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  • 8/13/2019 Medical Missionary




  • 8/13/2019 Medical Missionary


    The Greatest

    Medical BookEver Written.

    (Ps. 100:3 KJV) Know ye that the

    LORD he is God: it is he that hath

    made us, and not we ourselves; weare his people, and the sheep of his

    pasture .


  • 8/13/2019 Medical Missionary


    The Owners Manual

  • 8/13/2019 Medical Missionary


    Godly Trust Genesis 2:17

    Open Air Genesis 1:6,7

    Daily Exercise Genesis 2:15

    Sunshine Genesis 1:16

    Proper Rest Genesis 2:3Lots of Water Genesis 2:10

    Always Temperate Genesis 2:16,17

    Nutrition Genesis 1:29

    Thy hands have fashioned me and made me. Give me

    understanding and I shall keep thy commandments.Psalm 119:73


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    Presently wherever we turn we are surrounded by the

    latest news reports of terrorist threats, natural disasters,

    global problems etc and now the new buzz word,


    For the student of prophecy however such things should

    not come as a surprise, for the Bible as well as our counsel

    from our Churchesend time prophet, Sister Ellen G.

    White already fore warned us about such impendingdangers. Men' s hearts fail ing them for fear, and for

    looking after those things which are coming on the earth.

    [Lk 21:26 ; Maranatha p25]

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    In our sanitariums, we advocate the use of simple

    remedies. We discourage the use of drugs, for they poison

    the current of the blood. In these institutions sensibleinstruction should be given on how to eat, how to drink,

    how to dress, and how to live so that the health may be

    preserved.Counsels on Diet and Foods, 303.


    Many act as if health and disease were things entirely

    independent of their conduct, and entirely outside their

    control. . . Violent attacks of sickness they believe to be

    special dispensations of Providence, or the result of some

    overruling, mastering power; and they resort to drugs as a

    cure for the evil. But the drugs taken to cure the disease

    weaken the system.Medical Ministry, 296-297.

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    Physicians, by administering their drug poisons, have done very much

    to increase the depreciation of the race, physically, mentally, and

    morally. Everywhere you go you will see deformity, disease and

    imbecility, which in very many cases can be traced directly back to thedrug poisons, administered by the hand of a doctor, as a remedy for

    some of lifes ills. The so-called remedy has fearfully proved itself to

    the patientby stern suffering experienceto be far worse than the

    disease for which the drug was taken. All who possess commoncapabilities should understand the wants of their own system. The

    philosophy of health should compose one of the important studies for

    our children. It is all-important that the human organism be

    understood, and then intelligent men and women can be their own

    physicians. If the people would reason from cause to effect, and would

    follow the light which shines upon them, they would pursue a course

    which would insure health, and mortality would be far less. But the

    people are too willing to remain in inexcusable ignorance, and trust

    their bodies to the doctors, instead of having any special responsibility -

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    Instead of taking a course to baffle disease, you arepetting it and yielding to its power. You should avoid

    the use of drugs and carefully observe the laws of

    health. If you regard your life, you should eat plainfood, prepared in the simplest manner, and take

    more physical exercise. Each member of the family

    needs the benefits of health reform. But drugging

    should be forever abandoned. For while it does not

    cure any malady, it enfeebles the system, making it

    more susceptible to disease.5 Testimonies, 311.

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    Drugs always have a tendency to break down and destroy vital forces,

    and nature becomes so crippled in her efforts, that the invalid dies,

    not because he needed to die, but because nature was outraged. If she

    had been left alone, she would have put forth her highest efforts tosave life and health.Medical Ministry, 223.


    When you understand physiology in its truest sense, your drug billswill be very much smaller, and finally you will cease to deal out drugs

    at all. The physician who depends upon drug medication in his

    practice, shows that he does not understand the delicate machinery of

    the human organism. He is introducing into the machinery of the

    system a seed crop that will never lose its destroying properties

    throughout the lifetime. I tell you this because I dare not withhold it.

    Christ paid too much for mans redemption to have his body so

    ruthlessly treated as it has been by drug medication.2 Selected

    Messages, 283-284.

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    Although the patient may recover, yet thepowerful effort nature was required to make

    to overcome the poison, injured the

    constitution and shortened the life of thepatient. There are many who do not die under

    the influence of drugs, but there are very many

    who are left useless wrecks, hopeless, gloomy,and miserable sufferers, a burden to

    themselves and to society.How to Live, 50.

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    And Jesus went about all the cities and villages,

    teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the

    gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness

    and every disease among the people. But when He

    saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassionon them, because they fainted, and were scattered

    abroad, as sheep having no shepherd. Then saith He

    unto His disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous,but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the Lord

    of the harvest, that He will send forth labourers into

    His harvest.Matthew 9:35-38.

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    The disciples were to have the same power which Jesus had

    heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease

    mong the people. By healing in His name the diseases of the

    ody, they would testify to His power for the healing of theoul . . Thus Christ gave His disciples their commission. He

    ade full provision for the prosecution of the work, and took

    pon Himself the responsibility for its success. So long as they

    beyed His Word, and worked in connection with Him, theyould not fail. Go to all nations, He bade them. Go to the

    rthest part of the habitable globe, but know that My

    resence will be there. Labor in faith and confidence, for the

    ime will never come when I will forsake you. The Saviours

    ommission to the disciples included all the believers. It

    cludes all believers in Christ to the end of time.Desire of

    ges, 821-822.

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    Christ stands before us as the pattern Man, the great

    Medical Missionaryan example for all who would come

    after.Welfare Ministry, 53. And Jesus went about all

    Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching thegospel of the kingdom, and healing all manner of sickness

    and all manner of disease among the people; and His fame

    went throughout all Syria. And they brought unto Him all

    sick people that were taken with divers diseases andtorments, and those which were possessed with devils, and

    those which were lunatic, and those that had the palsy; and

    He healed them. And there followed Him great multitudes

    of people from Galilee, and Decapolis, and from Jerusalem,

    and from Juda, and from beyond Jordan.Matthew 4:23-


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    Gods people are to be genuine medical missionaries. They

    are to learn to minister to the needs of soul and body. They

    should know how to give the simple treatments that do so

    much to relieve pain and remove disease. They should befamiliar with the principles of health reform, that they may

    show others how, by right habits of eating, drinking, and

    dressing, disease may be prevented and health regained. A

    demonstration of the value of the principles of healthreform will do much toward removing prejudice against our

    evangelical work. The Great Physician, the originator of

    medical missionary work, will bless every one who will go

    forward humbly and trustfully, seeking to impart the truth

    for this time.Welfare Ministry, 127.

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    As religious aggression subverts the liberties of our

    nation, those who would stand for freedom of

    conscience will be placed in unfavorable positions.

    For their own sake, they should, while they have

    opportunity become intelligent in regard to disease,

    its causes, prevention, and cure. And those who do

    this will find a field of labor anywhere. There will besuffering ones, plenty of them, who will need help,

    not only among those of our own faith, but largely

    among those who know not the truth. The shortnessof time demands an energy that has not been

    aroused among those who claim to believe the

    present truth.Counsels on Health, 506

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    THE RIGHT HAND TO OPEN DOORSMedical missionary

    work is the right hand of the gospel. It is necessary to the

    advancement of the cause of God. Every city is to be entered

    by workers trained to do medical missionary work. As theright hand of the third angels message, Gods methods of

    treating disease will open doors for the entrance of present

    truth.7 Testimonies, 59.

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    Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise, proper

    diet, the use of water, trust in divine powerthese are the

    true remedies. Every person should have a knowledge of

    natures remedial agencies and how to apply them. It isessential both to understand the principles involved in the

    treatment of the sick and to have a practical training that

    will enable one rightly to use this knowledge. We cannot be

    too often reminded that health does not depend on chance.It is a result of obedience to law.

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    Give ear to His commandments, & keep all His statutes, I

    will put none of these diseases upon thee Ex 15:26

    N A G d ll d 10 C d k h ill b

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    Now As Gods called out 10 Commandment keepers, how will we be

    able to point others towards them if we ourselves are in violation of

    breaking the physical ones which are just as important? Let us not

    fool ourselves into believing that the Lord will excuse our

    disobedience of them when He has plainly shown us from

    His inspired principle that if you break one you are guilty of

    breaking all? {James 2:10} If you further say, this only

    applies to the 10 moral laws alone Exodus 15:26 stated that,If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy

    God, and wilt do that which is right in His sight, and wilt give

    ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will

    put none of these diseasesupon thee, which I have broughtupon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee.

    Here stands an eternal promise the great physician Himself

    has given to us, one which still offers the blessing of healing

    from disease upon condition of obedience to all His laws.

    Inspiration states the following regarding their use; There are many

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    Inspiration states the following regarding their use; There are many

    ways of practicing the healing art, but there is only one way that

    Heaven approves. God's remedies are the simple agencies of nature,

    that will not tax or debilitate the system through their powerful

    properties. Pure air and water, cleanliness, a proper diet, purity of life,and a firm trust in God, are remedies for the want of which thousands

    are dying, yet these remedies are going out of date because their

    skillful use requires work that the people do not appreciate. Fresh air,

    exercise, pure water, and clean, sweet premises, are within the reach

    of all with but little expense; but drugs are expensive, both in the

    outlay of means and the effect produced upon the system. [Counsels

    on Health, p 323]

    Now lets examine each of these 8 natural doctors and theirvarious applications in the process of health

    restoration.Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest,

    exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power-

    -these are the true remedies. [Ministry of Healing, p 127]


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    Dr. Godly Trust Preserve me, o God: for in thee do I put my trust. Psalm


    We should be reluctant to put our trust in anything otherthan God. In many cases it is even difficult to trusts many

    friends and family members. Trust placed in anyone less

    than Jesus will inevitably lead to immediate or eventual

    disappointment. Trusting God means to be willing to let Him

    take care of you. He alone is able to keep you from falling.

    {Jude 1:24}

    The Lord says in 3John 2,Beloved, I wish above all things that

    thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul

    prospereth. If you genuinely trust in God, He will give you

    the power you need to overcome habits and addictions that

    are harmful to you physically and spiritually.

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    When we have a trusting relationship with our Creator we

    tend to have less stress if any at all which is also a leading

    cause of disease. Stress interferes with digestion, suppresses

    the immune system as well as restricts every spiritualsuccess. Resting in Jesus is the best tranquilizer as well as

    disease prevention medicine for:

    1.It increases endorphins {Prov 17:22;16:24}2.Strengthens the immune system. {Isa 40:31}

    3.Stimulates mental blood flow circulation through daily

    prayer and Bible study.{Ps 50:4}

    4.Reduces and even eliminate stress through claiming His

    promises. {Jn 14:27}

    5.Encourages a good nights rest after actively ministering to

    the spiritual & physical needs of others.


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    Dr. Air I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live.

    Ezekiel 37:5

    Open air is the current of life, it provides the cells and theblood with oxygen. All nature depends upon air and works

    to produce it. While men and animals are taking oxygen

    from the air and giving off carbon dioxide, plants are using

    the carbon dioxide and giving off oxygen. When man lives

    close to nature, balance is maintained. Inspiration sates

    that, Every cell of your body must receive a constant supply

    of oxygen. In order to have good blood, we must breath

    well. Full, deep inspirations of pure air, which fill the lungs

    with oxygen, purify the blood. They impart to it a bright

    color and send it a life giving current to every part of the

    body. [Ministry of Healing, p 272]

    Th d h di d f t f t d

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    Thousands have died for want of pure water and pur

    air who might have lived. And thousands of invalids,

    who are a burden to themselves and others, think tha

    their lives depend upon taking medicines from thedoctors. They are continually guarding themselves

    against the air and avoiding the use of water. These

    blessings they need in order to become well. If theywould become enlightened and let medicine alone, a

    accustom themselves to outdoor exercise and to air i

    their houses, summer and winter, and use soft waterdrinking and bathing purposes, they would be

    comparatively well and happy instead of dragging out

    miserable existence. {CH 55.3}

    Ai i th i b f h hi h ll

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    Air, air, the precious boon of heaven which all may

    have, will bless you with its invigorating influence if

    you will not refuse it entrance. Welcome it, cultivate

    a love for it, and it will prove a precious soother ofthe nerves. Air must be in constant circulation to be

    kept pure. The influence of pure, fresh air is to cause

    the blood to circulate healthfully through thesystem. It refreshes the body and tends to render it

    strong and healthy, while at the same time its

    influence is decidedly felt upon the mind, impartinga degree of composure and serenity. It excites the

    appetite, renders the digestion of food more perfect,

    and induces sound and sweet sleep.--1T 702 (1868).

    {1MCP 116.2}

    Dr E ercise

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    Dr. Exercise

    Nevertheless I must walk to day, and to morrow, and the day

    following Luke 13:33

    Regular exercise is very important otherwise the bodybecomes sluggish and bodily functions are greatly impaired

    and reduced. Daily exercise provides a stronger heart,

    healthier lungs, increased metabolism, better digestion, and

    the elimination of a multitude of physical ailments.Action is a law of our being. Every organ of the body has its

    appointed work, upon the performance of which its

    development and strength depends. The normal action of all

    organs gives strength and vigor, while the tendency ofdisuse is toward decay and death. [ Ministry of Healing,


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    Dr Sunshine

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    Dr. Sunshine Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the

    kingdom of their Father. Matthew 13:43 Human beings,

    like plants, need adequate sunlight. Sunshine is a powerfulagent in fighting disease. It helps to relax tension, produce

    mental alertness, and improve the complexion (if not

    overexposed). Physical fitness is increased when exercise is

    taken outdoors. Sunshine also increases the volume ofoxygen in the blood and promotes healing of wounds It is

    said to be one of the most effective germ killers we know

    with no side effects. Ultra violet rays are antiseptic - killing

    bacteria, viruses, fungi, yeasts, molds & mites of all kinds.Our homes should be open to an abundance of sunlight. All

    rooms, espe-cially sleeping rooms, should be well supplied

    with natures radiant rays. Also hanging your laundry in the

    sun not only gives them a fresh clean smell but also sterilizes.

    Lif i d d t th t i th f

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    Life is dependent on the nurturing warmth of

    the sun. Exposure to sunlight stimulates

    hormone production and improves liver

    function. The benefits of it is also necessary for

    the conversion of cholesterol into Vitamin D

    which in turns lowers its level. Just 15-30minutes of daily exposure of the face and arms

    is enough to stimulate an adequate source of

    Vitamin D production in the body. The besttime for sunbathing is before 10:00 am and

    after 3:00 pm.

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    Dr Rest

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    Dr. Rest

    Come unto me, all ye that are heavy labour and laden ,

    and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

    Studies have shown that proper rest lengthens your life by 8-10 years.

    It not only contributes to longevity but is vitally important in the

    bodys nightly restoration process. Many do not get enough rest

    simply because they do not have a regular time for it. The body has a

    built-in clock which is set by the regularity of sleeping hours andmeal times. Generally two hours of sleep before midnight equals four

    hours after. The recommended amount of hours of sleep nightly

    should be 8 hrs and in order to receive the maximum benefit of this

    natural tonic, retiring hours should be before 9:30 PM . Get adequaterestful sleep! An early, light supper, well before bedtime and no

    snacking before retiring will help. A relaxing, warm bath or a hot cup

    of herbal tea can also help you wind down. Regular times for going to

    bed and awaking is also very important.

    Avoid using over the counter or Rx sleeping aids for inducing

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    Avoid using over the counter or Rx sleeping aids for inducing

    sleep as these are harmful and sleep thus attained, is of

    little benefit to your body due to the extra burden they

    place on the neurological & central nervous system. Lack ofrestful sleep is for many, the root of the enervation that

    causes disease for healing and cleansing occurs only when

    the body is in the deep sleep cycle. Because of these factors,

    regularity of rest is very important. Lastly, lack of exercise,overworking, worrying, overeating and a stressed mind are

    among the chief causes of fatigue. A proper mental attitude

    that is spiritually empowered will contribute to a restful night

    that truly refreshes as well lead to a more productive day. Byincorporating Psalm 50:4 in an early waking pattern you will

    be ensured a good head start too. It will become easier to go

    to bed early and get up early when you do it for awhile and

    begin to enjoy the way you feel as well.

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    Dr. Water

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    Dr. Water

    Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of

    salvation. Isaiah 12:3

    Without this life giving substance the human body would not be able

    to function well or survive very long. Our body is between 7080 %

    water and is needed for their bodily functions such as; nourishment,

    cleansing, hydration, and physical & mental rejuvenation. Lots of

    water is needed for optimal function because almost every process inyour body depends on the presence of adequate water. It is needed

    for: digestion, respiration, saliva and tears production, temperature

    control and lubrication.

    This vital fluid is continuously being lost in exhaled air, perspiration,and uric waste products. It is also necessary to transport energy to

    cells and muscles and remove impurities. It helps to produce digestive

    juices and promotes healthy action of the stomach and intestines and

    brain cells are particularly sensitive to dehydration. Many people

    suffer from headaches simply because they do not drink lots of water.

    The kidneys and digestive organs are especially susceptible to disease

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    The kidneys and digestive organs are especially susceptible to disease

    if they are deprived of their adequate supply as well. Other sources

    that water is indirectly found are in drinks such as; teas, juices, soft

    drinks etc, and foods such as; soups, vegetables, fruits

    Drink lots of water daily (not artificially flavored or other soft drinksand juices). Your weight divided by 16 (Weight) is the minimum

    number of 8oz glasses of water to drink daily. For instance, if you

    weigh 160 lbs, you need to drink a minimum of ten 8oz glasses of

    water per day. Adequate fluid intake will increase your endurance andenergy levels. Get a jump start by squeezing a lemon in 16 oz of room

    temperature water and drink early in the morning.

    Not only is water needed for internal cleansing but externally as well.

    The skin needs to be cleansed frequently from waste material given off

    through the pores. If this is neglected, the body will reabsorb the toxic

    waste materials. The external application of water is one of the easiest

    and most satisfactory ways of regulating the circulation of the blood.

    A daily contrast shower or bathe ending with 30 secs

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    A daily contrast shower or bathe ending with 30 secs

    -1 min cold using a bath brush or rough washcloth

    will not only enhance circulation and your immune

    sys, but removes toxins as well. Foot baths andsteam baths are also good for this purpose and when

    skillfully used, these procedures greatly assists the

    body in recovering from disease. So we can see nowwhy in the Bible, water is referred to so

    interchangeably from physical to spiritual

    illustrations thus implying how important drinkingand using both the physical and the spiritual water is

    to the Lord. {Isa 55:1}

    Dr. Temperate : And every man that striveth for the mastery

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    Dr. Temperate : And every man that striveth for the masteryis temperate in all things 1Corinthians 9:25 The great end

    for which Christ endured that long fast in the wilderness was to

    teach us the necessity of self-denial and temperance. This worshould commence at our tables and should be strictly carried

    out in all the concerns of life. The Redeemer of the world

    came from heaven to help man in his weakness, that, in the

    power which Jesus came to bring him, he might becomestrong to overcome appetite and passion and might be victor

    on every point. If the moral sensibilities of Christians were

    aroused upon the subject of temperance in all things, they

    could, by their example, commencing at their tables, helpthose who are weak in self-control, who are almost powerles

    to resist the cravings of appetite. If we could realize that the

    habits we form in this life be the means of saving many souls

    from the degradation of intemperance, crime, and death.

    Daniel 1:8-21: The example of Daniel and his companions

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    Daniel 1:8 21: The example of Daniel and his companions

    and how they were blessed for being faithful to the

    principles of temperance and health reform. Daniel and his

    associates had been trained by their parents to habits ofstrict temperance. They had been taught that God would

    hold them accountable for their capabilities, and that they

    must never dwarf or enfeeble their powers. This education

    was to Daniel and his companions the means of theirpreservation amidst the demoralizing influences of the court

    of Babylon. Strong were the temptations surrounding them

    in that corrupt and luxurious court, but they remained

    uncontaminated. No power, no influence, could sway themfrom the principles they had learned in early life by a study

    of the word and works of God. {PK 482.2}

    When a physician sees a patient suffering from disease caused by

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    p y p g yimproper eating and drinking or other wrong habits, yet neglects to

    tell him of this, he is doing his fellow being an injury. Drunkards,

    maniacs, those who are given over to licentiousness, all appeal to the

    physician to declare clearly and distinctly that suffering results fromsin. Those who understand the principles of life should be in earnest in

    striving to counteract the causes of disease. Seeing the continual

    conflict with pain, laboring constantly to alleviate suffering, how can

    the physician hold his peace? Is he benevolent and merciful if he does

    not teach strict temperance as a remedy for disease? {MH 114.1}

    Let it be made plain that the way of God's commandments is the way

    of life. God has established the laws of nature, but His laws are not

    arbitrary exactions. Every "Thou shalt not," whether in physical or inmoral law, implies a promise. If we obey it, blessing will attend our

    steps. God never forces us to do right, but He seeks to save us from the

    evil and lead us to the good.

    Let attention be called to the laws that were taught to Israel. God

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    Let attention be called to the laws that were taught to Israel. God

    gave them definite instruction in regard to their habits of life. He made

    known to them the laws relating to both physical and spiritual well-

    being; and on condition of obedience He assured them, "The Lord will

    take away from thee all sickness." Deuteronomy 7:15. "Set your heartsunto all the words which I testify among you this day." "For they are

    life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh."

    Deuteronomy 32:46; Proverbs 4:22. God holds everyone responsible

    for the influence that surrounds his soul, on his own account and onthe account of others. He calls upon young men and women to be

    strictly temperate, and conscientious in the use of their faculties of

    mind and body. Their capabilities can be properly developed only by

    the most diligent use of their opportunities and the wise appropriation

    of their powers to the glory of God and the benefit of their fellow

    men. (CT p. 102)

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    A diseased body and disordered intellect,because of continual indulgence in hurtful lust,

    make sanctification of the body and spirit

    impossible. The apostle understood theimportance of the healthful conditions of the

    body for the successful perfection of Christian

    character.Counsels on Diet and Foods, 44.

    Dr. Nutrition

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    Dr. Nutrition

    And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing

    seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree,

    in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shallbe for meat. Gen 1:29

    In the beginning when God created man He advised them as

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    In the beginning when God created man He advised them as

    to the best nutrition designed to keep their bodies in the

    best of health. To ensure a healthy lifestyle He chose the

    Gen 1:29 diet, And God said, See, I have given you everyplant yielding seed that is on the face of all the land, and

    every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for

    food. Gods original plant-based diet which consist of fruits,

    nuts, and grains and later added vegetables as asupplemental measure.{Gen 3:18} Today this is still the

    healthiest and best diet plan with its life giving properties of

    vitamins, minerals, enzymes and nutrients is still the best

    more than 6,000 years later, science is proving it, andcommon sense tells us it is so.

    When we feed on flesh, the juices of what we eat pass into

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    , j pthe circulation. A feverish condition is created, because the

    animals are diseased, and by partaking of their flesh we

    plant the seeds of disease in our own tissue and blood.

    Then, when exposed to the changes of a malarious

    atmosphere, to prevailing epidemics and contagious

    diseases, these are more sensibly felt, for the system is not

    in a condition to resist disease. Because those who partakeof animal food do not immediately feel its effects, is no

    evidence that it does not injure them. It may be doing its

    work surely upon the system, and yet the persons for the

    time being realize nothing of it. The liability to take diseaseis increased tenfold by meat eating. The practise of eating

    largely of meat is causing diseases of all kinds,--cancers,

    tumors, scrofula, tuberculosis, and other like affections. {HL


    Being Fearfully & Wonderfully Made {139:14-15}

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    Being Fearfully & Wonderfully Made {139:14 15}


    MAGNESIUM POTASSIUM ZINCsubstance == matter

    Parts of the earth == elements

    chemical compositions chemical compositions

    So you see, God has given us a dietary plan with a root

    system to absorb the elements through the roots into the

    foods and we in turn partake of the same elements that we

    are fearfully and wonderfully made from.

    Proper Food.

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    Is my diet such as will bring me in a position where I can accomplish

    the greatest amount of good? People cannot all eat the same things.

    Some articles of food that are wholesome and palatable to one personmay be hurtful to another. So it is impossible to make an unvarying

    rule by which to regulate every one's dietetic habits. The Lord intends

    to bring his people back to live upon simple fruits, vegetables, and

    grains. . . . God provided fruit in its natural state for our first parents.All the elements of nutrition are contained in the fruits, vegetables,

    and grains. Grains and fruits prepared free from grease, and in as

    natural a condition as possible, should be the food for the tables of all

    who claim to be preparing for translation to heaven. Fruits, grains, and

    vegetables, prepared in a simple way, free from spice and grease of allkinds, make, with milk and cream, the most healthful diet. They

    impart nourishment to the body, and give a power of endurance and

    vigor of intellect that are not produced by a stimulating diet. {HL 78.5}