Download - Media Evaluation Question 6

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I have learnt many different things about the cameras. These would be things such as different camera movements, angles, and things such as Match on Action and Shot Reverse Shot. I have also learnt how to use different cameras, such as one’s that use a tape. I the past, I would normally use a camera that had a hard drive, but the tape ones are not that difficult to use after a while, so I manage to learn how to use them pretty quickly. I had to use a tape camera for Immy’s part of my film, as the hard drive camera I originally used was already being used by someone else, so I had to learn how to use it then. With the angles, I found out how to use different shots to create the right atmosphere for my film. This proved to be very effective as it created the right feeling for my movie.

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Another thing I have learnt well was how to use the Mac’s in order to edit my movie. I had never used a Mac before, so when trying to edit things such as my Preliminary Task, it was difficult. But now that I’m used to working with them, I know how do create different effects. I used effects in my film by making some of the shots darker, or altering the contrast, so this made it more realistic to be a horror film, as some shots were too light or not clear enough. For Immy’s part, I used an effect called “Hard Light”. This altered the lighting and made it more clearer of what she was as it seemed to alter the contrast, so we were able to see the “blood” around her mouth. For mine and Buddy’s part, I made the shots darker. This made it seem like evening time, of where dusk is not too far away. It made it more spooky by making the atmosphere darker, so it created tension of what was about to happen.

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Lastly, I have learnt about using Web 2 (Internet). I had to download

the music and sound effects from different websites, such as and The music was called “Abandoned Infirmary” for Immy’s part, and “Sly Shepherd” for mine

and Buddy’s part. I thought that the first music piece was unusual,

but creepy at the same time, so it fitted perfectly with the first part of

the film. The second piece was not only creepy, but it was

emotional, and the build up fitted, again, perfectly with what was going on with the characters. My favourite part with this was that the

tension in the music built up, and then suddenly calmed down just as

the title appeared on the screen.

I only had two sound effects, which were the “Philosoraptor” sound

for the first shot of Immy’s mouth, and then the girl scream when I spin around. I tried screaming in that shot myself, but it didn't sound

right, so I had to add the sound effect in. I also couldn’t make the

right sound for the zombie roar, so I had to find something for it that

sounded as close as to what I was thinking as possible.