Download - Messenger August 2012


Reflection – Interim Pastor Lori Eickmann Inside This Issue

Reflection cont. 2

Interim Ministry Update 2

Thank you 3

Save the date & Prayer requests 4

The Messenger Our Redeemerʼs Lutheran Church

609 Southwood Drive So. San Francisco, CA 94080

August 2012

Community Lunch 7

Birthdays 8

The Lutheran Update 3

My mother and siblings and our spouses and children have a family reunion every summer. When 35 of us gathered at one sister’s small ranch in Rio Vista a couple of weeks ago, we enjoyed horse rides and singing together, we caught up on family news and met the younger generation’s new boyfriends and girlfriends, and we shared food – lots and lots and lots of food! Tri-tip, chicken, sausages, potato salad, green salad, mango-and-black-bean salad, corn on the cob, fruit trays, veggie trays, bacon-wrapped asparagus spears grilled to perfection, pies, cupcakes, cookies … what a feast! As everyone headed for bedrooms, couches, tents or RV’s each night, we were so stuffed we were sure we wouldn’t need to eat again for days. And yet the next morning (of course!) we were hungry again … This summer in our lectionary readings we have a four-week focus on “bread sayings” from Jesus in John’s gospel account, including: “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” (6:35) “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.” (6:51) Bread is life; we need food to survive. And we need love and relationships to thrive. But the gospel truth is that we need the living bread of Christ for life that is worth living and is never ending. Yes, Jesus gave his flesh and blood – his human body, his very life – to feed and heal and bless and forgive us. As some would-be disciples said to Jesus,

Continues page 2

Kale Chips recipe & The gift of Produce 5

ORLC Rummage and Bake sale & Call Committee update 6

Reflection – Continued

Interim Ministry Update – Pastor Lori


“This teaching is difficult; who can accept it?” (6:60) Can we accept that the grace of God is not cheap? Jesus shows us that the way of life is self-giving love – love that will stop at nothing to feed and heal and bless and forgive. Love that gives everything it’s got. As much as I enjoy the sausages and sweets at the annual family reunion, the love I encounter among family sustains me just as surely. That love exists because our Creator first loved us. Family, food, love – it’s all part of life as children of God, heirs to abundant and unending life in Christ. “To whom can we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.” (6:68) The living Christ – the Bread of Life – feeds us and sends us so that we, too, can be bread for the world. May we feed and heal and bless and forgive in the name of the Holy One of God!

Starting this month, call committee chair Barbara Irli will be keeping everyone updated on the committee’s progress through articles in The Messenger and Sunday morning announcements. So what does this mean for our time of interim ministry together? First, it means we are mostly finished with the self-study process and visioning that is the hallmark of intentional interim ministry. We have looked at the past and present realities of ORLC, and we’ve envisioned the future. We’ve had special gatherings to discuss green issues and create a behavioral covenant. We are planning another forum to talk about music on Aug. 19. But remember that self-study – paying attention to who you are as a Christian community – should be on going in any congregation. Let’s continue to lift up the Community Covenant to keep communication, vision, hearts and minds open to fresh revelations of the Spirit. Second, it means that now is the time to be praying faithfully for each member of the call committee, for the congregation as a whole, and for the pastor you will call. We will make a point to pray together for the call committee members each Sunday to support them in their important work. You may recall that the committee’s first task is to write the Ministry Site Profile (MSP), which is like a resume for the congregation. This is the document the synod will use to choose appropriate pastoral candidates for ORLC. Third, it means that you must continue to work on the short-term goals of ORLC so that these can be reflected in the MSP. Finally, I hope to be able offer a special Bible class or two before my time here comes to an end. I’ve created a 3-part class called Rediscovering Female Imagery for God in Scripture that I hope many of you will attend, and there are other topics we could study as well. We can start these in the fall after folks return from their summer travels.

Thank You Notes


Submit your thank you messages by sending them to James at [email protected].

Do you still want The Lutheran magazine??

If you wish to still receive The Lutheran you will need to call the office at 650-583-5622 or you may send an email to [email protected]. If we do not get a response then we will be removing your name from the list. In addition please use The Lutheran envelope (from your offering envelop box) to send in your $10.00 donation for The Lutheran. Thank you -ORLC

Steve and I want to let everyone know that Dylan received the boxes that ORLC sent to Afghanistan, and he was very appreciative. He regrets not being able to call or email so many people who have supported him during this combat tour, but wants everyone to know how much it means to him that people remember the troops. Steve and I also appreciate your support and prayers. Pastor Lori

Thank you for all the prayers, cards, and phone calls I received after the death of my husband, Frank. My church is very important, to me, and the support from my Christian friends means a great deal.

Ruth Hall-Hanly

The Crespo family would like to thank you for your thoughts and prayers for Denelle Crespo. At 16, Denelle suddenly lost vision in one eye and partial loss in the other. After years of treatment, Denelle has regained some of her sight and graduated from Capuchino High School and will be attending Sacramento State University in the fall. Judie Olvier

Save the Dates!

Claudia Anderson (Schizophrenia & anxiety) Hall-Hanly Family (mourning the passing of Frank Hanly) Jean Achter ( Claudia’s sister who has liver cancer) Claude Chirolo (Mel Chirolo’s brother, cancer) Denelle Crespo (16 year-old teenage girl; gradually loosing her eye sight; cause unknown; family friend of Judie & Tom Oliver) US military members serving overseas, and all people whose lives are impacted by war. Family and friends of Jeanette Cool friend, Tomas Rashid Ryan Tylor, David, & Diane Flynn Ann Johnson (sister-in-law of Walter Johnson) Mike Lewis (the Quades’ son-in-law; cystic fibrosis) Merellas Family (mourning the passing of Betty Merellas) Niel Nielson (Parkinson’s) Sindy Olsen (mother-in-law of Beverly Boblitt’s grandson Devin; inoperable brain tumors) Dennis Quade (Parkinson’s) Timothy Repp (son of Kathy Repp, repeated strokes affecting his eye sight) Jay Sage (Will & Steve Kongle’s grandfather; multiple medical problems) Sauer Family Triggas Family (mourning the passing of Jim Triggas) Anna Van Nuys (wife of John Lutz’ father; cancer) Amodeo Family Harper Mettenbrink Bishop Mark Holmerud Julia Meldrum (Undergoing brain surgery) Jeannette Eickmann Holstrom Family (mourning the passing of Tom Holstrom) Call Committee: Barbara, Walter, Judie, Mel, Fran, and Bill

If you wish to Add or Remove names please call the office 650-583-5622





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* Community Lunch Aug. 18. Set-up and food prep begins at 10:30 a.m, lunch is from 12:00

* Music forum Aug. 19 after worship in music room at 11:45a.m.

* Green guidelines: Green Team will present guidelines and seek feedback from the congregation, Aug. 5 at 11:45 am in the meeting room.

Continue page 8


Kale Chips Wash and dry one bunch on kale, strip leaves off thick stems and cut or tear leaves into small pieces. Put in a big bowl and coat with 2 Tablespoons olive oil and 1 Tablespoon soy sauce. Bake at 275 for 15 minutes on two flat cookie sheets, then sprinkle with sesame seeds and switch positions of trays. Bake 5 – 7 more minutes until crisp but not browned. If you would like, a donation could be made to Second Harvest Food Bank (1051 Bing Street, San Carlos 94070) or Safe Harbor Shelter (295 North Access Road, SSF, 93128) or any other program of your choice that provides food or housing for those in need.

-Judie Oliver

The gift of Produce: Several weeks ago, Walter from the Hillside Church of God stopped by ORLC and offered us an opportunity to participate in the distribution of unsold produce that they receive each week from a local organic produce supplier. This supplier does not keep its inventory over the weekend and drops off the unsold produce to HCOG each Friday morning. They then allow the public to come and collect the produce on Saturday. Walter invited us to come by when the produce arrives on Friday and take what we can give away or use in our community lunch program. We are now taking advantage of this offer and collecting produce on Friday and making it available on Sunday morning. We take what we believe we can make use of and so far have only had to compost a small portion of the produce on Monday. This gift is a great opportunity for all to enhance their diet with healthy produce. This may also provide some welcome relief to tight budgets. If you would like to pass along the savings that you realize through this program, we suggest that you consider a donation to a local food bank such as Second Harvest or a shelter program such as Safe Harbor. Bill Zemke


Once again Our Redeemer’s Lutheran Church of South San Francisco did an outstanding job to make a total of $2,200 net from their major annual fund raiser. Just to let you know, we did top last year’s figure of $2,136. Many hours of organizing, promoting, pricing, sorting, boxing, etc. etc. go into making this a successful event. Without the dedication from our membership and friends this would not be possible. God Bless.

Update from your “Call Committee” Walter  Cassidy,  Mel  Chirolo,  Fran  Lange  and  Judie  Oliver  

 Barbara  Irli  Chair,  Bill  Zemke  Secretary  

 This  is  the  first  of  many  updates  from  your  call  committee.    Each  month  I  will  try  to  give  you  most  recent  information  on  our  progress  in  calling  a  new  Pastor.    Our  first  meeting  was  held  on  July  16th  with  Pastor  Katy  Grindberg,  Assistant  to  the  Bishop  of  the  Sierra  Pacific  Synod.    Pastor  Katy  gave  us  an  outline  as  to  the  process  and  what  we  will  be  expected  to  do  during  this  time.      Our  next  meeting  will  be  held  on  July  25th  when  we  will  begin  our  work  on  the  Ministry  Site  Profile.      A  “  SURVEY  SAMPLE”  has  been  made  available  to  all  members.    Please  help  us  by  completing  this  form  and  when  complete  put  in  my  box  in  the  office.    There  is  no  need  to  sign  it.    If  you  have  questions  you  would  like  to  ask  any  one  of  us  please  do  so,  however  realize  that  certain  Information  is  confidential.    Barbara  Irli  


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July Community Lunch - Judie Oliver


We had 46 guests at our July lunch and served BBQ hot dogs with potato salad, watermelon, chips and brownie with ice cream. Thanks to Stan and Rich for the terrific job of barbecuing, Fran for making twenty six pounds of potato salad, Jeanette for washing dishes, Barbara and Walter for the clever table decorations (Lily of the Nile blooms from the garden). It was a festive summer kick-off. We had a special surprise for our guests this month. Bill and Jo Zemke have been getting organic produce from Hillside Church of God in South San Francisco every Friday and distribute to the congregation on Sunday. We’ve been blessed with cases of beautiful vegetables and fruit. We shared our bounty with our guests and told them we hope this will be an ongoing occurrence. It is nice to see this food going to good use rather than into a land fill and how amazed and grateful they were. Jo has created donation cards with the address of Second Harvest Food Bank and Safe Harbor Shelter if anyone wants to give a donation. We also have a donation box on our table. Those proceeds will go to purchase gifts for our guests at our Christmas luncheon. Our little congregation keeps giving back! The next luncheon is scheduled for Saturday, August 18, 2012. Set-up and food prep begins at 10:30 a.m., lunch is from 12:00 to 2:00 p.m., with clean-up starting at 12:00. The menu will be Baked Chicken, Florentine Rice, Fresh Vegetables, Salad, Peach Cobbler, Coffee/Tea or Lemonade. I would also like to remind everyone that if you are traveling please save the shampoo and soap from the hotel. Our supplies are dwindling so any extra toiletries (toothbrushes, shampoo, soap, etc) would be greatly appreciated. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome. You can contact me via email at [email protected] or phone 650-488-0704. Peace - Judie Oliver

Our Redeemerʼs Lutheran Church 609 Southwood Drive So. San Francisco, CA 94080 Phone: 650-583-5622 Worship: Sunday 10:30am Interim Pastor Lori Eickmann Music Director Jeanette Cool Council President Helen Greenstrand Vice President Bill Zemke Secretary Jeanette Cool Treasurer Patty Banegas Financial Secretary Claudia Quade

Birthdays For The Month

August 10 | Roger Ericson 12 | Patty Banegas 14 | Tom Oliver 18 | Fran Rosenmiller 24 | Dorothy Lex 27 | Georges Lammam 28 | Myrna Stevens 28 | Pat Theisen 30 | Doris Brodie