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Gone girl

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The movie Gone Girl is about a Woman, Amy Dunne who mysteriously disappears. Her husband Nick Dunne is seen in the Public eye and the media as the man responsible for not only for her disappearance but also for her apparent murder.

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The first music that is heard in the opening shot is of a piano, the low key shows you that a serious and bad event has occurred.The camera on a crane rising above a crowded. This can be used to show the importance of the situation.The tone is dark and has very low and dark lighting showing that it is primarily made for adults and not for children. The next shot if of the main character Nick Dunne and the first impression shows the camera looking up at him, showing that he is the dominant character in the situation, however the colour is dark and you can't really see all of his facial features showing that he may not be a good guy.

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A close up shot then shows the other main character Amy Dunne looking at the camera, her facial experian is plain and expressionless and could signify that she is lost, while the music in the background is slows and soft and when the close up on her face is shown the lyrics can be heard saying “ She may be the face you won't forget” signifying that she goes missing and that if you see her you won't forget her suggesting she's already been murdered.

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While the music carries on playing a electrical billboard can be seen showing Amy’s face with the words “Help find Amy Dunne”. The fact that all of this is shown in the first part of the trailer showing that it is no spoiler that she goes missing and that the whole film is about them trying to find her. Also the camera is again looking up at the billboard suggesting that she is the good guy in the movie and that Nick is indeed the bad guy.

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The next shot is very dark and takes place in a back ally, however the sense that is shown is a happy sense and it is how the characters first met, the fact that it is dark suggests that their happiness won't last forever and that they are doomed to fail. A medium close up shot is than shown on Amy with the lyrics heard “Pleasure” showing she is happy. Then straight after the Lyrics say “regret” and show Nick standing in the kitchen on his own, Again signifying that he is the bad guy in the movie and held responsible for Amy’s disappearance.

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A medium close up shot is again shown, this time with both characters standing with each other showing an intimate meeting with Nick kissing and touching Amy’s chin. Again with sinister lyrics “holding my treasure” this could be orronic as all we have seen in the trailer is both the characters unhappy and that they are both miserable and actually hate each other.

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The trailer continues to show Nick in a negative way and with Amy gone and the broken table on the floor with glass around the carpet with the lyrics “With the price I had to pay” again telling the audience that all this time it was nice behind Amy’s disappearance. The camera shot is looking down at the broken table showing that Nick is in control and that he is the man behind her disappearance.

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A mid shot shows Amy in the bath looking at Nick and shows her trying to get lower in the water to discard eye contact with him confirming that they didn't have a happy marriage. The music is still playing and is being shown as ironic in the circumstances we are being told to believe in the movie trailer.

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A series of jump cut are shown of different parts in the movie all dark and gloomy suggesting they are getting closer to finding Amy and what really happened. The music that is still playing is working is a narrative saying “Maybe a hundred different things” this could be referring to the jump cuts and that there are many different outcomes in what happened to amy.

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The characters and then shown talking to each other for the first time and the camera is at a mid shot this makes the audience feel as if we are watching something we aren't meant to see. A two shot is then shown of Amy pushing Nick away and him then grabbing her violently by the arms. This can show the even when they are together they are still never happy.

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A TV in then shown in the trailer of a image of Nick standing next to a missing poster with his wife on the front with Nick smiling. This can be seen as a Point of view shot as the location is in a airport looking up at the screen. The audience feels as if they are someone seeing that poster for the first time and how it makes us feel as if we are to believe he is guilty, with the music getting progressively louder.

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This shot if an over the shoulder look at a UV light showing mass blood splatter and Nick being interrogated by the police. Through out the trailer it makes the audience side with Amy and the police in that Nick is the murder. With the music still constantly being played throughout the trailer. Also the shot feels as if you are not meant to be her and seeing this image.

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Again a two shot is shown both with Nick and Amy out to dinner kissing, this can be shown as an ironic picture of that the couple are pretending to love each other. And also it can shake the audience into believing that Nick is innocent.

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However jumps cuts are shown again with the music getting louder showing that it is getting more intense with Nick throwing glass on the floor and him running away from a grown using a long shot. This could believe that the truth is catching up with Nick and him eventually getting into a police car this could mean that the police have finally caught him.

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The last shot in the trailer is of Nick saying “I did not kill my wife” with amy floating down to the bottom of a lake at the same time showing that it was him all along and that through out the trailer it has shown how he is suspected to be the murder with the light slowly fading from the lake showing that it is the end of the story and that the mystery has been solved.

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The title gone girl appears with nick saying “I'm not a murder” with the background showing a lake showing the audience that it was the same lake that Amy was dumped in.

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Audience and producers

The producers throughout the trailer are trying to convince the audience that Nick Dunne is the murder and that he is responsible for all of the bad decisions that have happened in the movie. However the producers are trying to get both sides of the story and wanting to make the audience believe both sides of the story, but it seems that they are trying to make it look more like it is Nick in the trailer who is the bad guy and that it is up to the audience to make that final decision. It is clever marketing as it gives you a feeling of who is actually the bad guy in the movie, and people like to feel that they can make the final decision in what they want to believe and more importantly who to believe.

The movie was previously a book authored by Gillian Flynn and the producers of the movie 20th century fox wanted to make the movie to people who have already read the book won't get the whole movie spoiled and that there are even surprises in the movie for the audience so that the original audience are not initially disappointed with the product. The movie is directed by David Fincher