Download - Media Evaluation - Question 5


Evaluation - Question 5

How did you attract/address your audience?

Visual explanationThe opening of my film is very simplistic, with little dialogue and

information given to the audience about the character. I wanted to be able to introduce the audience to the character and the location of the film before the dialogue began. This way in the opening credits there is no dialogue or information such as the character’s name or her interests etc.

The only way the audience was able to connect with the character was being able to observe her body language and create their own impression of the character.

The audience was given information in the opening through visual explanation by her appearance, body language and props that she used. Giving the audience slight bits of information keeps the audience interested as they are given enough to feel like they know and can relate to the character but they still want to continue watching the film because they want to know more about her and the events that happen in her life.

CreativityAnother way that I attracted the audience was by the

professionalism of the film footage. I used suitable sound effects and music for the film and created creative ideas and shots to keep the film interesting as there wasn’t any dialogue. These shots include :

Match-on-actionEstablishing shot

Close up PanningLow shot

Crane shot

These shots were very effective as the continuity of the set, actor and props were sustained throughout. Also with shots such as match-on-action, they were very fluent and helped with the flow of the film.

Creativity Certain shots that I used such as close up (where the character is

brushing her teeth) the camera is used as the characters mirror and the character is addressing the audience looking straight at the camera. Here the character is looking very comical brushing her teeth. The way she moves and smiles makes shows her personality and youth which addresses the audience not only because she is smiling at them, but because they are attracted to meet the character because she gives the impression of being a likeable person.

MusicThe second piece of music that I chose to use in my film

opening consists of a repeating motif that creates suspense and tension. Using this fun piece of music creates the right mood as it is youthful and upbeat like the character but because of the repetition it draws the attention of the audience to see what happens at the end of the music. This piece is playing throughout the character getting ready and climaxes at the moment when she falls when the music breaks out.

The suspense from the music is broken and creates the humour as the music is cut off. As the music stops there is no sound except from the original footage. This again creates suspense because the audience doesn’t know if the character is okay or what she is going to do next. 

Audience ConnectionWhen the character lifts up her head and removes the book

she looks directly at the camera addressing the audience as if to say ‘how embarrassing’. This creates a connection between the character and the audience as they now share a joke that possibly friends would share.

The music then continues to play when she gets back up again to symbolise that she is okay. As the character leaves the location to go to school the music is left as a drone which drags out to the end of the film opening. A sound of the bell merges in with the end of the music and the image fades to black. Here the audience is receiving more information - that she is going to school – but also receives the anticipation of what will happen in the following scenes. This keeps the audience attracted to the film as they want to find out more about the character.

Film TitleThe title of the film is ‘Unpredictable’. This itself draws in the audience and grabs their attention to watch the film as they will not expect what will happen. I wanted the film to have the same conventions as a typical

romantic comedy including the stereotypical characters and love storyline but I wanted my film to be different and have a twist.

The fact that usually the ‘geek’ girl in the film gets the ‘hot’ ‘popular’ boy and the girl become beautiful at the end is the typical love story, but in the opening my film contrasts with that and the girl seems to be normal as she is getting ready but as the title appears she is transformed into the ‘geek’. This scene itself attracts the audience as it takes them by surprise and they want to find out more about the character.