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2. SAATCHI & SAATCHI THE LOVEMARKS COMPANY High Love High Respect BRANDS High Respect Low Love COMMODITIES Low Love Low Respect FADS High Love Low Respect 3. SAATCHI & SAATCHI THE LOVEMARKS COMPANY Metro Cash & Carry Marktkauf Billa Paterson Spar Sed'moj continent Real Mosmart Perekryostok Ramstor Auchan RespectRespect LoveLove (Love average = 4.76) (Respectaverage=5.89) Low Love Low Respect High Love Low Respect Low Love High Respect High Love High Respect (Love divide = 5.71) Carrefour not shown : small base less than 20 Supermarkets In Russia Based On Aware 4. SAATCHI & SAATCHI THE LOVEMARKS COMPANY Metro Cash & Carry Marktkauf Stranger Sensuous Auchan Ramstor Perekryostok Mosmart Real Sed'moj continent Spar Paterson Billa Trusting Nostalgic Family LovePassionate Love Authoritative Practical Relationship Close Friendship Romantic Love Superficial Casual Acquaintance Love & Hate Temporary Affair Hostile Distant Carrefour not shown : small base less than 20 Supermarkets In Russia Based On Brand Most Often 5. SAATCHI & SAATCHI THE LOVEMARKS COMPANY Assistants that cant assist If I can't find something, I ask the shop assistants, but normally this just generates a frown. They have no idea what is where, especially in large stores Olga Kuznetsova, 33, Moscow Questions paralyze the shop assistants Xploring Auchan 6. SAATCHI & SAATCHI THE LOVEMARKS COMPANY A downward spiral Im excited about going shopping when I leave my house, and when I arrive at the store and see all the stuff. But as it drags on I get bored and frustrated by the long wait in line, and finally the horror when I see how much it costs! Elena Korableva, 37, Moscow By the time I leave I wonder why I ever chose to come here. Xploring Metro 7. SAATCHI & SAATCHI THE LOVEMARKS COMPANY More stuff, more fun I like this store because of all the different product categories available here: car oil, DVDs, products for children. Its like a shopping playground Fedor Rodikov, 29, Moscow Bread is boring, but buying a film to watch that night makes it worth the trip Xploring Metro 8. SAATCHI & SAATCHI THE LOVEMARKS COMPANY Olga, 33, METRO: No toilet paper, time to go to Metro. Elena, 37, Auchan: The husband plays a critical role in hypermarket shopping driving to the store, handling the shopping cart, reaching items high on the shelf, carrying heavy items, packing the trunk so he gets a say in where we go Xploring The Preparation Phase 9. SAATCHI & SAATCHI THE LOVEMARKS COMPANY Xploring The Shopping Phase Fedor, 29, Auchan: Check-out is the worst partthe line takes forever, you could anyone be so slow? Elena, 37, Auchan: When I see the big promos in the store, I think to myself - why do I need these candies, we are not expecting guests? But then I thinkguests could come without warning, so 10. SAATCHI & SAATCHI THE LOVEMARKS COMPANY Xploring The Evaluation Phase Olga, 33, Auchan: Theres a feeling of satisfaction when you stock the shelves at home and realize you have everything you need to enjoy life Fedor, 29, Auchan: My reward for shopping is the joy and curiosity of my son when he goes through the bags at home. 11. SAATCHI & SAATCHI THE LOVEMARKS COMPANY Focuses on the shopping experience from the shoppers point of view Organizes and guides our approach to understanding shoppers and their experiences Identifies key barriers to purchasing Generates valuable insights into the shoppers choices, needs and desires Moves with the shopper through her cycle of planning, searching and selecting, until she makes her choice Helps determine any gaps in our understanding of the shopper and her experiences so we can conceptualize any further work we need to do Shopping Cycle 12. SAATCHI & SAATCHI THE LOVEMARKS COMPANY Because different store types serve different needs different items signal a visit to the store. The husband plays a critical role in hypermarket shopping People often talk themselves into buying promotional items to take advantage of savings Everyone has favorite sections electronics, entertainment, bed and bath that they browse, whether they need items or not, whenever the visit the store Check-out is boring and frustrating one of the worst aspects of the experience The shopping experience gets increasingly less enjoyable as it progresses Theres a feeling of satisfaction when they stock the shelves at home and realize they have everything they need to enjoy life. The diversity of items/sections at hypermarkets breaks the routine and makes visits to these stores more exciting than traditional stores Xploring Summary 13. SAATCHI & SAATCHI THE LOVEMARKS COMPANY Service is a major issue and an obvious opportunity for competitive advantage The diversity of items available makes Hypermarkets more stimulating than traditional stores communicating this aspect of our wide product range could be differentiating The shopping experience declines as it progresses finding a way to end on a high note, at the store or after they get home could drive loyalty (e.g. checkout/bag treats) People want an excuse to take advantage of promotions the right benefit claims at shelf should work harder than price promotion alone Xploring Conclusions 14. SAATCHI & SAATCHI THE LOVEMARKS COMPANY