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St Sylvester’s Infant School in Malahide arecurrently undergoing construction on anextension to the school. The build is due tobe finished in March, and both teachers andstudents alike are very excited to see it’scompletion.

The school is currently running an initiativecalled ‘Buy A Brick’. The idea is that a family canpurchase a brick that is being built into the new

build and have their child’s or family nameplaced on the brick. This brick will be a part ofthe ‘Donor Wall’ and will be on view for allposterity creating a personal history etched intothe walls of the school for future generations toenjoy. The idea came as the Government had allocated€950,000 to build seven classrooms. There washowever, a shortfall in the region of €50,000.The Parents Association looked to the generosityof parents and came up with the buy a brick idea. The County Leader spoke to school principalSharon Ward about this interesting endeavour:“We received funding from the Department ofEducation to replace 7 prefabs that are currentlyon the school site with permanent classrooms.But we also needed to build two learningsupport rooms and unfortunately the grantdidn’t cover this, so we have a deficit of €50,000.Our parents association, who are a very dynamicgroup of people, decided to do the Buy A Brickcampaign to try and raise the money needed for the learning support rooms which will beused to teach both children with learning diffi-culties and children who need to be challengedacademically.”Parents or members of the community are ableto sponsor a brick which is €25, or €50 for afamily, and there is also a corporate optionwhich is €250. To date, they have managed toraise almost €20,000 through the Buy A Brickinitiative. Ms Ward told us that; “What will happen then iswe will have a donor wall, which is a perspex

wall in our reception area, and everybody whohas sponsored a brick will have their namewritten up on it and it will be there for posterity.It’s really great because in years to come bothpast pupils and members of the community candrop into the school to visit, look for their nameand show it to relatives or their own childrenwhich will be lovely for the families and a greatmomentum for the community.”The school still has a deficit of €30,000 whichthey still need to raise. Ms Ward said; “Hopefullyyour readers will get on board with thecampaign, because we are stopping it at Eastertime. For anyone who hasn’t sponsored a brickyet, the closing date will be 16th March. So wewould love if parents could get on board beforethen. Or if a member of the community wants tosponsor one of the learning support rooms theyare more than welcome to come in and sponsorwith any amount of money they want.”The new build for the school is coming alongnicely and will be open after the Easter holidays.According to Ms Ward it is ; “Looking fabulous,we will be ready to open at Easter time and ittotally complements the old 1856 redbrickschool. The prefabs will be demolished over theEaster break and we will landscape the site thenand it will be a very warm and welcoming placefor the children of Malahide.”

Ms Ward concluded by saying: “I would also liketo take this opportunity to thank all the membersof the community for all of their support to date.”Please see the school’s website if you wouldlike to support the school by sponsoring a brick.

The teachers of St Sylvesters School wearing their hard hats while visiting the new build which is currently in progress

By Aoife Read

The Writing IsOn The Wall ForMalahide School

Page 2: Mcl - 16th February 2016

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Call For Shelters OnPortmarnock Beach ToBe RefurbishedAn objective has beenraised at the most recentcouncil meetings by CllrBrian McDonagh(Lab) tothe Chief Executive toact urgently to completethe repairs to the shel-ters at PortmarnockBeach. The initial call for refur-bishing theshelters wasmade inDecember 2015when CllrM c D o n a g hasked thecouncil to carryout an‘aesthetic andstructural review of thecondition of the sheltersat Portmarnock Beach toensure their safety andto examine options toimprove their appear-ance.’ As it stands theshelters are in a state ofdisrepair, and have beenthe subject of antisocialbehaviour for someyears. While the councilhave made efforts tomake them safe, theyhave not, as yet madethem fit for purpose, andthey continue to be anunsightly eyesore on thecoastline ofPortmarnock Beach. The County Leaderspoke to Cllr McDonaghabout this: “One of thefirst things I raised oncoming into the councilwas the condition of theBandstand or shelters atPortmarnock beach.They had been badlydamaged by the stormsa couple of years agoand while excellent

repairs were carried outon the steps, the shel-ters themselves are in avery poor state” he said.He went on to say; “Atmy request, an investi-gation was undertakenand loose masonry wasremoved to make the

concrete safe,however thishas exposedthe metal coreand the shel-ters are still indire need ofrepair.”Cllr McDonaghwent on to tell

us that he was glad thatthe budget is there forthe repairs, and he willkeep pushing for themto be completed. Hesaid; “This wasbudgeted for last yearbut has yet to be carriedout. I welcome the posi-tive report from thecouncil and am pressingto see the workcompleted before thesummer. We are blessedwith such a wonderfulbeach but the currentstate of the shelters isletting us down, not tomention the practicalneed for somewhere dryto shelter during eventhe best Irish summer.”McDonagh concluded bysaying: “In fairness tothe council they havecarried out extensiverepairs to the railwaysleeper beach pathswhich I also asked for sothere is a willingnessand understanding toget things done.”

Cllr. McDonagh

By Aoife Read

An introduction toscreenwriting work-shop will be held inthe MalahideLibrary. The class isfor adults and isbeing taught byBarry McEvoy. Classwil l be held inMalahide Library onSaturday 20thFebruary at 2.30pm.Booking is essentialso please call8704430 to reserveyour place.


Malahide Rugby Club, More Than Just A Game

In recent years, Malahide Rugby Club has becomea vibrant part of the community, with players of allages from both Malahide and the surroundingvillages of Donabate, Swords, Ballyboughal andPortmarnock playing for the club. The club’s miniand youth sections have grown along with thepopularity of the sport. This has lead to what isnow a very strong senior section, with all threeteams competing at a high level. Their first XV arecurrently leading Leinster League Division 1B witheyes firmly focused on promotion for next season.Their last home league game is on Saturday 27thFebruary at Estuary Road from which they need tosecure a single point to ensure 1A rugby next year.Their seconds, which by any account are a veryyoung squad, are also chasing the top of theirleague and promotion next year. While the senior

rugby in the club is played at a high standard, thereis also the social aspect to the rugby club. Thesenior thirds, are very much a social team and are aplatform for many a player on the way up, as wellas the players just looking to enjoy the sport. Theiryouth structure has teams from under 13’s to under17’s, and numbers are growing year on year. Themini section sees children from ages of 4 to 11playing and learning the game in a safe environ-ment and with both the success of the seniorsection, Leinster Rugby and Ireland, the numbers inthe minis are increasing year on year. UpcomingSenior Matches are; Friday 19th February MRFC2nd’s play Blackrock at 8.00pm in the Moran Cupin Malahide and on Sunday 21st February the MRFCfirst team play Greystones at 3.00pm in theMetropolitan Cup in Malahide.

Malahide Rugby Team: Back Row L-R R.Evans, R. Monaghan, R.O’Connell, D.Byrne, E.McCarthy, S.Power, D.Mongan,D.Morrin, S.Kinsella, S.Halligan, G.Robb, D.Murray. Front Row L-R A.Kerrigan, M.McAllister, J.Shine, B.Carpenter,C.Corkery, H.Nolan (Captain), M.Badenhorst, R.Forbes, C.O’Brien, N.Myron

Pictured are Karen & Sabrina Hughes, owners of Avenue Hair Salon in Donabate,who were joined by clients and family for the celebration on Saturday.

Avenue Hair Salon, Turvey Avenue, Donabate. Tel: 01 843 4163


Page 3: Mcl - 16th February 2016

16.02.2016 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 0322 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

Malahide School Rugby Team GloryThe Malahide Community School’sRugby team is going from strength tostrength at the moment. Last week theteam won a hard fought battle againstOatlands College at Clontarf RugbyClub in the 3rd round of the seniordevelopment shield. They won thematch 41-0. Several of the school’s key players grad-uated last year meaning that this year’steam is almost starting back fromscratch. After a 63-7 win over ColaisteNa Hinche in the last round, Malahidewere hoping to build on their form. Mikey Power opened the scoring forMalahide in the first half after being

set up by centre Eoin McKenna beforeEoin Cooney scored the first of his twotries just before half time. Bryn Redmond added two tries in thesecond half during his man of thematch performance before Cooney andPower added one more each. Adam Keogh and Eoin McKennacompleted the scoring in the final tenminutes with Daniel Deneher addingthe points with the boot. The score did not reflect the efforts ofOatlands who held Malahide at bay formost of the first half and were unluckyto be stopped on the line at the end ofthe first half.

The school is hoping to win its firstsenior rugby title this year after contro-versially losing to last season’swinners Moyne in the quarter finalslast March. Malahide are trained twice a week inthe school by coaches Ger Kenny andNick Menezes with the majority ofplayers coming from Malahide RugbyClub and Suttonians Rugby Club. The school hopes to follow in the foot-steps of neighbouring SkerriesCommunity College and St.Fintans,former development rugby school thatare now becoming heavyweights in theLeinster Schools Senior Cup.

The Malahide Community School's winning rugby team. The team won their match last week against Oaklands. Pictured are B O'Neill, A Clarke, CSheridan, L Kenny-Adams, P Dawson (Captain), E Cooney, C Quinn, A Keogh, J Quinn, D Deneher, C Doyle, R Hansen, E.Mckenna, M Power, BRedmond. SUBS:A McCormack, R O'Brien, J Crehan, J Fitzmaurice,

North County GoesCoast To CoastA shared pedestrian and cycle route is planned to bridge the MalahideEstuary and link Malahide and Donabate. It is something that has been along standing objective for the County Council and has been on theagenda in previous year’s Development plans. As yet, this is something that hasn’t happened, however, with theDevelopment Plan for 2017-2023 meetings happening over the last fewweeks, this innovative idea is something that has been pushed forwardfurther and wheels are being set in motion for the completion of this objec-tive. The County Leader spoke to Cllr Eoghan O’Brien (FF), who has beenpushing this objective during these meetings; “It’s been a slow process todate. There’s a lot of issues around wildlife, so the idea behind my motionand the adding of the objective to the development plan was to ensurethat we had something there that said that Broadmeadow Way would beprioritised during the life of the new development plan.”O’Brien told us that it has been tough going trying to get this objectivethrough, however he acknowledges that the council have been doingeverything they could; “To be fair, it’s not a criticism of council manage-ment, it has been like wading through mud trying to get this processcompleted. So they are working very hard on it and I just wanted tostrengthen that process and make sure that focus on this area is anabsolute priority.”The Broadmeadow Way is part of a grander scheme to link all of thecoastal areas of Fingal to one another, meaning that you would be able totraverse the full 88km of coastline from Howth to Balbriggan in one go ifyou were feeling fit enough. O’Brien went on to say that, “If the bit between Malahide and Donabatedoesn’t happen, the whole idea of linking North to South with top classcycle and pedestrian facilities is out the window. So that’s really where myobjective in the development plan came from.”He concluded by saying; “I would be hopeful that we can make furtherprogress before the new Development Plan kicks in. However, knowingwhat I know from the last 7 or 8 years dealing with the issue, things canfall to the wayside in terms of where they lie in the councils’ priority. I putthat motion down to ensure that doesn’t happen”.

Cllr Eoghan O’Brien DemandsSeabury Sewage SolutionA motion has been raised at themost recent Howth/ MalahideArea Committee Meeting bycouncillor for the Malahide wardEoghan O’Brien (FF) to addressthe problem of sewagedischarging in the Seabury Walkarea of Malahide. At times ofheavy rainfall, the area is subjectto sewage dischargingonto streets and intopeople’s gardens. The County Leaderspoke to Cllr O’Brienabout this issue; “Thereare certain areas in thenetwork in Seabury thathave been discharging,and Seabury walk wasone that came up on anumber of differentoccasions. I put a motion down toensure that the councils’ WaterServices Department wereworking with Irish Water to find asolution.” He went on to say; “Obviouslythe system that was introducedby the current Government is anabsolute shambles in terms ofgetting any work done on theground. We have to log an issuewith Irish Water who then sendthe council a job number to goand sort it. Basically where previ-ously we had control over thewater services, now, because ofthe way Irish Water was set up,it’s actually created an extra levelof bureaucracy which iscompletely unnecessary.” Currently there is no separationon that particular networkbetween storm water and sewerwater. What this means is, when

rainfall is heavy it fills the pipesto capacity, so the network can’tcope with the level of water. Thiscreates a discharge which basi-cally means that sewer watercomes up out of the storm drainsand floods the streets andpeople’s front gardens. Cllr O’Brien was displeased with

the answer he got backfrom the council in rela-tion to the question ofwhat was going to bedone; “The answer thecouncil gave me back; Iwasn’t really happywith. It states that IrishWater are looking atimprovements thatneed to be made to thewhole network but it

doesn’t really state what they aregoing to do specifically aboutSeabury Walk and other areaswhere these issues havehappened before.” “It’s cold comfort to the localpeople there, just to be told thatIrish Water, who don’t seem to beanswerable to anybody, islooking at the overall Malahidenetwork, something that couldtake years,” he said. He concluded by saying “I’m notsaying that they shouldn’t look atthe network in its entirety toidentify areas that need improve-ment, but when we have alreadyidentified several areas that needimproving, including SeaburyWalk, they don’t need to hire inconsultants to know that there’san issue. I’ll be pushing themvery hard to get a resolution tothis.”

Cllr. O’Brien

It is good news for local sportsenthusiasts as the Malahide TennisCourts are currently undergoingrenovations. The courts are set tobe unavailable for use from themiddle of February until the end ofMarch. Some disturbance is alsoexpected to pedestrians who willbe passing through the DublinRoad entrance to the castle which

is across from St Sylvester’sschool. Malahide Castle Golf andTennis Club has apologised for anyinconvenience caused, howevermost local residents are in agree-ment that the renovations are longoverdue and no public backlash isexpected. The new renovation willinclude one extra tennis courtwhich brings the number of courtsto 6 acrylic courts in total. Thecourts will be complete with newfencing and netting. Basketball will no longer be avail-able however, as the new renova-tions will remove the currentbasketball amenities.

MalahideTennis CourtRenovations Senator Darragh O’Brien,

Fianna Fail’s local generalelection candidate, iscalling for more socialhouses to be built in theNorth County area,following the revelationthat there has been a 359per cent increase on thesocial housing waiting listin Fingal under the currentGovernment. He said, “In 2008 there were 1,931people on the social housing waiting list inFingal, this had risen to 6,020 by 2013 and it isnow almost 9,000,” said O’Brien, who is also theparty’s Dublin spokesperson.“While the numbers on the social housingwaiting list have grown, only two social houseswere built in the area between 2011 and 2014.”He continued, “The ¤18.97 million allocationpromised to Fingal has targeted a build of 85housing units built over three years, leading toan estimated reduction of less than 2 per cent inthe social housing waiting list. However this isonly assuming that there is no increase in thewaiting list in the interim, which – given thescale of expected home repossessions (about25,000 nationally) – is very unlikely.” “In contrast, Fianna Fáil has a plan to spend€4.5bn to build 45,000 units by 2021. We are committed to ensuring that every family inthe North County can aspire to living in appro-priate accommodation,” concluded O’Brien.

O’Brien Blasts SocialHousing Waiting List

Senator. O’Brien

Syls Girls Lead The Way For DubsSt Sylvester trio ofNicole Owens, SineadAherne and NiamhMcEvoy are certainlymaking a huge impres-sion on the seniorDublin ladies team inthe past few weeks,with hugely impressivecontributions by allthree.In the recent gameagainst Kerry, Dublinwon by 2-14 to Kerry’s1.06 in the first roundmatch of the NationalLeague played inParnell Park. Dublinwere by far the fitterand slicker team asreflected by the

impressive score line.Eight Dublin playerswere on the scoresheet. Nicole, Niamhand Sinead were all inthe starting fifteen,what an honour for theclub to have thehighest number ofplayers from one clubin the starting 15.Niamh bagged twobrilliant goals and inall the girlscontributed 2.05 to thescore sheet. Nice tosee good Syls pres-ence in the stands.Next up for the Dubswas a narrow defeat toMayo, but the girls put

that reverse behindthem, with a compre-hensive victory lastSunday, away toformer champions,Monaghan. The Dublinteam had a surpris-ingly easy victory by 5-18 to 0-6, with the Sylsgirls contributinghandsomely toDublin’s total.Nicole bagged 1-2,while Niamh scored agoal and Sineadchipped in with animpressive 0-7. It allaugers well for thegirls, as next up for theimpressive Jackies is avisit from All-Irelandchampions, Cork toParnell Park, wherethe Syls girls can shineagain.

A Parent and toddler group meet everyThursday morning in Malahide Library from10-10.45am. New parents and toddlers alwayswelcome. The group meets for support formothers and entertainment for toddlers.Benefit from the wisdom of other mothers andindulge in some adult conversation.

Malahide Parent & Toddler Group

Beginners Pilates are held every Tuesday in the St. Nicholas Room at StSylvesters Church Malahide. The class is taught by Cathy Smith and it takestakes place from 9.15am until 10.15am and all are welcome to join.

Pilates Classes At St. Sylvesters

Page 4: Mcl - 16th February 2016

04 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 16.02.2016

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200 New Jobs AtDublin AirportThe great news thatSwissport Ireland Ltd.has announced thecreation of over 200 newjobs at Dublin Airporthas been given a warmwelcome by all.Swissport’s groundhandling business atDublin Airport has seengrowth of 23 per cent,with the result that thecompany is recruitingstaff for over 200 newpositions in the areas ofcustomer service agents,

ramp handling agents,flight operations,Security and aircraftappearance operativesin order to support thepositive development.Welcoming theannouncement, DublinAirport ManagingDirector, VincentHarrison said “We aredelighted to seeSwissport’s business gofrom strength tostrength at DublinAirport. The recruitment

of a further 200 jobs, ontop of the 350 recentlyannounced by DublinAirport further endorsesthe economic impact ofthe airport. “Dublin

Portmarnock resident and local historianGarry Ahern was the speaker at theFebruary meeting of Malahide HistoricalSociety. A capacity audience heard Garrydeliver a fascinating talk entitled “Bricks,Tobacco and Whiskey – the stories ofthree Portmarnock families” He spokein depth about Plunkett Family ofPortmarnock and the PlunkettHouse.The Plunkett family lived inPortmarnock House from the17th to the mid-20th century.This was a branch of thePlunkett family which had landsin Counties Dublin, Meath andLouth, Following theReformation, Luke Plunkett, aDublin merchant, gainedPortmarnock lands in 1635. Asuccessor, another Luke, lawyer,amateur actor, political activist, andbrick-maker, was a colourful Dublinpersonality at the turn of the 19thcentury. Once challenged to a duel, hisescapades on the Dublin stage includedencores of a death scene in ‘Richard III’,earning him the nickname, ‘Die AgainPlunkett’! He also related the story ofthe Trumbull Family of Beechwood.Nathaniel Trumbull was City SwordBearer from 1781 to 1797. He establishedan import and distribution business,principally handling tobacco in largequantity. In time, the Abbey St. firm hadagents abroad, customers country-wide,and an extensive portfolio of city prop-erty. By the 1790s, his son, also,Nathaniel, had devel-oped a country estateand mansion atB e e c h w o o d ,Portmarnock (now hometo Malahide Golf Club).He moved in local circleswhich included LukePlunkett, Lord Talbot deMalahide, and Cooper ofAbbeville. Not of the‘nobility yet’, he corre-sponded with majorestablishment figuresand was a pillar of his

local Church of Ireland. Father and sonwere notable for the amassing of a majorcollection of business and personalrecords. Nathaniel’s grandson, Dr. JohnTrumbull, was the last in his line atBeechwood. For a time a ship’s doctor,during WW1, now with the British ArmyMedical Corps, he was assistant directorof a military hospital in Belfast. After hisdeath in 1949, Beechwood was sold.

Later, the Trumbull papers,amounting to over 20,000 itemswere sold abroad. Finally thespeaker dealt with the Jamesonfamily of Portmarnock. In the1840s, John Jameson, the Dublindistiller, acquired land for acountry estate at Burrow,Portmarnock, buying out small-

holders’ leases, then developing thehouse and estate. In the process of thisdevelopment, unfortunate casualtieswere an Ogham Stone and a holy well,both beside St Marnock’s ancientchurchyard. Near his residence, ‘StMarnock’s’, Jameson laid out a basic 9-hole golf course. Later, a jetty forJameson yachts and a boat-house wereconstructed. Malahide HistoricalSociety’s next lecture will be onWednesday 9 March in the PresbyterianChurch Hall at 8 pm when universitylecturer and authority on the role ofwomen in 1916, Ann Mathews will give atalk entitled ‘Married to a soldier:Irishwomen and the SeparationAllowance’.

Local Families Of Historical Importance

Gary Ahern

Airport has had a strongstart to 2016 with 17%growth in January alone.This trend is set tocontinue with 13 newroutes/services due tostart in the coming

The County Council has sent letters to certain housesthroughout the North County, warning them of theplanned removal of trees outside their properties. Thereason for the removal is, during summer time whenthe trees are in full bloom, they are blocking out thelight from certain street lights. One such estate thathas been receiving these letters over the last few weeksis Melrose Park in Kinsealy. Members of the localcommunity in Kinsealy are up in arms over this develop-ment and many have been in contact with the council inan attempt to stop this from happening. The removal ofthe trees is part of a legislation by the council that wasput in place in 2010, which states that all trees withinfive meters of a street light would be removed over thenext five years, based on international best practice.This decision was made at the time, based on concernsraised to the council from women who were walkinghome late at night and felt unsafe due the darkness ofthe street caused by the street light being blocked byunruly tree tops. A spokesperson from the LocalAuthority told the County Leader that; “ Fingal CountyCouncil can confirm that, in accordance with theAdopted Tree Policy, a number of trees in the MelrosePark estate are to be removed as they are encroachingon street lighting in the area. Replacement trees will beplanted on the open space before the end of February.”It has been voiced to this journalist that a better solu-tion would be to trim the trees right back to both allowfor light and keep the trees where they are. We spoketo councillor to the area David Healy (GP), about thisand he said; “These trees were planted either by theCouncil or by developers complying with the Council’srequirements. People bought their houses on tree linedstreets. It is not acceptable that the Council shouldsimply remove trees from outside people’s houseswithout their agreement and without considering thebeauty and amenity which street trees bring to our resi-dential areas.” As it stands there seems to be no plansfor this objective to change and it seems that many ofour signature tree lined streets are set to be a thing ofthe past.

weeks,” he added.Swissport has been oper-ating at Dublin Airportsince its takeover ofServisair in 2013 whichoperated at DublinAirport since 1995.Swissport providesground handling servicesto 46 airlines employingover 570 staff. In 2015,the aviation groundhandler providedservices for 4 millionpassengers on 20 longhaul and 34 short haulroutes.The news was warmlywelcomed by Presidentof Fingal DublinChamber, Guy Thompsonwho told the CountyLeader, “The Chamberwelcomes this timelyannouncement bySwissport of 200 jobswhich clearly indicatesthe strong growth ofDublin Airport as anoutstanding internationalairport providing servicesof the highest standardsand quality for themillions of passengerswho travel in and out ofIreland every day,” hesaid.



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Page 5: Mcl - 16th February 2016

16.02.2016 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 0522 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

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Junk Kouture EasternRegional Final LoomsLoreto SecondarySchool Balbriggan hasbeen building on itssuccess in last year’s

Junk KoutureF a s h i o n

C o m p e t i t i o n .The Eastern

Region finalistsfor 2016 have just

been announcedand Loreto Balbrigganhave had 9 costumeschosen to compete.Their costumes are allcreated from inventivere-use of everydayunusual materials,most of which wouldend up in the bin.Materials such as anold spring mattress,nespresso coffeecapsules, plastic bags,cardboard packinghave been recycledand manipulated totransform them fromhumble beginningsinto couture fashionstatement pieces. Amaximum of 3

students can work oneach costume, butsome of the studentshave single handedlyproduced their spec-tacular creations.Their entries areEthereal Dreams byDagmara Dobkoska,Pink Crocodile by EllaCeban,Illuminated Cells byMaya Brezling andAoife Scott, Meltdownby Aisling Egan, MeganArtaud, Into the Veinby Hannah Simons,Cara Dowling and KatieMcManus , DreamQueen by CiaraMurray, Roisin Bentleyand Rachel Downes,Queen Galactica bySophie Hardman andGiovanna Elliott,Capsulated by CiaraFullam, Chloe O’Neilland Sarah Harris,Spring Loaded byRebecca O’Reilly, MaryMcKeown and Amy-Louise Hall.

The Eastern RegionalHeats will be held inThe Helix and will bean evening eventwhere the models willperform for 90 secondson stage to impress thejudges with their workand hope to make thecut for the finals whichwill be held in The 3Arena. From 80costumes, just 20 willbe selected to repre-sent the best of theEast Region in theNational Final. Part of the marking ofthe costumes is madeup of votes achievedthrough the BOIstudents facebookpage as Bank of Irelandis one of the mainsponsors of the compe-tition. So the studentsneed your support andyour votes! you canvote for each one of our9 costumes each dayfrom Monday 22ndFebruary until midnight

of Friday 26thFebruary. All thesevotes will help thestudents make it intothe National Final atthe 3 Arena in April2016.Meanwhile, LoretoCollege Swords havealso entered the JunkKouture FashionCompetition 2016,with a stunning dresswhich is made entirelyof recycled drink cans.The entry was inspiredby three students ofthe school, LeahFagan, SarahMcLoughlin and AmyHerbert.Teacher, MáireCostello was asked bythe students to lend ahand and she told theCounty Leader, “Thegirls have beenamazing and the ideas

all came from thegirls, who worked veryhard on this project,They fully deserve toreach the regionalfinals, which will takeplace on 7th Marchnext at the HelixTheatre. A dance willbe choreographed onthe night of thecompetition, whichwill help to show thedress off to thejudges.

“The girls manipulatedthe recycled cans in avariety of differentways, cutting theminto strips and usedthe tops of the cans touse them in a way thatsuited their require-ments. The girls areone of 320 teams whohave entered thecompetition and theyare hopeful ofsuccess,” concludedMs Costello.

Pictured are the Junk Kouture team at Loreto College, Swords. Sarah McLoughlin, AmyHerbert who modelled the dress, Leah Fagan and teacher, Máire Costello

Malahide CameraClub ExhibitionThe Malahide Camera Club are having an exhibition onFriday 19th February in the Parish Centre in Malahide. The exhibition is part of their 20th anniversary celebra-tions and incorporates images from all members of theclub covering a range of subjects. The exhibition is being opened by Cllr Anthony Lavinon behalf of the County Mayor. This is to give acknowl-edgement to the close connection to the CountyCouncil that the Camera Club has enjoyed over the lastnumber of years and to encourage the continued asso-ciation. The club has over 100 members, most ofwhom have received awards at the highest levels ofphotography in Ireland and globally. On display will be approximately 90 prints that coverall genres of photography.

One of the finalists for Balbriggan Junk Kouture

Cllr Joe Newman (NP) isdelighted to report that€24,000 has been allo-cated for providingequipment at Rathingleplayground in Swords,as part of the Council’sWorks programme for2016. Newman told theCounty Leader, “This issomething that I havecampaigned long andhard for since beingelected, and evenbefore that. It was anissue that was broughtup on the doors when I wascanvassing about the lack of play-grounds in the Swords and RiverValley areas. This playground thenwas struggling in relation to partsmissing, due to vandalism thatdestroyed the previous equip-ment.”“I brought this up at council meet-ings and I have kept pursuing thisissue since and I’ delighted to seethat €24,000 has been allocated for

this purpose. I intend to push thisto make sure that these improve-ments are in place for this summer.At present there are only twoswings there and there is a realneed for more quality equipment tobe put in place. I have beenassured by the council that there isa robust procurement system inplace and I would expect the stan-dard of equipment to be topquality,” concluded Newman.

Newman Delight AtPlayground Funding

Cllr Joe Newman is pictured at Rathingle Playground inSwords, following the announcement that €24,000 is tobe allocated for equipment there

Page 6: Mcl - 16th February 2016

Your No.1 Local Newspaper 22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 16.02.2016

B rown Thomas are synonymous with class.The high end shop is notorious for daringgarments and flashy suits, but why stop

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Lancôme is delighted to announce that our elite make-up artist, Marc Sinclair, will bevisiting Ireland from 23rd to 27thFebruary, to host a number of exciting master classesand a series of one-to-one appointments at Brown Thomas, Dublin, Limerick, Cork andGalway. Marc’s visit coincides with The Brown Thomas Spring Summer “BeautyBlossom” Event taking place, Thursday 18th Feb - Sunday 6th March. The luxuriousLancôme gift, available exclusively at Brown Thomas Stores contains a150ml-full size

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Easter Week Fingal Volunteers Event In Swords

Fingal Old IRAC o m m e m o r a t i v eSociety held an after-

noon exploring theactions of the Fingalvolunteers during

Easter Week 1916. Theevent, which was heldat Fingallians GAA club

in Swords onSaturday, 6th Februarylast included a collec-tion of photographscollected by thesociety.Also included wasactual footage of thefuneral of ThomasAshe, who died on25th September 1917,when he wasPresident of the IRB.He died after being onhunger strike, due tocomplications relatedto efforts to force feedhim in MountjoyPrison. His funeralattracted an enormouscrowd on to the streetsof Dublin to show theirrespect for this man.There was a talkpresented byAshbourne HistoricalSociety about theFingal Brigade’s actionduring Easter Weekand a detailed accountof the Battle ofAshbourne. This wasfollowed by a readingof Thomas Ashe’spoem ‘Let Me CarryYour Cross For IrelandLord.’ which inspiredthe design of the RathCross memorial.Society member, SeanMac Philibin thenspoke about the storybehind the Rath Crossat the site of the Battleof Ashbourne.Members of the Societypresented a MilitaryDisplay, dressed asvolunteers in theuniform of the era.

Pictured at the Fingal Old IRA Society information evening at Fingallians GAA club are society members, Back row:Petesy O'Connell. Brian Lally, County Mayor, Cllr David O'Connor, Sean Mac Philibin, Margaret Burtenshaw and NoelMcAllister. Front row: Tommy Clarke, Graham Blessing, Ronan Lawless and Cathal Boland

Launch Of StPatrick’s DayCard In LuskLusk Tidy TownsAssociation arelaunching their annual StPatrick’s Day card onFriday, 19th February atMurray’s Top Shop inLusk. The launch will beperformed by Fianna Failgeneral election candi-date, Senator DarraghO’Brien and there will bea raffle, music and lightrefreshments for all toenjoy. All are welcome toattend.

Page 7: Mcl - 16th February 2016

16.02.2016 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 0722 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

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Remember Us Nominated In Community Fund Initiative Remember Us Special Needs group haveagain been chosen to be one of thethree nominated charities partici-pating in the Tesco Community FundInitiative for the next few weeks. When customers shop in Tesco atMillfield Shopping Centre,Balbriggan, they will receive a tokenof goodwill to place in the donationbox of the local good cause they wouldmost like to support. Remember Us founder, Nora Roban said, “Wewould be very appreciative and grateful if youcould support Remember Us when shopping inTesco, Balbriggan. Our club days have now

resumed and we are looking for ladiesto participate in the women’s mini

marathon in June in aid of thegroup. Also we are running acharity cycle on Saturday, 28thMay so all you cyclists save thedate.”

The good news for the organisationis that membership grew and they

currently have over 240 families regis-tered with them, which impacts on

approximately 700 people. Nora Roban continued, “We take in members atpresent aged four right through to adulthoodfrom the North Fingal and surrounding areas.

We provide an integrated social outlet and a lot ofindirect learning for young people with specialneeds and support for their families,” she said.Remember Us have been very active in fundraisingfor their much needed base and Nora explained.“As we are up and running just over 17 years now,I always have the vision that we would need ourown base, somewhere our members could calltheir own and house all our activities under one roof and also develop new services. Weembarked on a fundraising /marketing campaignover the past 18 months and we have raised€400,000 to date.” “This is enough to buy the property we have identi-fied which is in Balbriggan Retail park. The new

base will include a sports hall, sensory room, whichis vitally important for our members who haveautism, a games room, an activity rooms to run ourvarious programmes and set up a support groupfor parents of newly diagnosed special needs chil-dren and a parent /toddler group,” she concluded.

Swimming SuccessFor Donabate BoyA young Donabate boy has just achieved aremarkable result in a national swimmingcompetition, which was held recently.

Evan Simpson, (8) a student of DonabatePortrane Educate Together NationalSchool competed in the Swim Ireland IrishMinor Schools Championship onSunday,7th February last. Having quali-fied in the Leinster Championships on 9thJanuary, Evan competed in the 7-9 yearold category in 50m Butterfly and 50mFreestyle events. Evan won Gold in theButterfly and Silver in the Freestyle.A total of 719 swimmers who had quali-fied in their regional finals from schoolswithin the island of Ireland competed inthe event. Evan swims for the Aer LingusSwim team who train at the ALSAA pool inDublin Airport.

Pictured is eight year old EvanSimpson from Donabate.

St Finian’s GAA club, River Valley, Swords held a presentation recently when they saidthank you and goodbye to Angela O’Neill, who has worked in the Club Office for the lastsix years. Club chairman, Barry Shelly thanked popular Angela for her work over thattime as the tireless office administrator, saying that she will be badly missed by allPictured at the presentation are, Jimmy Desay, Barry Shelly (club chairman), MareeMcDonagh, Angela O'Neill, Jackie and Kiernan O'Donoghue

Legion Of Mary Seeks New MembersThe St Cronan’s Brackenstown branch of The Legion Of Mary is looking fornew members over 18 years of age. The group meets on Tuesdays at10:30am in Sisters’ House and on Wednesdays at 7:30pm in the Sacristy.Junior members meet on Fridays at 5:00pm in Sacristy.

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08 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 16.02.2016

Carl Dardis who made his Confirmation at St Cronan'sSchool, Brackenstown, Swords is pictured with his uncle,Patrick Dardis

Lauren Reillyand EmmaFitzachary whomade theirConfirmation

Eoghan McBride who made his Confirmation at St Cronan'sSchool, Brackenstown is pictured with Philip McBride,Christine O'Hare and Margaret McBride

Karen Moore (2nd left) who made her Confirmation at St Cronan's School, Brackenstownis pictured with Martin, Gillian and Patricia Moore

Louisa Ramirez made her Confirmation at St Cronan's School,Brackenstown, Swords. She is pictured here with KathleenRamirez, Pepe Ramirez, Helen Tyrrell and Pat Tyrrell

Rebecca Sleafer (right), who made her Confirmationat St Cronan's School. Is pictured with JessicaSleafer, Raphaela Martin and Fr Paul Thornton

Tommy McDonnell, who made his Confirmationat St Cronan's Church. Is pictured here with hisparents, Winnie and Thomas McDonnell

Sam Cummins Beare, made his Confirmation at St Cronan'sSchool. He is pictured with Ciaran Cummins, Fiona CumminsBeare, Marie Cummins and Joe Kelly

Sofia Michelagnoli, whomade her Confirmation.Is pictured with AnneWhelan and ColletteWhelan

Aoibheann Brennan (front left) made her Confirmation at St Cronan's School,Brackenstown, Swords. She is pictured here with her family members

Cassandra Carey (left) is pictured with Shona Leacy, Kaitelyn Carey,Stephanie Hegarty and Siobhan Carey after making her Confirmation

Mykolas Lipskis (2d right) made his Confirmation . He is picturedhere with Ilona Lipskis, Lauretta Stankauskiene, Remos Lipshis,Marcus Lipskis and Agne Lipskis

Lauren Canty (2nd left), who made her Confirmation. She is pictured withMandy Canty, Charlie Canty, Chloe Harrison and Ryan Canty

Lana O'Neill (2nd right) from St Cronan's NS, made her Confirmation .Also pictured are Annie Cudden, Matt Cudden, Jake O'Neill, MaryO'Neill, Martin O'Neill and Maura Cudden

Pictured is Ben Smith from St Cronan's NS, who made his Confirmation.Also pictured are Larry Kilroy, Abbie Smith, Sonya Smith and Doris Kilroy

It was a very proud occasion for pupils of StCronan’s National School, Swords last weekwhen the Sacrament of Confirmation took placeon Thursday and Friday of last week at StCronan’s Church, Brackenstown, Swords. Thecelebration coincided with the Jubilee Year ofMercy at St Cronan’s Parish.The excited pupils, parents and teachers of StCronan’s National School all enjoyed the greatoccasion, with beautiful weather conditions onThursday. Friday’s weather was less favourable,but it did not dampen the spirits of pupils ortheir families and friends.The school choir and teachers’ orchestra

provided beautiful music, which was appreci-ated by all. The Thursday ceremony wasconducted by Father Paul Thornton, whoacknowledged the participation of pupils,teachers and parents in helping to make theoccasion a very special one for all. Friday’sConfirmation was administered by MonsignorDan O’Connor, aided by Father Paul. A proudschool principal, Ms Loreto Desmond waspresent to welcome the pupils after theirConfirmations, as well as teachers.Afterwards, pupils and their families wereprovided with tea, coffee and biscuits in theschool hall, which was welcomed by all.

Page 9: Mcl - 16th February 2016

16.02.2016 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 0922 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

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thus losing both weight and stubborn inches fromthe body, but as Kate says, there is still a require-ment to stick to a healthy eating regime, otherwisethe weight loss will be reversed. “It certainly helps tolose weight, but combining a healthy diet with exer-cise is vital to maintain a healthy weight.Endola slimming machine is particularly effective attoning the stomach, inner thighs and the arms. To getthe full benefit of the machine, it is recommendedthat the full 10 sessions will yield the best results,with changes being noticed after about four sessions.There seems little doubt that Caprice Beauty areabout to get a whole lot busier with the arrival ofthis new slimming machine, which is destined tomake life much easier for many people. Caprice

Beauty is open from Tuesday to Saturday, andas well as the Endola Slimming Machine,

they also specialise in all the usual beautytreatments.

best one for slimming, contouring and rejuvenatingthe skin.”Therapist, Zaneta Monkeviciute spoke very highlyabout the Endola machine and is convinced that it willmake a huge difference to clients of Caprice Beauty.She said, “We have now introduced the latest tech-nology for slimming, contouring and shaping thebody and also cellulite reduction. This machinecombines new technologies like UltrasoundCavitation, Vacuum Roller massage with RF andInfrared lights Cavitation, Ultra Sound, as well as aVacuum section and Infra Red section, which allcombine to break down the fat and gets rid of itthrough the lymphatic system and eventuallythrough natural means.The Endola machine has been in operation at CapriceBeauty for the last number of weeks and it has beenwell received by customers. At present there is a freetrial for customers at the moment, where they can tryit out. “Everyone who availed of our free trial so farhave loved it and have booked further sessions. Asan introductory offer, Caprice Beauty are offering thechoice of one session or the opportunity of availingof either six sessions or 10 sessions to get thebest results from the machine,” said Kate.The Endola machine is proven to help to burn fat,

Proprietor, Kate Kitajenko and therapist, ZanetaMonkeviciute spoke with great enthusiasm about themachine, which is set to transform, not only the salon,but the figures of its clients.Kate said, “Many of my customers were asking if wehad anything for helping people to lose weight andinches off their bodies. This got me thinking and Idecided to go to the biggest beauty show in Russia,looking for something that would be effective andsuitable for my clients.”“Having spoken to experts in the field of slimmingequipment, I found that the Endola machine is the

Caprice Beauty, which is located at Unit 2 Clonmel House, Swords, between ForsterWay and Main Street in the town, has acquired a new slimming machine, which isalready receiving great reviews from satisfied customers.

Pictured are Zaneta Monkeviciute, therapist and propri-etor, Kate Kitajenko outside Caprice Beauty in Swords

Therapist, ZanetaMonkeviciute is picturedusing the new EndolaSlimming machine atCaprice Beauty

Therapist, ZanetaMonkeviciute is picturedusing the new EndolaSlimming machine atCaprice Beauty

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Hot Mikado ComesTo MalahideThis year the MalahideMusical and DramaticSociety are presenting“The Hot Mikado”, amusical comedy basedon Gilbert and Sullivans“Mikado”. The “HotMikado” is a livelyupbeat musical withexciting chorusnumbers and capti-vating performances. There are some verymemorable songs in themusical which include“Behold the Lord HighExecutioner”, “For he’sgoing to Marry YumYum” and the “MikadoSong” which combineenergetic performancesby both the chorus andprincipals. There are also excitingperformances whichcome in the form of“Three Little Maids”and “Beauty in theBellow” which highlightthe principals’ comedictalents. Two stand outmoments which will besure to wow audiencesare Maggs Jacob’s soloas Katisha and KirstinSmith’s solo as YumYum. Both piecesdemonstrate the vastvocal ranges of theprinicipals and theirability to mesmerise anaudience with emotionfilled performances.The society have hireda completely newproduction team thisyear. The new team isspearheaded by MrBarry Kavanagh, who isthis year’s director and

has created the city ofTitipu, a vibrant placefilled with comedy,intrigue, betrayal,friendship andromance. His directionhas allowed the cast toshine and to grow asperformers.More talent comes inthe form of Ms SarahLynch Barrett who istheir Musical Directorthis year and has takenthis incredible score,which incorporates aswing jazz style withthe original moremelodic Gilbert andSullivan music, in herstride. Choreography is donewith aplomb by theskilled Ms Jean Gill whohas managed to getevery member of thesociety on stagedancing, which is animpressive feat in itself.With a mixture ofswing, up temponumbers, and moremelodic pieces, she haschoreographed a rangeof dance stylesincluding tap and jive.The “Hot Mikado” willrun until Saturday 20thFebruary. The showbegins at 8pm and isbeing held in Scoil IosaHall in MalahideCommunity School.Tickets are €16 withgroup rates available,tickets can be bookedby [email protected] or phoning 086-3758196.

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Page 10: Mcl - 16th February 2016

10 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 16.02.2016

Karyn Murphy and Tony Doyle, both from Action IrelandTrust

Pictured are the students, teachers and volunteers, with Ambassador Paramente Phamotse (Ambassador of the Kingdom ofLesotho to Ireland) prior to departure at Dublin Airport Sarah Bradley and Anne Mulligan

Gavin Nangle, Chris O'Sullivan and Karl Lynch Ciara McGeough and Caitlin Cassidy Carla Jones, Adam Hickey, Emma Ford and Ciara Egan Darragh Bolger and Andy O'Dowd

Ailbhe Quearney and Aoife HoltonTeacher Niall Fitzgerald, Ambassador Paramente Phamotse andDamien Kane (Action Ireland Trust)

Lauren Kilbride, Megan O'Connor, Lauryn Butler and Carla Downes Darren Daly and Jack O'Leary Caitlin Cassidy, Orla Curtis Davis, Aisling Crean Lynch, Anna Mulligan and Clodagh McCarthy

Gavin Nangle and Karl LynchAileen Fitzgerald, Michael McGlynn, Eithne Deeney (Principal, Portmarnock CommunitySchool), Tony Doyle, Karyn Murphy (Action Ireland Trust) and Niall Fitzgerald (teacher) Lauryn Butler, Carla Downes, Jack O'Leary and Andy O'Dowd

A team of 56 volunteers from Action Ireland Trustwere accompanied by 40 students from PortmarnockCommunity School, as they travelled to Lesotho, aspart of Action Ireland Trust Development Aidprogramme. They left from Dublin Airport for theSouthern African kingdom on Friday, 5th Februarylast. Action Ireland celebrated its 10th year ofDevelopment Aid travelling to Lesotho andPortmarnock Community School teacher, NiallFitzgerald told the County Leader about the impor-tance of the trip for the students. “This is our fifthjourney to Lesotho and our main project this year isthe Early Childhood Development centre. This is ourlargest group to date, with 96 travelling, made up of40 students and 56 volunteers across medical, educa-tion, IT, music and a particular highlight this year willbe a celebration of 50 years of Independence in

Lesotho, as well as our own 100 years ofIndependence for Ireland. Students have come upwith a joint proclamation on human rights and aphotographic exhibition, also on human rights. Thisexhibition will be opened by the King of Lesotho and itis a great honour for us. Portmarnock CommunitySchool has a very strong relationship in Lesotho withboth government and the royal family, which augersfor a good working relationship. Principal ofPortmarnock Community School, Eithne Deeney said,We are very proud to be involved and this project isgoing from strength to strength. As we have said tothe parents, the children will return as differentpeople, where they will see and experience thingsthat will always stay with them forever. They will growand flourish as human beings as a result of this trip,”she said.


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12 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 16.02.2016

Loreto students, Renuka Chintapalli, Lauren Murphy, Emily Tierney and Khadrija Gull are pictured withBrendan Ryan TD

Science teacher, Dr Niamh McNally is pictured with parent Maria Bura, overall winners of theBT Young Scientist Award, Maria Louise Fufezan and Diana Bura, with County Mayor CllrDavid O'Connor

Joint overall winner, Maria Louise Fufezanis pictured with teacher Jane Woodlock

Loreto student, Maria Wizykowska is pictured with hermother, Barbara

Eddie Fynes (Principal, Loreto Balbriggan), students Maria Wizykowska andRenuka Chintapalli, Loreto science teacher, Dr Niamh McNally and Paul Reid(Chief Executive Fingal County Council)

Loreto student, Khadija Gull (centre) is pictured with her parentsSaadat Gull and Nadia Gull

Eddie McCarthy with Vice-Principal of LoretoSecondary School, Rachel Gallen Loreto student, Lauran Murphy with Brian Arnold

Conor McGuinness (Gormanston Park), CEO Balbriggan Chamber ofCommerce, Sean Corrigan and Pat Meaney (Gormanston Park)

Joe Troy (Balbriggan Tidy Towns) and RichardBerney

Balbriggan Chamber President, Luke Moriartymakes a presentation to award winner, RenukaChintapalli

Petra Skyvova (Balbriggan Tourist Office), Geraldine McGillivray (Bracken CourtHotel) and Elizabeth Eastwood (Balbriggan Chamber)

Andrew Doggett (Bank of Ireland Balbriggan) and JohnCumisky (REA Cumisky)

Nora Roban (Remember Us), Noel Heeney (Noel HeeneySportswear) and Jean Fitzpatrick (Remember Us)

Judith Troy, Gerry Hennigan and Donogh McGowan (DonoghMcGowan Soiicitors)

Cllr Grainne Maguire, May McKeon, Margaret Reid and Paul Reid (Chief ExecutiveFingal County Council)

Balbriggan Chamber of Commerce hosted a celebration at the Bracken Court Hotel on Wednesday 3rdFebruary last to honour the wonderful achievements of Loreto Secondary School, Balbriggan at the BT YoungScientist & Technology Exhibition 2016. Quite deservedly, Loreto Secondary School were awarded the NAPDAward for Best School, as their stunning performance marked the most successful single year everSix girls from the Loreto Secondary School, - Renuka Chintapalli, Diana Bura, Maria Louise Fufezan, KhadijaGull, Maria Wyzykowska and Emily Tierney swept up eight major awards in several categories, including thetop award which went to Maria Louise Fufezan and Diana Bura for their project investigating the effects ofenzymes in animal feed on soil quality. Chamber CEO , Sean Corrigan was MC for the event and the winninggirls were lauded by all concerned. “The success of Loreto Secondary School is fantastic news for Balbrigganand Balbriggan Chamber of Commerce are delighted to host this event to congratulate the winners and theirschool,” said Corrigan. Chamber President, Luke Moriarty presented the girls with awards in recognition oftheir wonderful achievements. A very proud Loreto School principal, Eddie Fynes noted: “We are justdelighted for the girls as this is the first time in the history of this competition that one school has won two ofthe top prizes.” Under the guidance of their science teachers, Dr Niamh McNally and Chris Garvey the Loretogirls have shown Ireland the true meaning of “girl power.”

Celebrating The Success of Loreto SecondarySchool Balbriggan, in the

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16.02.2016 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 1322 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin

Don’t Get Caught OnTreacherous Roads!

There will be a children’s inter-active concert held in MalahideCastle on 21st February at 10am.T h e E n c h a n t e d C a s t l e i sdesigned for the pre-school andolder children up to ages 7 or 8.The ClassicalKids concert is allabout interacting with music in atotally natural and fun way.Tickets will be available at thedoor, but early booking is advis-able as many local families haveshown a keen interest in thisexciting and different project. AnAdult ticket is €15, and allowsyou to bring up to three accom-panying children completely freeof charge.

A s a n e x t r a b o n u s , a l lC l a s s i c a l K i d s c o n c e r t t i c k e tholders will gain free entrance tothe gardens on the day of theevent (usually €7.50/3.50), aswell as a 10 per cent discount inb o t h t h e A v o c a a n d M u s e u mShop.Making sounds, moving around,dressing up, standing completelystill with mouth wide open, it’sal l about interacting with them u s i c i n w h a t e v e r w a y f e e l scomfortable and natural to you. T h e r e a r e p l a y m a t s , l e g o ,colour ing, and musical work-sheets for older children. All arewelcome to come and have acloser look at the instruments atthe end of the concert.There will be time for them to goand investigate the instruments,to touch, feel and pluck. Sensoryinteraction with instruments isencouraged.


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Sinn Fein councillorfor the Malahide areaDaire Ni Laoi has beenpushing the council touptake the issue ofBlack Wood Lane inPortmarnock. There isa section of the roadthat is very dangerousas there is no publicfootpath for pedes-

trians. People areforced to walk on theactual road and thereare bus stops on theroad making it evenmore treacherous forpassers-by. The motion wasbrought up in lastweek’s council meet-

ings and the CountyLeader spoke to Daireabout the issue; “Thatwas a motion that Ihad into areacommittee last week, Iwas asking for anupdate on theprogress on the provi-sion of the footpath.There’s a very

dangerous stretchthere with no footpathand I was asking forprogress. It’s some-thing that I’ve beenfollowing since thetime I was canvassingbefore the localelections, and itwas just oneissue that keptcoming up. Iknow that a lotof councillorspast andpresent, mostn o t i c e a b l yPeter Coylehave been veryproactive onthe issue. But itwas just neverseemed to actually goforward, because oflack of funding orbecause of issues withthe council actuallyacquiring that piece ofland. It was somethingI said that I would domy best on and I havebeen putting ques-tions and motions tothe area committeemeetings since beingelected.”She went on to high-light the dangers ofthe area: “People areforced to walk out onthe actual road therewhich is why it is sodangerous. Theproblem is its on thesame road asPortmarnock Sportsand Leisure Centreand there is a busroute on it as well.There is actually acurve in the road atthe point too, and it’sjust so dangerous.”Ni Laoi added: “Thevery first time I putanything into the areacommittee it was actu-ally requesting thateven the speed limitsbe reviewed until suchtime as the footpathcould be constructed.But that’s actuallysomething that theycan’t do in isolation,so that was going tobe looked at with thespeed limit review.Realistically, once thefootpath is there itwon’t be an issue. Andwe are hoping that thefootpath will be therevery soon now.”It is something thatthe Local Authoritywill definitely beundertaking. Ni Loaisaid: “They had hopedfor it to be

constructed byDecember but therewere a few minor revi-sions to drawings tobe made so they hopethat construction willstart on it very soon. It

was a sourceof delight atthe aream e e t i n g .There wasdefinitely asense thatthere wouldbe major cele-bration if andwhen it isconstructed asit has been asource of such

consternation for sucha long time.”She concluded bysaying: “It’s one ofthe things, where youwant to see it in placebefore someone isbadly injured or killedThere was already anaccident but it wasjust a car appeared todrive into the wall. Ithink we were verylucky there that noone was injured, sowe will be very lucky ifthe footpath getsconstructed beforesomeone is seriouslyinjured.”This is sure to begreat news for thepeople of Malahideand Portmarnock whohave to use the pathon a regular basis.

Cllr. Ní Laoí

By Aoife Read

MalahideEnchantedCastle Concert

MalahideLegion OfMaryThe Malahide LegionOf Mary meet in theSt Brendan Room ofSt Sylvesters Church,Malahide at 8.00pmevery Mondayevening. All arewelcome to comealong.

Page 14: Mcl - 16th February 2016

14 Your No.1 Local Newspaper 22 Years Serving The Community Of North County Dublin 16.02.2016

Miracle PrayerSacred Heart of Jesus,

in the past I haveasked you for many

favours. This time I askfor a very special one(mention it). Take itdear Heart of Jesusand place it withinyour own brokenheart, where your

Father sees it. Then inHis merciful eyes it will

become your favourand not mine. Say this

prayer for 3 days,promise publication

and favour will begranted. Never known

to fail.

Miracle PrayerSacred Heart of

Jesus, in the past Ihave asked you formany favours. Thistime I ask for a very

special one (mentionit). Take it dear Heartof Jesus and place it

within your ownbroken heart, whereyour Father sees it.Then in His mercifuleyes it will becomeyour favour and not

mine. Say this prayerfor 3 days, promise

publication andfavour will be

granted.Never known to fail.

Miracle PrayerSacred Heart of Jesus,

in the past I haveasked you for many

favours. This time I askfor a very special one(mention it). Take itdear Heart of Jesusand place it withinyour own brokenheart, where your

Father sees it. Then inHis merciful eyes it will

become your favourand not mine. Say this

prayer for 3 days,promise

publication and favourwill be granted. Never

known to fail.

Miracle Prayer

Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the past I haveasked you for many favours. This time I ask for

a very special one (mention it). Take it dearHeart of Jesus and place it within your own

broken heart, where your Father sees it. Thenin His merciful eyes it will become your favour

and not mine. Say this prayer for 3 days,promise publication and favour will be

granted. Never known to fail.

Recent published deathsfrom the North County

FORAN (née O'Connor) Kathleen (Hillview,Newtown Lane, Oldtown, Dublin formerlyClonshaugh, Dublin) (Peacefully) in BeechTree Nursing Home, Oldtown. Mother of thelate Christy Foran. Sadly missed by her lovinghusband Joe, daughters Marie andBernadette, son Gilbert, grandchildren,great-grandchildren, sister-in-law Peggy,nieces, nephews, relatives and friends.May She Rest in Eternal Peace

HAMMOND (née Smith) Annie, (GormanstonWood Nursing Home, Gormanston, Meath.Formerly Gibbons Terrace, Balbriggan)Peacefully in Gormanston Wood NursingHome. Wife of the late Michael Hammondand mother of the late Michael Jnr. Sadlymissed by her loving daughters Margaret,Frances, Ann and Esther, son Hughie,brothers Hugh and Michael, sons-in-law,daughter-in-law, grandchildren, great-grand-children, sister-in-law, nieces, nephews, rela-tives and friends.May She Rest in Eternal Peace

CAPRANI (née Duffy) Mary (Chalfont Park,Malahide, Co. Dublin), 9th February 2016,beloved wife of Vincent. Deeply mourned bydaughter Susan, sons Joe and Paul. Sadlymissed by grandchildren, Rory, Eoin,Moira,Siadhbh Louis, Paul, Emma and Eveand daughters-in law Youko and Anne andson-in-law Colm, brothers Jimmy, Joey,Kieran, sisters Roisin and Philis, nephews,nieces and friends.

GAFFNEY Joseph ( Joe) (Barnageeragh,Balbriggan, Dublin) 10th February 2016,peacefully at St. Francis hospice Raheny,surrounded by his loving family, Joseph (Joe),sadly missed by his loving wife and bestfriend Brenda, daughters, Catherine andCeleste, family and friends. Rest in peace

HANNON Marise (St. Cronin’s Cottages,Swords, Dublin and formerly Ballyhaunis,Mayo) Rest in peace.

KEANE, Dr John (Seaholm) (Skerries, Co.Dublin), 9th February 2016, unexpectedlyaged 84. Beloved husband and best friend ofBernadette, sadly missed by his loving chil-dren, Patricia, David, Jack, Sarah, Joe, Chris,late children Mary and Alice. Huge loss to hissiblings, grandchildren and friends.May John Rest In Peace

LEAVY, (née Roach), Bríd(Mary) - Feb. 10, 2016,(Portmarnock, formerly ofBlackhorse Avenue andlate of P&T) (Peacefully),surrounded by her lovingfamily and in the lovingcare of the staff at St.Francis Hospice, Raheny,beloved wife of the lateBrendan; sadly missed byher sons and daughtersCatherine, Eithne, Kevin,Sinéad and Colm, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, hernine adoring grandchil-dren, brother-in-lawDominic, nieces, nephews,extended family, neigh-bours and dear friends."May she rest in peace."

MURPHY Sr. Ursula(Loreto Convent,Balbriggan, Dublin)Peacefully in Our Lady ofLourdes Hospital,Drogheda. She will besadly missed by her Loretofamily, brother Frank,sister-in-law Carmel,nieces, nephews, relativesand friends. May She Restin Peace

COLLINS, ProfessorPatrick B (Paddy),(Portmarnock, Co. Dublin,formerly of Midleton, Co.Cork and late of RCSI.).February 8, 2016, (peace-fully) in BeaumontHospital. Patrick will beforever missed by hisbeloved wife, Maura,daughters Niamh andOrlagh, grandchildren Alfieand Mabel, son-in-lawAlan Moloney, his sistersMairead, Mona andDeirdre, brothers Tony andKevin, sisters andbrothers-in-law, extendedfamily and friends.Rest in Peace.

WHITEHOUSE Gerard(Hampton Green,Balbriggan, Dublin)Peacefully, at LuskCommunity Unit,surrounded by his lovingfamily. Greatly missed byhis wife Rosealeen, daugh-

ters Mary, Helena, Martina, Michelle, Mariaand Tracey, sons John, Brendan, Thomas,Shane, Wayne and Paul, grandchildren,great-grandchildren, brothers, sisters,daughters-in-law, sons-in-law, sisters-in-law,brothers-in-law, nieces, nephews, relativesand many friends. May He Rest In Peace

MURPHY, Mark (Skerries Co. Dublin and lateof Belfast, Antrim) 6th February 2016(suddenly) Mark, sadly missed by his lovingwife and best friend Deborah, adored daugh-ters, Kate and Grace, beloved son of Emmaand the late Paul, cherished brother ofFrancis, Karen, Paula, Bríd, Michael, Ronanand Simon, son-in-law, brothers-in-law,sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives anda large circle of friends. Rest in peace

O'CONNOR Kevin (Skerries Co. Dublin andlate of Santry), 7th February 2016, (suddenlyat home) Kevin, sadly missed by his lovingwife Angela, children, Peter, Cara and Orla,and their partners John and Eamónn, grand-children, Brian, Danielle, Bob, Naz and Kate,brothers, John and Paul and the late Michael,sisters, Jean and the late Moira, brother-in-law, Gerry, sisters-in-law, Linda and Kay,many cousins, nieces, nephews, relativesand Bridget and many friends. Rest in peace

CLARKE, Gerard (Lusk, Co. Dublin) - February4th, 2016 (suddenly); Sadly missed by hisloving brothers, sisters, relatives and friends.Rest in peace.

FORDE Sylvia (née Pearce), (Portmarnock Co.Dublin and late of Birmingham), 4th February2016, (peacefully) in Talbot Lodge NursingHome surrounded by her loving family,beloved wife of the late Edward, very sadlymissed by her sons Dean and Adam, daugh-ters-in-law Jean and Ann, grandchildren,brother Kenneth, nieces, nephews, relativesand friends, special thanks to Liam and BridieFitzgerald and Liam Skelly for all their kind-ness to Sylvia through out the years. At Rest

FOWLER, Niall (Malahide, Co. Dublin) -February 5th, 2016 (peacefully) at St. FrancisHospice, Raheny; sadly missed by his lovingwife Nancy, daughter Anita, son David, son-in-law Ronan, daughter-in-law Lisa, grand-children Alia and Niall, family, relatives andfriends. Rest In Peace

Sinéad, Maeve, Niamh

Sinéad, Maeve, Niamh

Sinéad, Maeve, Niamh

Sinéad, Maeve, Niamh

Miracle PrayerDear Heart of Jesus inthe past I have asked

for many favours,this time I ask for a

very special one(mention request).

Take it dear Heart ofJesus and place itwith your brokenheart where your

Father sees it.Then in his mercifuleyes it will becomeyour favour and not

mine.Say for 3 days,

promise publication .Never known to fail.


Fingal County CouncilRetention temporary planningpermission is being sought forexisting mural signage to gable ofpremises “The Scotch Bonnet” junc-tion of St. Margaret’s Avenue /Church Road, Malahide Co. Dublin. Applicant: P. McNally. The planning application may beinspected, or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy, at the offices of theplanning authority during its publicopening hours. A submission orobservation in relation to the applica-tion may be made in writing to theplanning authority on payment of theprescribed fee, €20, within theperiod of 5 weeks beginning on thedate of receipt by the authority of theapplication, and such submissions orobservations will be considered bythe planning authority in making adecision on the application. The plan-ning authority may grant permissionsubject to or without conditions, ormay refuse to grant permission.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission is sought for theconstruction of one single storeyextension to the rear and visible fromthe front comprising new kitchen andextended room at at 30 MoylaraghRoad, Balbriggan, County Dublin K32YR12 by Orla Hennelly & ValentineBeasley.The planning application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy at the offices of thePlanning Authority during the publicopening hours of 9.30 – 16.30Monday – Friday at: Fingal CountyCouncil, Fingal County Hall, MainStreet, Swords, Fingal, CountyDublin. A submission or observationin relation to the application may bemade in writing to the planningauthority on payment of a fee of €20,within the period of 5 weeks begin-ning on the date of receipt by FingalCounty Council of the application,and such submissions or observa-tions will be considered by the plan-ning authority in making a decisionon the application. The planningauthority may grant permissionsubject to or without conditions, ormay refuse to grant permission.

Fingal County CouncilPermission is sought for DormerBungalow with on site waste watertreatment unit and percolation areawith access provided from existingvehicular entrance to family hometogether with all associated siteworks and landscaping at Wyestown,Oldtown, County Dublin for ClaireConaty. This application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy at the offices of FingalCounty Council during the publicopening hours of 9.30 - 16 .30Monday - Friday at: Fingal CountyCouncil, Fingal County Hall, MainStreet, Swords, County Dublin. Asubmission or observation in relationto the application may be made inwriting to the Planning Authority onpayment of the prescribed fee withinthe period of five weeks beginning onthe date of receipt by the PlanningAuthority of the planning application,and such submissions or observa-tions will be considered by the plan-ning authority in making a decisionon the application.

Fingal County CouncilI Joseph Sheridan intend to apply forplanning permission for developmentat Newhaggard, Garristown, Co.Dublin. Development will consist ofconstruction of Slatted Shed and anyancillary works. The PlanningApplication may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy, atthe offices of the PlanningAuthorities during its public openinghours , and a submission or observa-tion in relation to the application maybe made in writing to the PlanningAuthority on payment of theprescribed fee (€20.00) within theperiod of 5 weeks beginning on thedate of the receipt by the PlanningAuthority of the Application.

Fingal County CouncilI, Peter Foran intend to apply forplanning permission at 156 GaybrookLawns, Malahide, Co. Dublin. Thedevelopment will consist of alter-ations to Previously Approved RegRef: F14A/0405; the construction of adetached bungalow dwelling withattic accommodation. Alterationsconsist of relocating the entrancedoor, alterations to bay window,alterations to window arrangement,additional roof lights, altering thefront hip to a gable-end, newchimney and an overall increase toridge height of 0.51 meters. The Planning Application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy at the offices of thePlanning Authority during its publicopening hours and a submission or observation may be made to thePlanning Authority in writing onpayment of the prescribed fee withinthe period of 5 weeks beginning onthe date of receipt by the Authority ofthe application.

Fingal County CouncilI Tom Kilraine intend to apply forpermission for development at thissite address: Millview House,Millview Road, Malahide, Co. Dublin.The development will consist ofmaterial alterations to the existingdormer bungalow including a 2storey extension to the rear, new roofwindows, porch canopy to the front,alterations to existing fenestration,alterations to the existing separategarage and all associated site works.The planning application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy at the offices of theplanning authority during its publicopening hours and a submission orobservation may be made to theauthority in writing on payment ofthe prescribed fee (20Euros) withinthe period of 5 weeks beginning onthe date of receipt by the authority ofthis application.

Fingal County CouncilPermission sought for the removal ofthe existing hipped roof andconstruction of new flat roof,together with all necessary ancillaryworks to form an attic storage roomall to the rear of 64 Tayleurs Point,Quay Road, Rush, County Dublin.Signed Deirdre & Patrick Goold. ThePlanning Application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy at the offices of the

Miracle PrayerSacred Heart of Jesus,

in the past I haveasked you for many

favours. This time I askfor a very special one(mention it). Take itdear Heart of Jesusand place it withinyour own brokenheart, where your

Father sees it. Then inHis merciful eyes it will

become your favourand not mine. Say this

prayer for 3 days,promise

publication and favourwill be granted. Never

known to fail.


Page 15: Mcl - 16th February 2016

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Planning Authority during its publicopening hours and a submission orobservation may be made to thePlanning Authority in writing onpayment of the prescribed fee withinthe period of 5 weeks beginning onthe date of receipt by the authority ofthe application.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission is sought byGareth and Sinead McDonald toreplace the existing front ground floorwindow with a new larger window at22 Cedar Close, Ridgewood, Swords,Co. Dublin. This planning applicationmay be inspected or purchased at afee not exceeding the reasonable costof making a copy at the offices of thePlanning Authority during the publicopening hours of 9.30 to 16.30,Monday to Friday at: Fingal CountyCouncil, Fingal County Hall, MainStreet, Swords, Fingal, Co. Dublin anda submission or observation may bemade to the Planning Authority inwriting on payment of a fee of €20,within the period of 5 weeks, begin-ning on the date of receipt by FingalCounty Council of the Application, andsuch submissions or observations willbe considered by the PlanningAuthority in making a decision on theapplication.

Fingal County CouncilMary Ward is applying for permissionfor a new agricultural entrance ontothe R130 road at Whitestown,Oldtown, Co. Dublin. The PlanningApplication may be inspected orpurchased at a fee not exceeding thereasonable cost of making a copy atthe offices of the Planning Authorityduring its public opening hours and asubmission or observation may bemade to the Planning Authority inwriting on payment of the prescribed

fee within the period of 5 weeksbeginning on the date of receipt by theauthority of the application.

Fingal County CouncilPlanning permission is sought for thechange of use of the existing first floorattic store to a bedroom and toconstruct 2no. dormer windows to thisroom to the front and rear elevationsof the existing house, at 2 MandersCrescent, Knocksedan, Demesne, Co.Dublin for Mark & Sinead Farrell.The planning application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy at the offices of thePlanning Authority during its publicopening hours and a submission orobservation in relation to the applica-tion may be made in writing to thePlanning Authority on payment of theprescribed fee of €20 within theperiod of 5 weeks beginning on thedate of receipt by the authority of thisapplication.

Fingal County CouncilPermission is sought for a detacheddormer dwelling, detached domesticgarage, on-site waste water treatmentunit and percolation area & associatedsite works in a rural cluster @Dallyhaysy, Naul, Co. Dublin for IanBertram. The planning applicationmay be inspected or purchased at afee not exceeding the reasonable costof making a copy at the offices of theplanning authority during the publicopening hours and a submission orobservation in relation to the applica-tion may be made in writing to theplanning authority on payment of theprescribed fee (20 euros), within theperiod of 5 weeks, beginning on thedate of receipt by Fingal CountyCouncil of the application.

Fingal County CouncilRetention temporaryplanning permission isbeing sought for existingmural signage to gable ofpremises “The ScotchBonnet” junction of St.Margaret’s Avenue /Church Road, MalahideCo. Dublin. Applicant: P. McNally. The planning applicationmay be inspected, orpurchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonablecost of making a copy, atthe offices of the plan-ning authority duringits public openinghours. A submission orobservation in relationto the application maybe made in writing tothe planning authorityon payment of theprescribed fee, €20,within the period of 5weeks beginning onthe date of receipt bythe authority of theapplication, and suchsubmissions or obser-vations will be consid-ered by the planningauthority in making adecision on the appli-cation. The planningauthority may grantpermission subject toor without conditions,or may refuse to grantpermission.

Fingal County CouncilI Radek Zemlicka intend to make aplanning application to Fingal CountyCouncil for works to a protected struc-ture at No. 13 Drogheda St,Balbriggan, for the change of use froma restaurant to a pottery shop, thereplacement of the existing fasciasignage, the addition of a newprojecting sign and the reopening oftwo blocked up window openings onthe side elevation fronting on toGeorgeâ•˙s Hill.The planning application may beinspected or purchased at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy at the offices of theplanning authority during its publicopening hours and a submission orobservation may be made to theauthority in writing on payment of theprescribed fee (20Euros) within theperiod of 5 weeks beginning on thedate of receipt by the authority of thisapplication

Fingal County CouncilWe, Niamh Barry Design Ltd, intend toapply to Fingal County Council for fullplanning permission for a develop-ment at Site No. 4, StephenstownIndustrial Estate, Balbriggan, Co.Dublin.The development will consist of theconstruction of 1 combined industrialunit (circa. 370 m2) contained within 3linked, individual buildings, whichcontain the following:Building 1 - Workshop / showroom /shower / toilet facilities to groundfloor with office space to first floormezzanine area.Building 2 – metal fabrication area toground floor.Building 3 - metal fabrication area /shower / toilet / canteen facilities toground floor.Together with the connection to theexisting onsite public water mains,foul and storm sewers, provision ofonsite car parking, landscaping,boundary fencing, gate entrance,signage and all associated site works.This planning application may beinspected or purchased, at a fee notexceeding the reasonable cost ofmaking a copy, at the offices of theplanning authority during it’s publicopening hours. A submission or obser-vation in relation to the applicationmay be made in writing to the plan-ning authority on payment of theprescribed fee, €20, within a period of5 weeks beginning on the date ofreceipt by the authority of theapplication. Such submissions orobservations will be considered by theplanning authority in making a deci-sion on the application. The planningauthority may grant permission,subject to or without conditions, ormay refuse to grant permission.


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Page 16: Mcl - 16th February 2016

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Central location. A well presented 2 bed, 2 bath apt located in the heart of Swords Village.There are many benefits to this lovely apartment including allocated parking, 2 bathroomsand a private balcony. An ideal investment or first time purchase. 68.85 sq m (741 sq ft).Ber No. 108099532 (C2).


Set amid 0.48 ha (1.2 acre) Ashlea is a most elegant and utterly charming detached familyhome offering abundantly spacious accommodation. Picturesque, rural setting yet only tenminutes drive from both Malahide & Portmarnock Villages. 208 sq m ( 2239 sq ft). Ber No.105621338 (E2).


An extremely well presented 3 bed, 2 bath terraced house. Kitchen/diner, 2 doublebedrooms with built in wardrobes, en-suite to master, private rear garden all located at thehead of a cul de sac. An ideal family home. 85.5 sq m (920 sq ft). Ber No. 108388885 (C1).


Large 4 bed semi-detached family residence situated in a sought after residential locationwithin walking distance of Malahide Village. Spacious accommodation including downstairsstudy, guest wc & attic conversion. 128.8 sq m (1386 sq ft). Ber No. 107474470 (E1).


Magnificent double fronted detached family residence tucked away in a small, prestigiousenclave of luxury homes. Convenient to Malahide Village centre. Attic conversion, detachedgarage, utility room, wonderful west facing rear garden. Ber No. 102585783 (C2).


Spacious 4 bedroom semi-detached family residence convenient to Malahide Village & alllocal amenities. Recently decorated. Superb open plan kitchen/family room, upgraded en-suite. 4 beds, 2 recs, 3 baths. 120.6 sq m (1298 sq ft). Ber No. 107657348 (C3).


Magnificent detached dormer residence set amid 1/3 acre of mature and fully landscapedgardens in a rural setting between Dublin Airport & Malahide Village. 5 beds, 3 Recs, 2baths. Detached studio in garden. 180 sq m (1938 sq ft). Ber No. 107233082 (D1).



Stunning end of terrace 3 bed duplex situated in a prestigious & sought after developmentwithin walking distance of Malahide Village. Among many special features include awonderful lounge/dining room opening out to a large south west facing terrace/balcony.114.3 sq m (1230 sq ft). Ber No. 107550642 (C1).



Magnificent 3 bed semi-det dormer bungalow situated in a quiet cul-de-sac location,Spacious, well-proportioned accomm comprising large living room & bright open plankitchen/dining, 3 beds & recently redecorated family bathroom. 93 sq m (1001 sq ft). BerNo.108386475 (D1).


Truly magnificent 4 bed double fronted det family res. Contemporary high gloss fittedkitchen with quality appliances, extensive use of high end tiling, quality wooden flooring,luxurious bathrooms and a truly exceptional master bedroom suite. 163 sq m (1755 sq ft).Ber No.104586391 (B1).


3 bedroom semi-detached residence situated at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac overlooking alarge green. Open fireplace in the lounge, 3 spacious bedrooms and a private South facinggarden to the rear. 93 sq m (1001 sq ft). Ber No. 107509309 (E1).


A large detached 5/6 bed house located on a quiet lane in the centre of Swords Village. Largekitchen/diner, 2 reception rooms, full width rear conservatory, double garage, master bedroomwith en-suite and a balcony. 325 sq m (3,500 sq ft). Ber No. 108103748 (C2).


Truly magnificent det dormer style res on circa 0.5 acre. Stunning Bespoke hand paintedkitchen, spacious lounge with feature Limestone fireplace and Chesney stove. WonderfulMaster Bedroom Suite with dressing room and en Suite. 203 sq m (2185 sq ft). Ber No.107829319 (C1).


Simply stunning 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom semi-detached house which has been lovinglyextended. Formal lounge, large well equipped kitchen/diner, family sitting room, modernhigh end bathroom, en-suite to master. Ber No. 108395153 (C2).



Truly magnificent double fronted red brick period res on 1/2 acre in a mature residentiallocation in the centre of Balbriggan convenient to all local amenities. 5 beds, 3 recs, 2baths, sun room, utility room, office/study, tennis court. 266 sq m (2863 sq ft). Ber No.108113762 (G).






41 Main Street, SwordsTel: 890 0944

5 Townyard Lane,MalahideTel: 845 4500

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