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Page 1: MCQ Applied Mechanics

MCQ FormatSubject Code Subject Allotted Unit Number Name of Faculty

3300008 Applied Mechanics

III Mr. C. R. Sanghani

Option A should be Correct Answer only, which will be shuffled at latter stage. Name of file should be --- “MCQ_SubjectCode_Unit No.docx” It is desirable that all faculties provide non –repetitive method’s 25 or more

MCQ in each unit allotted.

Q.1 If body returns back to its original position after slightly displaced from its position of rest is called....... equilibriumOption A

Stable Option B

Unstable Option C

Neutral Option D


Q.2 If body occupy its new position after slightly displaced from its position of rest is called....... equilibriumOption A

Neutral Option B

Unstable Option C

Stable Option D


Q.3 Moment=...................Option A

Force x perpendicular distance

Option B

Force x velocity

Option C

Force Option D

Force x distance

Q.4 Unit of moment is..............Option A

N.m Option B

N Option C

N/m Option D


Q.5 Find moment at A for following figure.

Option A

16 N.m Option B

1.6 N.m Option C

25 N.m Option D

160 N.m

Q.6 What is the resultant force of following figure?

Option A

0 Option B

12 Option C

8 Option D


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Q.7 Find moment at A in following figure.

Option A

160 kN.m Option B

80 kN. m Option C

320 kN.m Option D

40 kN.m

Q.8 The algebraic sum of forces P1 and P2, forming couple is.............Option A

0 Option B

P1-P2 Option C

P1 + P2 Option D

P1 x P2

Q.9 Following beam is called...............

Option A

Propped Cantilever

Option B


Option C

Cantilever Option D



In which following support, beam can rotate?Option A

Hinge Option B

Roller Option C

Fixed Option D



A smooth cylinder lying on its convex surface remains in __________ equilibriumOption A

Unstable Option B

Stable Option C

Neutral Option D



Moment of a force about a moment centre is the measure of itsOption A

Rotational effect

Option B

Translatory effect

Option C

Both (a) & (b)

Option D

None of the above


The translatory affect of a couple on the rigid body isOption A

Zero Option B

Positive Option C

Negative Option D



Reaction line at roller support with respect to plane of contact isOption A


Option B

Obtuse Option C

Oblique Option D



Support reactions for statically determinate beams can be determined by applyingOption A

Conditions of static equilibrium

Option B

Lami’s theorem

Option C

Varignon’s principle

Option D



When load acts at constant rate over given length of beam is calledOption A

UDL Option B

Point load Option C

UVL Option D



A beam having one end hinged support and other roller support subjected to vertical loading can be regarded asOption A

Simply supported beam

Option B

Fixed beam

Option C

Cantilever beam

Option D

None of the above


Couple means two forces acting parallelOption A

Equal in magnitude

Option B

Equal in magnitude

Option C

Not equal in

Option D

None of the above

Page 3: MCQ Applied Mechanics

but in opposite direction

and in the same direction

magnitude but in the same direction


In non-concurrent force system if ΣH = 0 , ΣV = 0 , then the resultant isOption A

Zero Option B

Vertical Option C

Moment Option D



Fixed beams areOption A

Both ends are fixed

Option B

One end is fixed and the other is simply supported

Option C

Both ends are roller support

Option D

One end is fixed and the other is free


U.d.l. stands forOption A

Uniform distributed load

Option B

Uniform dead load

Option C

Uniform door load

Option D

All of the above


Two parallel forces equal in magnitude and opposite in direction and separated by a definite distance are said to formOption A

Couple Option B

Moment Option C


Option D



The number of reactions components at a hinged end of a beam areOption A

2 Option B

1 Option C

3 Option D



If three equal forces 150 kN each are acting along three sides of equilateral triangle in clockwise direction their resultant is

Option A

0 Option B

150 Option C

300 Option D

Can’t be determined


Statically determinate beams are,

Option A

The beams which can be analyzed completely using static equations of equilibrium

Option B

The beams which can be without using static equations of equilibrium

Option C

Fixed beams

Option D

None of these


In a Cantilever beam, the maximum bending moment is induced at

Option A

at the fixed end

Option B

at the mid span of the beam

Option C

at the free end

Option D

none of the above


A cantilever beam is one in whichOptio One end is Optio One end is Optio Both ends Optio Both ends

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n A fixed and other is free

n B fixed & other is simply supported

n C are fixed n D are hinged


At the fixed end of cantilever, number of unknown reactions components areOption A

3 Option B

2 Option C

0 Option D