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In dictionary, Meditation means to think, to

reflect, to ponder, or to contemplate.

In Psychology, it is a learned technique for

focusing attention that brings about an altered

state of consciousness.

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HistoryThe history of Meditation dates all the way back to ancient times. A meditation technique that is called “tantra” was practiced 5000 of years ago. Since 500 BC Buddha was believed to be the major proponent of meditation and most famous meditation icons in both past and present time. His teachings became popular and spread throughout neighboring countries.

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• It can give a sense of calm, peace and balance that benefits one’s emotional well-being as well as overall health. • It can take away stress, anxiety, depression and improve certain medical conditions such as arthritis, lupos, high blood pressure, etc..• It can improve sleep since meditation allows the body to release more alpha waves.• Helps concentration by improving memory and learning.• Lower risk of developing sickness because it can improve the body’s immune system.

Benefits of Meditation

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Transcendental Meditation (TM) – is a method of relaxing the body and silently repeating the “mantra” a word , sound or syllable from the Hindu Scriptures. They practice this technique before meals 15-20 minutes twice daily while sitting with eyes closed.

Types of Meditation

Yoga - this type of meditation means “to join or yoke together”, it brings the body and mind together in unity. People use the yoga exercise to achieve their goal of isolation of the soul from the body and mind.