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Presentation JENGA II Project By Joseph Menakuntuala

GOAL: To sustainably reduce food insecurity among vulnerable households in FIZI, UVIRA and KALEHE, South Kivu Province of DRC

Overview of JENGA II

• Food insecure farming households with increased incomes


• Improved health and nutritional status of children under-5


• Increased women’s socio-economic empowerment in food insecure communities


• Strengthened community resilience to food security shocks


Through 4 Strategic Objectives:


Targeting 162,500 beneficiaries

31,968 Women

with CU5

2,664 Leader


60,000 Farmers (29% Men and 69% Women)

3,875 Women in WEG

64,263 Children Under Five


Ration Distributions

Homestead Garden IYCF & IMCI

Jenga II Interventions…

Watsan Committee

Feeding Sessions

Jenga II Interventions…

0 280 days 460 days

0 6 m


s old

24 m


s old

1,000 days

6 months 9 months 18 months

• ANC & PNC • Maternal Nutrition • Ration distribution to PLW and CU2 • Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices (IYCF) • Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) • Water, Sanitation and Hygiene • Garden Production


Outputs that lead to visible outcomes


Indicator Baseline value

Achieved (sept 2015)

% Change

Food Diversity Score for women

3.6 4.8 33%

Average child dietary diversity for children under five

2.5 5.2 108%

Prevalence of Wasting 2.8 0.7 75%

% of access to Safe Water 20% 61% 41 %

To strengthen women’s engagement in decision-making processes. To provide opportunities for women to access trainings, economic opportunities (IGA). To reduce their vulnerability to violence. To apply leadership skills to the well-being of their life, family, and community. To promote workload reduction techniques such as cassava slicing machine.

Women’s empowerment groups (WEG)

Outputs that lead to visible outcomes


Indicator Baseline value

Achieved (sept 2015)

% Change

% of women managing at least one of the IGA promoted by the project (beneficiaries)

29.9% 86.4% 56.5%

% of women trained in literacy and numeracy

20.5% 94% 73.5%

% of women engaged in decision-making in community- based organizations

7% 71.6% 64.6%

Improved health and nutrition of mothers and children

Changing and saving lives… “My husband and I were continually in disagreement on the way to space our children. These very tight birth intervals almost led to the death of my child in this photo. This child was enrolled into the food rations program and I participated in nutrition and health trainings. Thanks to JENGA II I have in my arms a new baby of one year and four months without pregnancy.” Sikitu Aimé showing her new baby

Better diets through gardening

• "I have been sensitized by the leader mothers. JENGA II gave me seeds and training on gardening techniques. At first I doubted and thought it was too hard. I did not know that this would help me to have vegetables for my family and surplus for sale. ” I get a profit of more than 20 000 FC after selling the surplus. ” Ms. Collectte said,

• Collette Selemani is one of the 2,664 LMs that benefited from the Homestead garden established by JENGA II

Women with increased control of household resources

“I am proud of my status in my Household, I feel like a real mother”

“I am married and have 7 children. I bake to generate income to sustain my family subsistence. In each cycle I am able to buy all the supplies needed and after sales I can get more than 50,000 Fc as profit. Its helping me to provide school fees for my 5 school-age children. This is also helping me to provide an appropriate diet for my children. Now I plan to rehabilitate my house.” Mrs. FAIDA JEANETTE WEG SALAMA/Uvira- Luvungi

“... Here in Lusenda the attendance of pregnant women to antenatal consultations was very low but since the mothers of the community are taught by the Leader mothers were are experiencing good performance of women attendance to antenatal services and childhood illnesses lowered.” M. LUMONA Prospere /Lusenda-Fizi Chief Nursing Lusenda’s heath centre

“ Even though I have no school qualification, now I know how to make soap and that was my dream! With this soap and the knowledge from the trainings, we keep ourselves and our children clean” Ms. Elange Esobe Locality: Kasakwa / Fizi

Improving management of childhood illnesses


Presentation JENGA II Project By Joseph Menakuntuala