Download - Meet Clara



The Author´s photo-bio-CV 


... is from Málaga, Spain and she...

photo by Andreas Solberg, in

has grown in the country in front of the sea.

She loves.....

her pets

know other cultures, cities and countries

(here in a norwegian fjord)

 nature nature

(she is owned up a documentary addicted)

reading and writing

(she had written some tales and short stories)

art, history and creativity

(she was studying 3 years in an Art Academy)

and of course the new technologies

She wanted study Veterinary.....

she also studied technician assistant veterinary,and was breeding puppies for 5 years

So she decided study the Bachellor of Science at 

 I.E.S Ben-al-Jatib,in Rincón de la Victoria, Málaga

It seems a prison, but it isn´t XD

photo by

also chemistry but it was very difficult pass ;-)

Her favourites subjects:Ecology

Enviromental SciencesBiology

Language and LiteratureFilosophy

But when she was training in a Veterinary Clinic...

she didn´t like it at all

photo by Miquel Vera in

Then she was thinking one year what exactly she liked... 

andfinally she realised...

 that she liked too much things...

she wanted...working in 

an innovative area,close to the knowledge,

close to people,sharing,creating,



traveling,and in 

an interdisciplinary framework with many possiblities...

Finally she realised that in an overloaded information society

the answer was... 

the Information Science and Knowledge Managment

Then she moved to Valencia, 700 km far away from home, to study for three


photo by in Ka13 in

in theUniversitat de Valènciathe  Diplomatura en 

Biblioteconomía y Documentación(2004-2007)

Librarian and Information Science bachellor 

She completed her studies there with a Practicum in the Museo Nacional de Cerámica de

Valencia (4 months) 

as analitic cataloguer in the specialised library

photo by modulor in

and 4 months part time working for the

 Asociación Española de Ceramología 

in their Bibliographical Database: 


as specialised researcher

Then very satisfied for her career she decided continue studying, and she moved to


to study theLicenciatura en Documentación(degree in Information Science)

Universidad de Granada 2008-2009

photo by pepesaura [old skool pride] in

As student the Universidad de Granada offered her

 a great opportunity to study abroad being an Erasmus Student!!!Looking at the long list of Erasmus destinations, taking into account many advices from friends

and teachers, she finally elected OSLO, in Norway. 

Then she moved to Norway for two semesters to

 live the Erasmus experience

studying at the HiO 

Oslo University College


wonderful country,wonderful weather,wonderful peopleand wonderful university!!!

There she also was working in a research about an evidence-based

Librarianship,a CTT study case, 

Counting the Traffic 

She is almost a graduated andcontinue wondering, as the first

time, about Information and Knowledge Management.

Her two blogs:Librarians in Troubles 

Bibliotecarios en Apuros 

And afterwards she is thinking still

about what and where continuing learning,

working and living.

Thank you for your visit!!

Contact:[email protected]