Download - MEDSLIK-II: Status and methodology for inclusion of upgrades in the model code M. De Dominicis.


MEDSLIK-II: Status and methodology for inclusion of upgrades in the model code M. De Dominicis OUTLINE MEDSLIK-II general description Status of the MEDSLIK-II development Toward MEDSLIK-II V1.02 MEDSLIK-II general description The oil spill model code MEDSLIK-II, based on its precursor oil spill model MEDSLIK is a freely available community model MEDSLIK-II uses a Lagrangian representation of the oil slick MEDSLIK-II predicts the transport and oil transformation processes due to complex physical processes occurring at the sea-water interface MEDSLIK-II includes a proper representation of high frequency currents, the wave induced currents and wind fields in the advective components of the Lagrangian trajectory model You can download it from: 200 Users have already registered to the MEDSLIK-II website! HOW TO USE THE CODE! Forecast of oil spill transport and transformation OCEANOGRAPHIC EULERIAN MODELS ( Currents, Sea Surface Temperature) MEDSLIK-II ADVECTION-DIFFUSION + TRANSFORMATION PROCESSES ATMOSPHERIC EULERIAN MODELS (Winds) Waves ADVECTION - DIFFUSION TRANSFORMATIONS Advection-diffusion is solved using a Lagrangian approach: the oil slick is discretized by PARTICLES, which are TRANSPORTED by the water currents, waves and the turbulent diffusion. Transformation processes are solved considering the entire slick volume, subdivided in a thin and thick part (Mackay, 1980). De Dominicis M., Pinardi N., Zodiatis G., and Lardner R.: MEDSLIK-II, a Lagrangian marine surface oil spill model for short-term forecasting Part 1: Theory, Geoscientific Model Development, 2013, 6, , doi: /gmd MEDSLIK-II as a full physics model The model solves the advection-diffusion-transformation equation: EULERIAN CURRENTS WIND CORRECTION WAVE CORRECTION TURBULENCE MFS Mediterranean Forecasting system (INGV) 1/16x1/16 ~ 6.5Km MEDSLIK-II V1.01 can use the currents fields provided by: EULERIAN CURRENTS WIND CORRECTION WAVE CORRECTION TURBULENCE AFS Adriatic Forecasting system (INGV) 1/45x1/45 ~ 2.2Km SCRM Sicilian Channel Regional Model (CNR-IAMC) 1/32x1/32, ~3.5 Km WMED Western Mediterranean Regional Model (CNR-IAMC) 1/32x1/32, ~3.5 Km Tyrrhenian Sea Model (ENEA) 1/48x1/48, ~2 Km Relocatable model (INGV) Km INPUT data: ocean models Status of the MEDSLIK-II development Software Environment, Documentation and website: Set up of the final V1.01 Medslik-II code to disseminate as open source and finalize the manual (INGV) DONE October 2012 Set up the public license (INGV) DONE October 2012 Implement the MEDSLIK II web site, this consists of: home page with brief model overview, page with theory description, download area, documentation area, contact page, agreement description page (INGV/CMCC) DONE October 2012 and regularly updated Set up the mailing list of the MEDSLIK-II users -> useful for code debugging (INGV) DONE Set up the software tool for versioning (INGV) TO BE DONE EXE INPUT DATA FILES: medslik_inputfile.txt medslik5.par SOURCE CODE: medslik_II.for Extract_II.for codes.h jday.f lat_lon.for medslikYYYY.inp medslikYYYY.tmp VISUALIZATION: /medslik_plots TEST CASES: /test_cases DATA Meteo-Oceanographic data sub-folders SCRITPS and EXECUTABLES: Extract_II.exe medslik_II.exe lat_lon.exe jday /data oilbase.txt TEMPORARY FILES: /fcst_data medslik5.inp medslik.tmp oil_file.txt initial.txt Extract.log makefetch.log medslik.log status.txt yyyymmdd_hh.rso (restart file) OUTPUT: /output Versioning software: GIT More documentation:Tutorial:Download:Distributed version control diagram. Versioning software: GIT Status of the MEDSLIK-II development Research and development: Scientific papers with the model description PUBLISHED November 2013 Code debugging and cleaning ALWAYS ONGOING Coupling of the model with the MyOCEAN MED analysis (daily) (INGV) DONE Coupling of the model with the MyOCEAN MED forecast (hourly) (INGV) DONE Reorganization of the trajectory code (non included in V1.01) according to the oil spill code (INGV) DONE Research and development: Study and implementation of higher order numerical integration scheme. (INGV) TO BE DONE Coupling with operational wave models (INGV) ONGOING Update of the visualization software (CMCC) TO BE DONE Off-line coupling MEDSLIK-II to the ocean regional model (TSCRM) (CNR- IAMC) ONGOING Off line coupling MEDSLIK-II to the high resolution atmospheric model (Skiron) (CNR-IAMC) TO BE DONE Off-line coupling MEDSLIK-II-coastal model (SHYFEM), focusing on the internal interpolation and the coastal boundaries (CNR-IAMC) TO BE DONE Research on code performance improvements (OC-UCY) TO BE DONE Rewriting of the code in Fortran 90 (INGV/OC-UCY) TO BE DONE Status of the MEDSLIK-II development UNIBO Achilleas Samaras Oil/shoreline interactions UNIBO Augusto Sepp Neves Oil hazard mapping/Global MEDSLIK-II And many others contacted me for assistance: Cranfield University (UK) La Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) University of Hamburg (Germany) Unituscia (Italy) Laboratoire d'Analyses de Surveillance et d'Expertise de la Marine (LASEM) (France) Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada) Fluid Dynamix (USA) Lige university (Belgium) Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics Foundation for Research and Technology (Greece) Dept. of Marine Sciences University of the Aegean (Greece) ACTIVE USERS Toward MEDSLIK-II V1.02 -Version control software implementation. -Enlarge the dataset to be used for validation of the model by the users (all the data used in the papers should be available on the website). Starting from the INGV debugged version, the MEDSLIK-II V1.02 will include: Improvements of the beaching processes Coupling with the wave models Coupling with the MyOcean MED data The trajectory code (?) Improvement of particle numerical integration scheme Development of 3-D trajectories Deep source of spill + 3D transformation processes Back-tracking Coupling with high resolution wind forcing Coupling with finite element eulerian models Coupling with wave models Langrangian turbulent diffusion parametrization Multi model approach Other substances Oil/dispersants interactions Oil database Coastal types Risk mapping Assimilation (forcings fields) POSSIBLE FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS