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I was able to put this background in practice

during my EB and MC term, where should I not

only be responsible for my area, but for the

whole entity.

I have been used to deal with implementation of new

projects/prototypes. As examples, in my professional life, I was

the responsible to design and implement a project called USP

iFriends, whose success led, within 1 month, to 2 big media

apparitions and reached over 1,000 consumers. In AIESEC, I

can easily find correlated experiences. I was the main

responsible for redesign and rethink, besides implementing, the

new ICX Quality structure back in 2011, and, as a LCVP, I

changed the whole area mindset and structure to a project-

based one, in the first semester. As MCVP, I have started to

implement back the IXP Culture as well as another touch points,

such as the OPS and EP Induction events.

I had to deal with the most variable amount of different

stakeholders and, a lot of times, simultaneously. That

ranged from university foreigner professors to AIESEC

national partners, EBs incoming, EP's parents and etc.

This made me each day more flexible and confident to

deal with the most different kind of stakeholders as


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I have always wanted to do something big, to do something good with my life. Since I was little I dreamed of changing the world and always got attracted for careers

such as being a professor, a policeman, a fire-fighter. Growing up, I became socially aware of what was going on with the world and, especially, what was going on with

my country.

When I joined university, I applied for a course in which I believed that I would be able to reach the maximum number of people that I could, in a global scale, and in that

way I would be able to translate my contribution to the world. Little by little I started forming my life mission: To be a catalyst for a positive change in the maximum

number of people's lives. All my external experiences reflected that: from being a professor, to joining the student’s movement and working in the first sector; from

studying economics and being paid for that to studying my first academic passion (Human Rights) in one of the top countries in which it is applied. I had my Clarity of

Why and kind-of had my Clarity of What. But I needed to discover my Clarity of How. And then I did: if I wanted to be a catalyst and reach this number of people, I

needed first to be able to handle them. I needed to know how to work with high volume and how to be strategically able to multiply my impact.

I am applying for MCP of AIESEC in Brazil because I want that. I want that experience. I want to be the final responsible for the organisation, the one that deals with all

of our stakeholders and with a high performing team. Also, I want to be MCP 14-15 for two main simple reasons: 1) I believe. I believe in AIESEC 2015 and everything

it stands for. And I know that we still have a lot of work to do about it. 2) I want to deliver it. I have always been considered an implementer, and I don’t see myself

having any bigger challenges right now than to deliver what we promised 5 years ago.

My team should be described by its implementing power, fast responding culture and purpose-driven

characteristics. There isn’t any time to spare if we are to delivery 2015. Previous MCs have worked with a number

of innovative attempts to maximize efficiency, yet time has come when what we need is simple – focus and heavy


Most urgently, we need to become a fast responding supporting system to the network, which will ensure a great

number of strategies homogeneously implemented throughout local level, on short notice and according to its own

needs. It must be an all times priority to the MC.

Purpose-driven is a characteristic I have strived for in all members, of any of my teams. Knowing why we do what

we do allows us to do anything easier and better. A purpose-driven team is, by principle, limitless.

And so, in light of all that’s been aforementioned, my leadership will lie upon intensive tracking and fueling the team

through a hardcore rhythm of work, that embodies the demands of the network, facing whatever needs to be done in

order to achieve the purpose we are driven for.

I want to be an open source of energy and motivation to my MC, just so they can multiply it throughout the network

and make their own experiences worth.

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A taxa de desemprego jovem é cada vez menor.

De 12,4% em 2003 para 5,6% em 2013.


For me, it has always been clear that youth plays an essential role in any society,

and recent events such as the protests for a better public transport system, better

education, less corruption and all other claims that we are all so used to complain

about were finally getting out of the sofa. Not only in the protest way, which is very

relevant, but youth as a whole is also getting out of other sofas. We never had so

many entrepreneurs before the age of 30 as right now, so many researchers,

professors, corporate leaders. Brazilian Youth is spreading its reach like never

did before, and if our generation has the right kind of behaviours and is truly

prepare to become the leaders that we need us to be, we are in the right hands.

And for them to become the leaders that Brazil needs them to be, AIESEC can play

a very important role on it.

On June 2012, I went as a delegate to YouthBlast, one of the parallel events of the

Rio+20 official agenda, organised by the United Nations organ responsible for

Children and Youth. The event got over 800 delegates from over 70 countries, all of

them young leaders who were trying to actively make a positive impact on their

societies, or at least were trying to be everyday a little bit more aware of how to

contribute, and then doing so. There, I got to see the power of youth together.

The power of everyday-life responsible and entrepreneurial leaders. By the time, I

was an LCVP, and I had 3 biggest questions on the back of my mind:



I just got the final version of my third answer now, after being through the MC

experience. The process-thinking that I have is a 3-steps simple process:

We will only be known as the ‘youth

leadership provider of the world’ if we:

a) deliver the right kind of experiences

and b) deliver enough experiences. We

have to face it: we are almost insignificant

for Brazil right now.

Our volume of operations reaches less

than 0,001% of Brazilian youth. The key

point for being relevant and known for

providing youth leadership is, and you all

have heard this before, to grow our

operations and to care about their delivery

and importance like never before.

1. Why did I need to wait to be together with some of the top youth

responsible leaders in the world to finally see something happening?

2. Why were so few representatives of Brazilian youth like that?

3. How could AIESEC contribute for a real positive change in Brazil?

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We provided more experiences in 5 years than in the first 60 years or the organisation

The programme, created in 2008, was able to quickly adapt to our customers and has been consistently growing ever since.

We are always able to evolve. Our structure based on short-term leadership positions and on midterm ambitions also force us to be able to do so

We are not able to measure the leadership impact that our customers in the ELD programmes have. Both regarding leadership development and direct impact in the companies/NGOs

through our EPs work, which delays us on selling AIESEC to our stakeholders

We know that we must be a customer-oriented organisation, but we are still not there. Not only we do not have an ideal NPS, but also we do not know how to work with our

different types of customers (Detractors/Passives/Promoters)

We are still not recognised for being a youth leadership provider to the countries societies. Besides volume of operations, this also has a lot to do with the lack of presence, at the MC

level mostly, in relevant events

Sporadically, we depend on luck to not be sued or anything like it. We take a lot of time to solve our complaints and frequently our solutions are not good enough.

Nowadays we lose a lot of customers due to our lack of professionalism and security in comparison with more consolidated competitors in the market.

We are still dealing, especially in Europe, with the effects of the 2008 crisis. More than that, emerging countries are no longer in the economical growth speed that were few

years ago (Brazil included).

Reconnect with older alumni and develop a LCC portfolio in order to increase ELD

Programmes delivery, especially GIP products

It stops a lot of our operations, especially in GIP, and every day there are more restrictions being created

Most MCs struggle with legalization and a lot of them do not have financial sustainability.

We are still not able to customize all products to specific consumers. This might deal with a deeper issue, that AIESEC does not know how to have a market plan. Most of the times our

actions are random and short-time focused

Globally, the programme is stuck. We still did not find the magic formula to make GIP happen, and our strategies are long-term focused and we do not have an upscale model.

Our strategies do not reach all members that it should

We are over 80,000 members and we realized around 30,000 GCDP and GIP experiences. We have a very low global exchange/members rate.

The majority of entities is still struggling in how to deal with the high volume of realizations in GCDP, often stopping in the quantity vs quality paradigm. Also, we cannot manage a high

volume of members in our LCs

This social-economic class is stepping out of the country, and it is a big opportunity for us to capitalize over, due to its huge relevance and representativeness in the Brazilian scenario (Source:

Companies are often complaining about the lack of preparation of Brazilian youth for the corporate market, especially regarding soft skills. “Os valores de liderança, que não são ensinados na escolar e na faculdade, é que ficam carentes de maior desenvolvimento” (Source:

To capitalize over social media in a smart way, being more attractive to our public, especially focusing on e-mobile and IT solutions for our promotion(Source:

The economic growth of country partners is a great opportunity of scalability of operations, especially Latin America that has some of our biggest partners in all operations

Recent events have shown that young people are everyday more socially aware of not only their countries’ issues, but about the world as a whole.

Listen to them.. “…Young people are sceptical about companies. They expect dialogue, including in the companies’ spaces, such a website. They want, for example, to go directly to the companies’ blog and shame them, but they are also willing to hear their defense…”(Source:

We do not use our alumni at all for enhancing our operations. More than that, we can capitalize over them to Learning and Development activities.

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We need to translate AIESEC 2015 and its actions in concrete

. AIESEC 2015 is not just about Global Youth Voice, First-Choice

Partner and Positive Impact through the Quality of Experiences. Rather, these are

the so-called Images of the Future that are should be read through the real MoS.

Here is an analysis of the key achievements so far:

So basically we have two big goals:

Making sure to develop leadership in every of their experiences.

We need to rethink our way of doing GIP and start having more short-term solutions and

upscaling mindset.

We need to be able to deliver all of these over 25000 experiences with high quality and based

on security, standard and satisfaction minimums

For Organisations, we need to focus on Re-RA strategies to less our dependency on new

partners. For Students, we need to focus on conversion rate and customized sales. Overall, we

must treat our customers better and listen to the them.

We need to package our LEAD programmes and implement them in all of our ELD. For

packaging, we recently had the Talent Capacity Summit. The biggest challenge is going to be

the implementation that must be inserted in the processes of every operation.

AIESEC gives to the world young people that, through our ELD experiences, have the

opportunity to And by leader AIESEC defines a

person that seeks for the world peace and fulfilment of humankind potential, acts for a

positive impact in society by sharing values such as activating leadership, striving for the

excellence, acting with sustainability, living diversity, demonstrating integrity and enjoying

participation. .

In addition, AIESEC programmes put our ELD participants in contact with other

stakeholders (NGOs, Companies, Communities, families and students), that can be

impacted not only by our EPs work, but also by our beliefs and values too.

That is also what AIESEC in Brazil gives to Brazil: . We give to our country

leaders who not only are based in the abovementioned values, but also leaders who are

internationally connected at the same time that we push them to be country oriented. In

the end of the day, we develop people with the purpose for them to use their leadership

efforts and possibility of impact to strive for dealing with Brazil’s biggest needs and issues.

Our growing physical and virtual reach

Increase of entities, GIP subproducts

implementation, GCDP issues

implementation, CLS and CLO pilots


Our ability to develop responsible and

entrepreneurial leadership LEAD pilots, Talent Capacity strategies ELD

Our collaborative environment

Entity Development Framework,

Growth Model, Network Building,

Conferences Model


High Quality Experience NPS implementation, CEM strategies NPS

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AIESEC in Brazil will remember the 2014-15 term by its implementation characteristic. The macro strategies will not change, but rather will be evolved and, mostly

important, implemented. The network is confused and we have to put them up to speed with what we want to deliver and, at the same time, we have to educate and

support the network on that. We have a lot of strategies to deliver, but we have not found simple ways to focus, prioritize and implement.

For both GCDP, we must

keep growing and

accelerate it for the 2015

goals achievement. GIP is

the one who must have the

biggest push towards over

100% growth if we want to

reach 2015.

LEAD programmes

in all operations

Impact Assessment

Model being


Mapping of what kind

of leadership we

deliver in each product

Customer Loyalty for

Organisations (CLO):

grow our Re-RA rate and

NPS score

Customer Loyalty for

Students (CLS): grow our

conversion rate and NPS


Showcasing: To

create and implement

strategies to capitalize

with our promoters

IXP Culture implemented

in all LCs. Focus on

alumni for GIPo and

members for GCDPo

GIP boom: purpose-

driven and solutions-

oriented. Creation of

pilots of high scale of

operations with country

partners and sales culture

being implemented and

valued. BD responsible

for 200 GIPi realisations

GCDP: learn how to

manage high volume

and upscale.

To start to have government

relations, especially focusing

on visa solving issues (MC


Social Sustainability: to be

able to position ourselves also

through national selling of

iGCDP projects. Evolve and

implement the existing PR SP

strategies (MC Level)

Brand Management: we are

good at promoting products,

but we know must start to be

reference on content

generation as well (MC Level)

From NSTs to LC Coaches, we,

nowadays, are not able to fully and

efficiently support the network.

Rethinking the use of these national

support bodies is a must-do. One idea is

to have Regional or Cluster Coordinators

(like AI has) as MC part-times, which will

be involved in the MC Planning and

would be responsible for that LC

throughout the whole year.

The expansion entities grew a lot in

number and volume of operations in

the last years. Our focus right now

must not be to grow in number of

entities, but to grow in their efficiency

and representativeness with the


Keep it customized by publics.

Evolution must be centred around

how to reach more members and

have a higher level of discussions,

being able to co-build strategies with

the delegates, like it is done at

strategic summits.

The new growth model proposed by the

OD team gives a smaller EB structure

focused on the front office. The next

steps are to implement and develop

this new synergy proposed in the front

office and bacl office of the LCs, always

keeping the focus on operations

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TMP, TLP Efficiency

To customize the learning and development of our

talents and catalyse their learning curve inside the

area. To have a local structure focused on operations

To be properly trained and to be

inserted in a proper structure that

enables maximum efficiency

To show that our members are

well trained and efficient.

To increase ELD


TMP, TLP Team Minimums


To implement the Team Minimums culture in every

leadership body of the organisation: from MCP to OCPsTo really have a team experience

To be able to truly state that we

really have team experiences

inside the organization

To have less detractors of

the AIESEC Experience in






ORS, PODIO, Opportunity Portal, LiveBrazil and

national CRMs implementation.

Faster and more organized work,

increasing our conversion rates

AIESEC as an organisation

according to its time.

Bigger conversion rates. IM




Front Office Back

Office Work

To be clear that the focus is to generate operations

growth. Final responsibilities crucial for the exchange

area to work should be kept inside the area (less


The MoS of both sides must be the

same: realisations of exchanges. But

the KPI and responsibilities of everyone

must be clearer and directly related with


To have a more clear

organisational view

Less bureaucracy inside the





StrategiesTo have clear showcasing strategies in all operations To see the AIESEC impact To see the AIESEC impact

Increase our number of




Financial Local


To invest our capital in increasing operations.

Examples: a)GCDPi: financed by OGX b) GCDPo

having an accessilibity project to Class C. c) GIPi

evolving about the pricing of the RA fee (India GCP)

To have more exchange experiences

happening and focus on them

To see that the fees that we

charge are being invested in

more operations

Increase our number of


GIPo, GIPi Alumni

To strengthen the relationship with the alumni by

bringing them back to the LC and to offer them ELD or

stakeholder experiences

To get in touch with previous AIESEC

members and see the impact that the

organisation had on them

To show that our alumni are

engaged with the organisation

Increase our operations and

get in touch with AIESEC’s

final product

GIPo, GIPi GIP Mindset

1) GIP Purpose: to clear it up with the network. 2) GIP

changes based on short-term strategies focusing on

upscale (sales culture, customized S&D with specific

countries, financial model)

To have clear the purpose of GIP and to

make it happen.

To clear that GIP is one of the

programmes as well, not only


Increase our operations in




Marketing for


To only sell our partner MCs/LCs, and focus all of our

promotion on their closed projects/TNs. To be able to

customize our subproducts and issues to the right


To be more focused and only sell what

we guarantee that we have

To have more security and

directionIncrease our operations





To have clear standards and measuramentes in the

GCDP programme, being able to assess the impact of

every trainee

To be able to see the impact of our

trainees and have better sales-


To see the impact of GCDPIncrease our attractiviness

through concrete data




IXP Culture and


To develop and implement a career plan for members

focusing on exchange. To implement Reintegration

Events and strategies for our EPs

To be able to develop leadership in

different experiences

To see that our members buy our

core-work and to see that our

EPs want to develop themselves

in other experiences inside the


Increase our operations and

our TMP and TLP

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We need to use our resources

smartly and fulfil our potential as

AIESEC in Brazil. The main

micro strategies are

We need more loyal customer for both

short term and long term growth,

organisational image and reputation and

operational sustainability. The micro

strategies are:

We need to change our mindset

and the way we see and do GIP.

The microstrategies are:

Capacity: Front Office and Back

Office work focused on operations

Capacity: “Good to Great” growth model.

We must implement and evolve it. LCs must

strive to grow what they are good at.

Learning & Development: customized and

independent education. We need to be able to

train our members based on their daily job. More

than that, nowadays education is extremely

dependent on the leaders. We need to have an

independent education system, guaranteeing the

education of all members (i.e. AIESEC University


Learning & Development: LEAD implementation.

We need to guarantee leadership development in all

of our experiences.

Team Minimums Culture: our retention rate is

very low, and lot has to deal with the lack of

real teams inside AIESEC.

National Behaviours Culture: now, more than

ever, we must be fast-responding, professional

and focused. This will take place in every action

that we make.

Financial Model: we need to have a more suitable

financial model for iGIP to enable it to upscale. For

example, few companies would pay what is

necessary to have more than 10 EPs of GIP in their organisations due to expenses that this would bring

Supply and Demand: we must have a very

strong S&D lock-down. Especially for oGIP, we

must know which 5 countries we will work with

and create upscaling projects with them.

Alumni: we must keep and evolve our current

alumni strategies, focusing first on oGIP and then on iGIP

Visa: we must be smart and have a range of

different strategies: local and regional options, plus

somebody working part-time in the MC for that.

Why of GIP: our membership nowadays does not

have a very clear mindset about GIP, neither about

its purpose nor about its value proposition.

CEM: We must keep our NCB strategies and deepen it, with the

NCB Ambassadors and other strategies focusing on making it

an LC daily process, increasing our NPS

Customer Loyalty for Organisations (CLO):

To implement the CEPT Model (Conversation,

Engagement, Product Packaging and Talent

Capacity) to guarantee Re-RAs of our TN Takers

Customer Loyalty for Students

(CLS): To implement the SSS

Model (Safety, Standards,

Satisfaction) to guarantee

minimum standards of safety and

project realisation to guarantee a

bigger satisfaction and number of

promoters and Re-RAs

Marketing for Conversion (M4C): We must only sell

closed projects for oGIP, or at least closed countries. In

oGCDP we must also close in fewer country partners.

This will guarantee a more accurate marketing strategy,

guaranteeing a bigger conversion rate.

Showcasing: We need to

showcase more our

experiences. But first, we

need to accurately assess

them. We shall implement

an impact assessment

model inside our

processes, to assure that

we are able to measure

our EPs impact (especially


Business Intelligence: our future does not rely on e-

mails. We must keep up to speed with our public and

make our tools faster, more attractable and more

convertible. Opportunity Portal, Global ORS and the

new my@ will start to be implemented in the next

generation. The key is to centralize all these informations in one simple tool.

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If elected MCP, not only should I keep the

national council updated of basic national

matters, such as MC plan achievement,

financial health, main strategies

implementation, operation growth and etc, but

it would be a must-do duty of mine as MCP

elected. To be accountable for the MC

actions as its leader is the basis of working

together with the national council. More than

that, as MCP, I must be open for feedback

from the CSN to the MC work, and always

thinking about the different LC realities in


As MCP, I would be in touch with all entities of

AIESEC globally, being able to absorb GCPs

of the global network, filter the best and most

adaptable ones to the Brazilian reality, and

communicate them to the national council.

Not only should the MCP co-work with the

CSN through the Steering Team and

Subcommittees, but also should him/her work

closer with the CSN. One example is the MC-

CSN-TNA flow of work, that everyday should

be closer in order for us to have the best

auditing processes as possible. It is important

for both MC and CSN always remember that

neither of them represent the leadership body

of AIESEC in Brazil alone, and only together

can we strive for the best AIESEC in Brazil

that we can develop and deliver.