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Around the World in 80 Days Math Whiz New Dorm Honors Maj. Burns

In the News Jon Meacham '87 is ready for the next step as one of our nation's most influential media leaders

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The McCallie School MissionThe McCallie School is dedicated to the academic, physical, spiritual and emotional growth of boys. It seeks to inspire and motivate them:

to strive for excellence in every endeavor; »to pursue intellectual and spiritual truth; »to lead lives of honor; »to act responsibly in personal, family and »community relationships; and to demonstrate concern for the welfare of »others.

what ’s new

A Solemn Saluteto the Senior ClassSome boys in the Senior Class of 2010 have been at McCallie for seven years. Others maybe just one. But together, they formed a brotherhood and a bond that can not be broken.

On May 22 at the Baccalaureate Service, the Class of 2010 entered the revered Chapel for the last time as students. Their next visit to the Chapel will be as alumni, part of an exclusive society of men who carry the torch of character and honor long after their days at McCallie are complete.

At Commencement the following day, Headmaster Kirk Walker praised what he termed a strong class.

“Your ability to work as part of a team and your willingness to support and encourage those whose passions and perspectives were different from your own are important traits and will serve you extremely well in the years ahead.” g


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The McCallie Magazine is published by McCallie School, 500 Dodds Avenue, Missionary Ridge, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404. | [email protected] | | The name “McCallie School,” the McCallie School logo and the McCallie School seal are all trademarks/namemarks of McCallie School. All materials appearing in the McCallie Magazine, including photography, are ©1996–2010 by McCallie School. Reprint or electronic reproduction of any such material for commercial purposes is prohibited without the written permission of McCallie School. Permission to use written material (not photographs) is granted for non-commercial purposes as long as McCallie is credited. | For information about McCallie Magazine and to obtain permission to reproduce trademarked and copyrighted material, contact the McCallie School Public Affairs Office at [email protected] (423.624.8300) or by writing the Public Affairs Office, McCallie School, 500 Dodds Avenue, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37404. | McCallie School fully supports all anti-discrimination laws and does not engage in any unlawful discrimination.


4 From Big City to McCallieEoin Collins '10 shares his McCallie experience as a native New Yorker


5 2010 Distinguished alumnusScott Langley '68 received the Distinguished Alumnus Award in New York City

6 trip of a LifetimeF. Scott Harry '83 and his family traveled around the world in 80 days

11 Jon Meacham UpdateSince McCallie Magazine's interview with Jon Meacham '87 in New York City, there have been several developments with both Mr. Meacham and Newsweek




12 Check MatesThree Middle School students have played their way onto the chess team

13 Magnificent MathematicianChang Young Park '10 just might be one of the most decorated mathematics students McCallie has ever produced

14 earthquakes, hurricanes . . .Scott Shoup's Science of Natural Disasters class taught students science's role in society and the environment


20 Births/weddings/newsRead the latest updates from your classmates

»ROll CAll

23 Is that a Car on the Roof?Get a laugh as alumni admit to some of the best pranks ever pulled at the school


FeatURe 8

In the newsJon Meacham '87 is ready for the next step as one of our nation's most influential media leaders.


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From Big City to McCallieLet teRs F IRst PeRsOn

On my first visit to McCallie, I was captivated by the high quality of the athletic facilities. Having accessible field space would have been a drastic improvement from the facilities of-fered in New York City. Not to men-tion it had a weight room with an Olympic coach, indoor and outdoor pools and several basketball courts.

Like most boys my age, I was easily won over by the material things Mc-Callie had to offer. However, this was merely the tip of the iceberg. After a tour, I learned of the Honor Code, a system which made the school seem fictional. Coming from an environment where leaving one’s belongings alone for a few seconds meant they were no longer yours to a place where every-one left their backpacks lying around affirmed the strength of the Honor Code. Mc-Callie seemed like a utopia.

Though life in the City seemed to have prepared me for all obsta-cles, the McCallie course load was unlike any I had seen. It made the diploma I have just earned more than worthy of its strong reputation.

When my par-ents first left me on campus, I was amazed at my new-found free-dom. This amaze-ment was short-lived, however. After the first day of classes, it became clear that a major-ity of the “free-time” was actually time needed to be dedicated to studying and homework. Fortunately, my roommate and I shared several classes, making it easier to focus on school work outside the classroom.

Initially, our geographic differences created a barrier between my room-mate and me. It wasn't until I joined

g C.K. Smith '63 called the McCallie Magazine offices to add his compliments to the story on past senior privates ("From Bull Ring to Board Room," Spring 2010) but expressed his disappointment that he was not contacted for the article. Mr. Smith admitted to many stories and adventures from his McCallie School days, including frequent appearances at the track to walk the Bull Ring. "From Bull Ring to Board Room" received more alumni feedback than any other story of the last two years.

Dear Editor:It was a

pleasure read-ing your ar-ticle paying homage to McCallie se-nior privates of distinc-tion. In fact, Steele Dewey (Class of '63), highlighted in your ar-ticle, was a classmate and friend.

Like Steele and the others mentioned, I too served time frequently in E Class for many behavioral infractions including ex-cessive demerits for uniform violations and academic deficiencies in the military sci-ence curriculum.

Life turned out well, however, after I grew up. My McCallie military failures as a senior private were redeemed. I served proudly and with distinction in the U.S. Army 1st Infantry Division during the Viet-nam War, attaining the rank of captain, and was awarded the Army Commendation Medal and Bronze Star with two oak leaf clusters.

Major Burns would have said proudly, “I’m glad I didn’t give up on you boy!”

He never did. Thanks Maj! g

– C. Kersey Smith ’63

The McCallie Magazine welcomes your feedback and memories. Send your thoughts to [email protected]

him for a weekend visit to his family’s home in the Buckhead area of Atlanta that we truly began to connect. It helped to see him in a more comfortable environment. I was able to get a better feel for who he was and where he came from.

Being from New York seemed disad-vantageous to life at McCallie initially. But once others began to enjoy our differenc-es, they were curious to learn more about the culture of New York and the North in general.

Getting accustomed to the South was much easier than I anticipated. The peo-ple were nicer which made daily life far less stressful. Though lifestyle was a main differ-ence, it is worth noting that I enjoyed the food much more than what I was used to eating. The laid-back lifestyle helped create the appropriate environment for academ-

ic achievement at McCallie.

Weekends at McCallie, though sometimes slow, were always enjoyable. If we weren't downtown at a restaurant or the movie theater, there was always plenty to do on campus – see a play performed by classmates, cheer on our teams at a sporting event or let loose at a campus coordinate event. Though different from an average weekend in New York, McCallie provided plenty of ways to be

entertained simply by getting involved. I would recommend McCallie to other

New Yorkers because of the opportunities it provides. Facilities like McCallie’s will rarely be found in the City. McCallie has an irreplaceable brotherhood exemplified by the honor system, and it possesses an environment where it is possible to further diversify one's experiences, which all serve to better prepare students for what may lie ahead. g

Senior Private Recall

Eoin Collins ’10 is a native of Brooklyn, N.Y. He will attend Mercer University in the fall on an Academic Merit Award and a Lacrosse athletic scholarship. First Person allows a teacher, administrator or student to present a unique perspective on life at McCallie.

Editor's Note: See a poetic tribute to Major Burns and photos from the Burns Hall dedication on page 17.

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Dr. Brian Songer ’96 is one who can honestly say he made someone smile. A Rossville, Ga., dentist, Dr. Songer offered to give Renee Conley a complete dental makeover free of charge. His generosity came about after learning of her struggles. She has suffered one personal pitfall after another over the last several years and, she says, was at the point where she didn’t smile.

Mrs. Conley experienced three family deaths in a two-year period, a car wreck which left her son permanently disabled, a daughter who was diagnosed with a tumor at age 13 and has undergone emergency surgery and a court battle over a wreck that killed her mother. Her own health and well-being were neglected because of the demands on her time stemming from the various family crises.

A special education teacher and volleyball coach at Heritage Middle School in Ringgold, Ga., Mrs. Conley’s makeover included complete anterior smile reconstruction, Empress all-porcelain crowns, bonding composite resins, root canal therapy and periodontal treatment which would normally cost $10,000.

“Renee's had some hard knocks but has persevered,” Dr. Songer says. "I hope to give her back some self-confidence. She is a strong woman, mother and wife. Now she can smile and laugh as loud as she wants without wondering what others are thinking.”

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aLUMnI news

Scott langley '68 was honored with the 2010 Distinguished Alumnus Award at an alumni gath-ering in New York City June 17.

Since 1988, Mr. Lang-ley, a New York-based at-torney, has donated more than 400 DVDs and 1,200 CDs to McCallie's media collection, provid-ing nearly five years worth of movies and 12 years worth of music for stu-dents and staff.

"There are many gradu-ate-level programs in film studies that would be en-vious of these collections," says long-time librarian Beth Reardon. "He has spent a lot of time, energy and financial resources to build our film and music collections."

Mr. Langley's generosity does not stop there. He has been a key donor in projects ranging from the swimming pool scoreboard to the Ridgedale The-ater, from helping fund internation-al trips to taking students and faculty

Scott langley '68:2010 Distinguished Alumnus

Scott Langley '68 (second from right) was presented the Distinguished Alumni Award from Headmaster Kirk Walker '69 (far right) at this summer's New York alumni gathering.

A wrestling reunion was held in April to honor former assistant coach, mentor and teacher, Jim Morgan ’56. Coach Morgan retired from the Baylor School after 25 years and 15 State Championships. He was honored as a 2010 National Co-Coach of the Year by wrestlingUSA Magazine.

Several attendees positioned themselves in the exact location as they were in a 1966 photo, with Coach Morgan sitting in for Col. David Spencer. (Front l-R) Jack Killian, Toto McGinness, Jim Glasser, Jerry Gross and lawson whitaker. (Back l-R) Jim Morgan, Carver Rudolph, Hacker Caldwell, Steve Rich and Harry Groves.

Honoring Coach Morgan '56

Good DeedDental work

members out for five-star dinners in both the Big Apple and Chattanooga.

The Distinguished Alumnus Award is given annually to an alumnus who has be-stowed outstanding service to the school. Mr. Langley was presented the award by Headmaster Kirk Walker at the Harvard Club of New York City and was joined by family and friends. g

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aLUMnI news

The 11-year-old American boy was more than halfway up the Pyramid of Menkaure, the smallest of the three Pyramids of Giza near Cairo, Egypt. Whistles were heard in the distance, and green-clad Egyptian police-men, armed with AK-47 rifles, were urgent-ly running toward him, demanding that he climb down.

This is not the opening scene in Holly-wood’s latest adventure movie, but rather one of the many adventures F. Scott Har-

ry ’83 and his family experienced on a trip around the world in 2008.

Inspired by the Jules Verne book “Around the World in 80 Days,” Mr. Harry organized an elaborate trip which took himself, his wife Beth, daughter Elizabeth and son Bish-op around the globe with stops in 13 coun-tries from June through August of 2008.

“I didn’t have any trouble convincing the family to go on this trip,” Mr. Harry says.

“At first I thought he was joking,” says Bishop, who will enter McCallie as a ninth grader this fall. “He brought out a poster board with a map that had the whole trip planned out for us.”

Mr. Harry was a boarding student at Mc-Callie from 1980 to 1983. A degree in mar-keting from Appalachian State Universi-ty with a minor in international business has led to his current position as Chief Fi-nancial Officer and part owner of Mili-tary Hardware LLC in Wilmington, N.C. His company has several contracts with the federal government and offers any and all items from hand tools to duffel bags to weapon storage units.

The Harrys traveled without an itiner-ary other than airline and hotel reservations and limited their belongings to a carryon bag and a backpack each. They took self-defense classes prior to the trip, and Mr. Harry stuck to a specific budget and with-drew that amount daily in case of theft.

The family spent about a week at each stop along the way. The trek began in Dub-lin, Ireland. The Harrys ventured to the southwest coast of Ireland to Killarney. They flew to London, took a train to Paris

and then to Barcelona and flew to Athens. They stayed one week on the Greek island of Hydra, a vacation spot Mr. Harry had visited before and says if he could live any-where in the world, it would be Hydra.

A ferry carried them back to Athens; they hopped a train to Patras, Greece, and rode another ferry to Italy where they vis-ited Bari, Rome, Florence and Venice. The stops in Italy preceded a stay in Zurich then Cairo. The Orient portion of their trip fol-lowed. The Harrys flew to Singapore, a des-tination Mr. Harry called the most modern city you could ever imagine.

After an enjoyable stay in Singapore, they visited Phuket, Thailand, then Hong Kong, Beijing and Tokyo. On the flight from To-kyo to Hawaii, they crossed the interna-tional date line.

“We left Tokyo at 9 p.m. and arrived in Hawaii the previous morning,” Mr. Harry says. “We lived August 4 twice.”

The Pyramids at Giza were on Bishop’s must-see list and were soon on his must-touch list once the family reached the an-cient Egyptian ruins. Climbing the Pyra-mids, the Harry’s guide explained, was strictly forbidden. But Bishop wanted to say he had climbed one. According to Mr. Harry, everything in Egypt has a price. He paid two separate police teams so Bishop could climb the stone temple. The military police were not in on the game, evident by their AK-47 machine guns.

“Our guide said, ‘Now we run,’” Mr. Har-ry says. “We jumped in our little donkey cart and took off through the desert until they stopped chasing us.”

Trip of a LifetimeF. scott harry '83 and his familytraveled around the world in 80 days.

Bishop Harry on the face of the Pyramid of Menkaure in Egypt.

Bishop displays his skateboarding talents in downtown London.

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aLUMnI news

Hong Kong provided the perfect loca-tion for a treasure hunt. In 1965, the year Mr. Harry was born, his grandfather was in Hong Kong and sent him a postcard. It read “The world is an amazing place, and there are a lot of possibilities for a young man like you.” The front of the postcard depict-ed a Hong Kong street scene. The Harrys searched the city to find that street and see how it looked some 40 years after receiving the postcard. With some time and the help of locals, they found it in the central busi-ness district.

The Great Wall of China was on Eliza-beth’s wish list, so the trip to Beijing fea-tured a visit to the Great Wall and many of the well-known Chinese landmarks. During their stay in Beijing, the Olympic Stadium for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games was still under construction.

In need of a haircut, Bishop, who turned 12 on the flight to Singapore, found a salon in Beijing where no one spoke English. A price list was written in poor English. Mr. Harry courteously fixed the broken Eng-lish and corrected the list for the salon. The stylists, pleased at their customer’s as-sistance and enamored with Mrs. Harry’s blond hair and Elizabeth’s red hair, offered to style the ladies’ hair free of charge.

An avid skateboarder back home, Bish-op’s skateboard was part of his carryon en-semble. In European airports and termi-nals, the skateboard seemed an unwelcome sign of American flamboyance, and officials tied it and taped it to his pack. In the Bei-jing airport, customs and security guards were fascinated by the strange board with wheels. Their curiosity led to an impromp-tu performance as Bishop rode it through the airport and down an escalator.

Days of planning using the best trav-el books and his recommended websites, and, re-sulted in a very smooth journey, Mr. Harry says. He reports only one instance where the family checked out of a hotel because it didn’t match the reviews or his research.

The time and work he invested in the globe-trotting journey nearly qualifies him as a travel expert.

“Traveling with confidence is key,” he says. “If you appear unsure of yourself, that’s when you get taken advantage of. Research comes into play. We tried to make sure we learned to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ be-cause nothing will get you any further than just the word ‘please.’”

A likely once-in-a-lifetime experience for most, the Harrys also saw the trip as a fam-ily bonding exercise.

“A lot of great things came out of it,” Mr. Harry says. “Bishop and Elizabeth became very close. We let them wander around as long as they were together. They looked out for each other. Now that Bishop will be at McCallie, I don’t have any worries about him finding his way through the airport in Atlanta or Charlotte or wher-ever he comes through. He has been in more airports than most people.”

Despite the exotic locales and novel-worthy adventures of their trip, the Harrys ad-mitted they were glad to re-turn home.

“It was really comforting to get back to the U.S.,” Mr. Harry says. “When we got back to Wilmington, my wife and I went out to the beach and just looked at each oth-er and said ‘Well this is about the prettiest place we’ve seen yet.’ It’s home, but if you are away from it long enough, you realize all the luxuries we have that you don’t experience in other places.” g

Bishop and Elizabeth Harry at the Parthenon in Greece during a refurbishing project.

The Harry family in London: (L-R) Elizabeth, Beth, Bishop and Scott.


COUNTRIES VISITED by the Harryson theirAround-the-world Trip

EgyptSingaporeThailandHong KongChinaJapan

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Jon Meacham '87 is ready for the next step as one of our nation's most influential media leaders.



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Jon Meacham ’87 has made the transition from the Scenic City to the Big Apple. A highly-respected journalist and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, his career has soared from covering Chattanooga’s political scene to sitting down with American presidents, Secretaries of State and other world leaders.

Mr. Meacham broke into the journal-ism profession at the Chattanooga Times, was hired by the national weekly magazine Newsweek in 1995 as national affairs edi-tor and took over as its editor in 2006. As editor, he has had to navigate Newsweek through the waters of the 24-hour news cy-cle, the infinite on-line news outlets and the real-time reports from social media. (See page 11 for an update on Mr. Meacham and Newsweek.)

“Because of the Internet, we’ve never had as many people, in three quarters of a century, read things that we produce,” Mr. Meacham says. “The problem that we have, and every other institution like us has is – how do we keep those readers long enough to be able to plausibly package an audience to deliver to advertisers? We are not a lot of crazy money grubbers. But we have to be a viable business.

“More than two-thirds of our revenue comes from advertising, print advertising, and that’s in significant decline across the industry. We just don’t know what is going to happen.”

Now in its 77th year in publication, Newsweek maintains its non-partisan polit-ical agenda. This against-the-trend method is significant to Mr. Meacham. So much so that he oversaw a redesign of the publica-tion in May 2009, committing it to more of an essay-like template with narrative jour-nalism which focuses on offering in-depth perspective and original insight to the week’s news events.

The redesign efforts have been met with praise and criticism alike. Jim Fallows, an author and a writer for The Atlantic Monthly, says “Newsweek became a better magazine, but with a smaller audience.”

The trimmed-down readership is by de-sign. In interviews surrounding the maga-zine’s new look, Mr. Meacham admitted one goal was to scale back from 2.6 million subscribers to 1.5 million who would pay a slightly higher rate for the weekly.

“The editorial approach that we’ve taken is not simply on a whim of mine,” he told Chris Rovzar at New York Magazine. “It’s

a concerted attempt to take serious-mind-ed individuals seriously. You can argue that, and it may not work, but there’s no doubt in my mind that I would rather fight on that ground than any other.”

Like many businesses, magazines are struggling through difficult times. Accord-ing to a project on the state of the news media posted on, advertis-ing pages in national magazines dropped 26 percent in 2009. In May, 2010, Newsweek’s parent company, The Washington Post Co., put the magazine up for sale. That same month, Mr. Meacham announced his inten-tion to try to establish a group of investors to join him in purchasing Newsweek.

Despite the challenges that face an edi-tor of a major national news magazine, Mr. Meacham enjoys the daily role he plays in running Newsweek.

“The whole thing has been just enor-mous fun since I walked in the door,” he says. “There is great joy in putting the mag-azine out every week. There is great joy in knowing that if we can find something in-telligent or interesting to say, it will get in front of millions of people, and they can decide whether it was intelligent or inter-esting. The excitement of working with some of the best reporters, the best writers in the world, all over the world, is an hourly honor.”

PUlIT-SURPRISEMr. Meacham’s career has taken him

from a cluster of cubicles known as the “Oval Office” in the old Chattanooga Times Building on East 10th Street to an executive suite on the third floor of a New York of-fice building on Hudson just west of Green-wich Village. His office walls are lined with shelves and shelves of books, the spines of which spell out countless titles of biog-raphies, novels and historical non-fiction volumes.

Christine Mejia, his assistant, straight-ens a tall stack of Mr. Meacham’s latest book, “American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House.” Mr. Meacham has published three other books – “American Gospel: God, the Founding Fathers, and the Making of a Nation,” “Franklin and Winston: An Intimate Portrait of an Epic Friendship,” and a volume of essays entitled “Voices in Our Blood: America’s Best on the Civil Rights Movement.”

He was awarded a Pulitzer Prize for Bi-ography for “American Lion” in 2009, learn-ing the news while attending a board meet-ing at the University of the South. Humbly he says he had no idea a Pulitzer was even a possibility.

An escape to his home in Sewanee, Tenn., for one month each summer allows him to work on his writing projects, which he says


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take four to five years to complete. A biogra-phy on our seventh President obviously did not require any one-on-one interviews with the subject, but did involve much research.

“Any President who tries to attack his own assassin deserves a book,” says Mr. Meacham, who is already planning a Thom-as Jefferson book next. “(Andrew Jackson’s) just such a madman. When you think about it, you go from Washington, Adams, Jeffer-son, Monroe, Adams; those were all men from the very top of society. Jackson was a totally different figure.

“He was the first self-made man to be President and the first one to assert that the presidency had the central place in the government because he was the only offi-cial elected by all of the people. He was this vivid human story, and you could clearly see his thumbprint on the presidency as it developed.”

McCAllIE DAYSMr. Meacham attended St. Nicholas

School in Chattanooga for his elementary education, then entered McCallie in 1981 as a seventh-grader. His interests in high school mirrored the pursuits in which he now excels. A National Merit honoree and a Cum Laude graduate, he wrote for the Tor-nado and the Pennant and was a member of the history team.

Journalism, he says, was the best way he could combine his fascinations with writ-ing, literature and politics.

“I went to three great schools along the way,” he says. “I’m convinced that, at each step, if it hadn’t been for those particular institutions, I wouldn’t have ended up do-ing what I’m doing now. There was a great balance between ‘this is what you need to know, but this is how you need to learn to think.’ And the learning to think part was often more individualized. I’ve always ap-preciated that about all three places.”

Mr. Meacham has high praise and fond memories of McCallie. He is quick to re-spond to requests from the school and visit-ed the campus in 2007 where he addressed the Chattanooga area alumni, spoke to the Upper School in the Chapel and visited John Lambert’s literature class.

“We had these amazing teachers,” he says. “John Day was head of Junior School and taught history. His view of teaching history was ‘you need to know everything.’ Cleve Latham was a terrific English teach-er. I often say if Cleve didn’t exist, a novel-ist would have to invent him. All the way through to Dick Swanson who taught me several history courses.

“The spirit of the school was very much embodied in John Strang, the Bible teacher. His spirit infused the place in a way that is hard to describe if you weren’t there. There were a lot of old World War II guys on the faculty, a lot of guys who’d worked at the military academies that shut down around the South as that went out of style. It was a different generation of teachers, and they

were rigorous. There was a kind of a focus on the bottom line, a focus on the essential that I’ve always found to be a great benefit down the road.”

9.11.2001While Americans were fearful and griev-

ing from the tragic events surrounding the attacks on New York City on Sept. 11, 2001, journalists had to pocket their emotions to report on the heartbreak and heroism, the sadness and shock, and try to provide answers to millions of dreadful questions. Newsweek was no different.

Mr. Meacham turned solemn at the men-tion of 9/11 and referred to the attacks and the aftermath as the most significant his-torical occurrence during his time at News-week. The magazine’s offices were in Mid-town, a few miles north of their current location. When he finally comprehended the severity of the scene he was watching unfold on television, his thoughts turned to his wife, Keith. Employed in Harlem, he knew she was out of harm’s way. The cou-ple’s three children were not yet born.

“We immediately turned to putting out a magazine in, functionally 16, 17 hours,” he says. “I didn’t go home until Thursday (the 13th). Maybe I didn’t leave the office, but I couldn’t swear to that. I remember walk-ing home Thursday and being struck by the smoke and the soot over the City.”

Newsweek’s annual group of summer interns had just completed its term on

“There was a great balance between 'this is what you need to know, but this is how you need to learn to think.'” Jon Meacham ’87


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Sept. 7. But each of them made their way to Ground Zero unsolicited, Mr. Meacham says, doing what they could to help publish one of the most significant Newsweek issues.

The headline on the cover of the special edition of that week’s Newsweek screamed “America Under Attack” in all capital let-ters. It was emblazoned above the News-week banner, which was on a field of black instead of its traditional red background. The cover photo was terrifying – a World Trade Center tower exploding in a fiery rage of flames and gray and black smoke, steel and glass debris spiraling without des-tination below the explosion. The caption: “9:03 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001 – Hijacked United Airlines Flight 175 explodes into the World Trade Center.”

Newsweek won a National Magazine Award for General Excellence in 2002 for its coverage of the attacks.

In the midst of the chaos of that day, a ringing telephone provided Mr. Meacham with some unexpected consolation. Win-ston Churchill’s daughter, Mary Soames, was on the other line, calling to confirm the Meacham’s safety. Mary and Jon had become friends during his research for the “Franklin and Winston” book.

“Later it occurred to me how brief his-tory really is, when you think about it,” he says. “London was bombed so ferociously and relentlessly. And here’s a woman whose father led the British nation through that, checking in on someone who was long, long away from being born in a different era.”

NEw YORK, NEw YORKAccording to the 2009 census, over 16.7

million people inhabit the New York City

area; nearly three times as many as the total number of residents in the State of Tennes-see, 6.3 million.

Despite the obvious differences between the City That Never Sleeps and Chatta-nooga, or Keith’s hometown of Leland, Miss., the Meachams have enjoyed living and working in the City. They have no res-ervations about raising their three chil-dren – Sam, 7, Mary, 5 and Maggie, 2 – in the metropolis.

“Southerners do very well here because it is really a small town,” Mr. Meacham says. “I didn’t believe that until I was here, but it is true. About every four blocks, it changes. You begin to see the next set of dry cleaners, Duane Reeds (pharmacies), a butcher, and then you are in a different neighborhood.

“I see more people on the street or around my daily life than I think I would see if I were walking around downtown Chattanooga. Because you don’t drive. There is a lot more walking. We’ve loved it here.”

Entrenched in what some refer to as “The Media Capital of the World,” Mr. Meacham’s authority on history, political savvy and ranking among the national me-dia hierarchy regularly land him on such news discussion TV programs as “Morning Joe,” “The O’Reilly Factor” and “Meet the Press.” In May, he began his own show, serv-ing as co-host on PBS’ “Need to Know,” a weekly primetime news program covering national issues.

Best-selling books, award-winning maga-zines, sought-after television contributor – Mr. Meacham has earned the right to be considered one of our nation’s most influ-ential media leaders. g

There have been several developments involving Jon Meacham’87 and Newsweek since the interview for this issue of McCallie Magazine took place.

As stated in the story, the washington Post Co., Newsweek’s parent company, decided to put the weekly magazine on the market in May. Mr. Meacham reportedly was interested in getting together a group of investors in an attempt to purchase Newsweek.

On Aug. 3, it was announced that Sidney Harman had purchased the publication over several other bidders and is the new owner of Newsweek. Mr. Harman, 91, is the chairman emeritus of Harman International Industries, an audio equipment company.

The same day, Mr. Meacham announced that he would be stepping down as Newsweek’s editor, and the news made headlines on just about every media and political website and blog, as well as national newspapers.

Mr. Meacham has not gone on record as to where his career will lead him next. However, he remains a co-host on the PBS television news program “Need to Know” and has two historical biographies on his agenda – one on Thomas Jefferson and another on George H.w. Bush.

Jon Meacham ’87UPDATE


Jon Meacham '87 (right) at the Pulitzer Prize Luncheon with Columbia University President Lee C. Bollinger.

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McCallie sixth graders Tanay Patri and Clay Hudgins sat calmly at their chess boards, winning against players several years older and nearly twice their size.

The pair was participating at the high school level in regional and state chess tour-naments this spring. Both are members of the McCallie Chess Club, a group of around 30 middle and upper school students that get together to hone their chess skills and compete in tournaments.

Tanay joined three upper school students – Jon Warren, Bharath Venkatesh and Pra-nav Singh ’10 – in leading the club to victory at the regional tournament in March. The team continued on to the state tournament, and Clay joined the team to compete in the alternate division. The boys finished fourth in the state, the best-ever finish for a Mc-Callie chess team.

“I was really nervous in the beginning, because I knew I’d be playing people that were probably better than me,” Tanay says. “I think I took it pretty well. I only lost one game, I drew one, and I won two.”

This wasn’t the first time McCallie sixth graders have played in a high school chess tournament. Last year Sam Harrelson, a ris-ing eighth-grader, was asked to play.

“It was kind of intimidating playing with high school students, but I still won my match,” Sam says. “I didn’t want to let the team down.”

It is that kind of quiet determination that has made these three middle-schoolers the unsung heroes of the Chess Club.

“There is something frightening for old-er players when they sit down across from a younger student,” says Michael Ake, Mid-dle School Music Director and advisor to the Chess Club. “It can actually be quite intimidating.”

When asked why they participate in a task that would be daunting to most middle school students, the boys’ motives are clear – it’s all for love of the game.

“There are so many different ways you can play each move, depending on who you’re playing and how they play,” Tanay says. “Based on that, you have to remodel how you play each time.”

Sam agrees. “It’s a strategy game,” he says. “It takes

a lot of thought, and it’s a different game each time. You always learn something new, even if you lose.”

Clay just began playing with the Chess Club this spring and says he’s found the ex-perience to be rewarding.

“I’ve always loved strategy-type games,” Clay says. “You have to be able to under-stand strategy to play chess, otherwise you just don’t get it.”

Tanay and Sam were asked to participate in the tournaments after Mr. Ake noticed their tireless efforts to improve their skills.

“I knew them to be intelligent players that studied and worked hard on improv-ing their games,” Mr. Ake says. “They both have a good grasp of the art involved in playing chess and are driven to excel. They are not afraid of competition.

“Clay is one of the nicest kids at McCal-lie, but when he gets over the board, he be-comes a fierce competitor.”

Sam and Tanay are rated 812 and 774 re-spectively by the United Chess Federa-tion. The median rating for an American player in 2007 was 657, and Master players are rated at 2200. Players can register with the Federation which rates players based on points they earn in tournaments. The points increase with a win and decrease with a loss. Players are placed into classes based on their ranking.

Clay will develop his rating as he contin-ues to participate in rated events.

All three students plan to stick with the game and continue to develop their skills. Sam, who wasn’t able to participate in this year’s tournament, has a goal to make the tournament next spring. Clay would like to continue broadening his horizons through the game.

“I will definitely keep playing with the chess team because I get the opportunity to go places, meet new people and get better at chess,” he says.

Tanay wants to improve his rating during the next school year, and he has long term plans for the game as well.

“I want to get my rating up to about 1,000 between now and Christmas,” he says. “As long as I’m at McCallie, I’ll be playing chess. It’s one of my greatest inter-ests and hobbies.” g

three Middle school students have played their way onto the McCallie chess team.

(L-R) Clay Hudgins, Tanay Patri and Sam Harrelson.

Check Mates

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Magnificent Mathematician

There are math whizzes, and then there is Chang Young Park ’10.

Chang Young graduated from McCal-lie in May of this year and just might be the most decorated mathematics student Mc-Callie has ever produced.

His instructor, Math Department Chair and Alumni Chair of Math Lance Nickel, estimates that the math courses undertaken and surpassed by Chang Young during his high school career would come ever so close to completing a math major at most liberal arts colleges in our country.

“He would be perhaps two courses shy of a math major,” Mr. Nickel says. “These are all courses I took in college either as an undergraduate or a graduate student. He is just a remarkable student.”

A three-year boarding student from Seoul, Korea, Chang Young arrived at McCallie as a sophomore. He had already scored a 5 on the Advanced Placement BC Calculus exam.

His math course load included the fol-lowing: Differential Equations and Multi-variable Calculus his sophomore year and Linear Algebra and Abstract Algebra his junior year. He also challenged himself by taking the AP Statistics Exam.

For his senior year, Mr. Nickel and the math department had to find some class offerings to keep Chang Young engaged and tested. They went with Graph Theory and Combinatorics. According to Wolfram Math World, Combinatorics is “the branch of mathematics studying the enumeration, combination and permutation of sets of el-ements and the mathematical relations that characterize their properties.”

“One thing we have always promised pro-spective students is that we will offer, on campus, a math course to meet their needs for as long as they are at McCallie,” Mr. Nickel says. “So far, we have been able to do so.”

Headmaster Kirk Walker ’69 says McCal-lie allows students and teachers alike to ex-pand their boundaries.

“Clearly a student with Chang Young's talent, drive and self-motivation represents an exciting opportunity for any institution,” Dr. Walker says. “As students like Chang Young push themselves, they push and in-spire us to expand and enrich our offerings.

“When I was a student at McCallie, the highest math course for a senior was ad-vanced calculus. Chang Young complet-ed advanced calculus his freshman year. Thankfully, we have teachers like Lance Nickel who are willing and able to design and deliver even higher-level courses so stu-dents can continue to be engaged and chal-lenged. We are a stronger school because of it.”

The 2010-11 student body will include 30 international students, the majority of which are natives of South Korea. Some arrive having to deal with a language bar-rier. Chang Young’s English was fair when he arrived on campus, but he never let lan-guage hinder his progress or his school accomplishments.

“He is exactly what you want an interna-tional student to be,” Mr. Nickel says. “He shares his culture of Korea with other stu-dents and faculty and is very engaged with a wide range of students. He gives a lot


Differential Equations (first semester)

Multivariable Calculus (second semester)


linear Algebra (first semester)

Abstract Algebra (second semester)


Graph Theory (first semester)

Combinatorics (second semester)

Math Classes Taken byCHANG YOUNG PARK '10

at McCallie

Chang Young Park '10 (right) receives his diploma from Dr. Kirk Walker '69 (left).

back. He has American friends and Korean friends.”

Chang Young will attend Stanford Uni-versity this fall, and Mr. Nickel is certain he has the ability to become a research math-ematician, should that interest him.

“Chang Young possesses a lot of theory and understanding,” Mr. Nickel says. “He has forced me to relearn. It has certainly been refreshing for me.” g

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“Isaac’s Storm” is a gripping description of an extreme hurricane that decimated Galveston, Texas, on Sept. 8, 1900. The true account was written by Erik Larson from the perspective of Isaac Cline, a turn-of-the-century meteorologist who observed and experienced the storm first-hand.

“Isaac’s Storm” is also a teaching tool used in Scott Shoup’s Science of Natural Disasters class.

Mr. Shoup, an Upper School physics teacher, taught the natural disasters class last year, offering two sections to juniors and seniors. The goals of the class were to understand science’s role in society, encour-age thoughts on solutions to problems and use factual novels to increase students’ in-terest in reading and improve reading skills.

The class also references two other books, “Storm Warning” about tornado for-mation and destruction, and “Tsunami,” about the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami.

“We don’t use a text book, and that’s on purpose,” Mr. Shoup says. “We have nov-els and selected readings. The students are learning the science through these readings and through additional lectures. It enables them to see science’s place in context. We also discuss the construction of buildings and evacuation plans.”

For a first-year class, the curriculum seemed to sit well with its students.

“I don’t consider myself much of a read-er, but I couldn’t keep my nose out of those books,” says graduating senior Drew Tomp-kins. “They were interesting novels about people tracking storms and how their lives were affected by them. I enjoyed the class and would definitely recommend it. I al-most want to take it again.”

Students who took the elective were giv-en on-line assignments and wrote essays, research papers and paragraphs on topics of disaster planning and management. Two fa-

Earthquakes, Hurricanes,Tornados and Volcanoesscott shoup's science of natural Disasters class taught studentsscience's role in society and the environment.

vorite class activities were student presen-tations of a volcanic eruption and lab work using a box resting on a shake table to test earthquake-resistant engineering.

The students simulate a quake by jarring the table with a pendulum. An accelerom-eter measures the magnitude of the mo-tion of the box and the directions it moves – up and down, left and right and forward and back. From these tests, they try to pro-duce applications to reduce the forces of the building.

During the 2009-10 school year, sever-al prime examples of natural disasters oc-curred including the Jan. 12 earthquake in Haiti and the quake which struck Chile Feb. 27.

“Certainly it was a busy year,” Mr. Shoup says. “Those two earthquakes allowed us to study earthquake engineering. Reading is the core of the class, but we break away for current events. With Haiti, we spent several minutes talking about the news of the day, and then from the Internet, we created a timeline of the response to the quake, what problems were trying to be solved and how they were being solved.”

Mr. Shoup has a geology degree, and his love for science, the outdoors and the envi-ronment led to his curiosity of natural di-sasters. He says he is not sure if the class will translate to inspiring future environ-mental engineers, but he hopes some form of social responsibility will stay with his stu-dents after McCallie.

“I think there is a lack of knowledge that there are emergency management degrees out there,” he says. “Or that part of being a meteorologist just isn’t doing the weath-er every evening on TV. It may require do-ing research so we can get better prediction times on tornados and hurricanes.

“I think there is a need to understand what is going on, and maybe I can educate someone who might be in a position to help make some decisions.” g

(L-R) Taizo Watanabe, Drew Tompkins '10,Trevel Talley '10, Andy Gray '10

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I saw him in the airport,Maj, he told me you’re retiring. This is your last year.He said it casually and kept on talking.He didn’t know I stopped listening…He didn’t know I hurt inside, like someone had pulled up one of my roots.

Maj., I remember you behind your desk, approachable only if we checked in on time.If we were late, how we dreaded that long walk down the creaky, well-oiled hallway.I remember Lena, the ancient Green Pontiac.Others remember you in other cars, or with other hats than the gray wide-brim I remember.But whatever car, whatever hat, whatever suit – always a little out of date.Maj, what a paradox you were.Always with a coat and tie, but never dressed up;Always a teacher, but never really a scholar;Always a humble man, but never was one made who could get as mad and

yell as loud.Always a teacher of values; never just a teacher of languages.Maj, you wrote a song once, that I know by heart.One line said, "Thy loyal sons are we . . . "The voices of the hearts of many men sing these words to you today.

Some of these men wore uniforms as boys, some didn’t.Some were homesick, some weren’t.Some excelled, some didn’t.Today we are old and we are young. We are short and we are tall. We have long hair, and short hair, and no hair. We are different, and many…But all of us are richer in love, in faith, in hope, because our paths crossed yours, and you walked a few important steps with us in the path of our growing up. . . . and you loved us.Maj, we are grateful to God for you.We love you.

. . . Your loyal sons are we.

James H. Daughdrill Jr. '52


Burns HallDedication

McCallie held a special dedication ceremony april 30, 2010 for the opening of Burns hall.

This poem was written by James H. Daughdrill Jr. '52 as a tribute to Maj. Arthur Burns '20. Mr. Daughdrill read the poem at the dedication ceremony in an emotional tribute to the popular longtime mentor.

A model room in the new 28-room dormitory which opens this fall and will house 56 boys.

Nearly 100 attendees joined McCallie and the Arthur Burns family at the dedication.

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CaMPUs news

Our alumni are our testament to the mission McCallie strives toward. Many of our graduates send their sons to McCallie, and it is wonderful to visit with an alumnus’ son or grandson during a walk to class, at lunch in the dining hall or in the dormitory.


Before heading to Harvard University this fall for his freshman year, Tyler Richard ’10 spent the summer in India. Valedictorian of the Class of 2010, he earned a full scholarship from National Security language Initiative for Youth and studied the Hindi language and culture in Pune, India.

From June 21 to August 6, Tyler spent four hours per day learning to communicate in Hindi. In the afternoons, he participated in activities of the local culture such as dance, drama, music, art and sports. Each Friday, the class explored local history, Indian religion and politics and Hindi cuisine.

The NSlI course strives to improve students’ language proficiency scores by one level, improve their Hindi in reading, writing, speaking and listening, give them a strong level of confidence communicating in Hindi, provide safe practice to experiment with and use Hindi and get them excited about the Hindi language and Indian culture.


The annual Awards Day honors boys who have excelled in all areas of school life at McCallie. The Grayson Medal is considered the school’s highest honor. The winner is selected by a vote of the Upper School student body and faculty and the Senate and Student Council. The Campbell Award is presented to the Grayson runner-up.

Matt Harris ’10, a boarding student from Charlotte, N.C., received this year’s Grayson Medal, and Davis Mooney ’10, a day student from lookout Mountain, Tenn., was presented the Campbell Award, as well as the walker Casey Award.

The Distinguished Teacher Award went to English Chair John lambert, a member of the faculty since 1986.


{ For full coverage of events around campus,visit }

(l-R) Upper School Head Kenny Sholl, Davis Mooney '10, English Head John lambert, Matt Harris '10, Headmaster Kirk walker '69.

This past year, the Class of 2010 had 19 graduates whose fathers also gradu-ated from McCallie. This photo, shot after the Baccalaureate and the day be-fore Commencement, shows 16 of those connections.

A new addition to the third floor of the Academic Building hangs near the north side stairs. Art Department Chair Jack Denton (above) spearheaded a student art project which tells the tale of the campus.

The 50 x 70-inch bas relief sculpture is constructed of 100 5 x 7-inch cast alumi-

num blocks. The project began in the fall when over 100 art students designed and shaped their personal block. The alumi-num pouring into each mold occurred Jan. 29 at Metal Fest, and after several months of cooling, the sculpture was pieced to-gether and framed.


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The soccer team advanced to the State Championship game in May by defeating Memphis University School 3-2 in the state semifinals. The Tornado dropped a close 1-0 decision to Christian Brothers in the title match and were state runners-up. The soccer squad set a school single-season record for victories and finished with a 14-4-3 record.

The lacrosse team captured its 10th State Championship and second con-secutive state title with an 8-1 victo-ry over Memphis University School in May.

Trailing 1-0 after the first quarter, the Tornado scored eight straight goals and

Tornado watch

The track team had a spectacular season capped with two athletes placing in the top four in the decathlon at the state meet. Junior Keenan Hale (above) placed second overall in the event, winning the 100 meters, high jump and 400 meters. Senior Pierce DeRico was fourth, taking top honors in the 110 hurdles and the discus. The squad won the Mid-South Classic with 130 team points, edging Brentwood Academy by five points and outdistanced Baylor School by 55.5 points. The Tornado brought home its ninth region title in the last 10 years, produced 13 individual region champions and placed sixth at the state meet.

kept MUS off the scoreboard for the com-manding win.

Sophomore Carson Clough was named the game’s Most Valuable Offensive Player with two goals and one assist. Senior Patton Watkins was voted the Most Valuable De-fensive Player after collecting 14 saves.


McCallie rowers claimed three titles at the US Rowing Southeastern Cham-pionships in May – the Varsity 8, the Novice 8 and the Second Varsity 4 – in Sarasota, Fla. The Lightweight 4 boat took second place.

McCallie’s Varsity 8 boat was the only non-Florida crew to qualify for the final among the Southeast Region partici-

pants, including boats from Alabama, Geor-gia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee.

At the prestigious Stotesbury Regatta in Philadelphia in May, the Tornado placed fifth out of 44 crews. McCallie’s finish at the largest high school regatta in the world placed the team ahead of 39 of the best prep crews in the nation.




McCallie has teamed with Fox Sports Chattanooga radio to broadcast McCallie football. listen to all McCallie football games, home and away. McCallie Tornado broadcasts can be heard at 1310 AM in the Chattanooga area or via the Internet anywhere. McCallie also offers a live video stream of each football game. Tune in to to follow each game.

On the aIR

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September 20 is

Celebrate the day McCallie was founded with the school community on Monday, sept. 20,

by being VISIBLE, VOCAL AND VIGOROUSwith school spirit!

wear tornado Blue or McCallie gear.

Mention the school in conversation.

wear your school pride on your sleeve, literally!

send us a photo of you wearing your McCallie gear or gathered with fellow alums. You can also post them yourself to our Facebook page. []

Getting one family or boy interested in McCallie is like donating more than $100,000 to the school!

Sept. 13 Atlanta Sweetwater Brewing Co. Event

Sept. 14 Chicago Gathering

Sept. 17 Nashville Alumni Tailgate

(Football at Ensworth)

Sept. 20 Founders Day / McCallie Day

washington, D.C. Founders Day Celebration

Oct. 1-2 Reunion weekend

Oct. 1 Football vs. Baylor

Oct. 8 Football vs. Battle Ground Academy

Oct. 13 Denver Gathering

Oct. 20 los Angeles Gathering

Oct. 22 Football vs. Father Ryan

Oct. 26 Knoxville Gathering

FaLL sCheDULe OF aLUMnI eVentsTo learn more about

upcoming Alumni events, please visit the Alumni

section at or contact Alumni Director

Mitzi Smith at 423-493-5616.


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Charles Allcott ’38 of Ocala, Fla., died January 28, 2010. The Korean War veteran, dentist and rose gardener is survived by three sons and six grandchildren.

George Russell Krause ’38 of Center Barnstead, N.H., died February 17, 2010. The World War II Army veteran, farmer, businessman and school board member is survived by his wife

Emelyn, two sons, five grandchildren and a great-grandson.

Jamie Douglas Stimson ’40 of Stony Point, N.C., died May 4, 2010. The Presbyterian minister is survived by four children, five grandchildren, one sister and two brothers, Bailey Stimson ’42 and Tom Stimson ’39.

Richard Thomson ’41 of Inman, S.C., died January 30, 2010. The World War II Army veteran, Purple Heart recipient and accountant is survived by his son and two grandsons.

William “Marshall” Goree ’41 of Collegedale, Tenn., died June 22, 2010. The World War II Army veteran, Purple Heart recipient and textile salesman is survived by four daughters, 14 grandchildren and 32 great-grandchildren.

Walter King ’43 of Virginia Beach, Va., died May 5, 2010. The World War II Navy veteran and lawyer is survived by his wife Toni and a son.

Bill Frankum ’45 of Athens, Ga., died April 11, 2010. The World War II Army veteran, farmer, and Sunday school teacher is survived by his wife Gloria, five children, seven grandchildren and two siblings.

James Merritt Fickeisen ’48 of Bluefield, W.Va., died May 6, 2010. The Korean War veteran, advertising executive and architect is survived by his wife Mary, three children and eight grandchildren.

Mitchell Garth Florence ’48 of Bradenton, Fla., died August 12, 2009. An Air Force veteran, he also had careers as a chemical engineer and Methodist minister.

Dr. Samuel Thompson Haddock ’48 of Anderson, S.C., died June 19, 2010. The longtime pediatrician is survived by his wife Doris, three children, seven grandchildren and a sister.

Louis Langford Rose ’48 of Charlotte, N.C., died March 15, 2010. The Air Force veteran, real estate agent and community volunteer is survived by his wife Jocelyn, three children, six grandchildren and two sisters.

Herbert Joseph Scholz ’49 of Charleston, S.C., died May 6, 2010. The Army veteran, electrical engineer and community volunteer is survived by two daughters and seven grandchildren.

Richard Babb Anderson ’55 of Chattanooga died March 10, 2010. The National Guard veteran, businessman and avid golfer is survived by his wife Geraldine, two sons, three grandchildren and a sister.

Jack Robinson ’55 of Dayton, Tenn., died June 25, 2010. The Army veteran, businessman, outdoorsman, and community volunteer is survived by his wife Winnie, four sons, five grandchildren, and a sister.

Charles David Parker ’57 of Bluffton, S.C., died June 25, 2010. The Vietnam Navy veteran, pilot and industrial engineer is survived by his wife Elaine, two children, six grandchildren and a sister.

Richard Gibbs ’60 of Memphis died on November 4, 2009. The former Union Planters employee is survived by his wife Doris, five children, 11 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Major Bashinsky ’64 of Birmingham, Ala., died March 15, 2010. The National Guard veteran, restaurant owner, lawyer and pilot is survived by his wife Leslie, four children, his step-mother, a sister, and a brother.

Richard Elliot Schier ’67 of Chattanooga died April 21, 2010. The retired UNUM employee, genealogist and musician is survived by his wife Sharon, three children, including son Jon Schier '01, three grandchildren and his mother.

Lewis Samuel Leach ’71 of Chattanooga died April 11, 2010. The avid outdoorsman, motorcyclist, and Civil War buff is survived by three children, four grandchildren, his mother, and two sisters.

Olin Lamar Brotherton ’78 of Tampa, Fla., died March 13, 2010. The carpet manufacturer and sports enthusiast is survived by his wife Linda, his mother, a sister, and a step-brother.

In Memoriam

The Alumni Office sends email announcements about confirmed deaths to all classmates whose email addresses are updated in our

system as soon as the school is notified of them. To be sure you are informed of such things in a more timely fashion than through McCallie Magazine, make sure the Alumni Office has your updated email address.

The family of Maj. william T. McPhail ’57 finally has some closure. A navigator for the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam war, Maj. McPhail’s C-130 was reported as crashed during a May 22, 1968 flight over laos. Circumstances did not allow a rescue team to search for survivors, and in 1978, the Air Force changed his status from missing in action to legally dead. The family held a ceremony at Chattanooga National Cemetery to honor his life and his service.

In 2002, military POw/MIA search teams discovered wreckage believed to be that of Maj. McPhail’s aircraft. Six years later, it was announced that items and remains from the recovery site were indeed from McPhail’s plane and crew.

while Maj. McPhail’s remains could not be positively identified, his and the remains of three others from the crash were interred on June 10 at Arlington National Cemetery, a rightful place to honor a fallen hero.

Ma J. wILL IaM t. McPhaIL '57

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Births00s To Matthew Hitchcock ’00 and Kathleen, a son, Caleb Ray on May 5, 2009. g To Kyle Garrett ’00 and Melissa, a daughter, Lucia, on September 8, 2008. g To Chris Slaten ’02 and Lyndsay, a son, Shepard Walker, on May 19, 2010. g

Weddings70s-90s J.T. Smith ’77 to Denise Impson on November 7, 2009. g Edwin Bragg ’91 to Elizabeth Bryan on June 9, 2007. g Zane Williams ’91 to Danielle Louise Kerr on June 7, 2008. g Grattan Foy, Jr. ’95 to Enzo Marfella on August 25, 2007. g

Patrick LaRochelle ’98 to Anna Butt on May 30, 2010. g Chas Murnane ’99 to Laura Schut on March 13, 2010. g

Weddings00s C. hunter Peak ’00 to Cassiana M. Silva on May 30, 2009. g timothy Chan ’00 to Sarah Moynan on October 11, 2009. g Clay Campbell ’00 to Amanda Phillips on February 24, 2007. g Brennan Paris ’01 to Courtney Spahn on January 20, 2010. g whit stiles ’01 to Sarah Beth Moseley on June 20, 2009. g Christopher Rogers ’01 to Rosina Fuertes Roldan on March 27, 2010. g Brian sneed ’02 to Cara Marie Whitney on May 15, 2010. g Christopher hartman ’03 to Meredith Camby on July 3, 2010. g nathan hertzog '05 to Mary Morrow Denson on May 24, 2009. g

timothy hewitt ’05 to Mary Catherine Williams on June 27, 2009. g Lucas Monroe ’05 to Kelly Foster on May 30, 2009. g

Class NOTES Summer


William Bowen ’99 and his wife Lauren welcomed their daughter, McKenna Lea, on January 12, 2010. They are pictured in May on mom and baby's first Mother's Day.

Births70s-80s To James Latham ’79 and Maria, a son, James Alexander, on December 18, 2009. g To John DeCell ’81 and Mary, a son, William John, on November 16, 2009. g To Alexander Bowen ’85 and Stella, a daughter, Lydia Elaine, on March 1, 2007. g To Alex Lawrence ’88 and Meghan, a son, Maxwell, and a daughter, Annabel, on June 23, 2008. g

Births90s To Charles Kemp ’90 and Mary, a son, Patrick Elliott on April 3, 2007. g To Kurt weigel ’90 and Carolyn, a daughter, Lauren Abigail, on April 15, 2007. g To Buddy Rush ’90 and Jane, a son, Bill, on April 7, 2008. g To harrison willis ’93 and Katy, a son, Hamilton Burns, on March 4, 2010. g To nelson williams ’94 and Caroline, a daughter, Ann Chandler, on March 15, 2010. g To andrew Johnson ’94 and Ashley, a son, Miller Rik, on February 2, 2010. g To ed holzwanger ’94 and Brinkley, a son, William Hedges, on September 5, 2009. g To warren Milnor ’94 and Abbay, a daughter, Eloise Ragsdale, on April 1, 2010. g To nathan williams ’95 and Martha, a daughter, Sarah Morgan, on July 27, 2008. g To nicholas Broom ’95 and Candice, a son, Deacon Elliot on August 15, 2007. g To sam Owens ’95 and Lauren, a daughter, Paige Elizabeth, on November 29, 2008. g To sam snow ’95 and Lisa, a daughter, Finley on November 3, 2008. g

To andy schenck ’95 and Claudia, a son, Henry Barton, on July 8, 2009. g To Frank Crump ’95 a son, Peter Fargason, on January 21, 2009. g To Bradley simon ’95 and Ashlee, a daughter, Kelly, on September 24, 2008. g To aaron Love ’96 and Kim, a son, William Christopher, on May 9, 2010. g To will Lehr ’98 and Erika, a son, Samuel Ellis, on March 2, 2010. g To william Bowen ’99 and Lauren, a daughter, McKenna Lea, on January 12, 2010. g

Crew, son of Brian and Jamey Elrod and brother of seventh-grader London, is already a Big Blue fan at four months of age.

Brian Sneed '02 married Cara Marie Whitney in May 2010. They live in Chattanooga.

William Christopher, the son of Aaron '96 and Kim Love, was born in May 2010.

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1950s-1960sJohn Poindexter ’55 visited campus this summer from Richmond, Va., and wanted everyone to know that McCallie still has a soft spot in his heart.

tony Padgett ’59 kayaked the full length of the New River from Boone, N.C., to Fayette, W.V., in August 2009. He plans to do it again soon.

Bill Linderman ’62 is the Executive Director for the New Jersey Vietnam Veterans' Memorial Foundation.

Chip Langley ’63 is National Director of Sales for a compliance company which provides quality control services to banks and mortgage lending companies. He and his wife Betty Ann were married in 2003 and have 12 grandchildren between them.

Mike Finney ’65 writes, “Our company, MG Force, was 10 years old in March 2010. It is focused on natural chemistry solutions for consumer companies.”

Randy Mobley ’67 is the Fleet and Commercial Manager for Walker Chevrolet in Franklin, Tenn.

Mills Gallivan ’69 was named as a South Carolina Super Lawyer and as a Corporate Counsel Super Lawyer for 2010.

1970s-1980sJim Park ’75 has created his own customer service training curriculum and teaches the finer points of customer service to businesses and non-profit organizations.

ClASS UpDATeSJames Latham ’79 was recently featured in a New York Times article about the unique Adidas player-development program on which he works.

James Lovett ’82 finished the New York City Marathon in 3:51. At the finish, the first thing he croaked to his daughter was, “Never again!”

Rob hammock ’89 works for Hands On Charlotte as Director of Strategic Partnerships in Charlotte, N.C.

1990sCarter Garrett ’92 recently moved back to Chattanooga after spending a year in Austin, Texas, working for Red Bull. He now works with Access America Transport.

hayes Calvert ’95 works as a clinical instructor at the Department of Emergency Medicine at Wake Forest University. He recently completed two triathlons.

will havron ’95 practices trauma surgery and surgical critical care with the University of Oklahoma. He and his wife Michelle are expecting a baby girl in November.

Bradley simon ’95 serves as Chief Warrant Officer 2 in the Army and is stationed at Fort Rucker, Ala., at the United States Army Aviation Center of Excellence. He trains new Army pilots to fly the UH-60 Blackhawk.

Rhett Buttermore ’97 graduated from the University of Chicago Law School.

Jay Mayfield ’97 recently moved to Washington, D.C., and joined the Department of Homeland Security as a public affairs specialist with U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Zane Birdwell ’98 recently won a Grammy award for a project he collaborated on with actor Michael J. Fox. Zane currently lives in New York City, where he works as a recording engineer, sound designer, and director.

Ben Curtis ’99 is currently starring in an off-Broadway production of “Another Part of the Forest.” He is also working towards a degree at New York University.

David neely ’99 moved to Fort Bragg, N.C., with his wife and daughter. He left the Navy to join the Army two years ago, and writes, “I’m having lots of fun, but it's hard to pick a winner for the Army/Navy game every year.”


hunter white ’00 performed with his band Ron Day at Riverbend 2010.

Clay Campbell ’00 is serving in Afghanistan with the Navy.

adam Belvo ’00 works in Manhattan, New York, as an assistant to the controller of a prestigious law firm. At night, he acts in off-Broadway performances and works as producing member of a theater company.

Jordan Crane ’00 works for Sample Digital, a digital asset management company, and gets to work on many television shows and movies.

Richard Lowrance ’00 recently created his own management consultancy, EUREKA! Advisory, LLC.

Christopher Rogers ’01 was promoted to Captain in the U.S. Marine Corps upon completion of his second deployment in Iraq. He is now stationed in Rota, Spain.

austin wyker ’01 graduated from Georgetown University Law Center with a Master of Laws in Taxation and moved to Dallas.

Owen Keller ’06, right, received his first salute as an officer

from Michael Smithson ’07, left, during the May 2010

commencement and commissioning ceremony at the U.S.

Naval Academy in Annapolis, Md.

David Jahn ’70 recently moved back to the Chattanooga area with his wife Ann. They lived in Saudi Arabia for two years as David worked as an aggregate materials consultant.

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stuart McKenzie ’01 graduated from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine and began an MD integrated residency in oral and maxillofacial surgery at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

amit Patel ’02 graduated from the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, Mo., and spoke at graduation as president of his class. He will remain at Washington University for his Internal Medicine residency training at Barnes-Jewish Hospital.

Daniel eggart ’02 completed medical school at the University of South Carolina and is moving to New Orleans to begin a neurosurgery residency.

Bryan sansbury ’03 is working on his Masters degree in Classical Studies at the University of Florida.

elias schulze ’03 is an analyst with Emerging Capital Partners in Ivory Coast, Africa.

evan shipp ’04 was selected to represent the University of California at San Francisco at the ADA/DENTSPLY Student Clinician Research Program in October. One dental student per school is invited to attend.

woody harwood ’05 is on the production staff of "American Idiot," a new Broadway show.

nick Bradford ’05 graduated from the University of Michigan with a degree in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering and is employed as a Naval Architect in Norfolk, Va.

J.P. harrison ’05 is working in New York City with an executive search firm after graduating from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in May 2009.

sungwoo Bang '06 finished his second year at the School of Visual Arts in New York, N.Y., and has gone home to Korea to serve his required two years in the military. He plans to return to school after his military service is complete.

sean Dunn ’06 graduated summa cum laude from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and plans to attend the University of Tennessee College of Medicine in Memphis, Tenn., this fall.

tommy tobin ’06 has led the Stanford Project on Hunger for the past three years, salvaging over 20,000 pounds of unused food for the local community and feeding 100 people per day. He just graduated from Stanford University and plans to attend law school in the fall.

william Kent '06 graduated from the University of Georgia in 2009 with a degree in finance. He is currently in the MBA program at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and is the Marketing and Ticket Sales Assistant for Chattanooga Athletics.

Max Romero Day ’07 writes, “I started my third year of History at Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina, and ran into walt Peters ’08, who is doing an exchange here from Chapel Hill. Isn't the world small?”

steven hopkins ’07 and Ben hackett ’09 are touring with the Christian rock band "Sloan River Project" this summer.

Daniel Fisher ’07 was elected to Eli Banana, an honorary society at the University of Virginia. He is President of Kappa Alpha Order, has a double major in history and economics and plans to continue to law school.

Jonathan Cao ’08 was selected as Principal Conductor for the Phantom Regiment Drum and Bugle Corps, a renowned marching band for students ages 16-21.

Gavin Fox ’09 received the Chemistry Award during his freshman year at Furman University.

Patrick Bradford ’09 is a freshman at the University of Southern California where he is a member of Delta Tau Delta fraternity and on the Dean’s List.

Class NOTEScontinued . . .

Summer 2010

James Finley ’00 (left) works at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and recently ran into neil McMillan ’00 (right), a student in the Medical Illustration graduate program.

Left, and below left: Pictured are a few of the 27 McCallie alumni from the classes of ’57 and ’58 that recently gathered

for a reunion in Asheville, N.C. Writes Jim simms ’57, “The weather was great for golf, pizza and beer, a few exaggerated

stories, plus news about grandchildren.”

Several members of the Class of ’87 enjoyed a gathering in Cumming, Ga. Those in attendance included (front, L-R) Lentz Reynolds, Rob noble, Michael Mathis and Rick Collett; and (back row, L-R) Lauren McDonald, Jim Gleaton and Gary welch.

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Roll Call

Richard Woods ’61 placed a Lionel train whistle under the floor of Charles Church-man's English class, and rigged it to go off periodically during his lectures. His class-room was the southwestern-most room on the main floor of the old South Hall before the Junior School addition was built. The whistle belonged to Larry Sims ’61. There was a crawl space below every floor that was accessible through a grate in the cor-ner of the room. Richard, who was free dur-ing this class time, set up the whistle in that space while everyone was at athletics, ran wires along the floor molding and through the wall to the adjacent room which was vacant during our class period. Richard hooked up the whistle to a rather large Li-onel transformer and sounded it several times during Mr. Churchman's lecture that day, much to the delight of us all. Richard could hear Mr. Churchman yelling at the unsuspecting Barry Schulman ’61 who was sitting near the grate through which the sound of the whistle wafted. Mr. Churchman always expressed his irrita-tion with “confound it,” as in “Confound it, Schulman. Quit making that noise.” Mr. Churchman finally got wise that something was going on next door and went to investigate. He spotted Richard tiptoeing down the hall with the transform-er tucked under his shirt and caught him red-handed. Mr. Churchman took him to see Dr. Spence (who would have thought the whole thing was hilarious). Because Dr. Spence was in a conference, Richard was presented to Dr. Bob instead who warned him never to do it again and dismissed the whole incident. Richard says this incident was part of a larger campaign to make Mr. Churchman's life miserable that continued for much of the year. Poor fellow. I think there are a lot of members of the Class of l961 who still carry considerable guilt for what we did to him. Is it any surprise that Richard became a successful engineer? Anyone who could come up with such clever schemes was a born mechanical engineer.–Henry Belden Aldridge ’61

At the final parade in 1966, when Jim Wann ’66 announced the "Officer of the Day," he

called out "Major Lance" who happened to be the guest performer for the final dance that evening. That was the same year we had Otis Redding on campus.–Andrew Smith '66

Two pranks in 1966-68: One class put a teacher's car on top of the cafeteria. I think it was Mr. McKinsey’s. Another class put a teacher's car inside the regular student hall. The maintenance staff had to use long boards to get the car off of the top of the cafeteria, which was sort of on the same level of the path from the senior dorm. The school also had to dismount the whole door to get the car out of the corri-dor of the main student hall.–Billy Fanstone ’68

This occurred in the mid 1970s while I was on faculty at McCallie. During the fi-nal semester, each senior slowly but steadi-ly checked out books from the library, and one or two days before the end of the se-mester, they returned them all at once!–Winfred S. Emmons

That's easy, throwing the dinning hall Eas-ter ice bunny off the roof of Belk Hall on Easter Sunday, 1970. That one got us called into Major Burns’ office. I can still hear him say, "I heard the ice bunny took a plunge last night. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?" –Jeff Owrey ’71

We, the mysterious "Bulb Team," removed every light bulb from every classroom in North and Middle Halls and hid them in the attic over the study hall. Other classes put Joe Baby's (Joe Warner's) orange Kar-mann Ghia inside North Hall, while anoth-er removed all the classroom doors and laid them across the pews in the chapel. The best prank however was probably the play-boy bunny emblem painted on the roof of Caldwell Hall. –Larry Stone ’75

One class put hundreds or thousands of crickets in Caldwell Hall. –Brian Smith ’80

We scaled the Chapel steeple with various

friends positioned as lookouts and hung various inflatable objects and farm animals not to be mentioned from the top of the steeple. I about died climbing down the steeple. It was a good show the next day for the underclassman as they showed up to take final exams. Doc Swanson wasn't too happy.–James Corey Ayers ’97

One class secured Mickey Mouse hands on the Chapel clock. I also recall an incident in the 1990's where the silverware was sto-len from the dining hall. It was found later, planted in the quad.–Ben Salling ’97

what was the best prank you or your classmates ever pulled?

to read more alumni submissions on this issue’s Roll Call question, please visit the news for Our alums section on the alumni page of our website.

NEXT QUESTION: what did you like best about dormitory life at McCallie? Please share your thoughts with us.

Tell us at [email protected]!

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Mccallie ScHoolNoN-PRofiT oRG.



Questions or comments?Feel free to contact McCallie’s Communications Office at 423.493.5615 or 423.493.5716 or e-mail [email protected].

ReCYCLaBLe PaPeRPRe & POst COnsUMeR COntentPRInteD wIth sOY BaseD InKs

B oa r d o f T r u s T e e s







J. Hal Daughdrill III ’73 ATLANTA, GEORGIA




James P. McCallie ’56ROME, GEORGIA

Conrad R. Mehan ’77ASHBURN, VIRGINIA





Sanford B. Prater ’66ESSEX FELLS, NEW JERSEY

Colin M. Provine ’88TAMPA, FLORIDA



HE ADM ASTERDr. R. Kirk Walker, Jr. ’69




The Class of 2010 produced 169 graduates, marking the largest »graduating class in McCallie history.

In the Class of 2010, 46 percent of its members will attend »schools in the Most Competitive, Highly Competitive and Very Competitive categories.

The Class of 2010 –the Next Generation of McCallie Men

An impressive 56 percent of the class will continue their »education with the assistance of merit scholarships.

The graduates will be attending 78 colleges in 26 states and »one foreign country including five colleges never attended by a McCallie graduate.