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MEDIA EVALUATIONPaige Hewett As media

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I have produced a music magazine aimed at both genders with an age range of sixteen to twenty four year olds. The magazines genre is mostly indie but has a few different genres in to make it appeal to a wider audience. After researching many music magazines it helped to give me an idea of what interests my target audience and how to attract them to a magazine. My magazine is more informal as the target audience is sixteen to twenty four year olds which I think will appeal to them more as they won't want to read a lot of text on each page. The colour theme for my magazine is black, white, green and blue but the magazine name will change colours each month to fit that specific issue. Although my double page spread is mainly purple white and black ,I still have a blue box and the page number in green. 

OUESTION ONE : In what way does your media product, use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of a real media product?

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When producing my magazine I wanted a front cover that would be appealing to my target audience. On the front of the magazine I have a list of different music artists to appeal to a wider audience. I also put win free reading tickets as I know a lot of people aged sixteen to twenty four will go to reading and hopefully this will draw their attention to the magazine. My main image is of a new artist called 'JODEE' who my double page spread also consists of in an exclusive interview. Many other magazines I have researched will normally have a box going across the bottom or top of the magazine which will help attract the readers as it gives them an idea of what the magazine includes inside. I decided to go for a green and blue for my front cover which both genders will be able to read and will appeal to them as I have a girl on the front cover so the colours help to show that it's not just a girls magazine. Although the magazine name maybe a different colour each month the magazine is published to fit that specific week.

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CONTENTS PAGE : When producing my contents page I looked at Q's and

NME's as they both had the writing down the side with a picture next to it. The text is easy to read and under each heading I have put different colours for example the feature articles are in a green writing then the regulars are in a blue writing to go with my masthead. The pictures I have used also have a quote or writing to inform the audience what page they are on and what the pictures are about. I didn't clutter the page with pictures I used one larger picture in the corner then two smaller ones at the bottom for my gigs page. To make it clear to the reader where the exclusive interview is I have put cover story next to it so its easy to recognise. I got the idea from KERRANG as they normally put cover story inside their magazine.

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DOUBLE PAGE SPREADo When producing my double page spread I wanted to fit enough for an interview on as well as an image of my new artist which I have created. I have kept the article like many other music magazines by having a picture as well as an interview. I decided to have my article in purple grey and black which I thought was relevant rather than having blue or green as it's an article on a new artist which is a female. I have used just one image in the bottom hand corner to make it less cluttered and for the reader to be able to read the interview and then see the picture nearer the end of the article. When writing the article I went over it many times to see if the questions were suitable for both genders and what people want to know about new music artists. The font is in a size which is easy to read and so is the text I have done it in columns which most music magazines will do it also makes the page look neater rather than one block of text. For the title of my article I have used a quote from my article which I think is the most interesting and is more likely to attract people to read the article.

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