Download - Memory Weak

  • 8/13/2019 Memory Weak


    Anacardium 30: Impaired memory, absentmindedness. Sudden loss of memory.

    Everything seem to be in a dream, patient is troubled about his Forgetfulness,

    confused, unfit for business, lack of confidence in himself and others.

    Dose : Once in days.

    Agnus castus 6, 30: !bsent minded, forgetful, cannot recollect, has to read a sentencet"ice before he can comprehend. #seful especially for those "ho become prematurely

    old aged due to abuse of se$ual po"er.

    Dose : Once in days.

    Argentum nitricum 30: %emory "eak, Errors of perception. &rematurely aged look.

    #seful especially to those "ho suffer from gastric affections "ith lot of belchings.

    Desire for cheese and salt.

    Dose : Once in days.

    Baryta carb 30, 200: 'oss of memory, mental "eakness, loss of confidence in him

    self. #seful in old people.

    Dose : Once in a "eek.

    Kali phos 6X: 'oss of memory, prostration, feeling of "eakness and tiresomeness.

    #seful "hen associated "ith nervous "eakness.

    Dose : Daily ( doses for a fe" days. %ay be alternated "ith )alc. phos *+.

    Staying focused and sharp at wor

    hile homeopathy is often used for chronic conditions, there are some remedies that are used

    in many common situations, such as -itters before an e$am or -ob intervie", poor

    concentration, e$haustion from over"ork, and eyestrain from prolonged computer use.

    Each homeopathic remedy has a uniue set of associated mental and physical symptoms/ a

    remedy is prescribed "hen its characteristic symptom picture matches "ith a person0s current

    symptoms. 1he follo"ing is a selected remedy list only. ! trained homeopath can select the

    most appropriate remedy for you.

    !er"ous before public speaing or e#ams

    !rgentum 2itricum

    Fear and apprehension brought on by anticipation before an important event, such as a

    business presentation, -ob intervie", or e$am. !n$ious at the thought of failure, "hich

    may cause s"eating, palpitations, or diarrhea.

    E$citable and may be irritable.

    Often have a slo"ly arising, pulsating headache that "orsens "ith nervous stress or

    mental e$ertion.

    Feel better in fresh, cool air.

  • 8/13/2019 Memory Weak


    For stage fright and severe an$iety before performances, e$ams, and -ob intervie"s.

    Feelings of "eakness, unable to face challenges, forgetful and cannot think and focus.

    Fears associated "ith trembling and 4butterflies in stomach4 feeling.

    Often have tension headache that "orsens "ith bright light or movement, chills,

    s"eating, and flushed face. %ay stammer or stutter.

    Feel "orse in heat, sun, or dampness.

    $oor %oncentration, Stress, and &"erwor

    2u$ 5omica

    Stress brought on by over"ork. 5ery irritable, impatient, and oversensitive.

    )raving for e$cess food, coffee, and other stimulants to 4keep up4.

    Feel much better after taking very brief naps. 6etter in "arm, humid environment.


    3ood remedy for memory and concentration difficulties, especially "hen brought on

    by over"ork, "orry, fear of failure, or fear of being over"helmed by "ork.

    Diligent and detail7oriented.

    Often lack physical and mental stamina and feel e$hausted. Freuently catch colds, flu

    and other infections during or after stressful periods.

    Feel "orse in cold or damp environment.

    8ali &hosphoricum

    %ental and physical e$haustion after stress or over"ork "ith feelings of inability tocope. 2ervous and oversensitive person "ho prefers to be alone.

    Short attention span, unable to concentrate, poor memory.

    Often have nervous digestive upsets and headaches at the back of the head "hich

    "orsens "ith mental e$ertion.

    Sensitive to cold/ better in "arm environment and after eating and rest.


    %ental stress causing an$iety. 'acks confidence and feels inferior around those

    perceived as more po"erful, yet may be assertive and domineering around family and

    those "ith less authority. 1aking on responsibility or commitment causing an$iety and "orry.

    9uge appetite/ gas and bloating that "orsens "ith even a small amount of food. Strong

    cravings for s"eets.

    'nability to rela# and o"er(stimulated mind


    Overactive mind.

    Insomnia "ith inability to rela$/ fitful sleep. armth, lying do"n, and cold drinks bring relief.
  • 8/13/2019 Memory Weak


    Onset is often related to sudden change of emotion.

    )yestrain and muscle stiffness

    uta 3raveolens

    Eyestrain caused by prolonged staring at a computer screen or reading fine print.

    Eyes burn, "ater, and feel tired and sore. Often leads to headaches.

    3eneral stiffness, "eakness, muscle aches throughout body, relieved by lying do"n.

    )hronic overuse of tendons and muscles from repetitive movements leading to

    e$treme stiffness of the arms and "rists.

    8eep in mind that homeopathic remedies should not be overused. ! lo"er potency ;*+, *),

    )? is suggested for most ne"ly arising physical conditions. 1he freuency

    and the dosage varies "ith each person, although one pellet is often recommended to start.

    Effects are not al"ays felt immediately/ ho"ever if there is no improvement, it may be not be

    the correct remedy.

    %ore 9omeopathy resourcesfrom your !lternative %edicine 3uide at !bout.