Download - MERCURY by Toni Miquel, Marta and Miquel

  • 1. MERCURY

2. MERCURY Mercury is the closet planet to the Sun. It is 58 millons kilometres away from the Sun! 3. MERCURY Mercury orbits round the Sun, its orbit of the Sun lasts for 88 days. Mercury turns very slowly on its axis, taking 59 days to complete the turn from day to night. 4. Mercury's sunny side has a temperute rising to 400 celsius.Its dark side is very cold with the temperute going down to -200 celsius. Mercury has no atmosphere around it to protect it from the Sun. 5. MERCURY Mercury is quite a small planet. Its diameter is only 4878 kilometres. 6. MERCURY Mercury has no moons. The surface of Mecury is coverd with craters and it is completely dry. There is no posibility of life on Mercury. 7. PAGE Toni Miquel, Marta, Miquel.