Download - Media Kit 2010_04


M E D I A K I T • 2010

Looks like a newspaper, but it’s so much more

✔ A community calendar in a newspaper format – a NewsCalendar – that is read,retained, and referredtorepeatedlyover a two-week period.

✔ Convenient, easy-to-hold size.

✔ Attractive, easy-to-read layout.

✔ Packedwithdetails of upcoming community and municipal events.

✔ Published weekly: Haddonfi eld one week; Collingswood/Haddon Township the next.

✔ Referred to as “mybible” (lowercase “b”) by many readers.

✔ Mailedfree to every home and business in Haddonfi eld, Haddon Township, and Collingswood. Also available at scoresofpick-uplocations in the three towns.

✔ Printrun: Haddonfi eld 7,250; Collingswood/Haddon Township 14,750. Total 22,000.

✔ Valued – by merchants, business owners, professionals, restaurateurs, municipalities, schools, community organizations – as a proven,effective,andeconomical advertising and communications vehicle.

Readers call What’s On “indispensible”

Tips for SAVVY advertisers

◆ Be consistent Whenyou’vegotagoodad,stickwithit. Manyadvertisersrarelychangetheirads.Theyknowthatconsistencypaysoff.◆ Be frequent Foraone-timeadtowork,itprobablyneedstobebigandbold–andpossiblyincolor. Soinsteadofabigadinoneissue,gowithaseriesofsmalleradsinconsecutiveissues.Repetitionworks! Manyadvertisersinstructus:“JustkeeprunningmyaduntilItellyoutostop.”◆ Go consecutive! Saveupto15%withtwoconsecutiveads,upto20%withthree.Orfocuson...◆ “Focus”! EveryissueofWhat’sOnhasasectionofadswithacommontheme:Home&Garden,Kids&Camps,Mother’sDay,Health&Fitness,Brides&Weddings,Pets&PetCare,etc. OurFocussectiongetsyourmessage(byUSMail)to17,500+addressesinthreecontiguoustowns–at20%offregularrates.◆ Sign an Ad Plan Committorunthesamead6timesandyou’llsaveupto25%.◆ Do the Directory Forjust$2aday,youcanbeintheBusinessDirectoryineveryissueofWhat’sOnforthreemonths. Anevenbetterdeal:For$1.60aday,you’llget5linesforayear.Call856-428-3399today,[email protected].

Community News Network, Inc.6 Haddon Avenue SHaddonfield NJ 08033856-428-3399 – phone856-428-7695 – [email protected]

© TM

What’s Next





H A D D O N f I E l DThe NewsCalendar of Coming Events • May 9 to 23, 2008 • #421

What’s Inside

What’s Online

© TM

what’s onWhat’s Hot

What’s on the Menu

continued on page 4 >

Members of the American Legion Post 38 invite residents to join them in an observance of Memorial Day. The Post will conduct its annual Memorial Day Parade on Mon May 26, starting at 10am at Kings Hwy and Chestnut Street and concluding at the High School.

The Parade will include: Post 38 Color Guard, members of the Post, the High School Marching Band, the Mayor and Commissioners, Daughters of the American Revolution, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, the Jack Schweiker Composite Unit of the Civil Air Patrol, an apparatus of Haddon Fire Co. No. 1 and the Ambulance Association, as well as Miss New Jersey Teen and Miss New Jersey Super Teen.

By marching, participants are taking part in a living tradition honoring military

Issue 422 fri May 23• Ad Deadline Wed May 14• Editorial Deadline Thu May 15_________________________NewsCalendar is a servicemark ofCommunity News Network, Inc.

For printable maps of Haddonfield Yard Sales and Open Houses, visit HaddonfieldOnline.comafter 5pm on Friday.

The Week at a Glance• May 9 to May 16 12• May 16 to May 23 32______________________Advertising focus• May Fair 14• Looking Good, Feeling Good 30______________________Directories• Community Directory 40• Business Directory 42______________________Municipal Matters 10______________________Notices• Death Notices 38• Classified Ads 39______________________Real Estate• Transactions 6• For Sale, For Rent 25

Add meaning to your Memorial Day

Tuscany: 4 nights (including breakfasts, dinners) $499.Italy is affordable! Many of our hotels and all villas have US dollar rates for 2008. Lyceum Tours and Cruises 11 Haddon Ave. Mon thru Fri: 10 to 5; 856-795-9044;

The dilemma for diners at The Little Tuna? When ordering the entree it’s deciding between two signature dishes: tuna (naturally) and the Baked Seafood Sampler.

Perhaps this description will help you decide: Dungeness crab cluster, filet of salmon, jumbo shrimp, succulent scallops, and crab cake (“the best in the area,” it’s been said). $28.

The Little Tuna is located at 141 Kings Highway E in Haddonfield (opposite the CVS; parking down Mechanic).

Open Mon to Thu: 11 to 9; Fri and Sat: 11 to 10; Sun: 5 to 9. Reservations: 856-795-0888.

◆ Publication Profile What’sOnisacommunitycalendarinanewspaperformat–aNewsCalendarofcomingeventsandactivities. Unlikemostnewspapers,What’sOndoesnotreportonthingspast.Itdoesnotpresentapointofview,advocateaposition,ordebatetheissues.Itdoesnotcontainthecartoons,recipes,comics,horoscopes,puzzles,andsoonthatweekliesoftenusetofillspace. Rather,What’sOnfocusesonthefuture,providingdetailed, comprehensive, and accurate information about coming events and activitiesinthecommunitiesitserves. WelaunchedWhat’sOnHaddonfieldin1991,Collingswoodin2002,andHaddonTownshipin2006.CollingswoodandTownshipwerecombinedinearly2009.

◆ Circulation: 100%! EachissueofWhat’sOnismailedtownwidetohomesandbusinessesinthecommunityitserves. Inaddition,copiesareplacedthroughoutthetown,inpublicbuildings,schools,stores,restaurants,churches,offices,andotherhigh-trafficlocations. Certifiedproofofthemailedcirculationisavailableonrequest.

◆ Devoted Readers Surveystellusthat:• Onaverage,morethantwopeopleperhouseholdreadeachmailedcopyofWhat’sOn.• MostresidentsreadWhat’sOn“assoonasthemailarrives,”keepithandy–ofteninthekitchenorden–untilthenextissuecomesout,andrefertoitrepeatedly.• ManyreaderscallWhat’sOn“mybible”(lowercase“b”).Theyregarditasa trusted and indispensible source of information about what’s going onintown.

◆ Snappy Format What’sOnislargerthanamagazinebutsmallerthanatypicalweeklynewspaper:13.5inchesx10.5. Itisprintedon30lbnewsprint,saddle-stitchedandtrimmed. Atypicalissuehasfrom24to48pages.

◆ Publication Dates What’sOnispublishedonFridays–Haddonfieldoneweek,Collingswood/HaddonTownshipthenext.Eachissuelastsfortwoweeks. Inthesummermonths,wereplacetheregularpublicationswithfourissuesofWhat’sOnSummer,anddistributethemthroughoutthethreetowns.

◆ Deadlines Prior to Publication Date Editorial: ▼• Informationabouteventsandactivities 9daysAdvertising:• Preprintedinserts 9days• Bookingsforadspace 9• Infoforadsweprepare 9• Press-readyPDFs 7• Classifiedads 7

◆ E-Mail ContactEditorial:• [email protected]:• [email protected]:• [email protected]

◆ Community Profiles• Firstsettledin1682,Haddonfi eldisanaffluent,attractive,andhistoriccommunitylocatedabouttenmilesfromPhiladelphia(east,acrosstheDelawareRiver).Ithasbeennamed“BestPlacetoLiveintheDelawareValley”severaltimesbyPhiladelphiaMagazine.• Collingswoodhasattractedconsiderableattentioninrecentyearsrelatedtotherevivalofitsdowntownanditsemergenceasadiningandentertainmentdestination.• Haddon Township, theonlytownofthethreethatpermitsthesaleofalcohol,isundergoingarevivalofitsown.Itishometoanumberofupscalerestaurantsandawidevarietyofretailandservicebusinesses.

•6HaddonAvenueS,HaddonfieldNJ08033•Phone:856-428-3399•Fax:856-428-7695•Email:[email protected]

Welcome to What’s On




What’s On Haddonfi eldPrintRun7,250


Three-Town Totals

Haddon Township

Haddon Township

What’s On Collingswood/Haddon TwpPrintRun14,750





What’s On Advertising Basics◆ Ads that We Prepare Unlikesomepublishers,wedonotchargeextratoprepareadsonyourbehalf.Thecostsofpreparation–writingthecopy,designingthelayout,andprovidingaproof–areincludedinthecostofthead. Afterweprepareyouradwewillshowyouaproof.Wewillbringittoyouorsenditbyfax,mail,ore-mail.Oryoucancometoouroffice(6HaddonAvenueS,Haddonfield). Wewillaskyoutosignandreturntheprooftoindicateyourapprovalofthecopy,layout,publication/s,insertiondate/s,andcost.

◆ Ads that You Prepare Weareusuallydelightedtoreceive“goodtogo”or“press-ready”materialfromadvertisersandtheiragencies. Weprefer300dpiPDFscreatedwithAcrobatonMacs. Wewillaccept300dpiJPEGfiles,Photoshopfiles(PSDwithalltyperasterized),orIllustratorfiles(AIorEPSwithalltypeconvertedtooutlines). We will not accept files created in Word or Publisher. Colorandgrayscaleimages:300dpi.Black&whiteimages:600dpi.Colorimages:CMYK. Pleasee-mailfilesto:[email protected].

◆ Technical Questions [email protected](attention:ArtDepartment)orcall856-428-3399andaskforJenn.

◆ Business Directory ThelastfewpagesofeachWhat’sOncarrydirectorylistingsforawidevarietyofbusinesses.ThesameBusinessDirectoryrunsinbothpublications.(Sorry,youcan’tbeinjustone.)Fordetails,seethe“BusinessDirectory”pageinthisbooklet.

◆ Preprinted Inserts Thecostforasingle20#sheetupto8.5"x11"is$50per1,000mailed.Haddonfield5,000=$250.Collingswood/HaddonTownship12,700=$635.Both17,700=$885. Gotamulti-pageinsert?AskyourSalesRepresentativeforpricing. Insertsmustbedeliveredtoourprinternolaterthan7dayspriortopublicationdate.

◆ Classified Ads Weacceptprivate-partyadsinclassificationssuchasHelpWanted,HelpAvailable,ItemsforSale,RealEstateforSale(byindividuals),RealEstateforRent,etc. Eachclassifiedadisplacedina1-unitbox–1.6825"widex2.25"high–withitsownheader.Classifiedadscost$25forabout25wordsinHaddonfield,$50forCollingswood/HaddonTownship.Classifiedadsmustbepaidinadvance. WepublishYardSaleadsandLost&FoundadswithoutchargeforresidentsofcommunitiesservedbyWhat’sOn.Forothers,thecostisasabove.

◆ Ad Sizes Mostnewspapersuse“columninches”todescribethesizesoftheirads.(Inthosepapers,“twobythree”means2columnswideand3incheshigh.) What’sOnisdifferent.Weuseamodulargridthat’s5unitswideand5unitshigh.InWhat’sOn,“twobythree”means2unitswideby3unitshigh.A2x3adis3.5incheswide,7incheshigh.

◆ Paying for Space Ads, Inserts, Listings Weexpectnewadvertiserstopayinadvanceandestablishedadvertiserstopaywithin14daysofinvoicedate. Ourratesarenetandnon-commissionabletoagencies. Weacceptcash,checks,moneyorders,Visa,MasterCard,andelectronicpayments. Wecharge$25whenchecksarereturnedunpaid. WetradewithmembersofCorporateBarterNetwork,Itex,andBarterDepotona100%reciprocalbarterbasis. Advertiserswhohavequestionsaboutadrates,invoices,andpaymentsshouldcontacttheirSalesRepresentative. Ratesarereviewedannually,inAugust.

Ourminimumadsizeis2units–2x1or1x2. This boxisthesizeofa2x1ad–3.5incheswidex2.25incheshigh–aboutthesizeofabusinesscard. Afullpageis25units–5x5–8.9375incheswidex11.75incheshigh. The"AdDimensions"box aboveisthesizeofa1x2ad.

2 x 3

1 x 22 x 1

A2-unitadinWhat’sOnHaddonfieldcosts$77.Runthesameadin2consecutiveissues,thepricedropsto$69.Runin3for$65each–a15%discount. Similardiscounts–from10%to25%applyforCollingswood/HaddonTwp.Seethenextpagefordetails.

◆ Ad DimensionsSize Wide High1x2 1.6825" 4.625"1x3 7.0"1x4 9.375"1x5 11.75"

2x1 3.5" 2.25"2x2 4.625"2x3 7.0"2x4 9.375"2x5 11.75"

3x1 5.3125" 2.25"3x2 4.625"3x3 7.0"3x4 9.375"3x5 11.75"

4x1 7.125" 2.25"4x2 4.625"4x3 7.0"4x4 9.375"4x5 11.75"

5x1 8.9375" 2.25"5x2 4.625"5x3 7.0"5x4 9.375"5x5 11.75"

•6HaddonAvenueS,HaddonfieldNJ08033•Phone:856-428-3399•Fax:856-428-7695•Email:[email protected]

What’s On Ad Rates 2010

◆ The Larger the Ad, the Greater the Savings Ad Size in Units 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 15 16 20 25PortionofPage 1/12 1/8 1/6 1/5 1/4 1/3 3/8 2/5 1/2 3/5 2/3 4/5 5/5AutomaticSizeDiscount 5% 10% 19% 22% 25% 28% 32% 33% 38% 45%______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

◆ What’s On Haddonfield –PrintRun7,250 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 15 16 20 25x 1 Time $ 77 $ 116 $ 154 $ 182 $ 207 $ 250 $ 270 $ 290 $ 333 $ 394 $ 412 $ 475 $ 531x 2* –10% $ 69 $ 104 $ 139 $ 164 $ 186 $ 225 $ 243 $ 261 $ 300 $ 355 $ 371 $ 428 $ 478x 3* –15% $ 65 $ 99 $ 131 $ 155 $ 176 $ 213 $ 230 $ 247 $ 283 $ 335 $ 350 $ 404 $ 451x 6* –20% $ 62 $ 93 $ 123 $ 146 $ 166 $ 200 $ 216 $ 232 $ 266 $ 315 $ 330 $ 380 $ 425x 12* –25% $ 58 $ 87 $ 116 $ 137 $ 155 $ 188 $ 203 $ 218 $ 250 $ 296 $ 309 $ 356 $ 398* To qualify for discounts, same ad must run in consecutive issues. All discounts are based on “x 1” Haddonfield rates.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

◆ What’s On Collingswood/Haddon Township –PrintRun14,750 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 15 16 20 25x 1 Time–10% $ 139 $ 209 $ 277 $ 328 $ 373 $ 450 $ 486 $ 522 $ 599 $ 709 $ 742 $ 855 $ 956x 2* –15% $ 131 $ 197 $ 262 $ 309 $ 352 $ 425 $ 459 $ 493 $ 566 $ 670 $ 700 $ 808 $ 903x 3* –20% $ 123 $ 186 $ 246 $ 291 $ 331 $ 400 $ 432 $ 464 $ 533 $ 630 $ 659 $ 760 $ 850x 6* –25% $ 116 $ 174 $ 231 $ 273 $ 311 $ 375 $ 405 $ 435 $ 500 $ 591 $ 618 $ 713 $ 797______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

◆ What’s On Haddonfield + What’s On Collingswood/Haddon Twp –PrintRun22,000 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 15 16 20 25x 1 Time–15% $ 196 $ 296 $ 393 $ 464 $ 528 $ 638 $ 689 $ 740 $ 849 $1005 $1051 $1211 $1354x 2* –20% $ 185 $ 278 $ 370 $ 437 $ 497 $ 600 $ 648 $ 696 $ 799 $ 946 $ 989 $1140 $1274x 3* –25% $ 173 $ 261 $ 347 $ 410 $ 466 $ 563 $ 608 $ 653 $ 749 $ 887 $ 927 $1069 $1195______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

◆ Ad Focus: Haddonfield + Collingswood/Haddon Twp –PrintRun22,000 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 15 16 20 25x 1 Time–20% $ 185 $ 278 $ 370 $ 437 $ 497 $ 600 $ 648 $ 696 $ 799 $ 946 $ 989 $1140 $1274______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

◆ Premium Pages: Haddonfield –PrintRun7,250 ◆ Other Specified Pages Add20% Premium 4 5 8 10 15 20 25Inside Front +20% $ 218 $ 348 $ 473 $ 570 $ 637Page 3 +20% $ 218 Calendars +10% $ 169 $ 200 $ 275Inside Back +15% $ 209 $ 334 $ 453 $ 546 $ 611Outside Back +25% $ 228 $ 363 $ 493 $ 594 $ 664______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

◆ Premium Pages: Collingswood/Haddon Twp –PrintRun14,750 Premium 4 5 8 10 15 20 25Inside Front +20%–10% $ 393 $ 626 $ 851 $1026 $1147Page 3 +20%–10% $ 393 Calendars +10%–10% $ 305 $ 360 $ 495Inside Back +15%–10% $ 339 $ 600 $ 816 $ 983 $1099Outside Back +25%–10% $ 369 $ 653 $ 887 $1069 $1195______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

◆ Color Forguaranteedcolor,add$200regardlessofadsize.For“whenavailable”color,usetheserates: 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 12 15 16 20 25Per Ad $ 70 $ 70 $ 80 $ 80 $ 80 $ 90 $ 90 $ 90 $ 100 $ 100 $ 100 $ 120 $ 140______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

◆ Preprinted Inserts Haddonfield$250;Collingswood/HaddonTownship$635;Both$885Preprintsareinsertedinmailedcopiesonly.Quantityrequired:5,000forHaddonfield;12,700forCollingswood/HaddonTownship;Both17,700.

•6HaddonAvenueS,HaddonfieldNJ08033•Phone:856-428-3399•Fax:856-428-7695•Email:[email protected]

1 x 5

6 units2 x 3

10 units5 x 2

10 units2 x 5

9 units3 x 3

15 units5 x 3

15 units3 x 5

12 units4 x 3

12 units3 x 4

20 units5 x 4

20 units4 x 5

16 units4 x 4

◆ What’s OnH=Haddonfield(7,250)C/T=Collingswood/HaddonTwp(14,750)

◆ More = Less! Themoreyourunthesamead,consecutively,themoreyou’llsave–from10%to25%. Seethe“AdRates”sheetfordetails.

◆ Save in Focus RunthesameadintheFocussectionofbothpapersandsave20%!

◆ Full Color Theadditionalchargetoguaranteecoloris$200;theactualchargeisusuallymuchless:Units ColorCharge2to3 $ 704to6 $ 808to10 $ 9012to16 $10020 $12025 $140

3 x 1

1 x 4

4 units 4 x 1

1 x 3

2 x 25 units 5 x 13 x 2

What’s On Rates and Sizes at a Glance2010

H $ 531C/T $ 956H+C/T$1354

2 x 1

1 x 2


















10 units2 x 58 units2 x 4


8 units4 x 2


25 units5 x 5



H $ 475C/T $ 855H+C/T$1211


H $ 412C/T $ 742H+C/T$1051


H $ 333C/T $ 599H+C/T$ 849


H $ 250C/T $ 450H+C/T$ 638


H $ 270C/T $ 486H+C/T$ 689


H $ 290C/T $ 522H+C/T$ 740


H $ 207C/T $ 373H+C/T$ 528


H $ 182C/T $ 328H+C/T$ 464


H $ 154C/T $ 277H+C/T$ 393


H $ 116C/T $ 209H+C/T$ 296


H $ 77C/T $ 139H+C/T$ 196


H $ 394C/T $ 709H+C/T$1005


•6HaddonAvenueS,HaddonfieldNJ08033•Phone:856-428-3399•Fax:856-428-7695•Email:[email protected]

◆ Ad FocusAdvertisements relating to the Focus theme are grouped together.




◆ What’s On HaddonfieldMailed every two weeks to every home and business in Haddonfield. Also available at 100+ pick-up locations throughout the town.

Deadline IssueNo. IssueDate_______________________________________Wed Jan 6 H466 FriJan15

_______________________________________Wed Jan 20 H467 FriJan29

_______________________________________Wed Feb 3 H468-D FriFeb12

_______________________________________Wed Feb 17 H469 FriFeb26

_______________________________________Wed Mar 3 H470 FriMar12

_______________________________________Wed Mar 17 H471 FriMar26

_______________________________________Wed Mar 31 H472 FriApr9

_______________________________________Wed Apr 14 H473 FriApr23

_______________________________________Wed Apr 28 H474-D FriMay7

_______________________________________Wed May 12 H475 FriMay21

_______________________________________Wed May 26 H476 FriJun4

_______________________________________Wed Jun 9 H477 FriJun18


_______________________________________◆ What’s On Haddonfield_______________________________________Wed Aug 18 H482-D FriAug27


◆ Collingswood/Haddon TwpMailed every two weeks to every home and business in Collingswood and Haddon Township. Available at 100+ pick-up locations in both towns.

Deadline IssueNo. IssueDate______________________________________Wed Jan 13 C183/T096 FriJan22

_______________________________________Wed Jan 27 C184/T097 FriFeb5

_______________________________________Wed Feb 10 C185/T098 FriFeb19

_______________________________________Wed Feb 24 C186/T099 FriMar5

_______________________________________Wed Mar 10 C187/T100 FriMar19

_______________________________________Wed Mar 24 C188/T101 FriApr2

_______________________________________Wed Apr 7 C189/T102 FriApr16

_______________________________________Wed Apr 21 C190/T103 FriApr30

_______________________________________Wed May 5 C191/T104 FriMay14

_______________________________________Wed May 19 C192/T105 FriMay28

_______________________________________Thu Jun 3 C193/T106 FriJun11

_______________________________________Wed Jun 16 C194/T107 FriJun25


_______________________________________◆ Collingswood/Haddon Twp_______________________________________Wed Aug 25 C199/T112FriSep3

What’s On Publication Schedule 2010

•6HaddonAvenueS,HaddonfieldNJ08033•Phone:856-428-3399•Fax:856-428-7695•Email:[email protected]

◆ What’s On Summer Deadline IssueNo. IssueDate_______________________________________Wed Jun 23 S101 FriJul2

_______________________________________Wed Jul 7 S102 FriJul16

_______________________________________Wed Jul 21 S103 FriJul30

_______________________________________Wed Aug 4 S104 FriAug13

Distributed in Haddonfield, Collingswood, Haddon Township, Haddon Heights, and Audubon, with bonus distribution at Crafts & Fine Arts festivals in Haddonfield and Collingswood and at the Haddonfield Sidewalk Sale.

|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__| |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|

◆ Handy! EachissueofWhat’sOncarriesdirectorylistingsforawidevarietyofbusinesses. ThesameBusinessDirectoryrunsinbothpublications(soyoucan’tbeinjustone).

◆ Payment Listingsarepayableinfullwithin14daysofinvoicedate. Weacceptcash,checks,moneyorders,Visa,MasterCard,andelectronicpayments.

◆ Discounts Listingscostabout$2perday. Discountsof10%,15%,and20%applytolistingsof6,9,and12months.Thecostfor5linesforayear?Just$1.60aday.

◆ Term Listingsrunfor3,6,9,or12months–slightlymoreorless,dependingontheseasons.

Business NameCounts as 1 line

Description of Products or Services

DO NOT HYPHENATE!Need extra lines?

Attach a sheet

AddressOnly if relevant

Web Site

Phone Contact

◆ Directory



What is your main Yellow Pages category?

◆ Payment____Cash____Check____MO____Visa____MCard


Card No.

◆ Advertiser Address:



____________________________________________________Contact: Sales Rep:

What’s On Business Directory2010-11

◆ Format Thereisa5-lineminimumforbillingpurposes,butyourlistingcanbelongerorshorter. Ifyourbusinessnamecarriesovertoasecondline,youwillnotbechargedforthatline.Thereareabout30charactersandspacesperline. Ifwedonothaveanappropriatecategoryforyourbusiness,wewillcreateanewcategory.WegenerallyfollowtheYellowPagescategories.

◆ Listing

◆ ListingFirst Issue:................Date: ..............

Last Issue:................Date: ..............

Renewal Quarter:.................




not h





d on



◆ Dates & RatesDeadline Issue Date Months Save Cost Renewal Renewal 5 lines 6 lines 7 lines Deadline Issue Date_______________________________________________________________________________________________Wed Apr 28 H474-D FriMay7 3 $ 185 $ 222 $ 259 Wed Aug 18 H482-D FriAug27 6 10% $ 333 $ 400 $ 466 Wed Nov 10 H488-D FriNov19 9 15% $ 472 $ 566 $ 661 Wed Feb 2 H494-D FriFeb11 12 20% $ 592 $ 710 $ 829 Wed Apr 27 H500-D FriMay6_______________________________________________________________________________________________Wed Aug 18 H482-D FriAug27 3 $ 185 $ 222 $ 259 Wed Nov 10 H488-D FriNov19 6 10% $ 333 $ 400 $ 466 Wed Feb 2 H494-D FriFeb11 9 15% $ 472 $ 566 $ 661 Wed Apr 27 H500-D FriMay6 12 20% $ 592 $ 710 $ 829 Wed Aug 17 H508-D FriAug26_______________________________________________________________________________________________

•6HaddonAvenueS,HaddonfieldNJ08033•Phone:856-428-3399•Fax:856-428-7695•Email:[email protected]

What’s On: The choice of savvy advertisers.

hen times are good,advertising helps you build

your customer base.

hen times are tough,advertising helps you keep it.

tay the course!



gumnut media&more



contact•6HaddonAvenueS. HaddonfieldNJ08033• 856428-3399phone 856428-7695fax•Administration:[email protected] Editorial:[email protected] Advertising:[email protected]

print media What’sOn:•Haddonfield•Collingswood/HaddonTownship

digital media•••