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Page 2: Media Studies AS - Evaluation Question 1

Front Cover Conventions - Masthead (Big and clear)

- Central Image (Model photo shopped in)

- Lure (Commonly text under and title)

- Colour scheme (Bright, pops out)

- Barcode (with price tag)

- Issue Number

- Images

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My Front Cover Conventions I found through my research of my genre for my magazine was to have one artist as a central image, commonly with the model with direct more of address. I found this on every pop magazine that I found. I also found that it is conventional to have smaller pictures of other artist to act as a puff with pull lines such as “Exclusive Interview”. I also found that it is conventional to use bright colours as it pops out to the audience it is meant to appeal to. The Tile is also meant to stand out towards that audience as it is the biggest text on the page. Barcodes are also used to show the price of the magazine.

I used lures to make the central image seem less plain and make the front cover seem lively. This is conventional as there is more going on in my front cover. I also included an issue number. This is conventional because for archive purposes it can be seen what was said on which magazine was released.

I think my colour scheme is conventional because it makes all my text stand out and is bright and can be seen by the audience.

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Contents Page Conventions - Page numbers

- Lures (Linked to page numbers)

- Central image (as a lure to a page)

- Titles (A little insight to what the page is about)

- Masthead (Labelled contents)

- A sense of order and tidiness

- Images

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My Contents Page The context page is meant to be full of text and page numbers. This is conventional because it is meant to feel like the magazine is full of content. Conventional pop magazine contents pages normally have an order to them, so my contents page is tidy and can be clearly seen by the audience. The big masthead I made to make my contents conventional but with my own touch. I think that it works well as it fits in very well in the magazine. The model is with direct mode of address the audience and also the biggest image on the page. This is because conventionally there is a central lure on a contents page so I decided to do the same to make my magazine conventional.

If I were to go back I think I would make my Contents page more busy and add more conventions. Such as an editors quote. This would mean that the editor (me) would be able to speak to the reader.

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DPS Conventions - Images (commonly one big one of model(s))

- Masthead

- Lots of text (Normally small to fit in lots of text)

- Page numbers

- Pull quote

- Editor and Photographer credit

- Article

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My DPS Common for a DPS is to have a big title. This is normally the artist(s) or if the artist is more recognised then it is normally just a statement they said and this also acts as the pull quote. The models on the DPS are meant to be enlarged. This is because they are the main focus on the page is the artist. The article I made is based on these two models and how they are new artist and what it is like to handle fame and how they started out. I feel like this works because people commonly want to know about new artist in music genre.

I think if I could go back I would make my DPS more conventional. This is because I believe it to be the least conventional and I think I could do a lot better. Maybe add some “social media contacts” to the DPS to make it more conventional and modern.

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Overall I feel like my magazine is conventional. This is because on my front cover I went with a typical lay out for a pop magazine which fitted in with the images and text that I used on the front cover to make it look conventional. It took me a few attempts to finally get the design I wanted. My Contents page I believe to be the most conventional part of my magazine. It is full with information that is easy to read and has some images as pulls towards some pages like a normal magazine for my genre. In my DPS, I think I tried my best to be able to make it conventional although it was really difficult to make it. Overall I’m happy with the overall result. I had to perfect the writing to make it conventional and redo the images a few times to make it as best as I could to those of which I had seen in other pop magazines.

A specific part of my magazine that was influenced by my research was the title. All were very original at what I had seen and were distinguishable. So I decided to make an original title for my magazine that would be distinguishable. That’s when I came up with the idea for “Sound”.