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  • Does viewing violent media really cause criminal violence?

    represents an attempt to fill this void and provide a resource for those who do not wish to delve intofour decades of original research in order to assess this line of investigation. Studies are evaluated

    based on contemporary standards of research in the field of criminology. Although the possibility that

    television and film violence has an impact on violent criminality remains, it is concluded here that,

    despite persistent published reviews that state the contrary, the body of published, empirical evidence

    on this topic does not establish that viewing violent portrayals causes crime.

    D 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Television violence; Media violence; Violent crimeA methodological review

    Joanne Savage*

    Department of Justice, Law and Society, American University, 4400 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, Washington,

    DC 20016-8043, USA

    Received 9 September 2002; received in revised form 26 October 2003; accepted 30 October 2003


    The topic of media violence has been the subject of heated debate in recent decades. There is a vast

    empirical literature on the effects of television on aggression but no published comprehensive review

    has ever focused on those studies that use criminal aggression as their outcome. The present paperAggression and Violent Behavior

    10 (2004) 991281. Introduction

    A vast empirical literature on the impact of television exposure on aggression has accrued

    over the last four decades, mostly in the fields of psychology and broadcasting. Reviews of

    this literature typically conclude that there is evidence that viewing violent media is as-

    1359-1789/$ see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


    * Tel.: +1-202-885-2974.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Savage).

  • sociated with aggression (e.g., Donnerstein & Linz, 1995; Huesmann & Miller, 1994; Paik &

    Comstock, 1994; Wood, Wong, & Chachere, 1991). It is not this particular conclusion that is

    going to be called into question in the present paper. Instead, the present paper focuses on the

    extension of that conclusion to apply to violent or criminal behavior. For example,

    Donnerstein and Linz (1995) conclude that studies strongly suggest that exposure to media

    violence is a causal factor in criminal behavior, (p. 250). Palermo (1995) writes There is no

    doubt . . . that excessive and extended exposure to television violence may promote violencein some children . . . (p. 19). Huesmann and Miller (1994) summarize, . . . the existingempirical studies do provide support for the conjecture that the current level of interpersonal

    violence in our societies has been boosted by the long-term effects of many persons

    childhood exposure to a steady diet of dramatic media violence (p. 155), and Sege (1998)

    concludes, Although this phenomenon is complex and multifactorial, with deep historical

    roots, one of the best documented causes of the modern upsurge in violence appears to be

    childhood exposure to television violence (p. 129).

    This idea has been reified through the popular press and other published works. Although

    many publications have tamed their rhetoric on this topic in recent years (Anderson and

    Bushman, 2002), one still may find many highly overstated comments on the TV violence

    violent criminal behavior relationship. For example, in the abstract for a recent piece on the

    effects of television violence we find: More than 1000 studies have proposed a link between

    teen violence and violent TV programs (Mudore, 2000, p. 24). Bergenfield (1994) writes,

    Thirty years of research have proved that exposure to TV violence is hazardous to childrens

    health and welfare (p. 40). The medical community has been very active in recent years on

    this topic and literature searches on media violence result in many hits related to statements

    by the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics. A report on

    the policy statement for the American Academy of Pediatrics quotes it as saying that

    Exposure to and the influence of media violence directly correlates to violent behavior

    (Chatfield, 2002; p. 735). Articles with titles such as Teaching Kids to Kill (Grossman,

    2000) and Televisions Bloody Hands (McCain, 1998) are commonplace.

    It is likely that it is this kind of rhetoric from the popular press (vs. the more carefully

    worded scholarly summaries) that has inspired calls for action. For example, the American

    Medical Association has expressed its vigorous opposition to television violence and its

    support for minimally restrictive measures to protect children from the harmful effects of

    such programming (American Medical Association, 1993). A report released by Senator

    Orrin Hatch as Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman is said to blame television for 10% of

    youth violence, to identify media violence as one of the principal causes of youth violence,

    and to recommend 14 actions federal government should take to counter effects of media

    violence on youth (as reported by Albiniak & McConnell, 1999). Representative Henry Hyde

    forwarded the Hyde Amendment, also known as the Childrens Defense Act in 1999,

    which would have made it a federal felony, punishable by 5 years in jail, to expose children

    under 17 to materials with sexual or violent content (reported by Reid, 1999).

    Due to the immense attention media violence effects have received from policymakers, it is

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128100paramount for criminologists to evaluate the literature for its implications for crime. Of

    course, there are many reasons why one might expect that viewing violence would affect

  • violent behavior. Basic principles of learning would suggest that small children will imitate

    behavior (Bandura, 1977). If the scenes viewed are exciting, this may also provide physical

    stimulation (excitation) that might have an immediate effect on behavior and, perhaps, a

    rewarding sensation that would then be associated with violence (classical conditioning).

    There is also the likelihood that vicarious reinforcement would affect the viewerwatching

    the perpetrator of violence receiving rewards for violent behavior might provide important

    information to the viewer about the consequences of behaving violently.

    The most sophisticated and widely accepted perspective on the relationship between

    viewing violent TV and aggression has been forwarded by Huesmann (1986a). Huesmann

    and Miller (1994) argue that . . . the most plausible hypothesis is that habitual exposure toviolent television programs teaches children aggressive habits which are maintained well into

    adulthood (p. 165). Huesmanns theory is based on the proposition that social behavior is

    guided by cognitive scripts that are stored in a persons memory. Aggressive people are those

    who regularly retrieve and employ scripts that emphasize aggressive responding. Children

    can learn aggressive scripts from many sourcesincluding watching television. The process

    is reciprocaltroubled and aggressive children often watch more television and identify with

    television characters to a greater extent than other children, and watching more television

    reinforces these violent scripts. The theory also addresses other complexities such as the

    importance of cues in the environment necessary for the retrieval of scripts.

    However, although the theory makes sense, and there are a very large number of studies

    that examine the effects of media exposure on aggression, there are comparatively few studies

    that actually measure the effects of media violence on criminal aggression. The majority of

    the published studies alluded to in the popular press use, as an outcome measure, a measure of

    aggression that is not violent nor criminal. Most typically, they employ a shock box where

    subjects are told to administer shocks to another individual in a learning scenario. The

    outcome measure is often the maximum level of shock that each subject chooses to

    administer, and evidence of an effect is demonstrated if the group who had viewed a violent

    television show in an earlier experimental session set shock levels at a higher level, on

    average, than a group who viewed a control program.

    Kaplan (1984) questioned the validity of using laboratory measures of aggression, such

    as the shock machine, for understanding real-life violence and aggression and concluded

    that naturalistic observation in field settings held the greater promise for understanding this

    phenomenon. Although most scholarly works provide very carefully worded conclusions

    based on such studies, the belief prevails that watching violent television or movies causes

    violent behavior. There are some obvious reasons why one might question the general-

    izability of findings using this type of outcome to behaviors that are violent and criminal.

    For example, there is a psychological difference between pressing a button and hitting or

    shooting someone directly. There is also the matter of demand characteristics of the

    experimental situation, where subjects are told to shock the other personthere is no rule

    or law against itand, indeed, they are being encouraged to do so (see Felson, 1996, for

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128 101further discussion). We can imagine that many ordinary people who would not be willing to

    violate the law or harm others normally might be willing to administer pain or harm to

    another person in a setting where it is legal and expected (e.g. as part of service in the

  • armed forces, as a police officer, or as a nurse who must give a shot to a patient) and where

    retaliation is unlikely to occur. There is no empirical basis for the assumption that there is

    an uninterrupted linear relation between legal, laboratory aggression and crimes such as

    aggravated assault and robbery. Given that the law, social disapproval, socialization, and

    formal punishment stand between this type of aggression and criminal aggression, the

    assumption is dubious at best.

    The purpose of the present paper is to provide a review of all the published studies, in

    English, that examine the effects of viewing television or film violence on criminal

    behavior. Because previous reviews related to this topic are plentifully available, the

    present paper will emphasize the methodological problems that cause one to question the

    conventional wisdom. This is not the only review that has expressed skepticism regarding

    the aggressionviolence relationship (see discussions by Felson, 1996; Freedman, 1984,

    1986, 1988, 1992; Jensen, 2001; McGuire, 1986; Zimring & Hawkins, 1997). However,

    the present review is the only comprehensive review of the literature limited to studies

    that examine the effect of media violence on behavior that is criminally violent; that is,

    the overt expression of physical force against another individual and that might constitute

    criminal behavior, broadly defined. This review highlights the methodological issues that

    are relevant for understanding whether viewing media violence causes violent criminal

    behavior and, as such, it is hoped that it will provide a resource for those who want to

    understand the effects of media violence on crime but who do not wish to delve into the

    original literature themselves. Because the majority of reviews of this topic have

    suggested that viewing media violence causes violent behavior, great care is taken here

    to point out the plentiful evidence that contradicts this conclusion.

    Empirical articles and reviews of the literature were identified, first, by using an

    electronic search of books and articles through a major university consortium database.

    Criminal Justice Abstracts was also consulted for recent years. Then, the bibliographies

    of all the items obtained were reviewed and empirical articles referenced therein were

    evaluated. This process was repeated until all empirical articles were obtained that fit the

    established criteria. Inclusion of studies was based on outcome measure; only studies

    where criminally violent behavior or analogous behavior are used are reviewed.

    Violent and analogous behavior includes behavior that is both physically hurtful or

    coercive and violates a rule, law, or norm. For example, in the present analysis, although

    the use of electric shock in a teacherlearner experiment is not included (because while

    it may be physical and harmful it is not a violation of a rule or law), children pushing,

    hitting, or kicking one another is included because it is physical and possibly harmful

    and violates rules that are probably well known to the children. This is seen as analogous

    to criminal violence, whereas following instructions in an experimental paradigm is not.

    Because of the emphasis on certain longitudinal studies in recent years, they are included

    although their outcome measure, peer-nominated aggression, represents overt violence

    only peripherally.

    The review is organized by study methodology starting with aggregate-level studies

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128102(cross-sectional and longitudinal), continuing with individual-level studies (experimental

    and quasi-experimental) and ending with correlational studies and prospective longitudinal

  • Of interest throughout this review is the establishment of temporal order and the

    control of spurious factors. Evidence suggests that aggressive people like to watch violentmaterial so the actual causal progression may be opposite that being tested (aggression

    may cause exposure to TV violence) or the relationship may be spurious (aggressive

    predisposition causes violent behavior and a taste for violent programs). The control

    factors of greatest interest here are violence proneness (usually referred to as traitstudies. The review emphasizes methodology, using, as its criteria, methodological

    standards in the field of criminology. This methodological approach is important because,

    as we shall see, a careful evaluation of numerous studies calls into question the

    conclusions reported by their authors and later reviewers.

    2. Methodological criteria

    Table 1 summarizes the criteria for evaluating studies organized by study type. The

    criteria are based on contemporary standards of research in criminology and criminal justice

    and knowledge gained from reviewing several decades of television and media research.

    Each study was evaluated based on the set of appropriate criteria, although comments in the

    text of this paper are restricted to those of greatest relevance for determining the

    contribution of that study to our understanding of the effects of media exposure on

    criminal behavior.

    In each section, more detail will be given on the specific methodological criteria

    sought for that particular study type. The criteria that span all of the studies shall be

    discussed here. First, for a study to be taken seriously, the authors should report the

    measures used and analyses conducted in a systematic fashion so that others could

    replicate the study if desired. This should go without saying, but several widely cited

    studies in this area do not meet even this basic criterion. Second, sample sizes should be

    large enough to make statistical inferences possible. In the interest of saving space, in

    this paper comments on sample size are made only when samples are thought to be too

    small to allow significance testing.

    Measures should be reliable and valid. Reliability is not of great concern in the present

    review because many authors took care to demonstrate reliability. With respect to validity,

    outcome measures closer to criminal violence should be weighed most heavily. A few studies

    using a marginal measure of criminal aggression, peer-nominated aggression, are used and,

    all else being equal, studies using this measure should be given less weight. The best

    measures of the independent variable, television violence exposure, include a reliable

    estimate of television viewing that is weighted by an independent assessment of violent

    content of the shows watched. Weaker measures include those where television viewing

    overall is used (instead of television violence viewing) or where a rating of preferences for

    programs is used rather than an estimate of actual viewing time.

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128 103aggressiveness) and parental neglect or abuse because of their likely influence on

    television-viewing habits and violent behavior. Studies also control for factors such as

    income and parental education fairly regularly, which is important.

  • Table 1

    Methodological criteria for studying the effects of media violence on criminally violent behavior

    Common criteria across all types of studies

    1. Systematic reporting adequate for replication

    2. Adequate sample size for statistical inferences

    3. Reliable and valid measures: measures of actual exposure to violent television, outcome measures of violent

    criminality analogous behaviors (e.g., hitting, pushing, etc.)

    4. Establish or address temporal order

    5. Control for potentially spurious factors

    6. Test for interactions to demonstrate whether effects are limited to persons with certain characteristics (i.e., trait

    aggressiveness/violence proneness)

    Criteria for aggregate level studies

    Cross-sectional studies

    Hypothesis: Jurisdictions where residents are exposed to more violent television are expected to have higher

    violent crime rates.

    Attention to:.Temporal order.Control for factors likely to be associated with exposure to TV and crime such as SES, education levels, routine

    activities, and demographics (e.g., racial composition, age distribution of the population).

    Longitudinal studies

    Hypothesis: Jurisdictions where there has been an increase in exposure violent television are expected to

    experience increases in crime or violent crime.

    Attention to:.Assurance that other historical factors were not the cause of the change in crime.A sensible time period including a prespecification of any expected time lags

    Criteria for individual level studies

    Experiments and quasi-experiments (group comparisons)

    Hypothesis: Subjects exposed to violent television will subsequently respond more aggressively than subjects

    exposed to a control condition.

    Attention to:.Equivalent groups (ideally, random assignment).Realistic viewing experience (complete program, program from normal television).Appropriate control condition (if violent treatment is exciting, control must also be exciting)

    Correlational studies

    Hypothesis: Subjects who watch more violent television will behave more violently, controlling for

    related factors

    Attention to:.Measures of violent television exposure and criminal behavior that are developmentally appropriate.Valid measures of exposure (measures of actual frequency of exposure to programs weighted by violence ratings

    are best).Temporal orderexposure to television must precede aggression or increase in aggression.Control for important factors that may be associated with both television exposure and antisocialitymost


    Trait aggressiveness

    Socioeconomic status (SES)

    Intelligence/ability to judge reality

    Popularity (when using peer-nominated aggression measures)

    Experience of neglect or abuse

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128104

  • 3. Aggregate-level studies3.1. Cross-sectional studies

    It could be argued that the most desirable studies for those interested in public healthFinally, the analysis of interaction effects has become the standard in later studies because

    evidence suggests that the effects of television violence may be limited to persons with a

    predisposition for aggression, and may be opposite for others.

    Correlational studies

    Overall TV viewing (if interest is in violent viewing per se)

    Parenting factors (use of television, aggression, disciplinary practices, education, etc.). Simultaneous entry of control factors better than one-by-one control method

    Prospective longitudinal studies

    Hypothesis: Children who are exposed to a greater amount of violent television over time will behave in a more

    criminally aggressive manner later in childhood and into adult life.

    Attention to:.A sensible time period.Control of early wave criminal aggression (early control should match as closely as possible later measure of

    violent aggression).Sample sizemust be adequate to obtain variance in criminally violent behavior.Measurement of criminal violence at outcome.Control for parental factors such as abuse, neglect, education, etc.

    Table 1 (continued)

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128 105or violent crime generally would be those that examine aggregate crime levels across

    jurisdictions or over time to see if television viewing or violence viewing affect crime

    rates. Interest in rates is due, in part, to their relevance for policy. Although we may find

    that television violence affects some individuals in the laboratory, if there is no

    measurable effect on crime rates it would not be necessary to target it as a priority

    for reform. Unfortunately, there have been only two cross-sectional studies and four

    longitudinal studies that have attempted to evaluate this matter at the aggregate level.

    The most careful of the aggregate cross-sectional studies (and one of the most

    important studies overall) was done by Messner (1986), who examined variations in

    the violent crime rate within the United States. Messner constructed a measure of violent

    television exposure for standard metropolitan statistical areas (SMSAs) within the United

    States based on Nielsen audience size estimates of violent shows and found that such

    exposure was, contrary to expectations, significantly negatively related to violent crime

    rates, controlling for about 10 factors that could potentially confound the relationship.

    The findings were robust enough to warrant explanation, and Messner hazarded a routine

    activities interpretationperhaps people who watch more violent television are less likely

    to associate with deviant peers, to socialize with deviant subcultures, and may avoid

    trouble by staying at home.

  • Lester (1989) compared 20 countries rated for film violence and found no correlation

    between film violence and homicide rates. It should be pointed out that the sample size is very

    small, the measure of film violence is not described and no control variables are used.

    Lesters finding is suggestive that countries high in film violence do not seem to have

    higher homicide ratesbut the effect could have been suppressed by a variety of factors such

    as wealth that might be associated with greater film violence and less homicide.

    3.2. Longitudinal studies

    Four aggregate-level longitudinal studies on this topic have been published to date

    (Berkowitz &Macaulay, 1971; Centerwall, 1989; Hennigan et al., 1982; Phillips, 1983). These

    studies attempt to test whether television exposure overall or certain types of exposure affect

    crime trends.

    Berkowitz and Macaulay (1971) tested a contagion effect whereby violent crimes were

    expected to increase after the assassination of President Kennedy in November 1963, and

    after the mass murder of eight nurses in Chicago by Richard Speck in July 1966. Graphs of

    violent crime trends suggest that unusual increments occurred in overall violent crimes,

    aggravated assaults, and robberies following those events. However, the data are not as

    convincing as the authors take them to be. First of all, the normal trends for these crimes

    vary a great deal from month to month and there was a general increase overall during this

    period so that the two unusual peaks are not especially obvious to anyone not looking for

    them. Second, the effect was not evident for homicide, and if the effect were really due to

    contagion or imitation, we would expect the effect to be more evident for homicide than

    for other violent crimes.

    Hennigan et al. (1982) conducted a time series analysis of UCR data and concluded that

    the introduction of television in the United States was consistently associated with increases

    in larceny, but not violent crime, burglary, nor auto theft. Those findings held for both city-

    and state-level analyses. The authors compared crime trends for jurisdictions that received

    television broadcasts before the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) freeze on

    broadcasting licenses between late 1949 and mid-1952 to those for jurisdictions that only

    received television afterward. It is important to note that Hennigan et al. were looking at the

    introduction of television, overall, and their independent variable was not a focused measure

    of violence exposure. The illustrations provided in this paper do not provide the visual

    analyst a very convincing case, but larceny trends vary at a statistically significant level, in

    the hypothesized direction between the two types of jurisdictions. It is important to emphasize

    that the finding did not apply to any violent crime and the authors themselves tentatively

    attributed the association to the viewing of high levels of material consumption rather than

    increased exposure to violent portrayals (supporting a relative deprivation hypothesis

    rather than social learning).

    Phillips (1983) examined daily homicide rates following heavyweight prizefights and

    found convincing evidence of an effect on homicide 3 and 4 days after the events

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128106particularly pronounced after highly publicized fights. The most important criticism of the

    analysis is that the 3- to 4-day lag in effect was not predicted a priorione would expect that

  • if enough time lags were tested, some would turn out to be significant. Furthermore, the effect

    was small. Phillips estimated 11.6 extra homicides in the United States per fight and did not

    report significance levels for monthly or annual homicide rates. During this period the

    number of U.S. homicides was approximately 20,000 per year, which is approximately 1667

    per month, and it is probable that a change of 11 or 12 extra homicides per fight would not be

    detectable at the monthly or annual level.

    Furthermore, one could plausibly speculate that the extra homicides would have oc-

    curred eventually anyway. Perhaps a few violent persons murdered someone due to imitation,

    excitement, frustration, or altercations associated with the fight or related gambling losses, but

    those persons may have been bound to kill someone at some point soon anyway (it is easy to

    imagine that a person who would kill in response to a prizefight might do the same if caught

    in a traffic jam on a hot day, fired from a job, or faced with a colicky baby at 3 a.m.). Phillips

    argues that this is unlikely because there are no corresponding drops in homicide below the

    normal level within the 3-week periods he analyzed. However, there is no reason to believe

    that all the extra homicides were destined to occur within that period so it is highly

    unlikely that such a drop would be evident. Because significance of extra homicides is not

    established for monthly or yearly homicides, it is not possible to conclude there were more

    homicides in the long run due to prizefights than there would have been otherwise.

    A widely cited study by Centerwall (1989) presented a comparison of homicide trends in

    the United States, Canada, and South Africa. Centerwall observed that 1015 years following

    the introduction of television, the annual incidence of white homicide deaths in the United

    States and overall homicides in Canada increased by over 90%, while no such increase

    occurred in South Africa, where the government delayed television broadcasting until 1975.

    Like Hennigan et al. (1982), Centerwalls independent variablethe introduction of tele-

    visionis not a powerful measure of exposure to media violence. Centerwall takes this

    comparison as very strong evidence that television causes violent crime and contends that

    television is responsible for approximately 10,000 homicides annually (computing a relative

    risk based on the fact that reported homicides doubled in the 1015 years after the

    introduction of television and assuming, therefore, that half the nations homicides must be

    due to television). Centerwall has republished these observations repeatedly and his articles

    have been widely cited and accepted as important evidence for a link between television and


    Many strong objections could be raised from this type of analysis. First, it is important to

    highlight the fact that Centerwalls (1989) measurement and analysis are not documented in

    any systematic way and as such, the study is not replicable and does not meet the scientific

    standard normally accepted in the social sciences. Second, the comparison of individual

    countries is plagued by a plethora of idiosyncratic, unmeasurable factors that might affect any

    one nations crime rates. In this study, no convincing case is made that the United States,

    Canada, and South Africa are roughly identical on the myriad social factors associated with

    crime that might have changed in the 1950s and 1960s. Centerwall claims that he examined a

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128 107wide array of possible confounding factors (including changes in age distribution, urban-

    ization, etc.), but he does not present the analysis or the measures used. Most troubling is the

    oft-cited estimate that 10,000 homicides a year in the United States are due to television,

  • also for a variety of reasons that range from a greater emphasis on material gain (Merton,1938) to a decline in small-town informal social control. The extent to which television

    influenced these crime trends is yet unclear.

    4. Individual-level studies

    4.1. Experiments, quasi-experiments (group comparisons)

    A dozen studies comparing groups in an experimental or quasi-experimental setting have

    been reported. Approximately four to five of these suggest that watching violent television or

    films is associated with violent or analogous behaviorbut there are some serious

    qualifications. Five of the studies found no effect of violence exposure, and four findings

    suggest a negative effectchildren who watched the control television programs were more

    violent than those who watched the violent programs. The methodological rigor among these

    studies is comparatively better than among those that reported the hypothesized effect.

    An early study by Steuer, Applefield, and Smith (1971) matched 10 preschool children

    based on their usual exposure to television and exposed half of them to daily treatments of

    violent programming (mostly cartoons) and half to nonaggressive programming. Separate

    graphs for each of five matched pairs suggest that the children were very similar in aggressive

    behavior during baseline (aggressive behavior included hitting, kicking, choking, etc.), and

    that three of the children in the experimental condition diverged very visibly from their

    matched control in aggressive behavior after the introduction of the TV diet. These findingswhich relies on the tenuous assumption that nothing else changed in the United States and

    Canada (but not South Africa) during the 1960s that could have caused homicide to increase.

    In the same paper, Centerwall (1989) follows up with the observation that increases in

    homicide rates in nine U.S. regions corresponded to the timing of their acquisition of

    television. Again, no systematic description of data or analysis is presented; the correlation

    between the timing of the acquisition of television and the timing of the regions subsequent

    increase in homicide is reported to be .82 (p=.003). It is unclear why regions are used instead

    of cities or states, and the sample size is very small. Without further documentation,

    Centerwalls findings are merely suggestive and should not be weighed very heavily.

    Unfortunately, these findings have received a great deal of attention, have been published

    and cited in prominent publications, and have been interpreted as support for the conclusion

    that television violence causes violent crime.

    Although it is contended here that Centerwalls report has received an exaggerated amount

    of attention, it is the case that the United States did experience marked, astonishing increases

    in reported crime, particularly violent crime and homicide, starting in the early 1960s, and

    high rates of violent crime became the norm by the mid-1970s. This phenomenon does bear

    explanation and Centerwalls suggestion that television may be responsible is an important

    hypothesisnot only because Americans would have been exposed to more violence, but

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128108are some of the more visually convincing, but the very tiny sample size, and matching

    procedure (which cannot eliminate many rival hypotheses) prevents statistical inferences.

  • Feshbach and Singer (1971) studied boys living in three private schools and four homes for

    boys in California and New York. One of the earliest field experiments on this topic, the

    findings do not support a relationship between viewing violent television and criminal

    aggression. Within each institution, boys were randomly assigned to watch a diet of violent or

    nonviolent television over a 6-week period. Overall, there were over twice as many instances

    of fistfighting, hitting, and kicking among controls as there were among the treatment

    group. When the institutions were analyzed individually, the statistical significance of this

    finding held for all four boys homes (where, presumably, the boys were more troubled) but

    not the private schools.

    Although fears have been raised by reviewers that the boys in the control condition were

    angry about being deprived of their favorite shows, the authors contend that they made every

    effort to reduce possible sources of frustration, permitting boys to drop out and even

    permitting a few boys to watch Batman, which was not on the list of nonviolent programs.

    Although one could criticize some aspects of the methodology, the very consistent negative

    findings across separate sites argue that a diet of violent television does not increase and may

    actually reduce aggression of a type that is analogous to criminality among troubled boys.

    This conclusion is tempered by the authors report that some of the boys suspected that the

    study was about aggression. The effect as reported suggests that either violent television

    reduces aggression or that aggression-inducing effects of television are very easily overcome

    by minimal social constraints and influences.

    Hapkiewicz and Roden (1971) showed children either a violent cartoon, a nonviolent

    cartoon, or no cartoon and then watched pairs of them try to watch a peep show with only

    one eye hole. There were no significant differences between groups on aggressive

    behaviors (85% of which were pushing) measured during this period, although a table

    suggests that aggression scores were much higher for the no-cartoon group (the mean score

    of 25.8 in the no-cartoon group was approximately double that in the aggressive and

    nonaggressive cartoon groups). In a later study, Hapkiewicz and Stone (1974) used a larger

    sample and found some evidence of an effect only when realistic violence was shown.

    There was no effect of treatment on aggression for girls. The authors concluded that cartoon

    violence may reduce aggression.

    Friedrich and Stein (1973) observed the play behavior of preschoolers in a naturalistic

    setting. Although they collected a large number of measures of various constructs, of

    particular interest here is the comparison of the impact of diets of aggressive television

    (Batman and Superman cartoons), prosocial television (Mr. Rogers Neighborhood) and

    neutral films on physical aggression (the measure of which, unfortunately, included some

    types of nonverbal aggression that are not analogous to criminality). The description of

    the neutral and prosocial conditions suggests that there was no effort to make them as

    exciting as the aggressive TV showsa problem since the effects of a violent program

    could be due to the fact that it is exciting. The authors do not report a full analysis of

    the dependent variable of greatest interest here, but the analysis of an overall measure of

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128 109aggression (which includes mostly noncriminal behavior) revealed a statistically signifi-

    cant interaction suggesting that the aggressive TV condition affected children who were

    initially high in aggression and not children who were initially low in aggression. This is

  • an early demonstration of an interaction effect that obtains more frequently in the later,

    more analytically rigorous studies.

    Leyens, Parke, Camino, and Berkowitz (1975) compared four cottages of institutionalized

    boys in a private secondary school in Belgium. The boys lived at the school because they

    lacked adequate care at home or had problems with the court, their school, or their parents.

    Prior to the experimental treatment, boys in two of the cottages had low base rates of

    aggression and boys in the other two had high base rates. During a movie week, children in

    one of each of the high- and low-aggressive cottages were shown a violent film each night

    while an (almost certainly less exciting) neutral film was shown in the other two cottages

    (another important difference in the films is that the violent films were almost all American

    and the neutral films were almost all French-language films; the authors refer to them as

    comedies). Many types of aggression were studied; for present purposes the most

    important was physical aggression, defined as physical contact of sufficient intensity to

    potentially inflict pain on the victim (hitting, slapping, choking, kicking). Unfortunately, the

    observers did not distinguish between play behavior and real physical aggression.

    Results suggested that the violent films induced aggression in the high-aggressive cottage.

    The rate of physically aggressive behavior increased from .015 to .049 from the baseline to

    the movie week. Since the measure of aggression includes play fighting, it is not possible to

    ascertain the size of the effect on real aggression. One can certainly imagine one or two

    boys wanting to imitate the movies in play, and that the violent movies were more imitable

    (e.g., one of the violent movies was Zorro [en garde!]). The effect only occurred in the

    measures taken immediately after the movie screenings and did not persist through the

    noontime observations made on each of the following days (which supports the concern that

    the effect was due to arousal or play fighting).

    Huston-Stein, Fox, Greer, Watkins, and Whitaker (1981) assigned 66 preschool boys and

    girls to four TV conditions: high actionhigh violence, high actionlow violence, low

    actionlow violence, and no TV. This approach is important because by using an exciting

    comparison treatment, the researchers can disentangle the effect of watching something

    exciting versus something violent per se. Subsequent observations of free play suggested that

    while serious preschool aggression decreased from baseline in the no-television and low-

    action groups, it stayed approximately the same for the high-action groups. There was no

    effect of violent content.

    Although preschool-type aggression is not closely analogous to adult criminal behavior,

    one would expect it to be easier to induce using violent media stimuli. This was not the case

    in the Huston-Stein et al. (1981) study. The findings suggest that the excitatory nature of the

    material may be related to aggression (though remember, aggression in the exciting TV group

    did not increaseit just did not decrease), but that violent content had no effect on aggressive

    behavior. The decline in aggression among the low low and no TV groups suggests that

    the baseline measures may not have represented typical behavior.

    In a natural experiment, Joy, Kimball, and Zabrack (1986) compared three Canadian towns

    (Notel, Unitel, Multitel) with varying exposure to television over the period of time during

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128110which television was introduced into the Notel community. Researchers observed greater

    increases in schoolyard aggression in Notel than in the other jurisdictions. Like Centerwalls

  • (1989) work discussed earlier, this study has been cited repeatedly as evidence that exposure

    to television causes aggression.

    There are several methodological limitations that restrict the generalizability of this study.

    First, the communities were not randomly assigned or equivalent in the beginning. The

    authors state that Notel (no television) was typical and similar to the comparison community

    Unitel (one television station) and suggest that census data and resident reports corroborate

    this statement (detail is not provided). A convincing case is made that Notel was not an

    unusual town; the reason Notel had no television was simply because it was in a valley, a

    geographic blind spot, and the transmitter for the area could not reach it. What is puzzling

    is that the youngsters in the three towns had similar levels of aggression during baseline. If

    television causes aggression, Multitel (multiple television stations) should have had much

    higher levels of baseline aggression, followed by Unitel. Clearly, something else was different

    about the Notel childrenor, television does not cause aggression.

    Also, the dependent measure included a variety of aggressive schoolyard activities, some

    of which were analogous to criminality but many of which were not. One has to wonder to

    what extent imitative play fighting played a role in Notels increase in aggression. The

    findings of this study are suggestive that the introduction of television was associated with

    increased obnoxious playground behavior. It would be more instructive if actual crime counts

    in the three towns could be compared.

    Violent media exposure is just one of numerous predictors used by Kruttschnitt, Heath, and

    Ward (1986) to distinguish between violent inmates and a matched sample of nonconvicted

    men. There were significant differences between groups on a retrospective measure of

    exposure to violent TV. The authors themselves do not put much confidence in the findings

    because the size of the coefficient is smaller than those for a variety of other variables.

    However, the finding does favor an effect of violent media exposure. The matched design,

    however, has many drawbacks, the most important of which is that predispositions for

    aggression were not controlled so the alternative hypothesis that aggressive kids like to watch

    violent shows has not been eliminated. Heath, Kruttschnitt, and Ward (1986) expanded on

    this analysis and found an interaction effectthat high exposure to television during

    childhood years was related to the commission of a violent crime during young adulthood if

    violence was also present in the home (p. 186).

    Josephson (1987) marked a turning point in this line of researchher methods are a

    marked improvement over prior studies of this type. Josephson randomly assigned boys to

    watch a violent or nonviolent show and further manipulated frustration and violent cues. Her

    primary interest was in the action of aggressive cues and frustration but she does report that,

    controlling for initial aggression, frustration, and a variety of interactions, the main effect of

    TV violence on floor hockey aggression was negative; the boys who watched violence were

    less aggressive as a group than those who watched a control program. She tested interaction

    effects and found that violent TV content was associated with higher aggressive behavior

    among groups with relatively high average scores on initial characteristic aggressiveness. She

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128 111further points out that In most cases, the very opposite effects occurred among groups of

    boys with low mean levels of characteristic aggressiveness (p. 888). Again, the interaction

    between trait aggressiveness and viewing violence appears to be important.

  • Sprafkin, Gadow, and Grayson (1987, 1988) used learning-disabled (LD) and emotionally

    disturbed (ED) children as subjects. The authors made some effort to use exciting control

    cartoons (Lassies Rescue Rangers) and they found no main effect of condition (violent

    cartoon vs. control cartoons) on short-term physical aggression in LD kids. Among the

    emotionally disturbed children there was significantly more physical aggression during recess

    following control cartoons. They also found an interaction such that low-IQ kids behaved

    more aggressively after the control cartoon.

    An unusual aspect of the design was that all the children saw both violent and nonviolent

    cartoons in randomized order from one day to the next so that any effects the researchers

    detected would have to be short term. If witnessing violent cartoons has an effect that persists

    for days, for example, this type of design would miss it.

    In summary, the group comparisons reviewed here provide very little evidence that

    viewing violent media is positively associated with spontaneous, physically aggressive

    behavior in natural settings. Of the four studies reporting a positive effect, only one did

    not have serious doubts cast on the findings by the authors or a critical review. Numerous

    studies of greater methodological soundness have found null effects and even negative effects

    of viewing violent media on violent behavior.

    It is important to point out that this set of studies were short term in nature and do not

    provide evidence related to long-term effects of a diet of violent television or film exposure. It

    is not necessary for short-term effects to be evident for there to be a long-term effect on


    4.2. Correlational research

    Erons (1963) early study was the starting point for a long series of longitudinal research

    conducted by Eron, Huesmann, and Walder (1972) (discussed in the next section). The

    original study, not originally designed to test the effects of television, found a correlation

    between peer-rated aggression among third graders and the violence rating of the subjects

    three favorite television shows. There was also a significant negative relationship between the

    number of hours of television viewed (estimated by the mother but not corroborated by

    fathers estimates) and aggression. Only simple correlations were reported and no control

    variables were used. This finding was in many ways a springboard for several decades of

    research on this association. By todays standards, however, the findings leave us wanting;

    like many other early correlational studies temporal order has not been established (it could

    be that aggressive children simply like violent programsnot that violent programs caused

    their aggression), and because no controls were used, we must wonder if the relationship is


    The other purely correlational studies can be condensed and summarized because they

    were very similar to one another in design, and their findings are not ambiguous. Unlike the

    other types of studies reviewed here, most of the correlational studies find a significant

    positive correlation between exposure to or preferences for violent television and measures of

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128112delinquency or physical aggression (Belson, 1978; McIntyre & Teevan, 1972; McLeod,

    Atkin, & Chaffee, 1972a, 1972b; Robinson & Bachman, 1972; Thornton & Voigt, 1984).

  • Like some studies reported earlier (Friedrich & Stein, 1973; Josephson, 1987), Robinson and

    Bachman (1972) found that the relationship between preference for violent television and

    aggression was only evident among the group highest in prior aggression.

    Some of the correlational results do not support a significant relationship between viewing

    violence and violent behavior. A reanalysis of the McIntyre and Teevan (1972) data found

    that overall television viewing was associated with violent behavior for girls but not boys

    (Hartnagel, Teevan, & McIntyre, 1975). The authors conclude, We are forced, then, to

    conclude that the TV violence predictors, both objective and perceived, do not matter

    significantly in explaining violent behavior (p. 347). McCarthy, Langner, Gersten, Eisen-

    berg, and Orzeck (1975) found that longer viewing hours was associated with higher

    scores on fighting and delinquency but not violence of preferred programs.

    Of the four types of studies used as categories in the present paper (aggregate, group

    comparisons, correlational and prospective longitudinal) the pattern of findings among

    correlational studies appears to provide the greatest amount of support for the hypothesis

    that exposure to violent television causes criminally aggressive behavior but it is very weak

    support. The finding of a correlation between viewing violence or a preference for it and

    aggressive behavior is consistent with the hypothesis that exposure to television violence

    causes aggression, but it is also consistent with the hypothesis that aggressive children choose

    to watch violent programs. Without a proper control for trait aggressiveness in any of these

    studies, the causal order cannot be determined. These studies should not be weighed heavily

    in an assessment of the evidence even though there are so many of them.

    4.3. Prospective longitudinal studies

    The prospective longitudinal design is the most relevant to the most prominent explanation

    for media effectsthat a diet of violent television and movies over time contributes to the

    aggressive socialization of a child who will, over a long period of time, develop aggressive

    habits (cf. Huesmann, 1986a; Huesmann & Miller, 1994; Huesmann, Moise, & Podolski,

    1997). Several prospective longitudinal studies have been cited widely to support the

    hypothesis that viewing violent television causes criminality.

    Although prospective longitudinal studies probably are among the highest quality of those

    evaluating media violence, most of them use, as their dependent measure, an unsatisfactory

    measure of aggression and, therefore, their findings should not be overemphasized. The

    measure used is peer-nominated aggression obtained by asking children in a classroom to

    nominate which of their classmates behave antisocially (see Table 2). Each subjects score is

    based on the number of other children who nominated him or her for the items.

    The only items that are relevant for our purposes are Who starts a fight over nothing?

    (which could be physical) and Who pushes or shoves other children? Unfortunately, these

    items are embedded in a scale dominated by far less relevant items (see Table 2). Of most

    concern is that the measure is unlikely to identify the most violent children, because there are

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128 113no items that reflect severe, but infrequent, violence. It may also miss children who are highly

    aggressive at home, with siblings, for example, but who are not aggressive at school. The

    child who bullies his little sister may appear to be low in aggressiveness while a little girl who

  • is verbally aggressive may score high on this measure. In spite of this problem, as a group, the

    set of longitudinal studies are the most methodologically rigorous and have some potential for

    elucidating this phenomenon, therefore we include the three main sets of longitudinal studies

    and a more recently reported study here.

    4.4. The Eron/Lefkowitz/Huesmann et al. studies

    The first set of studies was conducted by Eron and his colleagues starting with third-grade

    subjects and was initially reported in 1963 (this study was discussed earlier among the

    correlational findings (Eron, 1963)). Those subjects were followed up at age 13 (reported in

    Lefkowitz, Eron, Walder, & Huesmann, 1972), age 19 (Lefkowitz, Eron, Walder, &

    Huesmann, 1977) and finally, when they were 30 years old (Huesmann, 1986a).

    Controlling for initial levels of aggression (an important milestone in the present line of

    research), Lefkowitz et al. (1972) reported a partial correlation of .25 (significance not

    reported) between age 8 preference for violent programs and age 13 peer-nominated

    Table 2

    Items from a peer-nominated aggression measure

    1. Who does not obey the teacher?

    2. Who often says, Give me that?

    3. Who gives dirty looks or sticks out their tongue at other children?

    4. Who makes up stories and lies to get other children into trouble?

    5. Who does things that bother others?

    6. Who starts a fight over nothing?

    7. Who pushes or shoves other children?

    8. Who is always getting into trouble?

    9. Who says mean things?

    10. Who takes other childrens things without asking?

    From Huesmann and Eron (1986, p. 32).

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128114aggression. This approach, used in other studies as well, predicts change in aggression over

    a period of time using information related to violent television exposure. The authors went on

    to report a multivariate regression, but the procedure was run stepwise and thus is of little

    use since television violence preference at age 8 was entered into the model first, not

    effectively controlling for the other factors. Although the study does not contradict the

    authors hypothesis, its support is weak since alternative hypotheses were not effectively


    Lefkowitz et al. (1977) followed up the same subjects at age 19. The peer-nominated

    aggression measure is used again and is even less satisfying because the subjects were no

    longer in school together and may have been basing their responses on impressions from

    years past. Furthermore, the peer-nominated aggression items seem less relevant to a young

    adult sample than they were for a child sample (e.g., Who does not obey the teacher?

    Who makes up stories and lies to get other children into trouble?). The authors found a

    significant relationship between preference for violent television at age 8 and aggression at

    age 19, controlling for a variety of factors one by one. Most important among these factors

  • was peer-rated aggression at age 8. This study was among the earliest to attempt to isolate the

    effects of television violence on change in aggression and to establish the temporal order of

    the effect. The authors also controlled for other measures from age 8 (one by one): fathers

    occupation, fathers aggressiveness, childs IQ, mothers aggressiveness, parental punishment

    of child, parents mobility orientation, hours of TV watched, and a series of factors measured

    contemporaneously (age 19) including fathers occupation, subjects aspirations, and hours of

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128 115watching television.

    The estimated correlation between early preference for violent television and later ag-

    gression is .31 and is almost certainly larger than it would be if all the control variables were

    entered simultaneously. For present purposes, the finding is highly suggestive, but the

    outcome is not as close to criminal conduct as one would like. Based on such a finding, it

    would still be speculative to say that television violence would have a significant net effect on

    criminal aggression. This is the most important finding reported to date but not terribly

    satisfyingnevertheless, reviewers have interpreted it as convincing evidence that exposure

    to television violence causes violent crime.

    Huesmann (1986a) briefly reports a 22-year follow-up of this study1 in a theoretical article

    that presents a model of media effects on behavior. Figures are presented briefly at the end of

    the article and they appear to demonstrate correlations between early preferences for

    television violence, frequency of TV viewing, and the number and seriousness of convictions

    at age 30. This would qualify as a very important finding, but the details of measurement and

    analysis are not described and no freestanding empirical article reporting this finding has been

    published to date.2 Nevertheless, the finding has been emphasized dramatically by reviewers.

    In summary, there are several problems with overstating the correlations discovered by the

    Eron/Lefkowitz/Huesmann group in this line of researchfirst, the initial measure of

    exposure to violent television is limited to preferences for violent showsnot exposure to

    violent television. The most important finding is that early preferences for violent television

    are associated with peer-rated aggression at age 19, controlling for initial levels of aggression.

    Unfortunately, the measure of aggression includes mainly obnoxious, irritating behaviors and

    few unlawful ones so generalization to criminal violence is tenuous. The most anticipated

    finding was one where early-wave aggression was related to seriousness of conviction record

    at age 30, controlling for earlier peer-nominated aggression. The casual reporting of the

    finding invites skepticism. Even if accepted as stated, there are some alternative explanations

    that prevent a great deal of confidence in that finding. In particular, it is quite likely that using

    peer-nominated aggression in third grade as a control is not appropriate when predicting later

    1 Although studies by Huesmann, Eron, Lefkowitz, and Walder (1984) and Huesmann, Lagerspetz, and Eron

    (1984) have both been cited as the 22-year follow-up of this study, said to report a relationship between

    preferences for violent TV at age 8 and seriousness of criminal convictions at age 30, neither study presents any

    such comparison (various published misattributions exist, suggesting that reviewers are citing material they did not


    2 It has been reported in the popular press (Rhodes, 2000) that the correlation between age-8 TV violence

    viewing and adult violent crime was due to three subjects who were the only subjects to have committed violent

    crimes; all three had scored high on age-8 TV violence viewing.

  • criminality instead of later peer-nominated aggression. It is likely that such a measure

    misses children with serious antisocial tendencies who would not have been identified by

    the early measure. Still, this finding is of keen interest if replicated with a larger sample and

    valid measures of violent behavior would provide part of the basis for a convincing argument

    that TV violence is an important cause of violent crime.

    4.5. The Milavsky et al. study

    Though reviews of the literature repeatedly allude to the authors as researchers for a major

    television network presumably to discredit their work, Milavsky et al. also report a rigorous

    test of the impact of television violence on aggressive behavior (Milavsky, Kessler, Stipp, &

    Rubens, 1982a, refers to their portion of the NIMH report; Milavsky, Stipp, Kessler, &

    Rubens, 1982b, refers to their book).

    Elementary school boys and girls and teenaged boys were used to test the hypothesis that

    television violence viewing measured earlier in the study would predict aggression and

    delinquency measured later in the study, controlling for prior aggression and other factors.

    The authors present multivariate models controlling for SES and other variables including

    stability of aggression (Wave 1 aggression) that do not indicate a significant relationship

    between early, violent TV viewing and later aggression for boys. They report a small but

    significant effect for girls. The authors explored the data in great detail for curvilinearity, for

    effects among subgroups (such as those based on income, occupation, city, family size,

    fatherhood involvement, strictness, etc.) and found no evidence, above what we might expect

    by chance in such a large number of analyses, for a relationship. The outcome measure was a

    modified version of the peer-nominated aggression measure Huesmann and his colleagues

    had previously usedMilavsky et al. used factor analysis to create the final index, which

    included four items (Who tries to hurt others by saying mean things to them? Who makes up

    stories or lies to get someone else into trouble? Who tries to hurt others by pushing or

    shoving? Who hits or punches other people to hurt them?); this index is somewhat more

    satisfactory than those used by the Eron/Lefkowitz/Huesmann group (Lefkowitz et al., 1977)

    because violent behaviors such as pushing, shoving, and punching are weighted more heavily.

    One important difference between the Milavsky et al. study and the other longitudinal

    studies is that the authors chose to control for early-wave violent TV exposure as well. By

    partialling out variability in initial TV habits, the authors are essentially testing whether the

    exposure specific to the study period affects the outcome variables. This is a much more

    conservative test of the hypothesis than is reported in other studies and would make it more

    difficult to detect an effectin particular if the appropriate age group is not used.

    In a more relevant set of analyses (because the outcome is criminal in nature), Milavsky et

    al. (1982b) examined onset of delinquency for the teenage sample who were asked during

    each wave of data collection if they had committed any of a series of delinquent acts (badly

    beaten someone up, gotten arrested, been in a gang fight, stolen a car, knifed someone).

    Because of an unfortunate anomaly with the incidence rates, the authors chose to see if they

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128116could predict onset of delinquency using TV violence exposure rather than using another

    measure of delinquency. Although a global significance test of a large number of comparisons

  • suggested that exposure to television violence was not related to onset of delinquency, a

    visual inspection of the pattern of findings reported certainly appears to provide some

    evidence for a positive effect of exposure to violent television on onset of delinquency. The

    probabilities of onset of delinquency increased from .09 for teenagers in the 5th percentile of

    TV violence exposure to .18 for those in the 95th percentile. There were other similar patterns

    also reported, but Milavsky et al. choose to rely on significance tests and conclude that their

    data do not support an effect.

    A problem with the design in this particular comparison, though, may have resulted in an

    exaggeration of the effectMilavsky et al. did not control for trait aggressiveness or some

    other indicator of initial variability in the propensity for delinquency in this comparison. They

    argue that a control was not necessary because the boys chosen for the onset analysis had

    not committed a delinquent act as of the first wave and therefore did not vary. It could

    easily be argued, however, the subjects did vary in their propensity to become delinquent or in

    trait aggressiveness and the authors should have at least used the peer-nominated aggression

    measure from the early wave as a control for personality differences (though this is not

    completely satisfactory as argued earlier, it was the best measure they had for the purpose).

    Based on the other findings where such a control nullified some significant simple

    correlations, one would expect it to reduce the visually evident (but not statistically

    significant) effect here too.

    4.6. The Huesmann, Eron, et al. cross-national studies

    Because of some dissatisfaction with the earlier series of studies, Huesmann and col-

    leagues organized a replication of the Eron/Lefkowitz/Huesmann study, designed especially

    to test whether or not exposure to violent television had independent effects on later

    aggression. A well-designed, very ambitious project, Huesmann and Eron ran the study in

    the United States while it was being replicated simultaneously in four other countries:

    Australia (Sheehan, 1986), Finland (Lagerspetz & Viemero, 1986), Israel (Bachrach, 1986),

    and Poland (Fraczek, 1986). The studies are all reported in one volume.

    Like Milavsky et al. (1982a, 1982b), Huesmann and Eron, 1986 used a multiple-wave

    design. In each country two cohorts of childrenone in first grade and one in third grade

    were followed up for 3 years. The findings of most interest for Americans are those reported

    by Huesmann and Eron (1986) based on the sample of children in the United States. They

    found the expected positive simple correlations between television violence viewing and

    aggression for boys and girls in almost all comparisons. More importantly, though,

    controlling for initial aggression, TV violence viewing in the first and second waves had a

    significant positive correlation with third-wave aggression for girls but not boys. This is the

    effect of primary importance and it did not hold for boys. One could take this as strong

    evidence, given the high quality of the study, that exposure to TV violence is not an important

    predictor of aggression for boys, who are of most interest because they are disproportionately

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128 117involved in violence.

    The authors followed up by creating a second version of the independent variablea

    multiplicative composite of TV violence viewing and a measure of identification with

  • aggressive characters (which had demonstrated a very high correlation with aggression).

    They found that the composite was significantly, positively related to Wave 3 aggression,

    controlling for Wave 1 aggression for boys. It is unclear why this is a surprise, because

    Huesmann has elsewhere convincingly reported that aggression is a stable trait and

    identification with aggressive characters is correlated with it. It is also unclear why the

    composite measure is seen as a valid substitute for the purer TV violence exposure variable.

    The modified independent variable is a mixture of exposure to violent television and a

    personality-related measure and, thus, we cannot know the extent to which aggression in the

    later wave is due to TV or personality (in fact, we must suspect it is due to personality since

    the correlation for identification was high and the partial correlation for TV violence was

    null). The follow-up finding has been widely cited as evidence for the effect of violent

    television on aggressive behavior, in spite of the fact that the original analysis suggested that

    violent television did not cause aggression in the preadolescent boys in the sample.

    Furthermore, in data from the four other countries where the study was conducted, in no

    case was the model of most interest based on the studys original design (Wave 3 peer-

    nominated aggression =Wave 1 aggression +Wave 1 and 2 TV violence viewing + covariates)

    reported as statistically significant. In fact, most of the authors did not report this model at all.

    Huesmann and Erons (1986) finding of a significant association between TV violence

    exposure and later aggression for girls was unique among all the findings reported. Yet the

    international findings have also been taken to support the hypothesis that viewing violence

    causes aggression because of findings reported using modified variables. In Finland,

    Lagerspetz and Viemero (1986) used the product of television violence viewing and

    identification with aggressive characters as their independent variable and found a significant

    relationship between this composite variable and Wave 3 aggression. Fraczek (1986),

    reporting the Polish study, uses violence of preferred shows in Waves 1 and 2 as the

    independent variable and finds that this is not significantly related to third-wave aggression

    (though the authors and subsequent reviewers characterize the finding as marginally

    significant, P < .10).

    The Israeli study is reported by Bachrach (1986), who uses the proper independent

    variabletelevision violence viewing in Waves 1 and 2, but instead of using Wave 3

    aggression as the dependent variable, he reports findings for the ratio of aggression to

    avoidance of aggression for reasons unexplained. Controlling for cohort, initial aggression,

    initial peer aggression avoidance, the multiple regression reveals a positive and statistically

    significant relationship between early television violence viewing and this ratio. Finally,

    Sheehan (1986) does compute the model anticipated by the studys design and reports that

    television violence exposure did not have significant effects on aggression among the

    Australian children. This is the only study that limits itself to reporting the expected multiple

    regression model for both sexes using the pure peer-nominated aggression and TV violence

    viewing variables. It is also the only study that reports completely null effects.

    Huesmanns (1986b) own summary assessment of the evidence from these studies suggests

    there is a consistent, convincing pattern that supports the TV violence viewingaggression

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128118relationship. A more critical evaluation would conclude that there is very little evidence from

    this set of studies that exposure to television violence causes aggressive behavior. There was

  • no relationship between early-wave TV violence viewing (measured in its most appropriate

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128 119form) and later wave peer-nominated aggression for any subject grouping except the

    American girls.3

    4.7. Johnson et al. (2002)

    A very recently released study by Johnson, Cohen, Smailes, Kasen, and Brook (2002) was

    published in Science and reported on the front page of the Washington Post. This study

    collected self-report and maternal report data beginning in 1975 in a study of children in the

    community. The independent variable was hours of television viewing per day, divided into

    three groupings ( < 1 h, 13 h, > 3 h). This is a measure of overall television viewing, not

    violence viewing per se, so the findings should be interpreted accordingly. The authors found

    that net of controls, there was a higher prevalence of assaults, robberies, and aggressive acts

    more generally among individuals who watched more than 1 hour of television in

    adolescence (average age 14) 2 to 8 years later when they were young adults (measurements

    were made when their average age was 16 and again at 22) than among individuals who

    watched less than 1 hour of television. Though not statistically significant, it was clear that

    prevalence rates were also higher among those watching more than 3 h than 13 h.

    Furthermore, the prevalence of violent behaviors at average age 30 (ages ranged from

    approximately 25 to 35) among those viewing more than 3 h per day as a young adult

    (average age 22) were higher than among those who watched less than 3 h of television a day.

    Some, not all, of the findings held when the authors controlled for previous and subsequent

    television viewing.

    The analysis is difficult to evaluate thoroughly because the article is short and does not

    contain a great deal of detail. Furthermore, it was difficult to find the detail in other works

    cited. First, the subject ages seem somewhat inappropriate for testing the theory that has

    received the most attention in recent yearsthat a diet of television violence leads to

    violent behavior in children. Many studies suggest that aggressive tendencies are estab-

    lished rather early in life and the earliest measures in this study were taken when subjects

    were an average age of 14 years old (ages ranged from about 9 to 19). Even Huesmann

    would probably argue that this is too late to test his theory. The controls used in the first

    analysis are listed as childhood neglect, growing up in an unsafe neighborhood, low family

    income, low parental education, and psychiatric disorder. It is likely that these are dummy

    coded and, thus, lose some of their power. For example, the measure of childhood neglect

    is based on information from a central registry and retrospective self-reports and may not

    be adequate for controlling for the subtleties of parental monitoring and supervision.

    Another concern is that parental harshness or abuse is not controlled. The addition of a

    control for neglect is a welcome one, but it is not clear that this measure has adequate

    validity for the purpose.3 Huesmann et al. are preparing a report of the longitudinal follow-up of these children. The published report is

    currently limited to abstracts from a symposium on The effects of childhood aggression and exposure to media

    violence on adult behaviors, attitudes, and mood (Huesmann, Moise, Podolski, & Eron, 1999).

  • prior analysis seem inappropriate (it does not make sense to control for neglect amongsubjects aged 1727), and because violent behaviors were measured in young adulthood, this

    measure should have been used as a control. There are additional problems with this

    comparisonat this age, of course, watching a great deal of television could be associated

    with unemployment, depression, intelligence, whether the subject has children or not,

    whether the subject is a high school dropout or not, marital problems, and a variety of

    factors that could be related to violence and are unmeasured and uncontrolled here.

    Although the Johnson et al. (2002) findings suggest increased violence among persons

    who watch more television, and add to the literature by suggesting this correlation lasts into

    adulthood, they do not add significant evidence in favor of the thesis that viewing violent

    television causes violent behavior.

    In summary, although findings from the prospective longitudinal studies have been taken

    as strong evidence that viewing violence causes violent aggression, a careful reading suggests

    that evidence for an effect on criminal behavior is practically nonexistent and the evidence for

    an effect on aggression is very weak at best. If peer-nominated aggression is proximate for

    violent behavior, as is presumed by many, the evidence suggests, instead, that viewing violent

    television does not affect it significantly.

    5. Summary and conclusions

    Table 3 displays a tightly summarized version of what has been discussed throughout this

    paper. Although there are numerous positive effects evident in the table, they are concentrated

    among studies of least methodological relevance for studying the effect of television violence

    on criminally violent behavior (see Table 3). These include the correlational studies (which,

    for the most part, do not establish temporal order and have inadequate controls for spurious

    factors) and the prospective longitudinal studies that have, for the most part, relied on peer-

    nominated aggression as the outcome and that have not reported consistent significant effects

    based on the statistical model implied by the original design of those studies.

    Although a tally of the findings summarized in Table 3 is not a perfect way to comparePrevious research has been very consistent in suggesting that aggressive children prefer

    violent television so it is very important in any study of this type to control for early

    tendencies for violent aggression if the outcome to be examined later is violence. The only

    control used here is psychiatric disorder based on the Diagnostic Interview Schedule for

    Children (DISC-I). Although the authors do not explain the measure in full, it appears that a

    dummy code was used for presence or absence of psychiatric symptoms (including aggressive

    symptoms). This very broad measure is really not adequate for controlling for early violent


    The second set of comparisons that were reported examining the effects of television

    viewing in young adulthood (average age 22) are a little more ambiguous. The authors report

    that control factors were used but do not specify which ones. The control factors used in the

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128120effects, it is a quick way to get a sense of the findings reported. If we limit ourselves to studies

    of highest and medium relevance for testing this hypothesis, we find 23 markings.

  • Table 3

    Summary of study findings by methodological relevance for testing hypothesis that exposure to television

    violence causes criminally violent behavior

    Relevance Study authors Most important methodological problems Overall


    Aggregate-level studies

    Highest Messner (1986) Medium Phillips (1983) Time lags not prespecified; significance tests

    not reported


    Hennigan et al., 1982 Few controls; measure of exposure is

    introduction of television


    Lowest Lester (1989) No controls oBerkowitz and Macaulay


    Inadequate controls; time lags not

    prespecified; independent variable actual

    violent events that were reported in news


    Centerwall (1989) Inadequate reporting; three-country


    (see extensive discussion in text)


    Experiments and quasi-experiments

    Highest Hapkiewicz and Roden (1971) oHapkiewicz and Stone (1974) + Realistic


    Josephson (1987) PSprafkin et al. (1987) oSprafkin et al. (1988)

    Medium Feshbach and Singer (1971) Control group may have been angered and

    may have suspected intent of research

    Friedrich and Stein (1973) Control condition not equally exciting PLeyens et al. (1975) Control condition not equally exciting;

    play fighting may have been included;

    subjects not randomly assigned


    Kruttschnitt et al. (1986) Matched design (potential for spuriousness) +

    Huston-Stein et al. (1981) Baseline probably not representative of

    typical behavior


    Lowest Steuer et al. (1971) Very small sample (n = 10); no significance

    tests reported


    Joy et al. (1986) Television exposure, not violence exposure

    measure used; three-community

    comparison; see further critique in text


    Correlational studies (some report multivariate)

    Medium Hartnagel et al. (1975) Temporal order not established; no control o Boys(later analysis of McIntyre and

    Teevan, 1972)

    for trait aggressiveness + Girls

    McLeod et al. (1972a) Temporal order not established; no control

    for trait aggressiveness


    (continued on next page)

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128 121

  • Relevance Study authors Most important methodological problems Overall


    Correlational studies (some report multivariate)

    Lowest Eron (1963) Temporal order not established; no controls;

    peer-nominated aggression used


    Bassett, Cowden, and Cohen


    Retrospective measure; no controls;

    inadequate reporting


    Robinson and Bachman


    Temporal order not established; no controls P

    McCarthy et al. (1975) Temporal order not established; no controls;

    preference for violence as measure


    Belson (1978) Temporal order not established; trait

    aggressiveness not adequately controlled;


    Singer and Singer (1981) Action detective shows used; limited

    controls; no control for trait aggressiveness


    Thornton and Voigt (1984) Temporal order not established;

    no control for trait aggressiveness;

    preference for violence used


    Prospective longitudinal

    Medium Milavsky et al. (1982a, 1982b) Peer-nominated aggression used; o Boysonset of aggression used without control

    for prior aggressiveness

    + Girls

    Huesmann and Eron (1986) Peer-nominated aggression used o Boys+ Girls

    Sheehan (1986) Peer-nominated aggression used oLowest Lefkowitz et al. (1972),

    Eron et al. (1972)

    Preference for violence used;

    peer-nominated aggression measure used


    Lefkowitz et al. (1977) Preference for violence used;

    peer-nominated aggression measure used


    Huesmann (1986a) Inadequate reporting; inadequate control

    for early criminally violent behavior


    Bachrach (1986) Peer-nominated aggression used; ratio of

    aggression to avoidance of aggression used


    Fraczek (1986) Peer-nominated aggression used;

    violence of preferred shows used


    Lagerspetz and Viemero


    Peer-nominated aggression used; weighted

    measure TV violence viewing; identification

    with aggressive characters used


    Johnson et al. (2002) Hours of TV viewing used; inadequate

    control for violence proneness


    o Overall null effect.+ Overall positive effect of exposure to TV violence indicator on aggressive behavior measure.

    Overall negative effect of exposure to TV violence measure on aggressive behavior measure.P Interaction effectexposure associated with increased aggression for subjects high in trait aggressiveness.

    a Based on statistical test that best tests the research question of interest here. These are intended to summarize

    findings for study and do not necessarily reflect the conclusions drawn by the researchers themselves.

    Table 3 (continued )

    J. Savage / Aggression and Violent Behavior 10 (2004) 99128122

  • Of these, seven summary findings report a positive effect but three of those are for girls only.

    Four summary findings report a negative effect (more media violence, less violent behavior).

    Nine findings are null and three reflect an interaction such that viewing violence had a

    positive effect on those already high in trait aggression. On the balance, for boys, there

    appears to be no more evidence for a positive effect than there is for a negative effect of

    media violence on violent behavior. Although it could be the case that most of the studies

    missed the effect due to methodological limitations, it is not appropriate nor is it common

    practice to conclude that the effect must have been missed in those studies. What is common

    practice is to evaluate the methodology of studies that report significant findings, see if there

    are rival hypotheses, and temper our conclusions to the extent that there are. Of the high

    and medium relevance studies reporting positive findings we find a time lag that was not

    prespecified, a matched design with potential for spuriousness, and a lack of control for prior

    aggressivenessall very significant problems that without further study mitigate against our

    confidence in these findings. Of course this conclusion would be different if we accept the

    interpretations of the prospective cross-national studies provided by their authors, which have

    not been accepted at face value in this review.

    Schramm, Lyle, and Parker (1961), in the very first lines of one of the first full-length

    studies of television and North American children, wrote that No informed person can say

    simply that television is bad or that it is good for children. For some children, under some

    conditions, some television is harmful. For other children, under the same conditions, or for

    the same children under other conditions, it may be beneficial. For most children, under most

    conditions, most television is probably neither particularly harmful nor particularly benefi-

    cial (p. 1). This early conclusion probably holds today.

    Unfortunately for the serious scholar, most published reviews and discussions of this topic

    frequently cite conclusions of authors without addressing the inadequacies of the research that

    produced them. At present, it is safe to say that the research has established several

    correlations. Children with aggressive tendencies tend to prefer violent programming more

    than children without them. Some studies find a correlation between exposure to violent

    programming and aggressive behavior. However, that correlation may be due to a variety of

    spurious factors that have not been adequately eliminated. In the laboratory, subjects who

    view violent material often behave more aggressively, on average, than those who did not

    but mild aggression is typically measured as an outcome, and demand characteristics

    probably exaggerate this effect beyond applicability to criminal behavior.

    However, saying there is a lack of evidence supporting a hypothesis does not mean there is

    convincing evidence that the null hypothesis is true and correct. As an early reviewer of this

    paper pointed out, it is important to acknowledge the methodological challenge of measuring

    the long-range impact of exposure to violent television. Criminality is rare and it would take

    very large samples