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Adobe Youth VoicesMedia Submission Process

March 28, 2011


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1. Submission Process Steps: Before Exporting

• Preparing your media pieces

• Checking Logo Guidelines

• Collecting NELA’s and Model Releases

• Gathering Project Information

2. Exporting Your Media Project

3. Submitting Final Projects Online

4. Materials and Support for Exporting and Submitting

5. Questions and Answers


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Steps for Submitting

1. Make sure your Media Projects are ready to go!

2. Gather all necessary Project Information3. Collect all the necessary Forms4. Export & Save Media5. Submit Media to your Network/ Regional

Coordinator or Media Mentor6. Coordinator/ Mentor Reviews Media and

ensures paperwork is complete7. Adobe Foundation receives Final Project


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Preparing Your media

Schedule time before the deadline given to you by your coordinator/mentor for a final review of projects. Look closely at spelling, copyright, and proper crediting.

Check out the Copyright Checklist to make sure that Adobe Youth Voices will legally be able to exhibit the work. Do you have ALL required model release forms? NELA Forms?

Involve the youth artists in the review process by giving them the Copyright Checklist as well!

Be sure the projects credit the youth artists, all partner organizations, and include the Adobe Youth Voices logo at the end of the piece (video) or on the piece (other media).


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Paperwork and Forms

Model Release Forms: signed and collected from anyone who appears or is heard in the project. If under 18 a parent/ guardian signature is also required.

NELA (Non-Exclusive Licensing Agreement): signed and collected from all the youth artists. If under 18 a parent/ guardian signature is also required.

The Model Releases and NELA Forms should be scanned and submitted along with the media projects online.

If you do not have the capacity to scan paperwork to save electronically, you can submit the hard copies. Be sure to make copies for your own records!


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Exporting Media Projects


Visit the Training Center for the following tutorials:

Exporting Projects Using Premiere Elements 7

Exporting Projects Using Premiere Elements 8

Exporting Projects Using Premiere Elements 9

Exporting Projects Using CS4

Uploading Media using the AYV Submission Tool

It is essential that you export your projects at the best qualityso that they can be distributed and exhibited globally!

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Project Information to Submit


Required Fields:• Upload Media File• Define Project Type: Video, Image, Audio• Provide Author and Media Information

• Project Title• Authors/ Creators• Project Description

• Upload Model Release Forms and NELA’s (Non-Exclusive Licensing Agreements)

Optional Fields: • Translated Title• Themes• Keywords• Software Used• Participating Organizations• Notes to Reviewer

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Submitting hard copies


If you cannot submit your work online, you can submit your projects as a hard copy on DVD.

• All media projects must be saved to a DATA DVD! Please do not use a DVD Authoring Program (such as iDVD) for submitting your work.

• On your final DVD, be sure you label folder by project name. • Complete the Project Form and Organization Form, these are to

be submitted with your project. Both forms can be found in the Toolkit.

• Save media projects and all scanned forms to the appropriate project folder.

• You can save multiple projects on one DVD, but please be sure to organize your projects by folders.

• Label the DVD with your site name, your name, and your email address.

• Deliver the DVD and any paper copies of forms that you are submitting to your AYV Coordinator/ Mentor.

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Materials & Resources


Toolkit: • Copyright Checklist• Model Release• NELA• Logos• Logo Guidelines• Media Submission Forms (for DVD submission only)

Training Center: • Tutorials for Exporting your Projects• Tutorials for Submitting Online

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Coordinator/ Mentor Role


Ensure that each media project submitted has all the correct paperwork with signatures. If any forms are missing Adobe cannot distribute or exhibit the work (& that is the same for your organization).

Review the projects to make sure that there are not any Copyright Issues.

Submit final work to Adobe Foundation.

The AYV Program team wants to give youth a voice and help them make change! With your support and effort we can continue to showcase and share more and more youth stories.

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Questions & Answers

After the Webinar, visit the Exhibition Forum to post your questions about submitting work and exhibition: