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J Med Genet 1993; 30: 713-727


Mendelian cytogenetics. Chromosomerearrangements associated with mendeliandisorders

Niels Tommerup

The first successful mapping of a mendeliandisorder by chromosome rearrangements wasthat of the Duchenne muscular dystrophylocus to Xp21.1-5 Since then, chromosome ab-errations which delete, truncate, or otherwiserearrange and mutate specific genes have notonly helped in the mapping of other diseaseloci,6 but have turned out to be key elementsfor the rapid isolation of disease genes bypositional cloning strategies.7 Accordingly, alisting of the clinical disorders in which associ-ated chromosome rearrangements have beendescribed forms a part of the Human GeneMapping Workshops.6 Although the early suc-cess led to a proposal for systematic cytogene-tic analysis of subjects with mendelian dis-orders,8 this has rarely been done. A commonfeeling is that, as mutations, these rearrange-ments are rare exceptions. The aim of thepresent review is to document that they may berare, but are not exceptions, and to focus onfactors which may influence their occurrenceand facilitate their detection.

The Danish Centre forHuman GenomeResearch, The John FKennedy Institute, GILandevej 7, DK-2600Glostrup, Denmark,and Department ofMedical Genetics,Ullevaal UniversityHospital, Oslo,Norway.N Tommerup

Contiguous gene syndromes in relationto mendelian geneticsGenetic disorders are usually classified intomendelian, chromosomal, and multifactorialcategories. Mendelism involves transmissionpatterns of traits which traditionally are

thought to be determined by single genes. Themere fact that a chromosome rearrangementmay lead to the development of a mendeliandisorder suggests that this distinction betweenmendelian and chromosome disorders may bearbitrary.9 This is illustrated by Miller-Diekersyndrome (MDCR), lissencephaly with a char-acteristic facial appearance, that was originallylisted as an autosomal recessive conditionowing to the presence of familial cases withtwo or more affected sibs.9 All familial cases

analysed have so far been shown to be associ-ated with unbalanced segregation of familialtranslocations or inversions, leading to seg-

mental aneuploidy (deletion) of a distal seg-

ment of 17p.1''2 Thus, MDCR not associatedwith a chromosome abnormality is probablybest explained as an autosomal dominant con-

dition where all mutations are de novo.

MDCR also illustrates a mutationalmechanism that may eventually explain a sub-

stantial part of the heterogeneity and overlapin syndromology: contiguous gene syndromeswhere microscopic or submicroscopic dele-tions (or duplications) involve an array ofclosely positioned genes.'314 A purpose of themolecular characterisation of contiguous genesyndromes is to identify individual genesresponsible for specific components of thephenotypic complex. This is probably bestillustrated by the molecular studies ofdeletions and translocations involving llp13associated with various combinations ofWilms's tumour, aniridia, genitourinary mal-formations, and mental retardation (WAGRcomplex).'5 The resulting isolation of candi-date genes for Wilms's tumour (WT1)'6 7 andaniridia (AN2, PAX6)'8 '9 now provides ameans for molecular studies and delineation ofmonogenic conditions within 1 lpl3.2"24 Simi-larly, the dissection of the phenotype inMDCR has begun with the demonstration ofsubmicroscopic deletions in cases with isolatedlissencephaly.2526Any visible chromosome imbalance almost

invariably represents a contiguous gene dis-order, but few chromosomal syndromes in-clude features of sufficient specificity to permita correlation with a recognised mendelian dis-order. This includes many of the classicalchromosome disorders,27 as well as newlyrecognised ones.28 Although these chromo-some aberrations may not have immediate im-plications for known mendelian traits, futuremolecular dissection of these disorders maychange this.

Chromosome rearrangements inrelation to autosomal dominant,autosomal recessive, and X linkeddiseaseSpecific chromosome rearrangements havepredominantly been described in autosomaldominant (AD) and in X linked conditions. Ofthe 625 chromosomally mapped loci associatedwith genetic disorders, 54 (8-6%) are Xlinked.29 However, more than one third of theapproximately 70 mendelian disorders associ-ated with a specific chromosome rearrange-ment are X linked6 (figure). This excess can beexplained by almost routine application ofcytogenetic analysis in two particular groups of


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vws -






















13 14 15 16 17




FGDYHPE4 ~~~~~~~MNK*

~~AG ~~TCD



18 19 20 21 22 X

Deletion Duplication 0 Locus specific rearrangement (translocation, inversion)

*Fragile site g Regions where viable deletions have been described.

g Regions with only 1-3 reports of viable deletions.

Translocation breakpoints detected in a non-biased way in prenatal diagnosis79

Localisation of mendelian disorders where chromosome rearrangements have been described. For explanation of symbols, see Appendix.

patients: females affected with X linked dis-eases, suggesting X;autosome translocations,and males suffering from two or more X linkeddisorders, suggesting a contiguous gene syn-drome. Since there are no a priori reasons tobelieve that chromosome rearrangementsshould be less frequent in AD than in X linkeddisorders, the underrepresentation in AD dis-orders is probably because of ascertainmentbias.The cytogenetic data in autosomal recessive

(AR) disorders are so scanty that reliable state-ments regarding their frequency cannot bemade. In only one AR disorder (Zellwegersyndrome) has more than one chromosomerearrangement been described, a de novo dele-tion and a de novo inversion.303' A specific

chromosome mutation will only show an ARlocus if the other allele happens to be mutated(unmasking of heterozygosity),32 and this willbe a rare occurrence as the gene frequencies foreven the most common AR disorders do notexceed 1/25 to 1/50. Owing to the number ofrecessive traits, and the relatively high fre-quency of familial translocations and inver-sions in man,33 some of these breakpoints mayaffect recessive loci. Thus, several murinebalanced translocations are lethal in thehomozygous state.34 The risk of unmasking ofheterozygosity by a transmissible chromosomerearrangement will increase with the numberof individuals that receive the rearrangement.In addition, familial translocations maypredispose to the formation of uniparental









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Mendelian cytogenetics. Chromosome rearrangements associated with mendelian disorders

Table I Chromosome rearrangements in deletion viable regions.Disorder Chromosomal Type of rearrangement(locus symbol) localisation

Deletions (No) Locus specific type

Multiple'78b 179aMultiple72 180aMultiple70 181ai 180aMultiplemat)6568a8d 122a 183a

Multiple52a7d 54d

3187a 188a 186c?

5189a 191a 190b 183dMult' le'93-196a4199a 172d

Multiple70Multiple207 208aMultiple72 209 210a,bMultiple37 211Multiple213-2l7a,d7214a,d 8a

Muit ile77 72a,b3163a I 4a

Multiple7' 72a,b

488a,d4233aMultiple234 236 237a,dMulti le234 238a,d3239-24IalMultiple70aMultiple'27 244 245 248a,d

173b1249aMultiple"o- 2 25 26a,dMultiple70

Multiple?703257 259 260a


Multiple3844a,b,c?,d7264 2698

Multiple7Oa 267 268aMultiple798Multiple701Multiple37 174b 271a,b

5276-280a,cMultiple282 283a,d1 285a



inv(l5)(pl qI3)mat6'696t(4;I 1)(q22;p13)60bt( 1 ;22)(p I 3;q 12.2)?8t(5;1 1)(qI3.1;p13)26t(5;12l)(pl 1;p13)'6'6t(8; 1 2)(pi I 1 p 1 3) 184b

t(3;8)(p21;pl 1)185bt(5;10)(q22;?)'

t(3;1 1)(q21;q23) 90bt(3;4)(q23;p15.2)20at(3;8)(q23;p2 1.1)17

t(2;22)(q14.1;ql 1.1)212bMultiple2""at(3;7)(p21 .Ip13)960bt(6;7)(q27;p 13) 61bt(6;7)(qI2;pl 3)162

t(4;5)(q2 1;p 15 *3)2t(4;6)(q2 1;p24)2 2b


t(2;8)(q33;q24. 1)127t(4;8)(pl5.3;q24. 1)127t(8;1 1)(q24.1 1;p15.5)246inv(8)(ql 1.23q21 .1 )247b

t(1;13)(p34;ql 3)250b

t(4;22)(q12;q I 2.2)25bt(4;15)(ql2q21;ql 1)25111 X;A translocation (see ref 61)85 autosomal translocations61binv(15)(pl3ql 3)pat64Multiple4't(5;7;9)(qI 1 .2q34;q21 .2q31 .3;q22. 1)21,t(7;9)(ql 1.21;p12)263b

t(X;7)(q2 1.2;p 14)2711t(X;1 3)(q21 .2;p 1 2)274,t(X;3)(q28;q21 )275at(X;10)(q28;ql 1.2)275,dir ins(8)(q24. 1 ql 3.3q21.13)281b

inv(2)(q35q37.3)217ainv(7)(pl2ql 1.23)31a

See Appendix for explanation of locus symbols. a=de novo aberration. b=familial transmission. c=evidence of germlinemosaicism. d= unbalanced familial reciprocal translocation/inversion. e= Meera-Khan, personal communication. x = visiblyunbalanced translocation.

disomy, whereby AR mutations can bereduced to homozygosity.35 The occasionaloccurrence of an inherited balanced transloca-tion or inversion would therefore not be unex-pected in AR disorders.36

The effect of chromosome localisationon types and frequencies ofchromosome rearrangementsExact determination of frequencies of chromo-some rearrangements in mendelian disorderscan only be made by systematic studies ofspecific mendelian disorders. This has onlybeen done in a few disorders, retinoblastoma(RB1) being the classical one. The results fromRB1 may not necessarily be valid for other

disorders, and one factor that will influence thefrequency of chromosome rearrangements in a

specific disorder is the chromosomal localisa-tion of the corresponding gene.

Visible deletions among liveborns are absentor extremely rare for several regions of thehuman genome (figure),27 probably becausethey are incompatible with fetal survival.37Whereas deletions are the most frequent typeof rearrangement in those disorders whichmap to the 'deletion viable' regions (table 1,figure), visible deletions do not occur in live-borns affected with mendelian disordersmapping to the 'deletion non-viable' regions(table 2). The division of the genome into adeletion viable and non-viable part may haveconsequences not only for the type and fre-












20pl 1.23-12.1Xp2lXp22.3Xp2l15ql 1-12lpl3






Xq2513ql2.217pl3Xp22.322q 12.2?Xp22.34ql2-1315ql 1-12

13q147ql 1.2-21.3



8q24.1 122ql 1.2lq32-412q35llpl37ql 1.23


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Table 2 Chromosome rearrangements in deletion non-viable* regions.

Disorder Chromosomal Type of rearrangement(locus symbol) localisation

Miscellaneous Locus specific type

BWS 1 p15.4-15.5 del(I 1)(p 1 1 p I 3)203't t(9;1 l)(p 1l.1 lpl5.5)mato' +del( 1 )(pl 1 1p3)205,t t(4;-11)(pl 5.2;pl 5.4)mat 03bmultiple dup(l lp)pat103 202d t(I1 ;22)(pI 5.5;qI 2)mat204b

t(l 1;16)(pI5.5;qI2)mat053bt(I 1;12)(pI5.5;q13.1)mat'03binv(l1)(pl 1.2pI5)mat' 26b

inv(l l)(p15.4q22.3)mat053bCMPD1 17q24.3-25.1 46,XX,t( 1;1 7)(q42. 1 ;q25< 95'

46,XX,inv(17)(ql2q25)96aCMPD1/ 17q24.3-25.1 46XY,t(2; 1 7)(q35;q23-24)97aSRA1 46,XY,t(7; 1 7)(q34;q25)95"

46,XY,t(l13;17)(q331;25 /95EDA Xq13.1 t(X;9)(q13.1;p24)225 228a

t(X;1 2)(q 13.1 ;q24.2)227at(X1l)(q13. ;p36.33)224a

F9 Xq27 t(X; 1)(q27;q23)229aFGDY Xql3 t(X;8)(q13;p21 .2)18bIDS Xq28 t(X;5)(q27;q31)243aIPI Xpll t(X; 15)(p ll;ql 1) or (q ll ;p li)42a

t(X;9)(p 1;q34)'43at(X; I 7)(p I 1 ;p I 1.2) 15at(X;9)(p I 1 ;q33.2) 15at(X;13)(pl 1.21;q12.3)'44at(X; I 0)(p l ;q22)'46at(X;4)(q2 1 ;q28)9t(X;5)(p 1 I.2;q35.2) 147a45,X/46,Xr(X)41'a

MNK Xql3.3 t(X;2)(ql3.3;q32.2)"7at(X;1)(ql 3.3;q21 )§'ins(X)(p 11 .4ql 3.3q2 1 .2)mat06

NDP Xpl I t(X;10)(p 1 ;p1 4)253ainv(X)(p 11 .4q22)254b

NFI 17ql 1.2 t(l;l7)(p34.3;ql 1 2)92bt(17;22)(ql 1.2;ql 1.2)93b

+ ?r(l7)(cen-ql2), del(17)(cen-ql2)91OCRL Xq26.1? t(X;3)(q25;q27)256'

t(X;20)(q26. 1 ;ql 1 .2)257RSTS 16pl13.3 t(2;16)(p 13.3;p 13.3?84,

t(7; 16)(q34;pl13. 3)8 ~at(I6;22)(p13.3;?)inv(l1 6)(p 1 3.3;q I 3)-6inv(16)(p 13.3q 13)1

See Appendix for explanation of locus symbols. * Including regions with only 1-3 reports of viable deletions. t Breakpoints not atestablished p1p5.4-.5 loci. + Personal observation. § J Beck, personal communication. Cited in ref 87.

quency of rearrangements in mendelian dis-orders, but also for selection of strategies fortheir detection.


DELETIONS ARE VIABLERetinoblastoma, Wilms's tumour, and aniridiaThe early detection of cases with deletion of aD group (No 13) chromosome in associationwith retinoblastoma (RB1 )38-40 led to extensivecytogenetic screening of large series ofpatients.4''4 Consequently visible deletionshave been found in 2 to 4% of all patients withRB1 when examined by metaphase technique,and in 4 to 8% of patients when examined byhigh resolution techniques. Reciprocal trans-locations have been detected in approximately1% of patients in several independent surveysusing both metaphase and prometaphase reso-lution, corresponding to 10% of the detectedrearrangements. Thus, between 5 and 10% ofall cases with RB1 have a visible chromosomemutation.

Larger systematic cytogenetic studies havenot been reported in association with Wilms'stumour (WT1)/aniridia, so a direct compari-son with the individual traits included in theWilms's tumour/aniridia/genitourinary mal-formation/mental retardation (WAGR) com-plex cannot be made. However, in three largeseries of Wilms's tumour patients, altogethercomprising 1335 cases,45-47 aniridia was

observed in 23 cases (1 7%). Furthermore, 1/3of aniridia cases are sporadic and, of these, 1/3develop Wilms's tumour.48 A visible deletionof lipl3 was seen in all 18 cases with com-bined WT1/aniridia in three high resolutioncytogenetic surveys,474950 supporting the factthat most subjects with this combination havea visible deletion. All evidence supports asingle map position for aniridia at llpl3'.5 Ifso, 1/3 x 1/3 (10%) of independent cases withaniridia may have a visible deletion. Since bothtraits are easily recognised, this is in line withthe large number of cases with the WAGRcomplex and deletions of l 11p3 that have beenreported.52 As expected for contiguous genesyndromes, visible deletions and more com-plex rearrangements within 1lp13 may notaffect both loci.50 53 54 The limited distancebetween WT 1 and the candidate aniridialoci (700 to 100kb)'855 explains why a fewpersons with Wilms's tumour and aniridiahave deletions below the limit of microscopicresolution.5556 Balanced chromosome re-arrangements involving lip13 have not beenreported in association with Wilms's tumour,but one translocation with a breakpoint withinthe region has been seen in association withPotter syndrome,57 and three reciprocal trans-locations have been reported in familial aniri-dia.5 0 Taken together, the data are com-patible with a frequency of chromosomerearrangements in all independent cases withWT1, aniridia, and WT1/aniridia in the same


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Mendelian cytogenetics. Chromosome rearrangements associated with mendelian disorders

range as observed in RB1 (2 to 10%), withdeletions being by far the most frequent typeof mutation.

Disorders associated with imprinting:Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromesRepeated observations of rearrangementsinvolving chromosome 15 in patients withPrader-Willi syndrome (PWCR) led to numer-ous systematic studies.61-6 As a result, 60% ofpatients have been found to carry detectablechromosome 15 rearrangements, mostly dele-tions within 15qi 1-13 (table 1). The cytogene-tic spectrum of 300 PWCR subjects with achromosome 15 abnormality included 182interstitial deletions, 34 unbalanced reciprocaltranslocations, 14 Robertsonian transloca-tions, 16 small marker chromosomes, and fourduplications,61-3 plus six balanced transloca-tions and one pericentric inversion.6' Theinversion was inherited from an unaffectedfather.64 Assuming that 60% of PWCR caseshave a cytogenetic defect, the frequency ofapparently balanced rearrangements thus ap-pears to be close to that of RB1 (7 * 60/300) = 14%. However, it should be empha-sised that balanced rearrangements were notreported among 358 PWCR patients studied inlarger chromosome surveys in the period 1981to 1991.6-63

Cytogenetic deletion of 15ql 1-13 is alsoobserved in 50 to 60% of subjects with Angel-man syndrome (ANCR).65 68 Among the fewerthan 100 cases with ANCR that have beenstudied so far, one apparently balanced re-arrangement has been reported, a maternallyinherited inversion with a breakpoint within15q13,68 which was associated with a de novosubmicroscopic deletion in the affected child.69The frequency of visible deletions in RB1,

PWCR, and ANCR thus varies considerably(- 5 to 60%), whereas the frequency of appar-ently balanced cytogenetic rearrangementsmay be within the same order of magnitude(_ 1%).

X linked disordersOn the X chromosome, the male deletionviable regions involve Xp22.3, Xp2l, Xq21,and Xq25 (figure).'7 7 Owing to the excellentmorbid anatomy of the X chromosome,29 thesedeletions are associated with recognisablemendelian traits, either as single gene dis-orders73 or as part of contiguous gene syn-dromes.'77>72 In a survey of five males withDMD and additional clinical signs suggestinga contiguous gene disorder, visible deletionswere detected in all five cases.7' Bivariate flowkaryotyping of 10 visible deletions withinXp2 1 associated with contiguous gene syn-dromes has provided a size estimate of thesedeletions int athe a 4 to 14 Mb.72The frequency of visible deletions in

patients with single gene disorders mapping toXp21 appears to be lower than observed inmany autosomal disorders. In a systematicsurvey of 165 males with Duchenne or Beckermuscular dystrophy only, no chromosome re-

arrangements were observed.75 This may besomewhat surprising since submicroscopic de-letions are extremely common in DMD, andsince intragenic deletions in the 2-4 Mb DMDlocus might potentially reach the lower limit ofmicroscopic resolution.

Disease associated deletions involving thedistal part of Xp22.3 are seen in both malesand females, in males associated with recessivetraits and in females with dominant traits.70Most other X chromosome deletions are pre-ferentially inactivated in female carriers, eitherwithout phenotypic effects or associated withTurner symptoms, including gonadal dys-genesis or secondary amenorrhoea/prematuremenopause.76 However, deletion of the regionXq27 may result in preferential activity of thedeleted X chromosome,77 and it has been sug-gested that this might be because of deletion ofa locus which is involved in the normal Xinactivation process.78 If so, visible or submic-roscopic deletions of Xq27 should be con-sidered, along with X;autosome translocations,in females affected with disorders mapping tothis region.

DISORDERS MAPPING TO REGIONS WHEREDELETIONS ARE NON-VIABLEIn contrast to deletions, breakpoints associatedwith constitutional autosome translocationsdetected in an unbiased way in large series ofprenatal diagnoses79 (figure), as well as inreported X;autosome translocations,80 81 aredistributed all over the genome. Hence, thepresence of disease specific translocationswould not be expected to be influenced by thechromosomal localisation of a disorder to thesame extent as deletions. One modification ofthis is that the G-C rich chromosomal reverse(R) bands contain many more genes than theA-T rich G bands.8283 Therefore, disease spe-cific breakpoints in translocations and inver-sions should predominantly be located in Rbands, which is indeed the case (figure).

If RB 1 is the prototype of a clearly recog-nised disease localised within a chromosomalregion where gross deletion is compatible withfetal survival, Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome(RSTS), von Recklinghausen neurofibromato-sis (NF1), and, to some extent, campomelicdysplasia (CMPD 1) exemplify disorders map-ping to regions where deletions do not or onlyrarely occur.

Rubinstein- Taybi syndrome, vonRecklinghausen neurofibromatosis, andcampomelic dysplasiaA locus for RSTS has been assigned to16p 13.3 after the identification of several inde-pendent chromosome rearrangements withbreakpoints within this region.8>87 Apart fromsmall distal deletions associated with the hae-moglobin H/mental retardation syndrome,88viable visible deletions of l6pl3 have not beendescribed at all.278587 This, together with thedetection of submicroscopic deletions in 25%of RSTS subjects with normal karyotypes,87indicates that it is not deletions as such that do


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not occur or that are not compatible with theRSTS phenotype, but rather the size of thedeletions.Both RB1 and WT1 are tumour suppressor

loci.89 However, it is unlikely that this featurein itself is associated with the high frequencyof visible deletions seen in these disorders.Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NFl) also involvesa tumour suppressor gene that maps to17q1 1.2.6 The largest deletion which has so farbeen described in a patient with NFI was380 kb in size,90 well below the limit of micro-scopic resolution. This is in line with thegeneral absence of reported constitutive dele-tions of this part of chromosome 17 (figure).27In the only published case with a visible dele-tion of the proximal part of 17q, the deletedsegment was still present in most of the cells asa small ring chromosome.9' In contrast, and byanalogy with the findings in RSTS, reciprocaltranslocations have been described in NF1(table 2).9293

In campomelic dysplasia (CMPD1), chro-mosome analysis has been performed in anumber of cases because of the frequent asso-ciation with 46,XY sex reversal (SRA1).94Four de novo reciprocal translocations and oneinversion, all involving 17q24-25, providecompelling evidence for the localisation ofboth CMPD1 and SRA1 to this region.9997Only a few viable deletions involving the distalpart of 1 7q have been reported.98'00 Thus,CMPD 1 may illustrate a disorder mapping to aregion where viable deletions do occur, butonly rarely. Although CMPD1/SRA1 has beensuggested to be a contiguous gene syn-drome,95 101 visible deletions have not beenreported in patients with CMPD 1/SRA 1.Thus, the observed pattern of chromosomerearrangements in CMPD 1 resembles the pat-tern in disorders mapping to regions wheredeletions do not occur at all.

Disorders associated with imprinting:Beckwith-Wiedemann syndromeGenetic imprinting of one or more loci withinlip15 has been implicated in the aetiology ofBeckwith-Wiedemann syndrome.'02 103 As inPrader-Willi syndrome,61104 several differenttypes of chromosome rearrangements havebeen encountered in BWS, including balancedrearrangements with breakpoints in the criticalregion of lip15, exclusively of maternal ori-gin, and duplications of the distal part ofIp 1 5, exclusively of paternal origin (table 2).It has been suggested that the duplicationslead to excess expression of a paternallyimprinted growth promoting gene within theregion, such as insulin growth factor 2 (IGF2),whereas the balanced translocations might af-fect a maternally imprinted regulator withinthe region.'03 Viable deletions involving thedistal part of l 1p5 have not been described,27so it is not likely that such deletions will beseen in association with BWS either.

X linked disordersMenkes disease illustrates an X linked disorderwhich maps to an R band region (Xql3.3)

where visible deletions have not been de-scribed in males.051'06 In a continuing cyto-genetic survey of more than 200 unrelatedmales with Menkes disease, not a single casewith a visible deletion has been detected.'07Although the proven X linked contiguous

gene syndromes map to those regions wherecytogenetic deletions are viable, X linked con-tiguous gene syndromes located within most Rband regions would be expected to be morenumerous, considering the high gene densityof R bands. However, these disorders willprobably be associated with either submicro-scopic rearrangements'08 or with 'balanced'rearrangements which will lead to limited lossof material. The same argument applies toautosomal contiguous gene syndromes map-ping to deletion non-viable regions.

So far, few mendelian disorders have beenassociated with visible duplications.'03 109 Ingeneral, duplications are better tolerated thandeletions,27 so a smaller part of the genome willbe duplication non-viable. However, it is rea-sonable to assume that for disorders associatedwith duplication of genetic material, the chro-mosomal localisation may also influence theoccurrence of visible chromosome mutations.

The effect of the parental origin of denovo chromosome rearrangementsDe novo chromosome rearrangements are pre-dominantly of paternal origin, including allX;autosome translocations examined sofar.95 110(116 This skewed parental origin hasseveral implications for the detection of struc-tural rearrangements in mendelian disorders.

DE NOVO REARRANGEMENTS OF THE XCHROMOSOMEAs most chromosome rearrangements arepaternal in origin, those involving the X mustoccur predominantly in females, where thephenotypic effect will be influenced by the Xinactivation pattern. In balanced X;autosometranslocations, where the translocation X is asa rule the active one,808' truncation of a diseasegene will lead to affected status in the femalecarrier. This mechanism is a main contributorto the disproportionately large number of Xlinked disorders where structural rearrange-ments have been described (figure). Since af-fected females with normal chromosomes areless likely to be reported, the actual frequencyof X;autosome translocations in affectedfemales is unknown. The best estimate maycome from Menkes disease (MNK), wherediagnosis, including that of females, has beencentralised to a few centres in the world. Sofar, two of six known MNK females are trans-location carriers (J Beck, personal communica-tion).'07117Males will only inherit an X;autosome

translocation if the translocation does not leadto gonadal dysgenesis, a frequent finding infemales with breakpoints on the X chromo-some.76 In addition, an associated mendeliandisorder in the mother will have to be suffi-


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Mendelian cytogenetics. Chromosome rearrangements associated with mendelian disorders

ciently mild to allow reproduction. As a conse-quence, X;autosome translocations are ingeneral rare in males.801'8 This, together withthe presumed male non-viability of deletionsinvolving the major part of the X chromosome(figure), led to the suggestion that intrachro-mosomal rearrangements, such as inversionsand shifts, will be likely types of cytogeneticrearrangements in males affected with most Xlinked disorders.'07 These rearrangements are

probably very rare.1"921

DISORDERS WHERE GENOMIC IMPRINTING ISINVOLVEDAs discussed previously, deletions involvingalmost the same region of 15qll-13 are fre-quently observed in both PWCR and ANCR.However, the deletion is always of paternalorigin in PWCR61'3 and always of maternalorigin in ANCR. 122 Although the proportion ofaffected subjects carrying a cytogeneticallyvisible deletion is the same in the two dis-orders, two significant aetiological factors sup-port a higher frequency of PWCR thanANCR: (1) the large excess of maternal non-

disjunction'23 that may predispose to subse-quent uniparental maternal disomy, as

observed in PWCR,'24 125 and (2) the presumedhigher frequency of de novo rearrangements(deletions) of paternal origin which will alsolead to PWCR.

In Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, allbalanced rearrangements involving the distalpart of lip 15 have been found to be inheritedfrom the mother, similar to a preponderance ofmaternal transmission of BWS in non-cyto-genetic familial cases.'03'26 Together with thepredominantly paternal origin of de novo re-

arrangements, this implies that few if any denovo balanced rearrangements will beobserved in subjects affected with BWS. Incontrast, the mother may frequently carry thebalanced rearrangement as a de novo re-

arrangement of paternal origin, or may haveinherited the rearrangement from her father.A similar sex dependent transmission pat-

tern might be possible in balanced rearrange-ments associated with ANCR69 and PWCR,6'l 64where the phenotypic effect of truncation or

deletion69 will be influenced by the parentalorigin of the inherited rearrangement.68 Thus,apparently balanced rearrangements in PWCRshould be of paternal origin,6' and of maternalorigin in ANCR.69

It has now become an almost routine pro-

cedure to search for the parental origin ofchromosome rearrangements. Owing to theexcess of de novo rearrangements of paternalorigin, demonstration of a maternal origin ofde novo rearrangements in a specific disorderwill be much more significant with respect to apossible involvement of genomic imprinting'22than demonstration of a paternal origin.95

Mutational aspects with relevance forpositional cloningARE BREAKPOINTS IN BALANCEDREARRANGEMENTS LOCUS SPECIFIC?Although the majority of reciprocal transloca-tions and inversions included in tables 1 and 2are balanced at the cytogenetic level, a few ofthese have been shown to be associated withlarge submicroscopic deletions. 127128 If thiswere a general feature, the assumption thatthese rearrangements involve single breakswithin the target locus would be erroneous.93However, of 23 apparently balanced re-arrangements studied at the gene level,129'38 22had breakpoints within the candidate genelocus (table 3). The assumed locus specificityof breakpoints in cytogenetically balanced re-arrangements in mendelian disorders thereforeseems justified, even though these rearrange-ments may not be truly conserved at the se-

quence level, since small deletions from a fewbp to < 30 kb have been noted (table 3).


Six unrelated reciprocal translocations havebeen reported in retinoblastoma patients,4'along with 14 specific reciprocal and eightinsertional translocations. The odds thereforeseem to favour a rearrangement as being dis-ease specific. However, they also illustrate thatthe coincidental occurrence of a rearrangementis not uncommon. Further studies of thefamily, linkage studies in other families, searchfor similar published reports, and comparisonwith the clinical features associated with dele-tions or duplications of the regions involvedare needed when considering the significanceof a detected rearrangement.Even if a structural chromosome mutation

turns out to be the aetiological factor, somemutational mechanisms have been documentedor suggested which may limit the utility ofboth balanced and unbalanced rearrangementsfor positional cloning, or at least provide

Table 3 Molecular details of assumed locus specific rearrangements.

Disorder No of studied No which truncate No with sequenced/ Size of(locus symbol) rearrangements the specific locus estimated deletion deletion

DMD 11 iis29132 2 71/72 bp1295 kb'132

GCPS 3 2166MNK 2 2138251252NFI 1 135RB1 4 4133 134 1 < 30 kb'34TCD 1 i136wS1 1 i 137

Total 23 22


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conflicting data as to the disease or locusspecificity.

Spreading of X inactivation in X;autosometranslocationsAlthough the majority of X;autosome translo-cations associated with mendelian disordershave involved the X linked locus, it would belogical to assume that the autosomal break-point would occasionally represent the target.Most of the documented cases have been X; 13translocations associated with RB1.41 139 At thecytogenetic level, 13q14 harbouring the RB1locus seemed to be intact in all cases. Thesuggested mechanism for the development ofRB1 in these cases is spreading of X inactiva-tion into the autosomal segment including theRB1 locus.'39 Inactivation of a putative locus at9q32-34 by spreading of X inactivation hasalso been suggested in two X;autosome trans-location carrying girls with incontinentia pig-menti or hypomelanosis of Ito.'"

The paradox of incontinentia pigmenti (IP1and IP2)At least seven, possibly eight,9 X chromosomerearrangements have been detected in sporadiccases of IP, with most of the breakpointswithin Xpl 1.141-147 IP is considered an X linkeddominant disorder, which is lethal in males,and which only occurs in females as a result ofthe functional mosaicism associated with ran-dom lyonisation. The paradoxes of IP are asfollows. (1) The locus for familial IP has beenassigned to Xq28 by linkage analysis and not toXp 11.148149 Therefore, two loci associated withIP (IP1 and IP2) have been invoked. (2) It hasbeen suggested that two, maybe three, of thetranslocation carriers'43 145 did not have IP buthypomelanosis of Ito (HI).'40150 HI has beenconsidered the 'negative' of IP because theabnormal hypopigmented skin areas are distri-buted in the same pattern. The disorder maybe a clinical manifestation of mosaicism orchimerism, as evidenced by the frequent asso-ciation with chromosomal mosaicism involv-ing a variety of different chromosomes. 50151 (3)Several different X chromosome breakpointshave been detected in the chromosomal re-arrangements associated with IP.'52-'54 Thedistance between two distinct regions of break-points within Xp 1, one close to the centro-mere and one more distal, is at least 2 5 Mb,'54suggesting that if IPI exists, the locus must beextremely large, or several loci within Xp 11may be involved. (4) Of two of the transloca-tions stated to be associated with HI, one mapsto the distal region and one to the proximalregion in Xpl l .'54

Considering the similar distribution of skindefects in IP and HI, the defect in thesesporadic cases with IP may also involve soma-tic mosaicism, perhaps associated with X inac-tivation. One of the rearrangements involved ar(X),'' so dynamic mosaicism associated withring chromosome instability might even beinvolved,'55 in which case the gene(s) respon-sible for the pigmentary abnormalities might

be situated anywhere on the X chromosome(for example, IP2 in Xq28). One implication ofthis would be that positional cloning of aputative IPl locus defined by X chromosomebreakpoints154 may be impossible.

Unmasking of mutations by rearrangementinduced non-random X inactivationIf the normal X chromosome contains amutated locus, non-random X inactivation of astructurally abnormal X chromosome may in-cidentally lead to clinically affected status of afemale.'56 The erroneous conclusion that thedisease locus is regionally defined by thebreakpoints of the rearrangement may beavoided by careful X inactivation studies. Thepossibility exists that this mechanism may beinvolved in IPL. It is uncertain whether asimilar mechanism might be involved in twoX;autosome translocations with differentbreakpoints on Xp in Rett syndrome,'57 158 adisorder in which X linkage has been sug-gested by almost exclusive involvement ofgirls, but where linkage analysis seems to haveexcluded the X chromosome.'59

Localisation of breakpoints close to but outsidethe open reading frameThe locus for Greig cephalopolysyndactyly(GCPS) has been pinpointed to 7p13 by threebalanced familial translocations, 6'1'62 by dele-tions,'63164 and by linkage studies.'65 By thecandidate gene approach,7 two of the threefamilial translocations were found to interrupta zinc finger gene GLI3 located within 7p 13.166However, the breakpoint in the third translo-cation occurred about 10 kb downstream of the3' end of GLI3. It was speculated that as aresult a cis acting element was brought into theregion of GLI3, thereby deregulating itsexpression. 166

Dynamic mosaicism associated with ringchromosomesCarriers of ring chromosomes harbouring tu-mour suppressor genes may be at increasedrisk of developing chromosome specific typesof tumours, for example, r(l 3) carriers maydevelop RB 1, r( 11) carriers WT 1, r(22) car-riers meningioma, etc.'55 Conversely, the de-velopment of a specific type of tumour in a ringcarrier may suggest that a tumour suppressorlocus is located somewhere on that chromosome.Apart from the primary deletion associatedwith the formation of the ring, ring chromo-somes are predisposed to secondary somaticrearrangements initiated by sister chromatidexchanges. The result may be fragmentation,gain or loss of ring material, including com-plete monosomy (dynamic mosaicism). Acomparison between the localisation of theprimary breakpoints and the likely tumoursuppressor loci involved suggests that thesecondary instability may be the most import-ant factor predisposing to the development oftumours.'55 Thus, unlike conventional consti-tutional deletions which can be used for the


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generation of disease related deletion maps,correlations between the primary ring associ-ated deletions and phenotypic features shouldbe regarded with caution.Dynamic mosaicism may not be limited to

the development of tumours, but should alsobe considered as a possible mechanism inthe development of other disorders in ringcarriers. One possible association is Russell-Silver syndrome which shares many clinicalfeatures with ring chromosome 15 deficien-cies.'67

ConclusionsThe present review has primarily been con-cerned with those rearrangements which canbe expected to be encountered in a majority ofmendelian disorders. Thus, the fragile site atXq27 associated with the most common formof X linked mental retardation has not beendiscussed since it is so far the only fragile siteknown to be associated with a specific clinicalentity.Although deletions occur less frequently

than reciprocal translocations in newbornscreening series,33 any deletion of visible sizewill have a big chance of involving part or all ofa gene. This may explain why viable deletionsare the most frequent type of cytogenetic mu-tation in mendelian disorders. In contrast, asingle breakpoint or a submicroscopic deletionassociated with a translocation or inversion hasto be more precisely located in order to involvea specific locus.The majority of visible deletions associated

with mendelian disorders has been observed insporadic cases (tables 1 and 2). A few excep-tions have been reported, which may beexplained by the presence of mosaicism in aparental carrier, or a less severe phenotypeassociated with small deletions within certainregions, such as 13q14 associated with RB1.4In most other situations, the assumption thatchromosomal deletions are reproductive lethalmutations is probably true. However, familialoccurrence of deletions associated with men-delian disorders can be expected in two con-ditions: deletions involving the male deletionviable regions of the X chromosome, and fami-lial translocations, especially insertional trans-locations.4' 54 168172Apart from insertional translocations, other

rare types of familial and sporadic rearrange-ments have been identified in association withmendelian disorders, in part during chromo-somal surveys.9' 106 As mentioned previously,intrachromosomal rearrangements, includingshifts, may be the expected type of chromo-some mutation in males affected with themajority of X linked diseases.'07 Whether thisapparent accumulation of otherwise rare typesof rearrangement may reflect ascertainmentswhich are different from those usually encoun-tered in cytogenetics (prenatal diagnosis,MCA/MR, spontaneous abortions, etc) is atpresent unknown.Without valid data derived from systematic

cytogenetic surveys in the majority of dis-orders, the best estimate of a basic frequency

of chromosome rearrangements in an auto-somal dominant disorder is approximately 1 %,corresponding to the frequency of balancedtranslocations and inversions observed in RB1(and maybe in PWCR and ANCR). If, inaddition, visible deletions within the specificchromosome region are viable, this figure willbe considerably higher.The data favour that cytogenetic rearrange-

ments will be present in a small, but notinsignificant, fraction of subjects affected withmany mapped and unmapped mendelian dis-orders. The detection of a chromosome muta-tion will have obvious counselling implicationsin the individual family. Considering theimpact even a single specific rearrangementmay have for gene mapping and cloning, amore systematic effort to detect these re-arrangements should be pursued. In terms ofvalue for rapid molecular isolation of the locusof interest, rearrangements involving locusspecific breaks (for example, balanced translo-cations and inversions) will in general be themost valuable ones. Although the presence ofadditional congenital anomalies, other unex-pected diseases, spontaneous abortions, still-births, etc, may suggest the involvement of achromosome mutation in a patient or within afamily, subjects with balanced rearrangementsmay not suffer from additional disorders.'07Furthermore, translocations and inversionsmay be both familial and de novo mutations(tables 1 and 2). Therefore, some of the mostvaluable mutations in terms of positional clon-ing may only be detected by systematic analy-SiS.

If a reciprocal translocation is detected in adisorder that has not been mapped previously,the odds will favour a breakpoint within an Rband being the specific one. In some cases thismay ease subsequent attempts to confirm thespecificity of new translocations, for example,by linkage mapping. Furthermore, for largescale screening programmes, high resolutionchromosome analysis may be too cumbersomeand time consuming. Screening strategies canbe devised which in part will alleviate this. Indisorders with a known chromosomal localisa-tion, complete karyotyping by high resolutiontechnique may not be needed. In disordersmapping to regions where deletions are un-likely to be viable, normal good quality meta-phase technique may be sufficient to detect thesingle break rearrangements that can beexpected. In addition, the deletion map shownin the figure may provide a basis for tentativeexclusion mapping of mainly autosomal dom-inant disorders, where repeated chromosomeanalysis has failed to identify rearrangements.Such disorders might be expected to mapwithin the deletion non-viable or less viablepart of the genome. This was the case with twoof the most recently mapped disorders,R5T58587 and CMPD1 95Linkage mapping will be greatly eased by

the rapidly increasing numbers of highly poly-morphic microsatellites which can be analysedby the PCR technique. 173 In this context acontinuous registration and clinical follow upof subjects with known chromosome re-


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arrangements will become increasingly im-

portant. Whenever a disease has been mappedto a specific chromosome region, rapid rein-

vestigation of subjects carrying chromosomerearrangements within that region for keyclinical features may provide essential map-

ping and clinical data. This approach was usedsuccessfully to detectchoroideraemia 174 in a

patient with a previously reported Xq21 dele-tion, 175 and to show reduced nerve conduc-

tance velocity in a patient with a large visibleduplication encompassing the CMTIA locuson 17p.i10The rapid construction of complete YAC

and cosmid contigs176177 Will greatly facilitate

future mapping and isolation of specific dis-ease breakpoints/genes, for example, in com-

bination with in situ hybridisation techniques.The detection of rearrangements associatedwith mendelian diseases will therefore remainan important challenge for the clinical cyto-

geneticist. Many cytogenetic laboratories may

be discouraged from systematic studies by the

rarity of mendelian disorders and by the

expectation of a relatively low frequency ofassociated cytogenetic rearrangements. As hasbeen shown so convincingly in other fields ofhuman genome mapping, concerted actionwould be the logical way to ensure a systematicdetection of these highly valuable mutations inman.

This study was supported by the DanishCancer Society (89-059, 90-021), the Norwe-

gian Cancer Society, the Danish Medical Re-search Council (12-9292, 12-9744, 12-7414,5.17-.4.2.53), The Foundation of 1870, andthe Danish Biotechnology Research and De-velopment Programme 1991-95 (5.18.03).

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Appendix This appendix contains references not men-tioned in the text, listed alphabetically according to locus,including references to rearrangements included in tables 1and 2, and some selected key references. Locus specificcross references to the text are included.

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AIED Aland island eye disease'80ANCR Angelman syndrome (happy puppet)65"-22183 Williams CA, Zori RT, Stone JW, et al. Maternal origin of

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AN2 Aniridia 2'5 182445- 60128 16870ANK1 Spherocytosis type II (ankyrin defect)'84 Kimberling WJ, Fulbeck T, Dixon L, Lubs HA. Localiza-

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APC Adenomatous polyposis coli, incl Gardner syn-drome'7'

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BPES Blepharophimosis, ptosis, epicanthus inversussyndrome'

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CMPD1/SRAl Campomelic dysplasia/sex reversal,autosomal 194 97101

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DFN3 Deafness, conductive, with fixed stapes"'211 Reardon W, Roberts S, Phelps PD, et al. Phenotypicevidence for a common pathogenesis in X-linked deaf-ness pedigrees and in Xql3-q21 deletion related deaf-ness. Am J Med Genet 1992;44:513-17.

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