massive interconnections, in a distributed manner, where the same connectivity change according to experience.

- Children think like scientists learn experimentation, observation and statistical pattern.

- Subconscious are the laws that govern our thinking and governing how to learn.

Investigations confirming that DNA is participating and supporting the permanent storage

of memory traces. Permanent declarative memory must be "set in stone" and the only

structure within living cells that are like stones in the sense of stability, are DNA molecules.

We have permanently stored in our DNA, a huge memory with data, facts and events

learned by our ancestors during their lives, which are not put into operation, but that

sometimes occurs, placing the components of the atom as units smallest possible storage

in a genomic mechanism.

This methodology is based on:

The way the information in the brain, the number of neural connections, the role of the

subconscious form of learning, working memory, the brain areas, prenatal and early

stimulation, the critical stages of development, the natural look is stored and simple to

complex. It also assumes that there is an over - intellectualization the functioning of the

human mind and learning and a lack of accumulation of experience gained in a large

number of cases it has led to most of what you learn in school forget.

Equally part of the most important education happens at home but families have lost

confidence in themselves and it turns out the only ones who can teach well,

especializadamente and love of children are their parents.

This design methodology considering that in the brain are:

100 billion neurons each of which converge between 10 000 and 100 000 entries.

10 billion bits per second

10 million cells.

Your weight does not reach a kilo and a half but has more connections than all the

computers in the world together is the most enigmatic more complex matter in the

universe, the new frontier, and perhaps the last, of human exploration.

This methodology seeks to answer two of the biggest mysteries of the

human being and the first is: Geniuses are born or made?

All geniuses are born, but the lack of: a stable family environment, teaching methods, early

stimulation, lucky environment, motivation, self-confidence, concentration, will and the

school makes us ordinary individuals.

Children are children, not stupid ... if you explain correctly, understand, children do not

know what has not been taught, the exceptional skill comes after a long, slow process of

persistence and work. One is a genius if he tries.

The second is: When the transmission of knowledge begin?

The transmission of knowledge begins long before conception, all the skills, knowledge and talents cultivated by our ancestors are stored in the baby's brain, which is amazing, has not taken nine months to be created but 7,000,000 years 350,000 generations. We have permanently stored in our DNA at the molecular and atomic level, a huge memory with data, facts and events learned by our ancestors during their lives, which are not put into operation because they need the stimulus or appropriate to express CODE, but sometimes it manifests. An advantageous natural selection requires born with a predetermined image of his own species, that before a child reaches the world is scheduled to discover the laws of physics and its small brain chip memory is activated, the language and the formation of the intellect. Children think how scientists can predict learning experimentation, observation, statistical patterns and natural segmentation. In relation to language as a result of the same genetic information used to create memory, have the characteristic to admit errors and approximations.

Language is a genetically prefigured capacity. Therefore, a feature of language development is its speed of acquisition. WORLDWIDE children learn to speak without precise instructions because children have an innate knowledge of the universal principles that govern the structure of language, which are in his mind, and are put into operation by stimuli in adults.

If you learn to read is to learn to hear speech differently, children do not need several years to learn to read, only require two weeks.

If the brain does not understand the idea too soon and do not need to wait to learn properly, we must use this to stimulate a new neural connections properly, as the key to solving learning problems, information storage in the brain, prevention alterations of development and subsequent academic performance is in the proper stimulation: _ Connections or synapses between neurons. _ Language skills, abilities, knowledge and talents cultivated by our ancestors.

But to stimulate adequate way new neural connections and capabilities of oral learning, reading, book-genetically foreshadowed, to do this, each of the actors involved in the process of Comprehensive Care for Early Childhood (Parents and Families, Teachers and Teachers, the Public and Private Sector, the whole society) need structured methods, textbooks, teaching materials, training, educational guidelines and standards updated by the information and communications technology (ICT) COMMUNICABLE THROUGH THE MOBILE DEVICES, AND RADIO, TELEVISION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES in order to progress in the universalization of education and care of young children.

Therefore to cover needs to develop government level based on our methodology for teaching reading in two weeks a number of products and services that are part of the PROGRAM SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION IN EDUCATION such as:

_ Web and mobile applications, software, content and digital solutions learning platform

_ Printed or audiovisual educational resources for programs in large areas such as publishing, education, training and audiovisual media and educational games and educational software and more. _ Certified teacher training programs and family training ensure that the actors have the profile required to implement the new methodology. _ School Textbooks and instructional materials for developing reading skills, book-entry, numeric and oral. _ Systems of teaching and learning in preschool, elementary, secondary and higher, based on specific teaching, curriculum and assessment, development of creativity, imagination, intelligence, different types of thinking, learning, resolution problems, family relations, educational relations, among others. _ Pedagogical Guideline, criteria and standards for the provision of services in different scenarios, in order to ensure a system of Quality Assurance. _ Making Educational Scientific research that will create technical standards. _ The provision of services, consulting, education at national and international level the government sector so that they can teach reading in two weeks.

The products and services are aimed primarily at municipal education secretaries at national and international level, as responsible for ensuring the quality of education but also can be directed to other segments that can potentially be interesting to also worry about the quality education, including:

_ Managers and interested in helping to advance the quality of education and providing financial contributions to international, regional, national and local levels (Foundations private sector, civil society organizations, NGOs, s, intergovernmental organizations, Economic Communities , Multilateral Development Banks (IDB, WB), multilateral agencies, governments and international bodies and agencies of all member states of the UN and UNESCO). _ Each of the actors involved in the process of Comprehensive Care for Early Childhood (parents, teachers, public and private educational institutions at the preschool, elementary, secondary and higher)


Also in COLOMBIA you may be part of the NATIONAL PROGRAM FOR SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION IN EDUCATION. Its activities are likely to be financed with resources from the General Fund STI royalty system - SGR, with COLCIENCIAS-ICFES Conventions to finance special research projects in educational quality and evaluation, resources PTP Productive Transformation Program, and cofinancing with non-refundable. It also allows the articulation of the resource royalties with COLCIENCIAS and other funds SGR Contracts Plan and other sources such as sector funds; in a caring, altruistic and yet pragmatic optimization of resources and efforts vision resulting in synergies and multiplying benefits for development at regional and national levels and prosperity for all.

As mentioned at the beginning this methodology will become a reference worldwide for help to solve the problem of education suffering in the world:

_ 250 million children can not read or write at the time they reach grade. _ Millions of students today enrolled study leave or leave school without ever having acquired the basic skills in reading, writing and arithmetic. _ 126 million children and youth who do not attend school. _ 175 million young people (a figure that is roughly equivalent to a quarter of the youth population) can not read a complete sentence or a part of it. _ 774 million adults who lack the necessary basic training to get out of poverty, of which 508 million women are illiterate. According to projections, it is expected that in poor countries only get that young can read

and write the next century.

Analyzes confirm the hypothesis that children should spend at least four years in school to

acquire relevant skills in reading and writing and that among those who have attended the

school for four years or less, which are about 77% are not able to read a whole sentence

or part of it.

In poor countries attend school for five or six years, which in some systems equivalent to

complete a full course of primary schooling, is no guarantee, however, to be literate.

Rich countries also fail to learn marginalized. For example, over 10% of eighth graders from Norway and England obtained lower results than the minimum levels of learning in mathematics in 2011. In rich countries, achievement levels are generally higher, but also their education systems They respond as expected to minorities in poor, indigenous and African descent immigrants.

This crisis of learning has a cost not only with regard to the future ambitions of the children but also to the current government finances.

The annual cost representing the school children are not acquiring basic knowledge equivalent to 129,000 million.

Between 2008 and 2011, donors spent an average of only US $ 189 million a year in teacher training programs. However it is reported that there is an annual shortfall in funding for basic education of US $ 26,000 million.

According to UNESCO they will not be met as they had proposed for the year 2015 not one of those goals of Education For All (EFA) set in 2000. The failures recorded gives us a major lesson, "not enough to do more; it must be done otherwise. "

The objectives of education after 2015 ie 2021 will only be achieved if accompanied by clear and measurable goals with indicators to make sure no one is left behind, and if

technological solutions are adopted, with methodological innovations, transmissible through the mobile and radio, television and computer-based technology devices.

UNESCO promotes the mobile phone as a tool against illiteracy, poor education quality and lack of teacher training, to the obstacle of the high cost of paper books, the wide penetration of mobile phone turns these devices into efficient tools to fight illiteracy, and that 6,000 of the 7,000 million people worldwide have access to a telephone line.

But there is a shortage of developing technological solutions, methodological innovations, which are transmissible through mobile devices, and radio, television and computer technologies that allow children to learn to read in more than two weeks and not several years now It occurs. The solutions proposed by insufficient competition why they have developed based on dubious teaching methodologies, neuromyths, trends, fashionable models and a system of educational methodology we have for thousands of years, which has led them to mistakenly say the average age to teach reading to pre-school level is from 3 to 4 years, based on the child must have a potential intellectual maturity for reading, teaching erroneously start the alphabet, through to identify sounds and say that with the acquisition of such mechanisms should be started basic writing and finally methodologies are thought of as learning how captures the child. Right now they are pushing supposedly innovative reforms and insisting propose a set of measures apparently background, but eventually they only result in maintaining the profile failures presented today our education level of reading, which presents shameful features of functional illiteracy.

Finally in its proposal no differentiating light on and is not innovative, because it is not

based on the use of ICT as a core to them technology complements much less focus on

being transmissible through mobile devices, so within existing technological solutions we

have is methodologically always the same wine in a new bottle.

Our solution is above that:

The technological solutions are developed based on a methodology, innovative, exclusive and clearly differentiated by their effectiveness of pre-existing, established over 17 years ago to teach reading in a few days and a maximum of two weeks.

We have competitive advantage of having access to scarce human resources with the knowledge and skills code: reading, learning the mother tongue. storing information in the brain. academic performance, cerebral sequence of bits of the alphabet and numbers.

We have a proposal that is clear, innovative, in line with the objectives of APPS.CO, MINTIC program - COLCIENCIAS as it is based on the use of ICT. as it relates to Information Technology and Communications (ICT) promotes research and innovation and technological progress looking under national and international environment

Is, transmissible through mobile devices, plus Radio, Television and Computer Technology.

The exclusive access and effectiveness of this methodology makes everyone supported it developed into something DYNAMIC INNOVATION

We have a unique practical knowledge, experiential that allows us to relate any research in other key areas of human knowledge with our methodology.

We have a clear vision of how we differentiate ourselves from other methodologies.

Offer innovative learning solutions that are needed urgently worldwide to respond to a problem or meet a real need and unmet basic needs of the population and reducing inequalities.

We concluded that to meet the requirements of the proposed project need:

1. Strategic alliances with philanthropists who can help bring about change on a global

level, then scale solutions on a local level.

2. Strategic alliances with government public sector, international organizations and

agencies of all member states of the UN and UNESCO, NGOs, philanthropists and the

academic community.

As key elements of our strategy, we'll worry about having:


2. Effective international Red

3. service


As I said in my inscription "I decided to devote myself to educational research because I think is the best way to contribute to our survival as a species and to contribute at this time to end absolute poverty suffered by billions of people worldwide. "

Please help me convince the global educational community that all children are capable of learning to read in two weeks. In the most attentive way, I request contact since my interest is to get your support for this educational innovation can be disseminated.



Skipe: roviro.solorzano Celular (+57) 310 366 00 34 Fijo (+57) (5) 3 63 64 58 Barranquilla - Colombia



My Big Brain: early education

My Big Brain: chess champion (1/3)