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Mastering the basic stop-motion animation (flat field)

Creating color model and the color.

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Teknologi Informasi dan KomunikasiHal.: 2 Isikan Judul Halaman

Color Knowledge

Impression color

Color is a dominant factor in an animated display. People will be interested in the work of the first animation in color that can reflect the mood of the viewer.

Color can be added in the animation represents the background, illustration, or in a contrasting typeface.

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Color Knowledge

Each color gives the impression in itself, because it is influenced by the nature around us and the experience / an event that had ever happened before.

Blue sometimes influenced by the color of the sky or sea water.

Green color that reminds us of a lush mountain or lush plants.

Red color sometimes we are reminded of blood from animal sacrifice, or a burning fire engulfed a row of shops.

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Color Knowledge

Yellow color reminiscent of an orange color or grain that was ready to harvest


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We know of two color groups, namely the hot colors (red, orange, yellow) and cool colors (green, blue, purple).

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Color Best

From the point of psychosis, hot colors associated with spontaneous attitude, colorful, open, encouraging movement, and disturbing.

This group of hot colors include red color is considered manly, a symbol of blood in the body.

Impressive pink femininity. Orange impressive clean, appetizing, friendly

and warm. Yellow color indicates passionate, cheerful,

and calm

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Title Page

Cold Colors

Cool colors associated with a closed attitude, cool, relaxed, full consideration.

Cool color groups, among others: The green color symbolizes the earth

generates employment, or something that grows and a sense of hope.

The blue color gives the impression calm, and silence in the sky.

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Title Page

Color Combinations (Hot and Cold)

Color combination is a merger of the group with the cold colors warm colors that appear in an animated work.

Hot colors can be used as a base or background color, and vice versa cool colors can be used as a base or background color. It's all just as long sahsah consider the overall balance and purpose animated purposes.

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1 Yellow Life, glory2 RED Women, prohibition, greedy3 Green Fertility, mortality4 Blue Pain, dark5 Purple Romantic, repentance6 White Men, fragrant, life, light7 Black Old, death, stubborn

Color as the identification of Culture / Tradition

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Color, one of the unfamiliarity guidelines relics of the past, like the color combination of Hindu philosophy of Islam Sunan Kalijaga times below:

1.Black color, known as luamah or egosentros, which has the nature of anger, and obstructions good intentions. Or black color indicates the North direction, the direction toward death.

2.Yellow color known as sufiah or eros, which has properties that are less good reason, destroyers, and hamper safety. Yellow color is also translated as the West, that is the way to destruction.

Color as the identification of Culture / Tradition

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3. Known red color with polemos name or anger, which has a temper, lust, and closed kewas-padaan. The red color shows the direction of South, which is directed toward maturity and intelligence observations.

4. White color is known as a religios or mutmainah have an honest character, peace of, and the peace of the soul. The white color indicates to the east, the direction toward the beginning of the resurrection.

5. The green color is always used to cover people who died, or the color black as a sign of continuity in eternal death.

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Color As amplifier Institution

Renowned institutions and professionals must have a body color identity.

Institution color is communication strategy to masyrakat institutions, in addition if the institution has a distinctive color without difficulty people have to recognize it without thinking of the institutions that use it

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Color As amplifier Institution


1 YELLOWFountain herbal medicine company, SCTV, ANTV, TVRI


2 REDSalt Warehouse tobacco companies, cigarette companies Needles, Tran TV, JTV, TV7

Palang Merah

3 GREEN Wismillak tobacco companies Institut, Dinas Pertanian, MUI

4 BLUEBentoel tobacco companies, Bank BCA, Bank Mandiri, RTCI, TPI

Dinas Air Minum, BKKBN

5 PUPLEKonsmetik Tulib Company, Bank of East Java, Indosiar, Metro TV

Lembaga Kristiani

6 WHITE Sampurna tobacco companies Dinas Kesehatan

7 HITAM Tobacco companiesDiplomat Lembaga Permasyarakatan

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Warna Sebagai Pendekatan Rasa Psikologis

Warna dapat mempengaruhi psikologi seseorang, baik semangat hingga malas. Keceriaan merupakan sifat seseorang.

Keadaan ini bisa diwujudkan dengan menggunakan warna kuning, sebagai lambang keceriaan.

Warna kemasan penambah stamina ditampilkan warna merah atau orange, agar mempunyai persepsi produk berenergi.

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Warna Sebagai Pendekatan Rasa Psikologis


1 KuningTerang, cemerlang, bahaya, ceria, hidup, ada harapan, riang gembira

Keceriaan, kegembiraan, kejayaan, kebesaran, kematangan

2 MerahAgresif, merangsang, menarik, menggairahkan

Berani, bahaya, jantan, kuat, perselisihan, semangat

3 HijauPasif, istirahat, tenang, segar, alami

Kepercayaan, keabadian, kesegaran, muda, mentah

4 BiruDingin, damai, nyaman, tentram

Harapan, kesepian, keakraban, kebersamaan

5 UnguAgung, wibawa, angkuh, negatif, mundur, tenggelam, khidmat

Perkasa, sedih, murung, menyerah, tobat

6 PutihPositif, bersih, cemerlang, ringan

Perdamaian, kesucian, Kepolosan, kesopanan

7 Hitam Menekan, gelapMenakutkan, misterius, kehancuran, kesalahan

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Warna Sebagai Penunjuk Produk

Warna dalam kemasan biasanya diarahkan ke isi produk, seperti produk film animasi yang mengarah warna dominan film animasi.


1 Kuning/Orange Asam Jeruk

2 Merah Pedas, manis Cabe, strawberry

3 Hijau Pahit Jamu

4 Biru Sejuk Mint

5 Ungu Manis Anggur

6 Putih Manis Susu

7 Hitam Lembut, kelam Rambut

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• Color For Attraction• Color has appeal high, especially the colors bright.

The children in choosing colors much brighter, in contrast to adults choose colors that calm, gentle, and the old, the condition is selected by the animator


1 ComplementaryRed with greenYellow with purpleBlue with orange

2 AnalogBlue to yellowYellow to redRed to blue

3 Chroma high intensity Yellow, orange, and red

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Color in Light

Color processing in the different media processing light color with a medium color pencil or paint.

Color of light is found around the 19th century in Germany and England with a primary color to produce the most good, namely red, green, and blue (RGB),

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Color in Light

Merger Meru yellow-feed mixture of green and red colors, this is called a sum color (color addition)

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Color in Light

Color wheel (color wheel)

Newton developed a color wheel that is made by combining the red with purple end of the spectrum of colors

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Color in Light

Various kinds of colors

Primary Colors Primary colors are the main colors of the most

powerful in the formation of other colors. The primary colors consist of 3 colors, red, blue, and green.

Secondary colors Secondary color is the color produced from a

mixture of two primary colors.

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Color in Light

There are 3 secondary colors

Tertiary color Tertiary color is a mixture of primary colors with a

secondary color. This color mixing to produce colors that put 6 on the primary and tertiary colors in the color circle

COLOR1 COLOR2 Result color

Red Green Yellow

Green Blue Cyan

Blue Red Magenta

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Color in Light

Dimensional color

Philip Otto Runge describes the 3-dimensional color, namely hue, saturation, and brightness in the "color sphere" (farbenkugel). Two balls are above shows the two poles, while the bottom shows the horizontal and vertical slices .-

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Color In Computer

The computer screen has a color display with a medium light, while the printer to produce color with paint.

Computer screen to combine the red light, green, and blue (RGB) for revealing approximately 16.7 million colors.

The printers use 4 color combinations, the colors cyan, magenta, yellow, and black (CMYK).

Color on computers can be regulated by a variety of ways such as 8-bit system, 16 bits, 24 bits, and so on

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Color Applications

1. Color on the web

Colors in the web can affect the reader of the information conveyed by the sender of the message

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Color Applications

2. Presentation file Presentations will

be successful if the file looks very good presentation. Not only the preferred presentation materials, but the color is also very worth noting,

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Color Applications

3. Film Animation Animated films are

liked by children, adolescents, adults, and parents .. The colors that appear in the animated segments tailored to the audience, for example when the animation aimed at children of color will lead to a dominant use of primary colors, or color contrast.

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