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Media part 2

Page 2: Media part 2

I used some cut shot , this showed all my camera angles and shot types, these where also to fit with the song lyrics as the theme is about friends.

Cut shots used

Fish eye lenses used in a wide angle shot to make audience feel closer to the band

Close up the star is ¾ of the shot addressing the audience by breaking the forth wall in the studio to let fans in behind the scenes

Over the shoulder shot, showing Elliot mixing the song at the studio, this shot is key to let fans know the processes of making the song

Page 3: Media part 2

Direct address, this makes the audience feel like they are in the crowd and that the singer is addressing them, this could also be classed as breaking the fourth wall, this challenges the average convention of the band being out of touch with the audience and engages them to watch the video.

Page 4: Media part 2

The normal convention for a band video is that in the performance part of the video the singer is usually closer to the camera or in close up, this can also be seen from the use of levels as you can see in this screen shot, I challenged this by giving all band members equal time in the video, you can see this using the rule of thirds as the singers eyes are towards the camera and on the line.



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Close ups of instruments shows a realism of the piece, shows the band can play their instruments , this contrasts with pop bands and chart bands separating this video from the rest, this also shows the ability I used to take the shot out of context to sync the shots with the music to provide an effective, also the beginning shot has dietetic sound recorded and pasted in there when filming to make the feel of nature, this fades when the band starts playing

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The band are all wearing band t-shirts similar to there genre, all are black or white with a colourful logo on them to grab the attention of the audience

All wearing black skinny jeans this suggests a genre, as rock music is linked with black and dark colours