Download - Messenger - December/January 2013

Page 1: Messenger - December/January 2013

Salem Health >> Improving the health and well-being of the people and communities we serve. Dec. 2012 / Jan. 2013

Inpatient rehab revealedWhat you should know before you head home

Room serviceFive fast facts for foodies

Should you go gluten-free?A dietitian weighs in We’re

giving away an iPod nano!

Turn the page for details.

Page 2: Messenger - December/January 2013

The Messenger is published six times a year by Salem Health. If you have questions or comments, or would like to be removed from this mailing list, please email [email protected].

The health information provided in this newsletter is not intended as medical advice and should not replace the advice of a physician.


At 3 a.m. on New Year’s Day, a head-on crash near Salem killed two people and injured 10 others.

Seven trauma patients—including three children and a baby—were rushed to the Salem Hospital emergency department.

“It was a horrible accident,” said Diane Branson, RN, who was working that night. “You could see it in the faces of the medics as they came in the door. You could see it in the faces of our patients, especially the children.”

The potentially life-threatening nature of traumatic injuries like these requires a facility with teams that can provide highly specialized care very quickly at all times of day or night. Salem Hospital Emergency Services—designated a Level II Trauma Center—brings this lifesaving care to the community.

Closer care is fasterBefore Salem Health was awarded a Level II designation by the State of Oregon in June 2010, the most seriously injured patients were transported to one of two Portland-area Level I trauma centers. With both at least an hour away, this meant precious time was lost.

In the case of the New Year’s accident, hospital leaders called for a “code triage” at 3:48 a.m., less than an hour after the crash. When that code is called, all available surgeons, nurses and staff rush to the emergency department from throughout the hospital. About 70 people responded to the emergency, including paramedics, hospital staff, fi refi ghters, REACH helicopter air ambulance and police.

years in the makingThe American College of Surgeons created the criteria to rank hospitals according to their trauma preparedness from Level I through V, with Level I facilities distinguished from Level II by providing additional specialists and education, and performing research.

It took 10 years of training staff, acquiring equipment, developing policies and procedures, and bolstering a highly skilled trauma surgical team for Salem Hospital to earn the Level II designation.

“Our ability to care for these patients comes with a huge amount of cooperation from the community’s physicians, and tremendous dedication of resources by Salem Hospital,” says Nicole Van Der Heyden, MD, medical director for Salem Hospital Trauma Services.

Take our survey for a chance to win!When you complete our online survey at, you’ll have the chance to enter our drawing for a free iPod nano 7.

Survey will be available December 6, 2012 through December 19, 2012. Drawing winner will be contacted December 20.

Where would you go?

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Salem HospitalSalem Hospitaltrauma center

saves time and lives

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a helping hand to holdEmergency staff regularly survey patients for feedback on the quality of the care and service they receive. Since achieving Level II status, the department’s patient feedback scores have soared, placing Salem Hospital in the nation’s top 10 percent for emergency service ratings.

“Our service level has exceeded expectations, and that shows in the scores,” said Peter Ashton, assistant nurse manager in the emergency department. “The feedback also tells us that patients feel these critical care services are delivered with care and compassion.”

That compassion shows in many subtle ways—a nurse dedicated to smoothing the way for patients as they move through emergency care; the addition of medical “scribes” who take notes allowing physicians to spend more time with patients; and care managers and social services dedicated to these patients.

It was a horrible accident. You could see it in the faces of the medics as they came in the door. You could see it in the faces of our patients, especially the children.”

—Diane Branson, RN

Trauma care preserves a family and a futureAbout fi ve years ago,D’Leene Peet was T-boned in her car by a cement truck northwest of Salem. She was nine months pregnant at the time.

Her combination of multiple horrifi c injuries meant several hours of surgery by four different trauma surgeons, not to mention the dozens of specialists and experts throughout the rescue and recovery. She lost her unborn son but the team managed to save one ovary. It was something of a miracle. D’Leene’s life hung in the balance—the expected mortality rate based on her injuries was 100 percent.

Amazingly, after all she had endured, she was discharged from Salem Hospital without complications after only nine days—with a new outlook and new goals. She still wanted to be a mother, but now she also knew she was meant to be a nurse.

Following her dreamsD’Leene is now in nursing school (plus Sigma Theta Tau Honor Society) and doing her medical/surgery rotation at Salem Hospital, where she fi rst saw what an important and fulfi lling career nursing could be.

Even more amazing, she and her husband, Graham, welcomed Brennan, their biological child from a gestational carrier, three years ago.

Where would you go? | 3 |

Go online >> To hear Salem Hospital staff members tell the full story of the New Year’s accident, go to

Caught on camera >> Go to to see for yourself what emergency care looks like at your community hospital.

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Game change: Eric Kleinman wasn’t looking forward to rehabilitation after heart surgery. Now he’s one of its biggest fans.

Rehab eases the

tough transition

from hospital

to home.

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Eric, who is only 48, came to Salem Hospital complaining of typical heart attack symptoms: nausea, sweating, and pain in his back and his left arm. Tests showed that he wasn’t having a heart attack, but something was defi nitely not right. An angiogram the next day revealed the source of his trouble: three blocked arteries.

“They got me in for surgery the very next day,” said Eric. “They did the open-heart surgery, stitched me up, and just went like gangbusters. I got back to my room around 7 p.m., and they had me up on my feet at midnight.”

But heart surgery is not something you just walk away from, as Eric soon learned.

Typically, cardiac patients remain in the hospital for a closely monitored recovery while their hearts are at their most fragile. After that, doctors take the patient’s age and overall health into consideration when they decide the next step. Patients who are recovering normally often return home and receive cardiac rehabilitation as outpatients. But those who have other risk factors, such as diabetes, a weak immune system or a history of stroke, may need the additional personalized attention offered in an inpatient setting.

Transitioning from the hospital to inpatient care at Salem Hospital’s Regional Rehabilitation Center, Eric

Eric Kleinman really says

it best himself: “I had a

wild and wooly summer.”

And that’s putting it mildly.

Taking the next step

had to be honest with himself about his health.

“I was resistant to going to rehab initially,” Eric said. “I just wanted to go home. But with my diabetes, the heavy antibiotics I was on for the surgery and just being in the hospital bed for so long—it really left my legs and balance compromised. I had some weakness issues there. I was

also very anemic after that too. I was really fatigued from the anemia, and just from the general ordeal of it all.”

Eric decided to make the most of his rehab experience.

“Eric was really motivated,” said Bryn Martinez, a physical therapist who worked with Eric at the Regional Rehabilitation

Center. “It is always amazing to see any patient come in and have really limited ability and then head home ready to do more normal activities. Eric just had that attitude that he wanted to get better.”

Eric had a rigorous schedule during his stay at the Center—his rehab activities were a lot like a full-time job. “All day, from 8 to 5, I’d alternate physical and occupational therapy with a half-hour in between to rest,” he said. “They were busy days. They don’t let you lay around!”

Eric said that his rehabilitation team found lots of novel ways to challenge him as his strength and balance improved.

“For balance, they had a little putting green like you’d have in your offi ce,” he said. “It was a fun, competitive little thing where you don’t realize all the muscles you use to

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Reimagining inpatient rehabCreating a rehabilitation space that is both safe and challenging for patients is a tall order. In recent years, the limitations of the Regional Rehabilitation Center’s aging facility on Center Street were starting to overshadow the impressive recoveries that were happening there.

In 2012, Salem Hospital embarked on a major remodel of the fourth floor of building B on the hospital campus. This will be the new, state-of-the-art location for inpatient rehabilitation services, purposely built to give patients the most therapeutic experience possible.

“For us, there’s a big convenience factor in the new space,” says Byrn Martinez, a physical therapist at the Regional Rehabilitation Center. “Right now, we have to get patients transported to the hospital for tests and then brought back. After we move, that will take up less of patients’ time, so they can spend more energy working on their therapies.”

Another benefit of the new space is that it had an existing courtyard, which, through a generous $543,000 gift from the Salem Hospital Foundation, is being transformed into a therapy garden. It will include steps, curbs, benches, inclines, and a variety of surfaces (such as grass and gravel) for patients who are learning to negotiate outdoor obstacles.

“Think how much safer it will be for people like me to be at the hospital during rehab,” said Eric Kleinman, who spent more than a week as an inpatient at the Center Street facility. “Having them right there next to the testing and medical equipment—if something were to happen during a therapy session—is a big deal.” | 5 |

bend over and look at the ground. That took a great deal of core strength.”

They also spent time working on activities of daily living (ADLs), which include a lot of the everyday movements most people take for granted. “They would take me into the living room that they had there, and they would throw things randomly on the floor—the TV remote, magazines, whatever—and make me pick them up,” Eric said with a laugh. “So then I’d go over and pick them up and try not to lose my balance. Just really interesting things like that, that I might not have anticipated being challenges. They were set up to help me through negotiating those skills.”

Eric’s experience at the Regional Rehabilitation Center has completely reshaped the way he thinks of recovery after a major health event.

“I got to the point where I was looking forward to my days there,” he said. “I can’t imagine now, looking back at it, having to go straight from the hospital to home. That would have been a gargantuan leap physically and emotionally.”

“Although my recovery process isn’t fully complete, my strength improves every day,” he added. “But more importantly, my return to independence and ability to manage daily activities grows each day. This, more than anything, is a direct result of the professional care, and genuine concern and friendship given me by the inpatient rehabilitation staff. They will always be an important part of my life.” | 5 |

Growing and healing: The new therapy garden will give patients a safe place to practice outdoor skills.

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We’ve all had those days: Things start out bad and only get worse from there. But Liz Santie’s bad day makes most of ours look like a walk in the park.

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“I thought I had had a stroke,” she said. “I was talking very fast, very staccato, and I couldn’t sign my own name.” Her doctors were alarmed at her condition and that she had driven herself to the hospital. They immediately began running tests, thinking, as Liz did, that she was probably having a stroke. When initial tests showed nothing unusual in her brain, her doctor decided to try a full-body CT scan.

That test turned up something no one expected: stage III ovarian cancer.

“When I was first diagnosed in 2009, I was living in California,” Liz said. “There were no signs that I had it. They took me in because of the stroke symptoms, then, as a bonus, they found the cancer.”

Treatment beginsLiz’s story is startling for many reasons, not least of which is that she had almost no symptoms. Liz is in her early 60s, and attributed the slight swelling in her abdomen to growing older and putting on weight. She didn’t have any unusual bleeding, cramping or back pain—the usual telltale signs of ovarian trouble.

Diagnosis in hand, her health care team sprang into action, and she soon began the first of several rounds of chemotherapy and a hysterectomy in California. The chemotherapy seemed to be successful for a time, but eventually the cancer returned. Exhausted by the chemo and feeling discouraged about the results, Liz reached out to friends for help.

Diagnosed in California, Liz chose Salem for cancer care

recoveryThe road to

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OHSU teams up with Salem Cancer InstituteCancer specialists from Salem Cancer Institute and OHSU Knight Cancer Institute are combining efforts and expertise to streamline cancer care in the Willamette Valley. Thanks to the partnership, doctors can work together to review individual cases and consult with one another, when necessary, both in person and through a shared electronic medical record.

Plus, Salem Cancer Institute’s nurse navigators are on hand to help patients move between SCI and OHSU. If a Salem-area patient requires care that’s only available at OHSU, the nurse navigators step in to ease the transition. From the patient’s perspective, there is less processing, fewer hoops to jump through and fewer worries during an already stressful time.

The alliance also improves patients’ access to clinical research trials, the OHSU Tissue Registry, and highly regarded OHSU geneticists and counselors without asking them to walk away from the local hometown providers who know them best.

“We believe that this partnership is the best of both worlds for our patients,” said Nancy Boutin, MD, Salem Cancer Institute Medical Director. “They can stay local for the majority of their cancer care while still benefiting from the additional resources of a world-renowned research hospital like OHSU.” | 7 |

“I have a really good group of friends in Oregon,” she said. “They are all health angels. My friend in Silverton said ‘come up here and heal,’ and that’s what I’m doing. Salem came highly recommended.”

Coincidentally, Liz’s doctor in California could recommend a specialist in the perfect location for her new home in Oregon. Elizabeth Munro, MD, a gynecologic oncologist at the OHSU Knight Cancer Institute/Salem Cancer Institute had interned under him in California years before. Liz’s doctor felt confident handing off her care to a colleague he already knew and respected.

Of Dr. Munro, Liz said: “She’s about 5’2”, with the energy of three people. She’s smart, but also very human—she has a hard job, but she really listens when you talk to her.”

That kind of personal connection, backed up with state-of-the-art care, is at the heart of Salem Cancer Institute’s philosophy. Bolstered by the affiliation with OHSU Knight, the gynecologic oncology clinic at Salem Cancer Institute has treated a total of 329 women with ovarian cancer or other types of gynecologic cancers since 2010.

“We began the program with OHSU two years ago, on a small basis, to see if the community would respond,” said Steven Taylor, Salem Cancer Institute director. “They did.”

Since opening, the program has grown from one physician being in the clinic twice per week to two physicians, four days per week.

“I was really well-looked-after at Salem,” Liz said. “I’m amazed at their sense of happiness, considering what they’re dealing with. When the staff come in, they are always really upbeat, very positive. You don’t feel like you are treated like a number. They listen to you and your concerns. You aren’t a 15-minute appointment. You’re someone with a name.”

Looking to the futureNow living on a farm outside of Silverton full-time (“I went from a city gal to a country gal, so now I handle gardening and chickens and goats,” she said with a laugh) and continuing her treatment at Salem Hospital through the Salem Cancer Institute, Liz feels good about her move to Oregon and her prognosis for the future.

“I had a choice,” Liz said. “I just felt as a patient that having a doctor specifically in gynecologic oncology—Dr. Munro—was my best option. It makes a huge difference to have a doctor you have a lot of confidence in when you’re going through this kind of disease. I could have gone anywhere, but once you get to know the doctors in the department at Salem, you wouldn’t switch.” | 7 |

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Briefn e W S F R O m S a L e m H e a L T H

A tiny helper keeps blood pumpingSalem Health’s Heart & VascularCenter announced they are helping save cardiac patients’ lives with the world’s smallest heart pumping device. Ideally suited for higher-risk patients, those with weaker hearts or those in shock, Abiomed’s Impella device maintains a patient’s blood fl ow during a procedure, even if the heart muscle stops pumping.

The Impella pumps approximately 2.5 liters of blood per minute, sustaining the heart and providing constant blood fl ow to major organs and throughout the body. Yet the Impella is so small it is threaded into the patient’s heart through the femoral artery in the upper leg instead of requiring major chest incisions.

“I had a patient whose heart stopped during his stent procedure,” said Kamran Ghalili, MD, cardiologist and member of the Salem Health Heart & Vascular Institute. “My patient didn’t even know his heart had stopped because the Impella device continued to pump his blood. In fact, he was awake, talking with us throughout the procedure. Once the stents were in, his heart started to pump again on its own. This gave us the time to be sure the heart was working well before we removed the Impella device.”

Foundation helps fund pediatric unit moveEarlier this year, Salem Hospital stirred up a community controversy: With an uncertain budget outlook, hospital leadership was considering closing the pediatric unit.

Since then, we’ve gotten some excellent news. Partnering with community physicians, the Salem Hospital Foundation Board of Directors approved spending $145,000 to help save the pediatric unit, which has moved from building B to building D, right next to the mother-baby unit in the Family Birth Center.

Renovation of the new space began in October and the fi rst patients arrived in early November.

“We’re glad the community saw the crucial need to have a pediatric unit so that sick kids who need to be hospitalized can stay local,” said Andrea Bell, nurse manager. “We are so appreciative of the generous donors who gave, and continue to give, to the Foundation’s pediatric fund so that when projects like this come along, there is money available to make those projects a reality.”

The Impella

(actual size) can be

implanted without

invasive chest surgery.

to pump his blood.

with us throughout the procedure. Once the stents were in, his heart started to pump again on its own. This gave us the time to be

| 8 | Messenger: Dec. 2012 / Jan. 2013

Robotic surgery in SalemWhen you hear the word “robot,” you may picture a clunky, hulking machine with claws for hands. That’s not the da Vinci. This surgical robot has a lot more in common with its namesake artist than with sci-fi movies.

At Salem Hospital, robotics-certifi ed surgeons use the da Vinci robotic surgical system, operated via a video console, to perform a range of complex urological and gynecological procedures.

With its long, graceful arms and delicate instruments, the da Vinci precisely mimics the surgeon’s movements in places human hands may not be able to reach.

For patients, the primary benefi ts of this kind of surgery are mostly related to the smaller incisions that are needed for the robot vs. a human hand. They include:

• Less pain.

• Less bleeding.

• Less risk of infection.

• Shorter hospital stays.

• Smaller scars.

Go online >> To see a complete list of Salem Health medical staff members who use the da Vinci robot at Salem Hospital, go to

Go online >> The Salem Hospital Foundation was created to support the hospital’s mission by funding improvements that might not be possible otherwise. To contribute, use the envelope included in this issue or go to

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Five things to know about room serviceFamilies and friends can now share in-room meals with patients during a visit.

All they need to know is the patient’s room number. Patients can order meals for their guests with their own credit cards, but will not be charged for their own meal (which is included on their hospital bill).

Do guests have to eat at the same time as the patient?

No—they can order food any time.

Can family members order food from Creekside Dining for delivery?

Not at this time—however our patient food is very good and made to order. If you prefer the Creekside Dining menu options, remember that all Creekside items are available as takeout. Just ask!

How do I pay?We take credit and debit cards for room service orders.

Will visitor room service charges appear on the patient’s medical bill?

No. Visitors must pay separately by credit or debit.

Can patients use the room service menu to order extra food for themselves?

Patients’ diets cannot be modified without the approval of their physician. If you are a patient and ever feel hungry or unhappy with your food, talk to your nurse about food options. We do our best to accommodate your physician’s orders and your personal tastes.

The family is home for the holidays! For many of us, this means breaking out the aprons and the cookbooks to whip up once-a-year treats. Food memories connect us to all the good times we’ve had together. But for people with sensitivities to common allergens like milk, wheat and peanuts, buffet tables are a digestive minefield.

There has been a lot of media attention paid to gluten-free diets recently. But for people with celiac disease, this is not a choice—it is an absolute necessity. Their immune systems identify gluten (the protein unique to wheat, barley and rye) as a foreign invader and launch full-scale attacks that can cause everything from constipation to depression to hair loss.

The first step to avoiding these symptoms is eliminating wheat, barley and rye from the diet. This can be tricky because sometimes they are disguised as malt, brewer’s yeast, fillers and certain edible coatings. Other foods need to be avoided because they were processed on the same equipment as wheat products. Artificial colors, baking powder, caramel color, emulsifiers, and enzymes and vitamins are often contaminated by contact with wheat during manufacture. This can make choosing foods very tricky.

There is some good news, though. Food companies have responded with gluten-free versions of your favorite foods. You have the option of buying prepared and packaged gluten-free versions of common foods instead of giving those foods up completely. For example, you could use gluten-free flour to make your own pie crust, as we have in the recipe on the next page.

Should I go gluten-free?“Some people choose to live gluten-free for reasons besides a diagnosis with celiac disease,” said Jessica Short, RD, a dietitian at Salem Hospital. “As a health care professional, I always want to know why people make that choice. It is one thing if the goal is to use other grains in order to have a more diverse, healthy, balanced diet with adequate fruits, vegetables, proteins and grains. After all, limiting gluten may relive some mild symptoms. But if the goal is weight loss—and the diet is imbalanced—going gluten-free is really just another fad diet.”

“It is best to talk to a doctor or a dietitian if you have questions about your eating habits or possible food allergies,” she added.

Gluten-free for the holidays

Check the label! Unless it specifically says “gluten-free,” chances are good that the product contains at least some gluten. | 9 |

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Gluten-freeapple pieIngredients: pie crust1 cup superfi ne brown rice fl our1/2 cup cornstarch1/4 cup amaranth fl our1/4 cup white rice fl our1 tablespoon cane sugar1/4 teaspoon guar gum1/4 teaspoon salt1 tablespoon ice water1 large, lightly beaten egg12 tablespoons cold, cubed butter

Ingredients: pie fi lling6 baking apples, peeled, cored and chopped2 tablespoons brown sugar1/2 teaspoon cinnamon1/4 teaspoon nutmeg1/4 teaspoon cloves1/4 teaspoon allspice2 tablespoons apple juice

Recipe InstructionsHeat oven to 350 degrees. Measure dry ingredients for crust into a large mixing bowl and blend with a whisk.

Pour the dry ingredients into food processor bowl (with a metal blade). Add the cold butter cubes and pulse until the butter cubes are reduced to the size of peas and the mixture looks like coarse, dry crumbs. Add egg and pulse just until egg is incorporated. Add 1 tablespoon of ice water and pulse several times.

Remove the processor lid and check consistency of dough in your hand. It should hold together without being sticky. If the dough is crumbly and dry, add 1/4 teaspoon additional ice water and pulse several more times. Check the consistency again. (Be careful! Adding too much water will make the dough sticky and harder to roll out and shape.)

Scrape the dough onto a clean, gluten-free work surface covered with waxed paper. Form dough into a ball. Flatten to a large disk shape. Wrap in waxed paper and refrigerate for one hour.

Remove dough from refrigerator and place dough between two sheets of waxed paper. Let dough sit until it’s just soft enough to roll. Roll lightly from the center outward, working to make a circle about 10 inches in diameter and about 1/8-inch thick. If the dough becomes warm or sticky, place it in the freezer for several minutes and then continue rolling it.

Peel top sheet of wax paper from the dough and carefully fl ip the dough on the remaining sheet of waxed paper over the pie plate. Gently peel the waxed paper from the dough and lightly press the dough into the pie plate.

Trim edges with knife and crimp with a fork or using your favorite method.

Add a layer of apples to the uncooked crust. Sprinkle half of the sugar and spices over the apples. Add more

apples and then top with the rest of the sugar and spices. Add apple juice. Cover pie with foil and bake for 20 to 25 minutes (until apples are soft). Uncover and bake for fi ve more minutes until crust is golden.

nutrition facts: Makes 12 servings. Amount per serving: calories, 250; fat, 13g; saturated fat, 8g;

cholesterol, 51mg; carbohydrate, 33g; fi ber, 3g; protein, 3g; sodium, 115mg.

Source: glutenfreecooking.about/.com/od/dessertsandsweets/r/gftartdough.htm

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Health CalendarD e C e m B e R 2 0 1 2 – j a n U a R y 2 0 1 3


The Community Health Education Center (CHEC) offers a variety of health education classes. For more information on these and other classes, or to register, visit or call 503-814-CHeC (2432).

a R T H R I T S

arthritis Support GroupSecond Saturday of every month, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. SH/D.

C a n C e RCancer Caregiver Support Group First and third Thursday, 4 to 5 p.m. SH/C.

m e n ’ S H e a LT H

men’s Support GroupSecond and fourth Sunday of every month, 5 to 6:30 p.m. (except on holidays) SH/D.

m e n Ta L H e a LT H

Recovery InternationalMeets every Tuesday, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. SH/D.

Perinatal Depression Prevention and Intervention ProgramMeets every Friday, 10 a.m. to noon. SH/D.

W O m e n ’ S H e a LT H

new mom’s ConnectionMeets every Thursday, 10 to 11:30 a.m. SH/D.

SH/a - Salem Hospital Campus, Bldg. A, 890 Oak St. SE, Salem

SH/B - Salem Hospital Campus, Bldg. B, 890 Oak St. SE, Salem

SH/C - Salem Hospital Campus, Bldg. C, 890 Oak St. SE, Salem

SH/D - Salem Hospital Campus, Bldg. D, 890 Oak St. SE, Salem

RRC - Salem Hospital Regional Rehabilitation Center, 2561 Center St. NE, Salem

WVH - West Valley Hospital, 525 SE Washington St., Dallas




n C a n C e RLymphedema management for Breast Cancer This one-time class covers what lymphedema is, prevention and treatment. It is taught by a physical therapist from Salem Hospital’s Rehabilitation Center. Free. Dec. 17, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m.

RISe: Recovery in Strength and exerciseRISE is a unique cancer exercise program designed specifically for people suffering from fatigue and loss of strength that can result from surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. This four week class covers several different modes of exercise to promote total body wellness. $10. Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, Jan. 14 through Feb. 8, 1 to 2 p.m.

n C H I L D B I R T H C L a S S e Sexpectant ParentsPregnancy can be an exciting and sometimes anxious time. The Community Health Education Center (CHEC) can help you and your family learn what to expect and how to adjust to your growing family with interactive classes and free hospital tours. These classes include Childbirth Preparation in English and Spanish, Cesarean Birth, Labor Rehearsal, Baby Care and Feeding, Infant CPR in English and Spanish, and Training Camp for New Dads. Call the number above for details.

n C O O K I n G F O R H e a LT HHealthy and Delicious: Gluten-Free BreakfastsDoes eating wheat-free have to mean giving up bread? In this informative session you’ll learn about the hidden gluten in foods and some different approaches to gluten-free living. The menu will include gluten-free granola, breakfast sandwiches, and french toast. $24. Dec. 5, 6 to 8 p.m.

n G e n e R a L H e a LT HWomen’s Self-DefenseDo you know how to avoid potential attack situations? Unfortunately, these attacks happen more often than we might like to think. Join this class, taught by Salem Health’s Security Director, Walt Myers, to learn important information to help you avoid potential problems. $10. Jan. 14, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Support Groups

Support groups can be a source of strength during a difficult time. Here are a few of the groups that meet in our facilities. For a full list of support groups, visit or call 503-814-CHeC (2432). You can participate free of charge.

Heartsaver First aid and CPR/aeDHeartsaver CPR with AED and Basic First Aid is intended for those who have a duty as a first responder to an emergency because of job responsibilities or regulatory requirements. The class is in two parts: CPR/AED in the morning and Basic First Aid in the afternoon. $85. Jan. 31, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

american Lung association: Freedom From Smoking®

Quitting smoking is the single most important step a smoker can take to improve the length and quality of his or her life, and this program from the American Lung Association is considered the “gold standard” for helping adult smokers quit. The program teaches skills and techniques that have been proven to help you quit. $120. Scholarships available. Wednesdays, Jan. 9 through Feb. 20, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

n S e n I O R Sa matter of Balance: managing Concerns about Falls Many senior adults are afraid of falling. This fear often limits activities and can lead to increased weakness. This eight week class is designed for older adults who want to reduce the fear of falling and increase activity levels. $15. Tuesdays, Jan. 8 through Feb. 26, 10 to 11:30 a.m.

Brain agilityA seven-week program to help you keep a healthy and youthful brain. The Brain Agility program combines weekly presentations on brain health with a unique program of mental exercises designed by a psychologist to enhance your brain’s ability to remember, stay focused, be aware, and be alert. $35. Thursdays, Jan. 10 through Feb. 21, 10 to 11 a.m.

n F I T n e S STai Chi: moving for Better BalanceThis 16-session class is perfect for those who’ve never tried Tai Chi or for those who are looking for a class that moves at a slower pace. You’ll learn the research-tested eight-form program of Tai Chi specifically designed to improve balance and prevent falls in older adults. $48. Mondays and Wednesdays, Jan. 7 through Feb. 27, 9 to 10 a.m.

Tai Chi II: Skill GrowthThis 16-session class is especially for those who have taken the Moving for Better Balance class and want to continue learning and refining their Tai Chi forms. We’ll foster the balance skills, good posture, energy flow and calm spirit introduced in the beginning class. $48. Mondays and Wednesday, Jan. 7 through Feb. 27, 10:15 to 11:15 a.m. | 11 |

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890 Oak Street SE P.O. Box 14001Salem, Oregon 97309-5014




Highly recommendedCalifornia cancer patient comes to Salem Cancer Institute (P. 6)

Accidents happenOur Level II Trauma Center stands ready (P. 2)

And…Technology spotlights: robotic hands and a tiny heart pump (P. 8)

Betty and Bill have supported the

Salem Hospital Foundation for years.

They have made small gifts, medium

gifts and even a major gift to help the Foundation

create a Community Health Education Center. They feel

supporting local causes is a great way to give back to

a community that continues to give them so much.

Becoming a partner with the Foundation can be as

simple as making a one-time gift or setting up a

planned gift in your will or trust. It’s easy to designate

a bequest in your will that supports areas you’re

interested in such as cancer, heart, rehabilitation

services, or many other funds available through the

Salem Hospital Foundation.

Whatever you decide, your support stays right here

in our community, helping Salem remain a healthy

place to live.

To learn more about Planned Giving, please visit or call 503-561-5576

A part of Salem Health

Partner. Neighbor. Friend.