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Can’t Feel My Face – The Weekend

Matt Morphy

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This particular song probably was the single that lead The Weekend to his world wide fame, which is interesting as this song is about him becoming famous. The video begins with him sing his song in a club in front of a small crowd. The reaction from people in the club ranges from intense indifference to annoyed boredom. The same character form his other video shows up again (the same person that is believed to represent the devil) to watch The Weekend perform. He sees that people are not enjoying The Weekends music, but he has to power to make all of that change.

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The ‘Devil’ then throws his lighter at The Weekend, who literally catches fire immediately after, everybody in the club gets up on their feet and start dancing. This could be a metaphor for people who “blow up” in the music industry. At first, you work hard, but you get no recognition. Then if you’re chosen by the elite, they set you on fire, meaning that they get you working with the right people and put you in the spotlight. Immediately after, the masses follow suit and start dancing to the hit that is playing on the radio. Notice that in the video when people got on their feet, the song didn't’t change. It is the same song they were hating seconds before.

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Why do they love it now? I believe it is because The Weekend turned into a star celebrity and that is what turns people who are interested in the mass culture on. While the song appears to be about a foul relationship, but also appear to be mainly about a drug at the same time, most likely cocaine which is known to numb someone's face.

When The Weekend says “And I know she’ll be the death of me, at least we’ll both be numb. And she’ll always get the best of me, the worst is yet to come. But at least we’ll both be beautiful and stay forever young. This I know, yeah this I know.” could be describing the foul relationship with the music industry.

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Being on fire might be good for The Weekend’s career, but there is one attribute we need to remember about fire, it consumes what it burns. By representing The Weekend’s career blowing up as him catching fire, the video also represents the brief and destructive nature of fame.

At the end of the video, we see The Weekend walking off stage and outside of the club and he is still on fire. Unfortunately, the fire ignited by the devil does not only burn on stage, it burns all the time. In other words, being a famous performer takes up your entire life.