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AZTI-TecnaliaFood research

Tranforming science into business

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M+R+D+i+M =

Solutions for the client

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# The value of collaboration


New Food SprayAerovision





COLLABORATIONBasque Culinary CenterAquarium San Sebastián

ElikaUniversity of Basque


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# To build the best businessmodel oriented to the generation of valueWe create value and wealth

Investment in R+D+i

• AZTI-Tecnalia is in the 41st position among the Spanish companies investing in R+D+i activities. • It is placed 6th among the companies in the Basque Autonomous Community

(source: INE National Business Innovation Survey 2011 – out of a total of 20,487 companies)

We make a social and economic impact

Data on scientific production and knowledge generation in the Basque Autonomous Commu-nity (2010):

UPV/EHU (all Depts.) 67,1%Hospital of Cruces 7,4%Donostia Physics Center 5.9%Hospital of Donostia 3.9%Cooop. Inv. Centers. 3.4%Hospital of Basurto 3.1%AZTI-Tecnalia 2.2%Hospital of Txagorritxu 1.8%Mixed Center CSIC-UPV 1.4%

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Providing value to society

Generating knowledge

• 16 patents accumulated in 2012• 1,800 scientific publications.

1 publication / researcher / year• 30 books

30 years generating value

• € 204 million generated • € 44 million in tax revenue• Creation of 210 jobs and maintaining them / 30 years

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Providing value to society

Improvement in competitiveness in the Food Industry

Every 1€ invested by AZTI, mobilises 15€ in the food industry

• The companies that have collaborated with AZTI have generated in-vestments and activity worth € 419 million, and € 118 million in tax revenue.

• The projects set up have helped to create 714 jobs per year in the last 10 years and maintain them.

Contribution to the Sustainable Development of Marine and Maritime Sectors

Every 1€ invested by AZTI, mobilises 7€ in the fisheries sector

• Investments and economic activity in the sector of 143 million €, and 40 million € genera-ted in tax revenues.

• The projects set up have helped to create and maintain 243 jobs per year in the last 10 years.

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Providing value to society

9 New Technology-based Companies (NTBCs)

• 120 jobs created • Annual turnover of 35 million €• 26 million € devoted to investment

Social Responsibility. An Innovative Country

• 12 projects in developing Co-operation• 3,100 professionals trained• 460 micro SMEs benefiting in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Ecuador, Panama and Cuba

Transferring conocimiento

AZTI-Tecnalia has the commitment to Society to return scientific and technical knowledge ge-nerated in its activity and to contribute thus, towards improving the scientific culture in its im-mediate surroundings. This aim is achieved through its active, voluntary collaboration with the main institutions and public bodies, and through projects or initiatives in the sphere of culture and education, which are at the service of our society.

• over 330 scientific papers in specialised journals• 28 conferences and seminars held in the Basque Country with over 13,000 people attending

(40 % from abroad) over the last 5 years.

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Food research

Provides innovative solutions to the food industry to develop new products and technologies, creating the food of the future.

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# Food researchFive areas of research

We do research with a global, integrated vision of foodstuffs and the product, we respect the environment, and put the consumer first.

We contribute scientific knowledge, innovation and the technology development needed to tackle the changes that the food industry is facing.

Five areas of research:

• New food• Food quality and safety• Novel technologies• Food chain sustainability• Science and gastronomy

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# We invest to create the products and technologies of the future

BREAKTHROUGH innovations:

• capable of competing worldwide to build an innovative country

• providing a lever to be more com-petitive and to guarantee sustai-nability

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# New food

We offer the food industry integral solutions to develop new pro-ducts or improve existing ones.

We are specialised in the design of functional foodstuffs, food that is convenient or easy to prepare and products with new presenta-tions, textures, tastes, aromas, etc.

• Foodstuff components: characterization, production, functional effect (fatty acids, polyphenols, peptides).

• Foodstuffs with Nutritional and Health properties: nutritional profile, NovelFood legislation and health claims (obesity, bone health, cardiovascular health).Examples:sausage and dairy pro-ducts with fat substitute, incorporation of anti-hypertensive substances, probiotics, etc.

• Foodstuff design: Formulation of new products, intermediate foodstuffs, ready-to-serve dishes, restructuring of food matri-ces and similar (meat, surimi), etc.; legislation governing new products and validation of properties.

• Sensory analysis: Combination of ingredients for product design, sensory characterisation of products, determining consumer preferences, studies with consumers.

Café Fortaleza, Carrefour Award to the most innovative company organised with AZTI-Tecnalia’s collaboration in R+D+i.

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# Innovate to...

Open up new markets and extend the product range

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# Innovate to...

Create new products

Open up new markets and extend the product range

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# Food quality and safety. Differentiate oneself and improve quality

The monitoring of suppliers, raw materials and competitors, plus foodstuff traceability enable the standards of quality required by customers to be achieved, the products to be differentiated, the brand to be pushed; the best positio-ning in the most demanding markets.

• Monitoring systems: smart sensors, predicting food shelf life, authentication of foodstuffs and raw mate-rials.

• Food component safety and effectiveness. Evaluation of functional and toxic/altering effects.

Our genetic identification of species in foods has enabled us to perform genetic identification of fish products (tuna, hake, cod, anchovies…) or detection mandarin in orange juice.

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# Novel Technologies. Innovateto make production more flexible

AZTI-Tecnalia offers its integral services to the food industry to design, develop and validate new processes and technolo-

gies. It also offers advice on process automation.

It assists manufacturers of goods and equipment in vali-dating their technologies for the foodstuffs sector.

• Conservation and decontamination of foodstuffs • New technologies for transforming foodstuffs • On-line monitoring and classification of foodstuffs

State-of-the-art technologies for developing products and validating the

technologies that the future food industry will be using.

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# Food chain sustainability. Innovation in processesand products

We at AZTI-Tecnalia support the food industry in its sustainable develop-ment by applying measures to improve its environmental performance

and its economic and social development.

We work mainly in:

• Upgrading by-products: raw materials for human or animal con-sumption, or biofuels; optimization of by-product management • Ecodesign and environmental evaluation systems.• Clean, safe technologies: management of water and safe techno-logies and methodologies (ORP-Occupational Risk Prevention

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# Development in gastronomy, industry and research

The technology and methods used in laboratories have been redefined, and are being applied to culinary processes and in the development of new foodstuffs for the industry.

The interaction between science, technology and gastronomy has caused that creativity teams up with scientific knowledge:

• Agreement with Andoni Aduriz and the Muga-ritz restaurant

• Agreement with Pedro Subijana and the Akela-rre restaurant

• Agreement with J M Arzak and the Arzak res-taurant

EXPERIMENTAL KITCHEN: A creative space to develop technologies, validate

equipment and provide quality training

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# Quality certification and evaluationAn extensive range of analysis and testing services for food and the environment

At AZTI-Tecnalia, we provide services to companies, associations and other analysis control institutions throughout all their stages of production: raw

materials, production and finished product. We offer a wide range of analyses to verify compliance with current legislation as well as other specific requirements.

• Comparative analysis of products • Application of sensory analysis and the development of new pro-ducts • Detection of production problems

• Specification of shelf life • Fraud detection

• Determining specifications • Studies dealing with product acceptance on the market, and competi-

tion through sensory analysis • Counter analysis

• Checking of sterility • Study of waste discharge

• Characterisation of waste

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# Customised surveillance and alert serviceAZTI-Tecnalia studies the consumer and emerging trends in or-der to develop new concepts of innovative products. This high-value knowledge enables business strategy to be adjusted on the basis of actual market demands, thus anticipating these demands and detecting business opportunities and allowing initiatives relating to fo-odstuff R+D+i to be undertaken with fewer risks.

• Quantitative and qualitative consumerstudies – sensory science and food sociology

• Design of new product concepts – creativity sessions with experts in foodstuff R+D+i

• Trend identification and analysis – coolhunting (grassroots observation) and Nethunting (over the Internet)

• Market and technological studies of the present (surveillance) and of the future (foresight)

System of information alerts; creative workshops on trends, innovation and consumers; emerging disciplines in market research.

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# Open knowledge in research : openazti

AZTI-Tecnaliahas launched its openazti initiative which is seeking the participation of people and organisations who want to share ideas, solutions and patents relating to the marine and foodstuff spheres. The centre will be analysing the proposals received and will be exploring the development possibilities in order to showcase them. AZTI-Tecnalia has set itself the challenge whereby 10% of its R+D+i is based on ‘Open Innovation’ and the incorporation of external knowledge by 2015. With this project the R+D centre is aiming to lead the new generation of organisations devoted to research based on open, collaborative knowledge.

Anyone over 18 as well as other organisations, universities, companies and organisations linked to the marine and foodstuff sphere can participate in openazti by sending in a proposal of an idea, solution or patent through Through this innovative initiative, AZTI-Tecnalia is aiming to incorporate external knowledge and experience to tackle many of the challenges that the centre is facing on a day-to-day basis.

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HEADQUARTERS: Txatxarramendi ugartea, z/g48395 Sukarrieta (Bizkaia). Spain

Tel.: +34 94 657 40 00. Fax: +34 94 657 25 | | |

[email protected]

The generating of wealth in our immediate surroundings is a commitment made by all the people

who are part of AZTI-Tecnalia. Imagining the future every day is a challenge that we are passionate about

in our everyday activities: we aim to respond to the innovation and development that society is calling for.