Download - Medicine 2.3c Reflex Testing



    2.3-C August 11, 2014

    PLM CM Dr. Guzman

    Legend: normal text lecture/old trans; Bates italics; transers notes red text.


    Steps in the Diagnosis of Neurologic Diseases: 1. Mental Status Exam 2. Gait and Station

    3. Cranial Nerves 4. Motor System 5. Coordination 6. Reflexes 7. Sensation 8. Head and Neck

    9. Spine and Skin


    Also muscle stretch reflex Monosynaptic (e.g., DTR of arms and legs) involves one

    afferent (sensory) and one efferent (motor) neuron across a single synapse

    Simplest unit of sensory and motor function

    Relayed over structures of both central and peripheral nervous systems


    You can remember them easily by their numerical sequence in ascending order from ankle to triceps: S1-L2, L3, L4-C5, C6, C7.

    Ankle reflex Sacral 1 primarily

    Knee reflex Lumbar 2,3,4

    Supinator (brachioradialis) reflex

    Cervical 5,6

    Biceps reflex Cervical 5,6

    Triceps reflex Cervical 6,7


    1. Briskly tap tendon of partially stretched muscle 2. Activation of Special Sensory Fibers 3. Sensory impulse travels to spinal cord via a peripheral

    nerve 4. Stimulated sensory fiber synapses with anterior horn cell

    that innervates the same muscle 5. Impulse crosses neuromuscular junction 6. Muscle contraction

    For the reflex to occur, all components of reflex arc must be intact: sensory nerve fibers, spinal cord synapse, motor nerve fibers, neuromuscular junction, and muscle fibers.


    Tendons: connects muscles and bones, usu. crossing a joint

    Muscle contracts tendon pulls on bone attached structure moves

    Striking of tendon by reflex hammer stretch receptors sends impulse to spinal cord via sensory nerves impulse transmitted across a synapse to a lower motor neuron impulse travels down from LMN to target muscle


    Pointed end: for striking small areas

    Flat end: for larger areas

    Larger hammers have weighted heads. Raise approximately 10cm from the target then release to hit tendon with adequate force

    Smaller hammers should be swung loosely bet. forefinger and thumb

    Striking the area should not elicit pain


    Used if reflexes are symmetrically diminished or absent

    Involves isometric contraction of other muscles for up to 10 secs

    Increases reflex activity o In testing arm reflexes: ask pt to clench teeth or

    squeeze one thigh with the opposite hand.

    o JENDRASSIK MANEUVER: In leg reflexes: ask to lock fingers and pull one hand against the other. Tell patient to pull just before you strike the tendon.

    1. Have patient relax. Position limbs properly and symmetrically (Neutral Position: not stretched or relaxed)

    2. Hold reflex hammer loosely bet. thumb and index finger, so it swing freely in an arc.

    3. Relax your wrist, strike briskly using a rapid movement.

    4. Note speed, force and amplitude of the reflex response. Grade the response using the scale below.

    5. Always compare the response of both sides/extremities.

    If having trouble locating tendon ask patient to contract the muscle to which it is attached muscle contracts look and feel for the cord-like tendon (e.g., In identifying the Biceps tendon: ask to flex the forearm to contract the Biceps muscle)


    Bates: 4+ Very brisk, hyperactive, with clonus (rhythmic

    oscillations between flexion and extension)

    3+ Brisker than average; possibly but not necessarily indicative of disease

    2+ Average; normal

    1+ Somewhat diminished; low normal

    0 No response

    Lecture: Sabi ni Doc di raw ito gagamitin, para lang daw aware tayo na meron ding scale na hanggang 5+ 5+ Markedly hyperactive with sustained clonus

    4+ Markedly hyperactive with transient clonus

    3+ Increased; maybe normal or pathologic

    2+ Normal

    1+ Decreased but present (hyporeflexia)

    0 Absent; no evidence of contraction

    Hyperactive reflex (Hyperreflexia): seen in CNS lesions along descending corticospinal tract o Look for associated UMN findings of weakness,

    spasticity and (+) Babinski sign

    Hypoactive or absent reflexes (hyporeflexia/areflexia): diseases of spinal nerve roots, spinal nerves, plexuses, or peripheral nerves. o Look for associated findings of lower motor unit

    disease weakness, atrophy, fasciculations


    Ankle Reflex (S1-2 Sciatic Nerve)

    Also Achilles reflex Achilles tendon: taut, discrete, cord-like structure from

    heel to muscles of the calf

    Primarily S1

    1. Best position: Seated, feet dangling over edge of exam table

    2. Other positions: Supine, Crossing one leg over the other (figure of 4/frog-type)

    3. If unable to locate tendon, ask patient to plantar flex the foot

    4. Strike. 5. Calf must be exposed to see muscle contraction

    Normal response: Plantar Flexion (Gastrocnemius Contraction)



    2.3-C August 11, 2014

    PLM CM Dr. Guzman

    If pt is sitting: dorsiflex foot at the ankle

    Note speed of relaxation after muscular contraction

    Slowed relaxation phase of reflexes in hypothyroidism is oftenly seen and felt in ankle reflex

    CLONUS. If reflexes seem hyperactive, test for ankle clonus

    1. Support knee in partly flexed position. 2. With your other hand, dorsiflex and plantar flex

    the foot a few times while encouraging the patient to relax

    3. Sharply dorsiflex the foot and maintain it in dorsiflexion.

    4. Look and feel for rhythmic oscillations between dorsiflexion and plantar flexion.

    o In most normal people, the ankle does not react to this stimulus. A few clonic beats may be seen and felt, especially when the patient is tense or has exercised

    o Clonus may also be elicited at other joints. A sharp downward displacement of the patella, for example, may elicit patellar clonus in the extended knee.

    o Sustained clonus indicates central nervous system disease. The ankle plantar flexes and dorsiflexes repetitively and rhythmically.

    o When clonus is present, the reflex is graded 4+

    Knee/Patellar Reflex (L3-4 Femoral Nerve)

    Bates: Knee reflex (L2, L3, L4)

    1. Position: Seated feet dangling 2. Identify tendon: thick, broad band of tissue

    extending down the knee cap 3. If unable to locate, ask to extend the knee to

    contract quadriceps. Or place index finger on top of the knee, then strike the finger to transmit the impulse

    4. If in supine, support the back of thigh with hands so the knee is flexed and quads are relaxed

    Normal response: Extension of knee (contraction of Quads)

    Pt may be sitting or lying down as long as knee is flexed

    Hand on pts anterior thigh lets you feel this reflex Two methods when examing supine pt:

    o Supporting both knees at once (left picture below)- to assess small differences between knee reflexes by repeatedly testing one reflex and then the other

    o Rest supporting arm under the pts leg (Right picture below)

    Brachioradialis Reflex (C5-6 Radial Nerve)

    Supinator reflex

    1. Position: Seated, lower arm resting on pts lap

    2. Tendon cant be seen or well palpated. It crossed the radius approx. 10cm proximal to the wrist.

    3. Strike. Normal response: Elbow flexion and supination of forearm (palm upward)

    Pts hand should rest on abdomen or lap, w/ forearm partly pronated -> strike radius with point or flat edge of reflex hammer, about 1 to 2 inches above the wrist.

    Biceps Reflex (C5-6 Musculocutaneous Nerve)

    1. Two ways of positioning: pts arm in his/her lap to form an angle slightly >90 at elbow OR support pts arm in yours. Your thumb must be directly over the biceps tendon.

    2. If arm is supported, place thumb on the tendon and strike it.

    3. If unsupported, place index or middle finger firmly against tendon, then strike.

    Normal response: Elbow flexion

    Pts arm should be partially flexed at the elbow with palm down

    Triceps Reflex (C7-8 Radial Nerve)

    Bates: triceps reflex (C6, C7)

    1. Two possible positions: form a right angle at the shoulder. Lower arm should be dangling directly downward. OR. Have pt place hands on hips

    2. Triceps tendon extends across elbow to the back of the upper arm

    3. If arms are on hips: arm will not move, but muscle should shorten vigorously

    Normal response: lower arm to extend at elbow and swing away from body

    pt may be sitting or supine flex pts arm at elbow, w/ palm toward the body, and pull it slightly across the chest



    2.3-C August 11, 2014

    PLM CM Dr. Guzman


    Reflex Segment How to Elicit Normal Response

    Pectoralis reflex

    C5-T1 Have pt elevate arm place fingers of your left hand upon pts shoulders with your thumb extended downwards strike your thumb directly slightly upward toward pts axilla

    Muscle contraction seen or felt

    Pronator reflex

    C6-C7 Grasp pts hand hold it vertically so the wrist is suspended from the medial side strike distal end of radius directly with horizontal blow

    Pronation of forearm

    Upper abdominal

    muscle reflex

    T8-T9 Tap muscles directly near their insertions on the costal margins and xiphoid process


    Mid- abdominal

    muscle reflex

    T9-T10 Tapping an overlaid finger


    Lower abdominal

    muscle reflex

    T11-T12 Tap muscle insertion directly near symphysis pubis

    Adductor reflex

    L2-L4 Supine, lower limbs slightly abducted Tap directly the Adductor magnus just proximal to its insertion on the medial epicondyle of the femur

    Thigh adduction

    Hamstring reflex

    L4-S2 Supine, hips and knees flexed at

    90, thigh rotated slightly outward Place left hand under popliteal fossa to compress medial hamstring

    Knee flexion, contraction of medial mass of hamstring


    Disorders of the Sensory


    Prevent or delay transmission of impulse to the spinal cord

    causes hyporeflexia or arreflexia

    Clinical example: Diabetes-induced peripheral neuropathy

    Abnormal LMN


    hyporeflexia to arreflexia

    example: transection of peripheral motor

    neuron 2 to trauma reflexes dependent on this nerve will be absent

    Complete resection of


    traumatic spinal cord injury

    arc receiving input from this nerve

    becomes disinhibited hyperreflexia immediately after such injury

    hyporeflexia, hyperreflexia develops after several weeks

    also seen in death of the cell body of the UMN (located in the brain), as occurs with a stroke affecting motor cortex of brain

    Primary disease of NMJ or the

    muscle itself

    results to loss of reflexes, disease at target organ/muscle precludes movement

    Systemic disease states

    direct toxicity to a specific limb of the system

    poorly controlled diabetes peripheral sensory neuropathy

    extremes of thyroid disorder also affects reflexes (mechanism unknown)

    Hyperthyroidism hyperreflexia Hypothyroidism hyporeflexia

    Detection of an abnormal reflex (hyper/hypo/arreflexia) does not necessarily tell which limb of the system is broken or what might be causing the dysfunction.

    Impaired sensory input or abnormal motor nerve function decreased reflexes

    Only by considering all of the findings, together with the rate of progression, pattern of distribution (unilateral, bilateral, etc.) and other medical conditions can the clinician make educated diagnostic inferences about the results generated during reflex testing


    If unable to elicit reflex: consider the following: o Are you striking the correct place? confirm by

    observing and palpating the appropriate region while asking pt to perform an activity that causes the muscle to shorten to make the tendon more apparent

    o Make sure that the hammer strike is falling directly on the appropriate tendon if plenty of surrounding soft tissue (dampens force of strike), place a finger firmly on the tendon and use that as target

    o Make sure that the muscle is uncovered so that you can see any contraction occasionally, the force of the reflex is not sufficient to move the limb

    o Sometimes, the patient is unable to relax inhibits the reflex even if pt is neurologically intact. If this occurs, use REINFORCEMENT.

    o Occasionally, it will not be possible to elicit reflexes, even when no neurological disease exists most commonly due to inability to relax. Absence of reflex is of no clinical consequence, assuming that you were thorough in the history taking, used appropriate examination techniques, and identified no evidence of disease


    Direct Pupillary Reaction to Light

    bright light is shone upon the retina iris constricts

    Consensual Pupillary Reaction to Light

    stimulation of one retina contralateral constriction of the pupil

    Ciliospinal Reflex pinching the skin of the back of neck papillary dilatation

    Corneal Reflex touching the cornea blinking of the eyelids

    Orbicularis Oculi Reflex retina is exposed to bright light eyelids close

    Auditocephalogyric Reflex

    loud sound head and eyes turn to source

    Jaw Reflex mouth is partially opened and the muscles relaxed + tapping the chin the jaw to close.



    2.3-C August 11, 2014

    PLM CM Dr. Guzman

    The reflex center is in the midpons

    Gag Reflex pharynx is stroked gagging. The reflex center is in the



    Have reflex arcs whose receptor organs are in the skin rather than in the muscle fibers

    Adequate stimulus is stroking, scratching, or touching

    These reflexes are lost in disease of the pyramidal tract

    Superficial Reflexes

    Reflex Segment Procedure &

    Expected Response

    Upper abdominal skin


    T5-T8 Bates: T8-T10

    With patient supine, stroke the

    skin with blunt handle towards

    the midline

    Ipsilateral contraction of

    muscles or umbilical deviation

    towards the stimulated side

    Mid abdominal skin reflex


    Lower abdominal skin


    T11-T12 Bates: T10-T12

    Cremasteric reflex


    Stroke the inner aspect of the thigh

    from the pubis distad

    Prompt elevation of the testis on the

    ipsilateral side

    Plantar reflex L4-S2

    Bates: L5, S1

    Stroke the sole near its lateral

    aspect from the heel towards toes

    Plantar flexion of

    the toes

    Superficial anal reflex

    L1-L2 Bates: S2-S4

    Stroke the skin of the perianal region

    External anal

    sphincter contracts

    Glabellar reflex Corticopontine

    Lightly tap the forehead between the eyebrows with

    the fingers

    (ABNORMAL) Persistent

    blepharospasm and closing of the


    Snout reflex Corticopontine

    Tap the nose

    (ABNORMAL) Excessive

    grimace of the face

    Sucking reflex Frontal cortex

    Stroke the lip with the finger or a

    tongue depressor

    (ABNORMAL) Lips pout and make sucking movements

    *Present in infants

    but disappears after weaning; reappears in

    diffuse lesions of

    the frontal lobe and commonly

    noted in dementias

    Chewing reflex Frontotemporal


    Place a tongue depressor in the


    (ABNORMAL) Chewing

    movement of the teeth and jaw

    *Seen in

    dementia, general paresis, and

    anoxic encephalopathy



    A.k.a hallucal dorsiflexion reflex

    Test used to assess upper motor neuron dysfunction

    1. The patient may either sit or lie supine. 2. Start at the lateral aspect of the foot, near the heel.

    Apply steady pressure with the end of the hammer as you move up towards the ball (area of the metatarsal heads) of the foot.

    3. When you reach the ball of the foot, move medially, stroking across this area.

    4. Test the other foot.

    Normal response: the first movement of the great toe should be downwards (i.e., plantar flexion) Upper Motor injury: (e.g., spinal cord injury or stroke): great toe will dorsiflex and the remainder of the other toes will fan out

    Some patients find this test to be particularly noxious/uncomfortable. Tell them what you are going to do and why. If its unlikely to contribute important information (e.g., screening exam of the normal patient) and they are quite averse, simply skip it.

    Newborns normally have a positive Babinski which usually goes away after about 6 months

    Sometimes you will be unable to generate any response, even in the absence of disease. Responses must, therefore, be interpreted in the context of the rest of the exam.

    For reasons of semantics, Babinski is not recorded as + or -

    Withdrawal of the entire foot (due to unpleasant stimulation), is not interpreted as a positive response


    Stroke the patients palm so he/she grasps your index finger

    If present, the patient cannot release the fingers; lesions of the premotor cortex


    Have patient present pronated hand with fingers extended and relaxed

    With your thumb, press his/her fingernails to flex the terminal digit and stretch the flexor



    2.3-C August 11, 2014

    PLM CM Dr. Guzman

    Abnormal response: flexion and adduction of thumb


    Have patient present his/her supinated hand with thumb relaxed and abducted

    Grasp the ring finger and firmly flex the metacarpophalangeal joint

    Normal response: adduction and apposition of the thumb


    Aka Radovicis sign Vigorous scratching or pricking of the thenar eminence

    causes ipsilateral contraction of the muscles of the chin


    Testing for these signs is important if you suspect meningeal inflammation from meningitis or subarachnoid hemorrhage

    Nuchal rigidity

    Patient cannot place the chin upon the chest

    Passive flexion of the neck is limited by involuntary muscle


    Spinal rigidity Movements of the spine are limited by spasms of erector


    Kernigs sign

    With patient supine, passively flex the hip to 90 while the knee is flexed at

    about 90

    Attempts to extend the knee produce pain in the

    hamstring and resistance

    Bates: pain and increased resistance to extending the knee are a positive Kernigs


    Brudzinskis sign

    With patient supine and the limbs extended, passively

    flex the neck

    Produces involuntary flexion of the hips

    Bates: flexion of both the

    hips and knees is a positive Brudzinkis sign

    ^Parang hindi naman lahat ito Reflex? :/ Pero dito siya included sa lecture, so


    While compiling information generated from the motor and sensory examination, the clinician tries to identify patterns of dysfunction the will allow him/her to determine the location of the lesion(s). What follows is one way of making clinical sense of neurological findings.

    Is there evidence of motor dysfunction (e.g., weakness, spasticity, tremor)?

    o If so, does the pattern follow an upper motor neuron or lower motor neuron pattern?

    o If its consistent with a UMN process (e.g., weakness with spasticity), does this appear to occur at the level of the spinal cord or the brain?

    - Complete cord lesions: affect both sides of the body

    - Brain level problems: affect one side

    - It is, of course, possible for a lesion to affect only one part of the cord, leading to findings that lateralize to one side.

    o Is it consistent with a LMN process (e.g., weakness with flaccidity)? Does the weakness follow a specific distribution (e.g., following a spinal nerve root or peripheral nerve distribution)? Bilateral? Distal?

    Do the findings on reflex examination support a UMN or LMN process (e.g., hyperreflexic in UMN disorders and hyporeflexic in LMN disorders)?

    Do the findings on Babinski testing (assuming the symptoms involve the lower extremities) support the presence of a UMN lesion?

    Is there impaired sensation? Some disorders, for example, affect only the upper or lower motor pathways, sparing sensation.

    Which aspects of sensation are impaired? Are all of the ascending pathways (e.g., spinothalamic and dorsal columns) affected equally, as might occur with diffuse/systemic disease?

    Does the loss in sensation follow a pattern suggestive of dysfunction at a specific anatomic level? For example, is it at the level of a spinal nerve root? Or more distally, as would occur with a peripheral nerve problem?

    Does the distribution of the sensory deficit correlate with the correct motor deficit, assuming one is present? Radial nerve compression, for example, would lead to characteristic motor and sensory findings.


    This is just Bates based. Please refer to preceding pages for those from the lecture/ those not found here.

    Deep Tendon Reflex Spinal Levels

    Biceps reflex C5-C6




    Triceps Reflex C6-C7

    Knee Reflex L2-L4

    Ankle Reflex Primarily S1

    Cutaneous Stimulation


    Spinal Levels

    Abdomen above umbilicus T8-T10

    Abdomen below umbilicus T10-T12

    Plantar Response L5-S1

    Anal Reflex S2-S4
