Download - Messrs Rakesh Arora, Sanjay Bhagat, Amit S. Makhija with ... · Messrs Rakesh Arora, Sanjay Bhagat, Amit S. Makhija with other key channel partners Channel partners enjoying at Pattaya

Page 1: Messrs Rakesh Arora, Sanjay Bhagat, Amit S. Makhija with ... · Messrs Rakesh Arora, Sanjay Bhagat, Amit S. Makhija with other key channel partners Channel partners enjoying at Pattaya

Lumax rewards its channelpartners with Thailand trip

UNDER its Samridhi rewards and

recognition running programme,

Lumax teamed up with its silver cate-

gory channel partners and conducted

a four-day trip to Thailand to reward


Eighteen performing channel part-

ners made the grade for meeting their

2017-18 targets. The company took this

opportunity to detail its marketing plans

for the FY 2019-20. Special interaction

sessions were organised to share the

company’s future plans and growth.

With a view to double the sales by 2020,

the company took feedback on the prod-

uct quality, pricing and launch of the

new product range for 2019.

The four-day trip had highlights to

keep the entire Channel Team enter-

tained. The Day One included a stay

at the prestigious Signature Hotel and

Razzmatazz at the Alcazar show time.

The entire team let their hair down

while enjoying the spectacular show.

Day 2 started with work and most of the

day was spent at the Signature Room

over a two-hour conference. The day

also packed a speed boat ride to a coral

island and a gala dinner in the evening.

The third day started with shifting

to Pattaya en-route a Bangkok city tour.

Checking into Pattaya was followed by

an enjoyable Arena river dinner cruise.

The last day was devoted to shopping

and lunching before departing to the

Suvarnabhumi Airport to return home

after an exciting extravaganza spanning

of fun frolic and action.

The trip, according to the compa-

ny, rejuvenated the entire performing

channel team and played a great role

in strengthening the bonding with the

go-getter Lumax marketing Team.

Messrs Rakesh Arora, Sanjay Bhagat, Amit S. Makhija with other key channel partners

Channel partners enjoying at Pattaya City beach

April 2019 33