Download - Merriott Messenger - 2015.pdf · July in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm. Tickets £5 in advance from the Village Shop

Page 1: Merriott Messenger - 2015.pdf · July in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm. Tickets £5 in advance from the Village Shop

Say it with Flowers


I S S U E :

Valido String Quartet Concert


News from The Swan


Visit to Exeter Cathedral


The Seavingtons’



Village Walk 6

Social Club News 7

Our Sponsors 8

D e l i v e r e d

f r e e to

1 , 0 0 0 h o m e s [email protected]

Merriott Messenger J U L Y 2 0 1 5

Copy deadline for the August issue of the Merriott Messenger is 12th July.

Articles received after this date may not be included.

Please send us your artwork and/or photographs to merriottmessenger@

Parish Council Report At the second meeting of the new Parish Council held in June the Chairman welcomed the County Councillor Mr C Le Hardy and District Councillor Mr P Maxwell. Both gave oral reports. They were asked if it would help with their attendance at Merriott meetings if the meeting is changed to the second Monday of each month as their support on issues effecting the village is invaluable. Due to other Parishes having meetings at the same time they could not commit 100% of their time which would have to be shared between the villages. No decision to change the usual arrangements will be made until later in the year.

Welcome new Member: Members of the Parish Council were asked to consider Ms Caro Paine to be Co-opted for

membership and it was unanimously resolved that she join with immediate effect hav-ing signed the declaration of acceptance of membership.

This gives a ten strong membership with only two vacancies remaining. If you want more information about being a Councillor then contact the clerk - Marion Andrews via [email protected] or tel: 01935 863420.

Working Parties: Part of the business at the June meeting included the allocation of membership to working parties (see below). The main purpose for each group is to identify immediate opportunities and take action, maintain the areas and ensure best value, as well as look forward for development suggestions.

Recreation Ground, Community Pavilion & Lock up: M Down, G Merrick, J Shorting

Highways & Footpaths (liaison with PPLO): I Hall, C Paine, D Collins

Egwood, Burial Ground, Parish Ranger (to be known as Amenities Group): G Merrick, J Shorting, D Collins

Finance & Procedures: M Andrews (RFO), I Hall, K Burdis, J Shorting

Planning and Planning Matters: G Merrick, I Kendall, Y Kendall

Merriott Messenger: M Andrews

Weekly checks at Recreation Ground and of Play Equipment: monthly rota for all members

Report continued on page 7

“The grass may be greener on the other

side of the fence, but it grows twice as

fast on this side!” Stuart and Linda Macfarlane

Merriott Gardening Club Quote for July

The Village Café

We want to thank everyone who has supported the village café events so far. The atmosphere has been great and the food has gone down very well....

We are taking a break for the holidays and will return in the autumn with lots of new seasonal ideas, but don't worry we will be keeping the favourites!

Join our facebook group 'The Village Cafe Merriott' and keep updated on our events.

All the fun of the Fayre

Full report on Page 5. Photos taken by Revd Bob Hicks.

Page 2: Merriott Messenger - 2015.pdf · July in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm. Tickets £5 in advance from the Village Shop

An Afternoon of Classics with the Valido String Quartet

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Photograph of the month

Merriott Gardening Club News On the 28th July, John Bebbington FRPS will give a talk on How Butterflies and Moths Use Colour. The colours of butterflies and moths have evolved for two purposes - firstly to avoid being eaten (especially by birds, which have good colour vision) and secondly (in the case of butterflies but not moths) to attract potential mates. John will show photographs of caterpillars, moths and butterflies which are found in Somerset gardens and look at how their colours help them to survive.

Meet at the Tithe Barn at 7.30 pm Refreshments, raffle, seed and plant sales. Guests £2. Everyone is welcome.

M e r r i o t t M e s s e n g e r

For the third successive year the Valido String Quartet are to perform at All Saints Church Merriott on Sunday after-noon 23rd August with another exciting programme including Mozart – String Quartet No.19 “Dissonance”, Piazzolla – Four for Tango and Beethoven - String Quartet Op. 59 “Rasumovsky”.

The Valido String Quartet, formerly from

The Southbank Sinfonia, will be perform-ing fresh from a concert tour with the Young Virtuosi Festival in Southern France. As individuals they have been performing with major orchestras throughout the UK, including the Halle, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, RPO, The Philharmonia and the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra.

The afternoon will start with summer refreshments at 2:30pm in the grounds of the 15C church prior to the concert at 3:00pm, tickets are £7 with under 18’s free. Profits from the concert will be for the Church Fabric Repair fund.

Tickets can be reserved via contacting 01460 76360 or purchased from Osborne Store of Merriott or Crewkerne Tourist Centre.

“Hanging Garden of Merriott” by Chrissie McPherson Merriott, May 2015

Send your photo to: [email protected]

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1 6 7

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C o

r n

e r

C o f f e e B r e a k

Merriott Drivers

David Collins, who has recently moved into the village, has kindly offered to become a driver. Could those using Merriott Drivers, please add David to their driver list: David Collins - 01460 279623

Maggie and Tom Jones

New Sponsor

S Martin Building is your one stop family run business for all your build-ing needs. From garden walls and patios, to new builds and extensions taking you from footings to roof.

They offer a highly recommended friendly, reliable and professional service to all their customers.

S Martin Building not only offers a complete and extensive range of building works, it can also provide full plastering requirements and, working closely with a highly trusted and recommended team of plumbers and electricians, providing customers the rare streamline peace of mind and ease of having work from start to finish in one place.

With free, no obligation quotes, they provide a no pressure experience and professional advice and reassurance.

Call S Martin Building on 07792821028 or email us: [email protected]

Page 3: Merriott Messenger - 2015.pdf · July in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm. Tickets £5 in advance from the Village Shop

Hinton St George - ‘Flix in the Stix’

presents “The Second Best Exotic Marigold

Hotel” (PG)

On Saturday 11th July in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm. Tickets £5 in

advance from the Village Shop and Dorothy’s Tea Room, or £5.50 on the door. To reserve tickets please contact Bob Kefford on 01460 72563.

The sequel you have been waiting for!

The same cast includes Maggie Smith, Judi Dench and Bill Nighy, in their retire-ment hotel. Set in India; the colour and music are lovely.

P A G E 3

News from All Saints Church

Scruffy dogs, Spiderman and brass-playing children were some of my favourites at the Summer Fayre recently. Thank you very much to everyone who came, and especially to those who ran stalls and activities. It was a lot of fun and a vital fund-raiser for the church. We are extremely grateful to the highly creative and efficient team of people who make the Fayre happen.

A willing band of volunteers also regularly look after the church and churchyard. Since the Scouts worked wonders in one part of the churchyard some new wildlife has moved in - Bob

saw a beautiful little owl perched on top of a ladybird house! Thank you to every-one who also came along in June to help out.

Some of us enjoy going to Moorlands and Careford Lodge residential homes once a month for a small Communion service with some of the residents. We recently went to a lovely tea party at Moorlands, the proceeds of which were very generously donated to All Saints. Many thanks, especially to the scone and cake bakers, for the kind and unexpected gift.

Finally, is anyone interested in finding

out about Confirmation and/or the basics about the Christian faith? We have a small group of adults who are interested and there is potential for a younger group too, so please let us know if this is of any interest to you.

Revd Julia Hicks

Church Services in July

Sun 5th 8.30am Holy Communion

Sun 12th 9.30am Parish Communion with a baptism

Sun 19th 10am All Age Communion

Sun 26th 10am Sung Communion

Unfortunately, our resources have been stretched to the limit due to family commitments and we look forward to a more even run during the summer. Despite this, we still managed to run a trip to Taunton for the T20 Cricket and a great record breaking day was had by all.

Our events now start in earnest with the Beer Festival on July 18th with 3 live bands - a Jazz Band, Storm & Paul Smith. We will have 10 ales to try from a variety of local brewers. Last year was our first effort and we hope that the good time had by all will be bettered. There will be a BBQ and Pork roast as well.

Also, we have "Simon Rees" back here on Saturday August 1st with his fantastic infectious singing and entertainment.

We also have another day of Live Music and drink in the Garden on Saturday 30th August with Daytona, Knights Lions (a Merriott band), Tom Toomey so far.

Haircut - Tuesday 7th July.

Cash Bingo every Wednesday 8.00pm. More players welcome. Tea & coffee available.

Quiz Night every Sunday 9.00pm

Cathy, John & Jet

Lower Severalls is now offering Bed & Breakfast in the converted stables and loft next to the 17th century farmhouse

Apartment style rooms are all en-suite with bath, shower or wet room and equipped with a king size double bed, fridge, Roberts radio, television and lots of space. Award winning Breakfasts. From £80.00 per night per room.

Perfect for visiting the Classic Gardens of Somerset, the Jurassic Coast and for walking or cycling.

Recommended by TripAdvisor ,

Lower Severalls Farmhouse, Crewkerne, Somerset TA18 7NX, Tel. 01460 73234,

News from The Swan

Page 4: Merriott Messenger - 2015.pdf · July in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm. Tickets £5 in advance from the Village Shop

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M e r r i o t t M e s s e n g e r

Following last year’s successful visit to Wells, All Saints Church is planning a coach trip to visit Exeter Cathedral on Thursday 17th September.

The plan is to leave Merriott about 11.00 am and leave Exeter after choral evensong at about 6.30 pm.

The cost, if both a floor tour and a tower tour at the Cathedral are taken, will be £20 including the coach. (This cost will increase if we are unable to fill the coach.) If, however, you do NOT wish to do either or both of the tours the cost will be adjusted accordingly.

Please contact Jean or Dave Crisp on 01460 279654 if you wish to take advantage of this trip indicating your preferences as shown below: Coach plus floor tour only £15. Coach plus tower tour only £15. Coach plus both tours £20.

Visit to Exeter Cathedral A big thank you to everyone

who donated to the team of

Christian Aid collectors last

month. Including the

gift aid we collected £958.78

from Merriott.

This will make a big difference to people out in the third world. 74% of

what Christian Aid raise goes directly to the people who need the aid,

the remainder is spend campaigning against the root causes of poverty,

and further fundraising. Look out for the red envelopes same time next


Anthony Raybould

An array of stalls selling fresh food products from cakes to jams & pickles, quiche and pies, fruit and veg, plants, crafts and gifts,

jewellery and hand knits, DVD's and bric-a-brac and much more.

We will be serving bacon butties, teas and coffees and the bar will be open. As well as promoting the club, we hope to support many other local charities along the way as well ......

For further details call 07885 424 588, pop into the club or check us out on

MERRIOTT’S MONTHLY MARKET First Saturday of the month

10am - 1pm

Merriott Social Club, 71 Lower St

Success for “Walk round Merriott” Exhibition

Photos of exhibits supplied by Marion Biggs.

If you were unable to visit the recent exhibition at Crewkerne Museum, you missed a very interesting and well presented ‘snapshot’ of life in Merriott over the years. The photographs and documents were accompanied by quotations and reminiscences taken from village residents and some artefacts used in the past in our community. The Merriott Open Group did a wonderful job and the exhibition was very well attended. There is a large archive of Merriott documents and maps at the Museum which can be looked at any time, so just pop in and ask

if you would like to find out more of the fascinating history of our village.

Page 5: Merriott Messenger - 2015.pdf · July in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm. Tickets £5 in advance from the Village Shop

A week of celebrations to celebrate the 5th birthday of the Seavington Community Store and Cafe and the 40th anniversary of The Seavington Playing Field Association are taking place in July and August. All are invited to join the events and a good time is guaranteed! Full details can be found on the Seavington’s village web-site ( or from Marion on 01460 249 522.

25 and 26 July Flower Festival in St Michael's Church, School Lane Seavington St Michael TA19 0QD. Displays on the theme of "Anniversaries". Tea/coffee and homemade cake in the Church garden. On 25th from 10 - 5 and on 26th from 12 - 5. Free entry. Proceeds to St Michael’s Church Trust.

Tuesday 28 July Celebration Quiz Night in The Millennium Hall @ 7.30. Tickets

IN ADVANCE @ £7 from the Seavington Community Store or ring Marion as above. Children under 12 free. Plough-man's supper included. Licensed bar.

Friday 31 July - Bavarian Evening with Baron von Schmidt-Haus in The Millennium Hall @ 7.30. Tickets IN ADVANCE @ £7 from Sally on 01460 240897. Children under 12 free. Bring your own drinks and stein. Bangers, beans and jackets included.

Saturday 1 August "Have a Field Day" on The Seavington Playing Field @ 2pm. Whacky sports, dog agility display (bring your own dog to "have a go"), lots of stalls and sideshows. Refreshments. At 7pm Proms in the (car) Park performed by The Caravan Club of Great Britain Concert Band. All the Last Night favourites for you to enjoy.

P A G E 5

The Seavingtons’ Celebrate

Merriott Social Club 01460 74376 [email protected]

Refurbished Function Room for Hire!

Need a venue for your wedding, christening, or birthday? Merriott

Social Club is the perfect home for any celebration. Whether you're a member, or non-member, please don't hesitate to contact us for more details.

If you'd like to join the Table Tennis club, pop in one Sunday at 7pm and have a go – all abilities welcome. Also, if

you're interested in the Karate Club that runs on Monday and Tuesday evenings, starting at 6.30pm and 6pm respectively, please come down one Monday or Tuesday evening.

Around the various private functions, we aim to put on a free music

event every month for all members and non-members. Please look out for details of these in the Merriott Messenger, on posters around the village, or on Facebook.

All are welcome throughout the week, so please pop by for a game of pool, a hand of darts, a relaxed drink with friends, or for a bacon butty at the Monthly Market on the first Saturday of the month

between 10am and 1pm. We're here for you all!

Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 7.00pm -11.30pm Sunday Lunch 12.00pm - 3.00pm Saturday 4.00pm -11.30pm Sunday Night 7.00pm - 11.00pm

All Saints Summer Fayre - a resounding success

We would like to thank everyone who helped, had stalls and came to this years Summer Fayre on Saturday 6th June. The day seemed to go exceptionally well and the weather was lovely too. We intro-duced a few new things this year includ-ing the dog show, kindly sponsored by

The Swan and judged by Val and team, children's races in the street kindly run by Ed from the running club and many new stalls, which all showed a great interest. Big thanks to Monica and team for the BBQ refreshments which we believe were so popular they ran out of sausages! Thank you to the children from Merriott First School for coming

and playing some of their instruments for us, they sounded fantastic too. There are really too many people to thank individually, so thank you to all of you.

It was a lovely day all round and we made a fantastic £2,589.40, £1,000 up from last year .

Summer Fayre Committee Team

Please note the new opening times for the Merriott Gospel Hall Kid Zone sessions.

Page 6: Merriott Messenger - 2015.pdf · July in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm. Tickets £5 in advance from the Village Shop

Robin and Zsofi Hynd become the proud new owners of Dorothy’s Tea Room in Hinton St George at the end of June. They will close the Tea Room on the 1st July for a 3 day make-over

and then re-open for business at 10.00am on the 4th July. Readers of the Merriott Messenger have been offered a free cup of tea or coffee from 6th - 12th July - just take a copy of the Merriott Messenger with you.

9th July - Treasure Hunt organised by Lynne and Marion, followed by coffee. Meet at 7 pm at Marion Biggs' house.

23rd July - A talk on Guide Dogs for the Blind at Marion Bennet's house.

2nd August - MOG picnic at the recreation ground with use of the new pavilion should it rain. MOG members, please bring every-thing with you:- husbands, partners, friends, food and drink for your own consumption, chairs, rugs, outdoor games. Enquiries - Maggie 76186

M e r r i o t t M e s s e n g e r

P A G E 6


What’s on elsewhere?

July 12th - Hinton St George Village Fete along West Street and on the School Field, 11.00am - 4.00pm.

Henhayes Community Centre, Crewkerne

July 3rd – help us celebrate 40 years of The Henhayes Centre. Cream tea 4– 5pm, £2 per head. Party with Dave Bowen Quartet (7pm – 10pm £5 per head (kids free). BBQ food available. Tickets from 01460 74340.

July 10th - next in the special meal series – 3 course meal + tea/coffee £7.50. Booking essential - 01460 74340.

July 25th - Big Breakfast 10 – 12 noon £4. Booking not necessary. 100 Club Draw 11am.


For the first summer season a number of bookings have been made for private func-tions which is great news. There are still plenty of

dates during the week or at weekends available for July and August, so if you are having a get together please think of supporting this local facility.

£20.00 per session. Contact 01935 863420 or [email protected]

The Annual Flower and Produce Show Schedules are available from Osborne’s, the Merriott Pharmacy and Church Porch.

Completed forms should be returned to Osborne’s or Christine at 12 Higher Street, Merriott by 5.30pm on the 5th August.

Crewkerne and District Twinning Assoc

Annual Bastille Supper

Saturday 18th July

at Merriott Memorial Hall 7.00pm for 7.30pm start £9 per adult £5 per child

under 14 Bring your own drinks Please book on 01460 75025/77233/74808

Reminder …..

Merriott Footpath Group Village Walk July 22nd

The Footpath Group has been active and has forwarded a report on its activities to the Parish Council. The Group plan to walk all the footpaths in the village at least once during the next year. The first walk, of about 4 miles, will be held on Wednesday 22nd July 2015. Everyone is welcome to join – meet at the Co-op at 10am.

When you go for a walk , take a pair of secateurs with you in case you have the chance to remove overhanging vegetation. If you find any problems on our parish footpaths please let us know.

John Goldie, 01460 73158 [email protected]

Page 7: Merriott Messenger - 2015.pdf · July in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm. Tickets £5 in advance from the Village Shop

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Printed by Parish Magazine Printing 01288 341 617 Northmoor, Whitstone EX22 6TD

Parish Council Update continued


1.APPLICATION: 15/01776/FUL APPLICANT: Mr T Larkins PROPOSAL: Raise the roof height to form first floor. LOCATION:10 Speke Close, MERRIOTT. Recommend APPROVAL

2.Request for Parish Council support on proposed Planning Application 15/01085/PREAPP for retire-ment bungalow with disabled access.

Members discussed the recent introduction of SS2 and its implications. It was unanimously AGREED that the following wording is used in response: Merriott Parish wish to support the applicants need in principle but reserve judgment until the Planning Application is made.


The full Parish Council minutes, County Councilor reports, Community Pavilion information and Hire form are all available via the MERRIOTT VILLAGE WEBSITE.

There was no market in June due to the All Saints Summer Fayre, but we are back on the 4th July raising money for Merriott Major-ettes. All are welcome, so please pop down to support us in our efforts by having a browse, buying some raffle tickets or enjoying a bacon butty!

The Social Club is booking up fast for children’s parties and private functions, but if you would like to hold an event here then pop in for a chat, email us or give us a call. Don’t forget Table Tennis on Sunday evenings in the function room. Just turn up from 7pm for juniors and 8pm for seniors. All abilities welcome. Dates for your diary:

4th July at 9pm we have John de Barra with tracks from Robbie

Williams to AC/DC, Bette Midler to Robbie Hendrix and James Brown to The Rasmus. John performs a huge variety of music that will entertain the masses – one not to be missed.

17th July an end of school disco and karaoke.

Remember to keep an eye on our notice-board for the latest news and events, as well as our website ( and Facebook page. Thanks once again to all members and non-members who have continued to support us – you are highly appreciated!

On a final note Merriott Social Club would like to congratulate Louis from the ’Dark Horses’ darts team on winning the Division 2 Singles Competition. Well done after an excellent first season.

News from Merriott Social Club

Merriott Village Hall - Committee Members Needed

The Village Hall, which was built in 1924 with a dona-tion from the Blake family, is an important facility for the community. It is an independent registered charity with its own funding. It provides space for indoor sports, such as badminton and bowls, for youth groups, such as scouts and majorettes, and for other activities, such as U3A and dog training. It is also a location for concerts, drama, village produce shows, wedding receptions, parties, District Council meetings and is used as a polling station. It is also now the location for the pop-up café.

The Hall needs to be continually updated and refur-bished. It has recently had new kitchen facilities and a new floor in the main room. There is more to do but there are also some exciting opportunities for making the Hall an even more valuable asset to the residents.

The Hall Committee needs some new members to help with these developments. If you are able to join and would like to discuss opportunities to help please contact Mike Dandridge (Hall Treasurer) on 01460 74576 or John Bowman on 01460 74077.

Page 8: Merriott Messenger - 2015.pdf · July in the Village Hall at 7.30 pm. Tickets £5 in advance from the Village Shop

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Merriott Childcare Solutions

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Kevin Swain

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R. A. Wicks Ltd

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Careford Lodge Residential Home

Church Street

Contact Lorraine on 01460 75592


Quantock Joinery Systems Limited

Tail Mill Lane Merriott TA16 5PF

01460 77545

[email protected]

Appliance Maintenance Services

Domestic Appliance Repairs Tel: 01460 72211

Mob: 07970 744 115

Please send copy to: [email protected] Editorial Team contact: John Bowman 01460 74077 Ann Lawrence 01460 78461 Peter Bryans 01460 78182 Janet Lailey 01460 271008 Marion Andrews 01935 863420 Jane Jackson 01460 74162

Thank you to our sponsors for their support

Letting, Investment and Property Management for

S Somerset & W Dorset 01935 420555

[email protected]

Martyn Porter

Painting & Decorating, Tiling & General House


No job too small

01460 74952 Mobile: 07805159302

If you would like to sponsor the Merriott Messenger,

please contact a member of the editorial team.

The Haselbury Mill

Haselbury Plucknett for Weddings and other Functions

01460 77095


07792 821 028