Download - Media part 5

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Media part 5

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Using photo shop I used the filters at the top of the page, I filtered through distort and diffuse glow giving the picture a contrasting brightness to it

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On half of my album sleeve, I decided to use the normal text tool on photo shop to write the lyrics to the song, something I have found in the majority of album covers I have looked at during the research stage of this.

I placed the down the left hand side of the page and simply –placed this over the top of the picture

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By using these effect i9 can take a layer out of the work and work 0n it separately to the piece, using the artistic effects on Photoshop you can change the balance, stroke length and sharpness, I u8sed this to make the triangle see though to over lap on to the sleeve picture.

Page 5: Media part  5

First draft of album cover

Final draft cover

The album cover keeps with the sea theme I wanted but also is basic and did not show of the skills I used to create it, also this is quite dull and consist of two colours, I didn't feel this challenged the average conventions of an album cover.

This cover engages the target audience with eh vibrant colour and the serenity of the picture used, the theme of unity and triangles is carried through this, it challenges the average conventions by being simplistic yet effective

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First draftFinal draft

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Using Photoshop I imported the album cover and compressed it to stop the image pixel ting, then put it into publisher top change the brightness of the picture to make it stand out

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The flyer shows sponsorship ,w e as a band are sponsored by this clothing company, make us strong clothing, Monroe line, I felt this would give a professional touch to it

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What have you learnt from audience feedback?

Q 3

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I had to find similar band to compare with mine to really give me an idea of the audience I was looking to target

With all the album artworks I researched I decided to target 16+ male and female and decided that the consisting factor of all of them is a picture central to the cover I used and challenged this by flipping this idea of having the artwork plain with the logo of the band being central.

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I decide3d for my video to target such a niche market that the video would have to have a light side in parallel to the song, this was done with soft touch to the shot to make the video have a warm vibe about it, this way the audience get the feeling of what it is like to be in the band, this makes them feel closer to the band.