Download - Me to ______


Me to ______


Me to ______

Table of Contents

Me 2


Mom 3

Dad 4

Virginia 5

Haig 6

High School Friends

Tyler 7

Annie 8

Tom 9

College Buddies

Robert 10

Bauman 11

Paige 12

Katie 13

Catherine 14

Nate 15

Reeder 16

Lemmy 17


Me to ______


Walk timidly forward.

Foreign languages and anime,

that's where I lived two years.

Foam weapons to smack each other.

I didn't know anyone, but

I was invited to something with Zombies.

Humans with guns,

Zombies with headbands.

I found my Disney Crew.

One who I swear was a ninja.

I later looked up to as star.

Now we're best friends.

No major walked in.

A teacher thought,

A creative mind got in the way.

The best time of my life

has been the most tragic.

Sometimes I forget.

New friends really helped me cope,

and discover what I needed to find out.

The writing lets everyone know.

My father's ashes

will flow on the breeze,

he's happy, especially with me.


Me to ______



Sometimes I wonder if I should head home.

It is okay that I'm here for so long?

I never really meant to be away for an entire year.


But don't worry,

I'm happy.

You've seen the house.


Despite everything we've gone through,

I think we've never been this close.

I miss you guys sometimes.


I think of all the memories,

and really, you did well.

I'm proud of who I am.



Me to ______


A lot has gone on.

A major change,

and a new house.

You probably guessed.

You were always supportive.

Encouraged me to publish.

A poem here,

A story there.

You were the main character in one.

Teaching wasn't for me, writing is still fun.

So many A's in English.

I don't remember the last time it happened.

Mom's alright.

Virginia's fine.

Haig's hit his teenage years.

We all miss you

and hope you're fine.

It's hard sometimes.

I sometimes wish

I could have at least

said goodbye.


Me to ______



To the three mountains!


Did we lose Haig?


He's with Mom and Dad.


Let's sit and eat.


Sometimes I miss just doing that.


The lines are short!


Should I get these earrings?


If I do, I will get my ears pierced.




Me to ______


You hide in the basement.

I did that too.

Get out, don't regret.

It'll happen.

You'll notice the time.

It just kinda hits you.

I didn't think I would.

But I did.

I wish I had spent more time upstairs.

I don't mean stop.

There are a lot of fun people out there.

But sometimes, you should be with Mom.


Me to ______

High School Friends


It's been a while.

Has it not?

We never talk,

but I still remember.

Time to time,

I wouldn't mind a chat.

How about a conversation?

Just like old times.

I know our history is skewed,

but we made it through.

I miss the talks.

You're the reason I made it.

I helped where I could,

we always found each other when we needed it.


Me to ______


Sometimes I think

Of all those years at Penn.


I'm sorry.

But why?

Why did you try so hard?

Did you want me to go away?


I'm still not sure.

It's hard to explain.

All the taunts and jeers.

Why didn't I see it before?

We don't talk anymore.

There's probably a good reason.

I'm happy for you,

and what you've found.

I'm glad you two still hang out.

I think your friendship is healthy.

It gets him out and about,

and part of me thinks its healing you.


Me to ______


Avenged Sevenfold

It's not something one might consider romantic.

But there it is.

Your hazel green eyes watching.

Not the greatest singing by M. Shadows.

Must be all the yelling.

The piano is pretty, though.

That feeling of doubt, it's erased.

It's the only one we shared.

I mean, there were others, right?

But that's our's.

I'll never feel alone again with you by my side.

It's our's.

Our song.

And why I won't give up on you.

Nothing can compare in this world to you.

(Song lyrics from “Warmness on the Soul” by Avenged Sevenfold)


Me to ______

College Buddies


I don't think

I will ever

meet another person

who makes me laugh like you do.

There's a certain

Thing, that's hard to explain.

I can never tell

whether you try or not.


it's ridiculous.

You just don't care,

and it makes it hilarious.


Me to ______


I won't lie.

It was kinda weird being around you.

I wondered

what part of her was me.

I wonder if

I'm worried how you'll react.

I wonder if you

would still be willing to be my friend.

I wonder if you knew

that I had a crush on you.


it's not there.


I think of you as a brother.

Which just makes everything

that much more awkward.


Me to ______


How do I even start?

You have done so much.

Thank you for all the help.

It means the world to me.

Thanks to you,

I'm out on my own.

I don't feel afraid to speak my mind,

and you always know what to say.

Sometimes I worry

that we won't be in contact.


because its hard to catch you on Facebook.


Me to ______


I'm sorry for all the worry.

I didn't mean to stress you out.

But we're better now, right?

Best friends, in fact!

I hope all the times I helped

make up for the aggravation.

I won't stop helping.

You're someone I love to hang out with.

I'll miss you when you leave.

Washington is really far away.


Me to ______


I will be honest.

You were a terrible influence.

I missed way too many classes.

But you were a great inspiration,

and actually helped with my art.

I don't usually get that.

The fact you put up with me,

and my mindless pestering,

deserves an award in and of itself.

Thanks for going along with crazy ideas,

for being as crazy as I am sometimes.

I just hope we didn't drive Paige crazy.


Me to ______


Let's look at the past year.

I'm still wondering

how many times you personally said you were vegan.

Let's admit it.

Everyone else says it a lot more.

You rarely bring it up.

Let's think a moment.

I know you're opinionated,

but you never forced your opinion on others.

Let's talk about it.

I've always wondered,

were you vegetarian first?


Me to ______


There are a few lines I always think of.

Catherine has one of them.

“Reeder, this may sound weird, but you have really nice calves!”

I remember a few times at Penn.

It's Tom's fault we know each other.

Though, Bauman is probably why we hang out.

I've had a lot of fun this year.

How many games have we been in?

Three? Going to be four?

That last one might not count.

It's my story, isn't it?

Though, I guess Catherine has one too.

Thank you for this semester.

It's been a lot of fun.

I look forward to the years ahead.


Me to ______


Everyone seemed to know you.

I still didn't have a face to a name.

I'd heard it plenty of times.

“Lemmy! You know, the Lemmy screech?”

I think I had heard it a few times.

I thought it was a car squealing on the pavement.

Personally, I still like our first official meeting.

Though sometimes I wonder if that actually happened.

It's rare someone else remembers.

Maybe its just a weird feeling?

The idea I had no idea who you were,

despite everyone else knowing.

Either way.

I'll miss hanging out with you.

We should have a movie night.

I'm always up for Disney.