Download - Medicaid Waiver Self Service Guide for Individuals & Waiver Self... · In addition to pre-screening and applying for healthcare


Medicaid Waiver Self Service Guide for Individuals & Families


In addition to pre-screening and applying for healthcare coverage, Kentucky residents can also apply for Medicaid waiver services via kynect. kynect offers waiver recipients and their appointed representatives the convenience of self-service access to waiver enrollment and service plan details.

In addition, those individuals providing care as Participant Directed Service (PDS) employees also have self-service access. PDS employees can enter and submit timesheets through the Medicaid Waiver Management Application (MWMA)*

This guide is designed to help Individuals, Authorized Representatives and Legal Guardians navigate the kynect/benefind portal to apply for Medicaid waiver services and access self-service features.

In this guide, you will find the following resources:

• Frequently Asked Questions for Medicaid Waiver Applicants and Participants

o Provides answers to common questions on accessing kynect to apply for Medicaid waiver services and accessing the Individual Waiver Dashboard

• Initiating an Application for Medicaid Waiver Services Quick Reference Guide

o Provides guidance for kynect/benefind users on initiating an application for Medicaid waiver services

• Individual Waiver Dashboard Reference Guide o Provides an overview of the Medicaid waiver self-service functions

available on kynect/benefind • Viewing Participant Direct Services (PDS) Timesheets:

o Provides instructions for reviewing and approving electronic timesheets submitted by PDS employees

*If you are employed by a Personal Service Agency (PSA) to provide Participant Directed Services, you should contact your agency administrator for access to educational and communication materials designed for PSA individuals.

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Frequently Asked Questions for Medicaid Waiver Applicants and Participants

Q. What is kynect? A. kynect is an online portal where Kentucky residents can apply for healthcare coverage and other assistance programs

kynect allows Individuals to apply for Medicaid waiver services and provides waiver participants with self-service access to their enrollment and service details.

For more information on kynect, please visit the kynect frequently asked questions page at

Q. What is the Medicaid Waiver Management Application (MWMA)? A. The Medicaid Waiver Management Application (MWMA) is a web-based case management system used by Medicaid waiver providers and administrative staff. Participant Directed Services (PDS) employees also use MWMA to enter, edit and submit timesheets. Medicaid waiver participants do not access MWMA to view enrollment and service details. They are offered this access through kynect/benefind.

Q. How can PDS employees get access to the Medicaid Waiver Management Application? A. PDS employees will receive an invitation to onboard to MWMA from their Individual’s case manager. If you are a PDS employee and have not received an onboarding invitation to MWMA, please contact the case manager providing services for your employer.

Q. How do I get access to kynect?* A. If you are not a registered kynect user, you can set up an account on with a user name and password. If you need additional help, allows you to talk via web chat or phone to a customer service representative. kynect/benefind also provides a search tool to find insurance agents and kynectors in your community who are trained to assist you.

*Note: Depending on the type of assistance you receive, you will either use the kynect or benefind system to access your program information.

Q. How can I get assistance with applying for Medicaid waiver services? The following resources are available to help you with applying for Medicaid and Medicaid waiver services:

• Kynectors: kynectors (also known as Assistors) are individuals within your community who can help you apply for assistance programs, including Medicaid waiver services. You can go online to and search for a kynector. You can also chat or call Customer Service at or 1-855-4kynect (459-6328) to help with locating a kynector.

• Medicaid Waiver Case Management and Provider Agencies: Organizations and individuals providing Medicaid waiver case management or direct services can also assist you in applying for Medicaid waiver services.

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• MWMA Contact Center: You can call the kynect Contact Center 1-855-4kynect (459-6328) with assistance with the application process.

Q. I provide Participant Directed Services (PDS) to a Medicaid waiver participant. Will I be able to access my timesheet through kynect/benefind? A. PDS employees can view and submit electronic timesheets through the Medicaid Waiver Management Application (MWMA). Read here for more information on getting access to MWMA.

Q. I am a Medicaid waiver participant who receives Participant Directed Services (PDS). Can I view my PDS employee’s timesheet on kynect/benefind? A. Waiver recipients receiving PDS services can review and approve electronic timesheets submitted by their PDS employees. Additional information on this process is provided in the Reviewing PDS Timesheets Quick Reference Guide.

Q. I am already a registered kynect/benefind user and a Medicaid waiver recipient. How can I access my waiver information on kynect? A. Once you log into kynect/benefind you can access your Individual Waiver Dashboard by selecting your waiver program link in the Current Benefits section of your kynect/benefind Dashboard. The Medicaid Waiver Dashboard Quick Reference Guides provides additional details on the Individual Waiver Dashboard.

Q. I am already enrolled in Medicaid and would like to apply for Medicaid waiver services. How can I apply? If you are currently enrolled in Medicaid and are a registered kynect/benefind user, you can apply for Medicaid waiver services by clicking the Start Waiver Application link in the Quick Links section of your Dashboard.

Q. I am not enrolled in Medicaid or a Medicaid waiver program. Can I apply for both programs at same time? A. Yes, you can apply for Medicaid waiver services while completing the Medicaid application process.

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Initiating an Application for Medicaid Waiver Services

Quick Reference Guide

Note: The following guidance is for Individuals currently enrolled in Medicaid. If you are not enrolled in Medicaid and would like to apply for Medicaid waiver services, please refer to the Completing the Medicaid Application Guide.

1. Sign into benefind and navigate to your benefind Dashboard (Figure 1).

2. Click the Start Waiver Application link in the Quick Links section of your Dashboard.

Figure 1: benefind Dashboard

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Upon clicking the Start Waiver Application link, you will be navigated to the first set of “Post-Eligibility” screens” (Figure 2) which collect information related to your existing health status and needs.

Figure 2: Post Eligibility Questions Screen

*Note: You will not proceed to the Medicaid waiver intake screens if you select “No” for all questions listed on the Post Eligibility screen and if the following applies to you:

• you are under 65 years of age and, • you are not blind or disabled.

If you do meet the initial requirements, you will navigate to the Waiver Consent screen (Figure 3) once you click Next.

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Figure 3: Waiver Consent Screen

3. Once you reach the Waiver Screening Consent screen, click the Begin Waiver Questions link to proceed with the waiver application. If you click Next, you will be navigated back to your Dashboard.

4. Continue through the series of waiver intake screens until you have submitted your application.

Please note the following when completing the Medicaid waiver application screens: • You may be required to submit supporting documentation as part of your application. • You can stop and save your application at any time. • You can access available resources (Medicaid Waiver providers, kynectors, kynect Customer

Service) to assist you with the application process.

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Accessing Your Medicaid Waiver Dashboard

Quick Reference Guide

The following provides a general overview of the Individual Waiver Dashboard.

Accessing Your Waiver Dashboard Once you have logged into kynect/benefind and navigated to your main Dashboard (Figure 1), you can select your Waiver Case Number to navigate to your Waiver Dashboard screen (Figure 2).

Figure 1: benefind Dashboard

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Waiver Dashboard Overview

The Individual Waiver Dashboard (Figure 2) provides a general overview of your Medicaid waiver program details. The Individual Waiver Dashboard is made up of the following sections:

• Top menu panel-provide easy access to the following features:

o My Documents: Displays documentation uploaded during the waiver intake process

o Timesheets: Provides access to review and approve timesheets for Participant Directed Service (PDS) employees

o Message Center: Displays electronic copies of all mailed correspondences sent to you

• Waiver Application-

• Request for Information-Displays any pending requests for documentation required to complete waiver application processing

• My Personal Health Data- Allows you to enter medical and health details view details as captured by your waiver case management provider(s)

• Waiver Program Summary-Displays your current waiver enrollment status and key level of care and plan of care dates

• Current Waiver Service Details-Provides a breakdown of waiver services you are currently receiving that are prior authorized on your current plan of care

Program Summary Overview

Additional details on your historic and existing waiver program are located on the Program Summary screen. You can get to the Program Summary screen (figure 3) by clicking your waiver program name in the Waiver Program Summary section of your Dashboard.

Details provided on the Program Summary screen include:

• Your enrollment status

• Your current case management provider details (agency name, case manager and case supervisor)

• Your level of care start and end dates

• The last date action was taken on your case

• A history of actions related to your waiver enrollment

In addition, you can select the applicable Program Action button to perform one of the following actions:

• View a summary of your service plan

• View a history of level of care assessment activities

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Print documentation related to your service plan and/or enrollment (e.g., level of care assessment results, plan of care,)

Figure 2: Waiver Dashboard

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Figure 3: Program Summary screen

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Viewing Participant Directed Services (PDS) Timesheets

Quick Reference Guide

The following details provide the steps for reviewing and approving timesheets for Participant Directed Services (PDS) employees benefind self-service portal.

1. Sign in to kynect and navigate to your benefind Dashboard (Figure 1).

2. Under the Current Benefits section on your Dashboard, click your Waiver Case Number to

navigate to your Waiver Dashboard.

Figure 1: benefind Dashboard

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Your Waiver Dashboard displays (Figure 2). 3. Click the Timesheets link on the top menu panel.

Figure 2: Waiver Dashboard

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The Timesheet History screen (Figure 4) displays.

4. Select the employee whose timesheet you wish to view and click Review.

Figure 4: Timesheet History Screen

The Timesheet Individual Review screen (Figure 5) displays.

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5. After reviewing the timesheet, select the checkbox to certify that the information is correct, complete the Individual Signature fields to electronically sign the timesheet, and click Approve Timesheet.

Figure 5: Timesheet Individual Review screen

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