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Change and Knowledge Management 10MBA41

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VTU Solved Question Papers

1. Explain personal change process with a neat diagram? [VTU June09]


STEP-I: Ø Personal change with discovery which involves finding out more about

yourself; how to do things, how you have been limiting your options. Ø Discovery involves willingness to learn.

STEP-2: Ø Once the discovery phase is over the clearing phase starts which involves the

process of realizing & rejecting the wrong answers. Ø These wrong answers are returned to the time, place and context her they

belong. Ø Clearing is a key element in personal change.

STEP-3: Ø Clearing then leads to programming which is establishing useful ways of how

to do things Ø This may involve the discovery of how things are being done. Ø Once the programming phase is over the phase of processing starts.

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2. Explain lewins model of change process briefly? [VTU Dec 09,June11]

Lewin’s view on organizations

• According to Kurt Lewin ,an issue is held in balance by the interaction of two opposing sets of forces.

• A. Driving Forces

• B.Restraining Forces. A. Driving Forces:Forces seeking to promote to change. B.Restraining Forces: Forces attempting to maintain the status quo.

• Lewin viewed organizations as systems in which the present situation was not static but dynamic

• (Equilibrium)of forces working in opposite directions.

• For any change to occur the driving forces must exceed the restraining forces, thus shifting the equilibrium.


• Investigate the balance of power involved in an issue.

• Identify the most important stakeholders & target groups for a campaign on the issue.

• Identify opponents & allies

• Identify how you can influence each target group.


1.Describe the Current Situation. 2.Describe the desired situation. 3.Identify where the current situation will go if no action is taken. 4.List all the forces driving change toward the desired situation. 5.List all the forces resisting change toward the desired situation 6.Discuss& interrogate all the forces: Are they valid? Can they be changed? Which are the critical ones?

7.Allocate a score to each of the forces using a numerical scale

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Eg:1 is extremely weak &10 is extremely strong. 8.Chart the forces.List the driving forces on the left.And list the restraining forces on the right. 9.Determine whether change is viable & progress can occur. 10.Discuss how the change can be affected by decreasing the strength of the restraining forces or by increasing the strength of driving forces.

3. What Is Organizational Culture? [VTU Dec 10,June11] Shared Assumptions Ø Underlying thoughts and feelings that members of a culture take for granted

and believe to be true Shared Values A value is Ø A basic belief about a condition Ø That has considerable importance and meaning to individuals Ø Stable over time

A value system comprises Multiple beliefs that are compatible and support one another Some Value Statements

from the Organizational Culture Profile


Ø Observed behavioral Regularities Ø Norms Ø Dominant values Ø Philosophy Ø Rules Ø Organisational Climate.

4. Explain Managerial options for implementing change (VTU Jan09)

Managerial options for implementing the change process are:

Ø Top –Down Approach. Ø Laissez-Faire Approach. Ø Collaborative Approach.


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Ø In this approach the solutions or decisions are arrived at by the people at the top.

Ø They are passed down the formal channels of communication & control in a unilateral manner.

Ø These changes focus on the tangibles. Two assumptions under this approach. To organizational change are: Ø The reasons for the existing behaviors in an organization (Low performance,

high absenteeism, low productivity rate) Ø Can be traced to single tangible factor. Ø The overall system can be changed by changing these tangible causes of

existing behaviors. Ø Thus if one changes the existing structures, systems,& procedures it leads to

the basic change sin the organization. Ø The second assumption is that change is a coercion-compliance phenomenon

i.e. the change process is approached with the basic assumption that some people initiate changes while others get changed.

Advantages Ø A top down strategy of change is effective provided the change initiator has

considerable power (coercive, charismatic power) Ø The advantage of this strategy is that change is quick and speedy. Ø Last option for managers when other strategies don’t work. Ø People do not like to be coerced. Ø Changes in behavior are only superficial. Ø Moreover, in coercing people to change certain relevant change-related

issues(interests of coalitions, fears of losing control over self) may get ignored and may crate problems in the long run.


Ø Systems can change only when its members change. Ø People are primarily rational beings who follow their rational self interests. Ø They will change in a particular direction only when they realize that it is

advantageous to change. Ø Hence to bring about change we should provide enough information to make

rational choices. Consequences

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Ø It delegates much responsibility for defining and acting upon problems to the subordinates.

Ø The common forms of this approach that takes in the organizations are: · Communication Meetings · Work Shops. · Conferences · Training Programmes · Decision Making Skills– Participants would be learning these skills,

later would be using in concrete organizational situations. · Annual Conferences & Meetings · Meetings- In which executives can exchange information and clarify

issues ,with the assumption that it would improve overall organizational performance.


Ø It is very slow process. Ø It is uneconomical. Ø It is a time consuming process. Ø It is applicable if the organization is large, with large number of people who

should be affected to bring about change. COLLABORATIVE APPROACH

Ø The approach that deals with the superiors and the subordinates. Ø It involves sharing of the power b/w the superiors and subordinates in terms of

jointly defining the problems and developing the solutions. Assumptions

Ø Organisational systems & structures, which need to be changed, are not mere mechanical procedures, or exhibits, in the organizational chart. Rather

Ø They are defined by the patterns of behaviors & practices which are rooted by the patterns of behaviors and practices, which are rooted in the socio-cultural norms, values, & attitudes of the people.

Ø The collaboration b/w the superiors and the subordinates is creating the change Ø The role of the superior and the subordinate are different.

Role of a Superior.

Ø To provide a broad perspective to guide the process and direction of change. Ø He will highlight the problems which require the organization attention.

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Ø Invites participation to solve problems.

5. What is Knowledge Management Process.Explain? [VTU Dec 09,Jan12]

Knowledge management is a conscious strategy of getting the right Knowledge to the

right people at the right time and helping people share and organizes information into

action in ways to improve organizational performance. It is a complex process that

must be supported by a strong foundation of enablers, such as strategy, leadership,

culture measurement and technology.

Knowledge management processes involves several of the following stages or sub


1. Knowledge Creation

2. Knowledge Identification

3. Knowledge Collection

4. Knowledge Sharing

5. Knowledge Adaptation

6. Knowledge Organization

7. Knowledge Usage

Knowledge acquisitions & creation

Knowledge storage & Processing

Knowledge sharing &Dissemination

Knowledge Application

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The vision of an organization coupled with the knowledge processes and

technology, which acts as an enabler, forms the three key components of

Knowledge management system. Three elements have to be in place before

any knowledge based activity can be initiated with in any organization.

1. People

2. Process

3. Technology

6. Define knowledge worker and explain its types? [VTU Dec 09,June11]

knowledge worker is a person who transforms business and personal experiences into knowledge through capturing, assessing, applying, sharing and disseminating it within the organization to solve specific problems to create value.

Types of knowledge Worker

There are two types of Knowledge Worker

1. Core knowledge workers are those in specific ‘knowledge Management ‘roles. E.g.: Knowledge Managers, knowledge Analysts, Chief information officers 2. Everyone Else constitutes all the other knowledge workers-doctors, nurses, managers and pharmacists. In short every one engaged in some form of ‘knowledge work’

7.How to avoid pitfalls and obstacles during Knowledge Management Implementation:

n Educate and communicate

n When assessing an opportunity that requires people’s time give a plan of action back designed to fix their problem and deliver on that plan by exceeding expectations. (ROT) return on time. This builds creditability & trust. People spread good news and bad news with the same enthusiasm.

n Don’t become discouraged with push back. Exercise the 20 – 30 – 50 rule. 20 % of the culture will be willing to change; 30 % will resist change, and 50 % will be undecided. Focus on the 50 % undecided.

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n Don’t become discouraged with push back. Exercise the 20 – 30 – 50 rule. 20 % of the culture will be willing to change; 30 % will resist change, and 50 % will be undecided. Focus on the 50 % undecided.

n Give rave recognition to the 20% that are participating and the 50 % will soon follow. After 70% of the organization has crossed over the 30% will stand so far outside the circle they will be obligated to join or lose creditability.

7.Explain the Action Research Process? [VTU Dec 09,June11]

Action Research refers to a change process based on the systematic collection of data & then selection of a change action based on what the analyzed data indicate. It provides scientific methodology for managing the planned change.


The Process consists of 5 steps:

vDiagnosis. vAnalysis. vFeedback. vAction. vEvaluation.


ü The research is actually carried out by a change agent-who is generally an outside consultant.

ü He gathers information about problems ,concerns,& needed changes from members of the org.

ü The change agent Asks questions,interviews employees,reviews records,& listens to the concerns of employees.

ANALYSIS ü Diagnosis is followed by analysis. ü It deals with what problems do people key in on? ü What patterns do these problems seem to take? ü The change agent synthesize this information into primary concerns ,problem

areas, 7possible actions FEEDBACK

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ü It requires sharing with employees what has found from steps one & two. ü The employees with the help of the change agent, develop action plans for bringing

about any needed change. ACTION

ü The employees & the change agent carry out the specific actions to correct the problems that have been identified.

EVALUATION ü Evaluation of the action plan is done in order to determine its effectiveness. ü Using the initial date gathered as a benchmark, any subsequent changes can be

compared & evaluated.

7. EExxppllaaiinn tthhee Seven stage Model? [VTU June11]

Ronald Lippit,Jeanne watson,and Bruce Westley,expanded 3 stage model into… 7

stage Model representing the consulting process.

The Seven Phases are as follows……….

Phase1:Developing a need for change. This phase corresponds to Lewin’s unfreezing


Phase2:Establishing a change relationship. In this phase a client system in need of

help & a change agent from outside the system establish a working relationship.

Phase3:clarifying or diagnosing the client system’s problem

Phase4:Examing Alternative routes & goals, establishing & intentions of actions.

Phase5:Transforming intentions into actual change efforts. Phase 3,4,&5 correspond

to Lewins moving phase

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Phase6:Generalizing & stabilizing change. This phase corresponds to Lewins

Refreezing Phase

Phase7:Achieving a terminal relationship, that is terminating the client-consultant


9.Explain the Change Process? [VTU Dec 09,June11]

Factors in Managing Change:

l Confusion :A mental state characterized by disorientation regarding time, place, or lack of orderly thought

l Anxiety :Anxiety is a multi system response to a perceived threat or Change

l Resistance: A force that tends to oppose or retard motion.

l Frustration : Refers to the state of someone who denies himself, or who is denied,

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l Treadmill: A monotonous task or set of tasks seeming to have no end.

l Inertia : The tendency of resisting acceleration.

9.Describe John P Kotter's 'eight steps to Successful to change? [VTU Dec 09,June10]

l Increase urgency - inspire people to move, make objectives real and relevant.

l Build the guiding team - get the right people in place with the right emotional commitment, and the right mix of skills and levels.

l Get the vision right - get the team to establish a simple vision and strategy focus on emotional and creative aspects necessary to drive service and efficiency.

l Communicate for buy-in - Involve as many people as possible, communicate the essentials, simply, and to appeal and respond to people's needs. De-clutter communications - make technology work for you rather than against.

l Empower actions - Remove obstacles, enable constructive feedback and lots of support from leaders - reward and recognize progress and achievements.

l Create short-term wins - Set aims that are easy to achieve - in bite-size chunks. Manageable numbers of initiatives. Finish current stages before starting new ones.

l Don't let up - Foster and encourage determination and persistence - ongoing change - encourage ongoing progress reporting - highlight achieved and future milestones.

l Make change stick - Reinforce the value of successful change via recruitment, promotion, new change leaders. Weave change into culture.


Managerial options for implementing the change process are:

Ø Top –Down Approach. Ø Laissez-Faire Approach. Ø Collaborative Approach.

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TOP-DOWN APPROACH Ø In this approach the solutions or decisions are arrived at by the people at the

top. Ø They are passed down the formal channels of communication & control in a

unilateral manner. Ø These changes focus on the tangibles.

Two assumptions under this approach. To organizational change are: Ø The reasons for the existing behaviors in an organization (Low performance,

high absenteeism, low productivity rate) Ø Can be traced to single tangible factor. Ø The overall system can be changed by changing these tangible causes of

existing behaviors. Ø Thus if one changes the existing structures, systems, & procedures it leads to

the basic change sin the organization. Ø The second assumption is that change is a coercion-compliance phenomenon

i.e. the change process is approached with the basic assumption that some people initiate changes while others get changed.

Advantages Ø A top down strategy of change is effective provided the change initiator has

considerable power (coercive, charismatic power) Ø The advantage of this strategy is that change is quick and speedy. Ø Last option for managers when other strategies don’t work. Ø People do not like to be coerced. Ø Changes in behavior are only superficial. Ø Moreover, in coercing people to change certain relevant change-related

issues(interests of coalitions, fears of losing control over self) may get ignored and may crate problems in the long run.

LAISSEZ-FAIRE APPROACH Assumptions Ø Systems can change only when its members change. Ø People are primarily rational beings who follow their rational self interests. Ø They will change in a particular direction only when they realize that it is

advantageous to change. Ø Hence to bring about change we should provide enough information to make

rational choices. Consequences Ø It delegates much responsibility for defining and acting upon problems to the

subordinates. Ø The common forms of this approach that takes in the organizations are:

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· Communication Meetings · Work Shops. · Conferences · Training Programmes · Decision Making Skills– Participants would be learning these skills,

later would be using in concrete organizational situations. · Annual Conferences & Meetings

· Meetings- In which executives can exchange information and clarify

issues ,with the assumption that it would improve overall organizational performance.

Drawbacks Ø It is very slow process. Ø It is uneconomical. Ø It is a time consuming process. Ø It is applicable if the organization is large, with large number of people who

should be affected to bring about change.

COLLABORATIVE APPROACH Ø The approach that deals with the superiors and the subordinates. Ø It involves sharing of the power b/w the superiors and subordinates in terms of

jointly defining the problems and developing the solutions. Assumptions Ø Organisational systems & structures, which need to be changed, are not mere

mechanical procedures, or exhibits, in the organizational chart. Rather Ø They are defined by the patterns of behaviors & practices which are rooted by

the patterns of behaviors and practices, which are rooted in the socio-cultural norms, values, & attitudes of the people.

Ø The collaboration b/w the superiors and the subordinates is creating the change Ø The role of the superior and the subordinate are different.

Role of a Superior. Ø To provide a broad perspective to guide the process and direction of change. Ø He will highlight the problems which require the organization attention. Ø Invites participation to solve problems.

Advantages Ø It increases the commitment of people to change. Ø It provides the opportunity for bringing out and working on these underlying

factors which are likely to cause resistance of change Ø The change in this approach cannot be brought by force but but can be

achieved only when people feel secure, motivated and empowered enough to

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review and question the existing practices, experiment evolve and develop commitment, with the new ones

Ø They have an active role in the design, direction and implementation of the change process.

Ø Research Evidence on an organizational change reveal that collaborative approach is more successful than the other two.

Ø OD approaches to planned organizational change are primarily based on the principle of collaborative approach.

Disadvantages/Demerits Ø It is time consuming process. Ø It is expensive approach to change. Ø More emphasis on collaboration and sharing can also deter the organization

from its primary economic goals. Ø This approach requires sophisticated social and behavioral process skills from

the managers. 10.Explain The Guidelines for facilitating change? [VTU Dec09]

I. Unfreezing the system

II. Facilitating the movement III. Re-establishing the equilibrium

I. Unfreezing the system Strategies those are useful in creating the conditions for change Process: A. Creating Dissonance: Ø People should be aware about “What is" and “what should be” Ø If organization is highlighting the deficiencies in its performance, then it will

stimulate people to start questioning the present ways of functioning. Ex: In sales and Promotion, Customer complaints and perceptions, findings of Satisfaction surveys, stimulates people to start questioning the present ways of Functioning.

B. Sharing information Ø According to Jan Carlzon”An individual without information cannot take

responsibility; and the individual who is given information cannot help but take responsibility.

Ø Giving information makes people aware of the problems, feel more secure, source of empowerment.

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Ø People tend to look at themselves as proactive agents of change, and not merely the recipients of the impact of change.

C. Creating Contacts with external world Ø Information from outside world provides comparisons around which people

can focus their problem –sensing/solving energies. Ex: Depute their executives to external conferences & training courses, invite outside Experts from various fields to share their experiences .

D. Enlisting Top management support Ø Commitment of Corporate leaders increases the sense of comfort with change

among the people. Ø Strong people can increase the pressure within the organization. Ø Expectations for change by leaders have a determining influence on the

outcomes of change. E. Reward For change efforts Ø Change looks more attractive if it is rewarded. Ø It is useful to build rewards for change efforts put in by the employees. (Eg:

Suggestions, Proposals) Ø Rewards are viewed as a formal recognition of efforts by the Ø It is not necessary to give tangible rewards even the intangible ones have an

encouraging impact. Ø They also give credibility to the organization's resolve to change.

II. Facilitating the Movement Mangers may find the following strategies useful in managing the transition A. Establishing clear Goals. Ø Goals give the direction for change efforts. Ø People change only when there is a clear purpose for changing. Ø Goals should be defined in a manner which specifies the broad direction of

change without insisting on a specific solution. B. Involving people in change. Ø Broad vision, greater participation from people – greater is the commitment

for change. Ø By encouraging people to participate in the process of diagnosing &

discovering solutions to problems, not only empowers the people, but also helps them to surface and work through the cultural and political fallouts of change.

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C. Focusing on the total system. Ø Change in one subsystem affects the entire system. Ø Manger has to focus his /her efforts on the total organization. Ø Ex: Change in technology Ø It is necessary to integrate the consequent changes which are likely to occur in

roles, & structure, culture, relationships, informal power hierarchy. D. Developing Support Systems. Ø Systems should be created so that people could feel comfortable both

psychologically and professionally, feel at ease with the changes. Ø It is also necessary to develop competencies for dealing with the change

process. Ex: Development of various skills, opening of multiple channels of two-way

communication, counseling III. Re establishing the Equilibrium A. Rewarding/celebrating desired behavior Ø Reinforce desired behaviors.

Ø Ignore/discourage undesirable behaviors.

B. Planning for incremental success. Ø Organization wide change occurs in incremental small steps. Ø The initial success of change in some units/departments can become a

“developmental laboratory” for other units. Merits: ü Minimizes the cost. ü Low failures. ü Better control.

C. Creating Social Bonds Ø Most of the organizational changes have the potential of disrupting the

existing patterns of group dynamics. Ø Changes in Structure, location, shifts reporting relationships etc do change the

existing nature of social relationships which can create a sense of discomfort with the new set up.

Ø Team building (exercises, increased social interaction parties) can be useful for building and strengthening the social bonds.

D. Institutionalizing the change Ø Formalization of the new practices & processes into stable systems.. Ø It is essential to structure the changes that are initiated through informal means.

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Ø Formalization & institutionalization are the end products of the change process.

11.What do you mean by Resistance to change? [VTU Dec 10,June11] Resistance is not all bad. Resistance: · Forces management to check and recheck the proposals. · Helps identify specific problem areas where change is likely to cause

difficulty. · Gives management information about the intensity of employee emotions on

the issues. · Provides a means of release of emotions. This causes employees to think and

talk more about the changes. Ø “The trouble with the future is that it usually arrives before we’re ready for it.”

12.Why People Resist Change? [VTU Dec 09,June11]

Ø Habits – We are creatures of habit. Ø Fear of the unknown. Ø Security – The higher the need for security, the stronger the resistance. Ø Economic factors. Ø Selective information processing – We all have our own ideas of what is right.

13.Why Do Organizations Resist Change? [VTU Dec 09,June11]

Ø Group inertia – Peer pressure, group norms. Ø Security. Ø Threat to established power relationships. Ø Threat to established resource allocations. Ø Limited focus of change – Change affects others in the organization. Ø Poor communication. Ø Threat to expertise.

14.Explain the Forms of Resistance to Change? [VTU ,June12]

Ø Overt and immediate • Voicing complaints, engaging in job actions

Ø Implicit and deferred • Loss of employee loyalty and motivation, increased errors or mistakes,

increased absenteeism

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15. Explain the types of Resistance to Change? [VTU Dec 09,June11]

Resistance to change is of 2 types namely Ø Individual resistance Ø Organisational resistance

Individual resistance

• Individual sources of resistance to change reside in human characteristics such as perceptions, personalities, & needs.

Five reasons why individuals resist change: Ø Habit

· To cope up with the complexity, we all rely on habits or programmed responses

· When confronted with change this tendency to respond in our accustomed ways becomes our source of resistance.

Ø Security

· People with high need of security are likely to resist change because it threatens their feelings of safety. E.g.: When companies introduce new technology, many employees at

these firms may fear that they may lose the jobs.

Ø Economic Factors

· People have fear that changes will lower one’s income · Changes in jobs tasks or established work routines arouse economic fears

if people are concerned that they wont be able to perform the new tasks to their previous stds

· When pay is closely tied to productivity the fear is greater.. Ø Selective information Processing

· Individuals shape their world through their perceptions · Individuals are selective in nature. · They accept the information what they need & ignore the information that

is not needed. Organisational resistance Ø Structural Inertia

· Orgs have built in mechanisms to produce stability. · Eg: 1.Selection Process– systematically selects certain people in & out. · Eg 2.Training & Socialization techniques– reinforce specific requirements

& skills.

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· Eg 3.Formalization– provides job descriptions, rules,& procedures for employees to follow.

· People who are hired into an org are chosen for fit; they are then chosen for fit, they are then shaped & directed to behave in certain ways

· When an organisation is confronted with change this structural inertia acts as a counterbalance to sustain stability.

Ø Limited Focus of Change

· Organizations are made up of a number of interdependent subsystems. · It is difficult t change one subsystem without affect in the others. · Eg:If management changes the technological processes without changing

the org structure, change in technology is not accepted. · So limited changes in subsystems tend to get nullified by the larger

subsystem. Ø Group inertia

· Even individuals want to change their behavior; group norms may act as a constraint.

· E.g.: An individual union member, may be willing to change to accept changes in his job suggested by the management. But if union norms dictate resist in any change made by management, he is likely to resist.

Ø Threat to expertise · Changes in organisational patterns may threaten the expertise of

specialised groups · Introduction of decentralised personal computers ,which allow for

managers to gain access to information directly from a company mainframe.Because decentralised end user computing was a threat to specialised skills held by those in the centralized information departments.

Ø Threat to Established Power Relationships

· Any redistribution of decision making authority can threaten long established power relationships within the org.

· Eg:Participative decision making & self managed work teams is a kind of change that is often threatening by supervisors & middle managers.

Ø Threat to establish Resource Relationships

· Benefit from the current allocation of resources often feel threatened by changes that may affect future allocation

15. Describe the Techniques for Developing Support and Reducing Resistance? [VTUJune11]

Ø Education and communication Ø Participation and involvement Ø Facilitative support

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Ø Emotional support Ø Incentives Ø Manipulation and co-optation Ø Coercion

16. Describe the Techniques for Overcoming Resistance to Change? (VTU June 12) Education & Communication Ø Information on the change Ø When the change will be introduced Ø How the change will be introduced Ø Why the change is necessary Ø Logic behind the change Ø Objectives that the change is expected to accomplish

Participation & Involvement Ø Help define need Ø Help define objectives Ø Help define change Ø Help define change process Ø Help lead change process Ø Participate in trials

Facilitative Support Ø Time Ø Skills training Ø Funding Ø Consultation Ø Hardware Ø Software Ø Infrastructure Ø Other

Emotional Support Ø Information on common reactions Ø Reasonable goals Ø Expectation of and support for anxiety Ø Understanding Ø Formal programs

Incentives and Rewards Ø Responsibility Ø Challenge Ø Growth opportunity Ø Visibility

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Ø Intrinsic rewards Ø Financial rewards Ø Recognition Ø Promotion

Manipulation & Co-optation Ø Manipulation of information provided to make change look promising Ø False promises of support Ø Incentives that become bribes Ø Figurehead roles to co-opt resistance

Coercion Ø Support change or lose pay opportunities Ø Support change or lose job Ø Support change or not get promoted Ø Support change or be embarrassed Ø Participants have expertise to make a meaningful contribution. Ø Involvement can reduce resistance, obtain commitment,& increase the quality

of change decision. Facilitation & Support Ø Change agents can offer a range of supportive efforts to reduce resistance. Ø When employees fear & anxiety are high, employee counseling ,new skills

training may facilitate adjustments. Negotiation Ø Another way for the change agent to deal with potential resistance to change is

exchange something of valve for a lessening of the resistance. Manipulation & Co optation: Ø It refers to covert influence attempts. Ø Eg:1.Twisting & distorting facts to make them appear more attractive. Ø Eg 2.Withholding the information Ø Co optation– is a forma of both manipulation & participation It seeks to buy off

the leaders of a resistance group by giving them a role in the change decision.. 16. Define Coercion? [VTU Dec 09,June11]

Coercion refers to the application of direct threats or force on the resisters.

Eg: Threats of transfer, loss of promotions, negative performance. 17. What is Politics of change? [VTU Dec 10,June12]

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Ø Politics suggests that change is more likely to come from outside agents, new employees in the org,or from managers removed from the main power structure

Ø Managers who have spent their entire careers in one org & eventually achieve a senior position in the hierarchy are often impediments to the change process.

Ø Power determines to a greater extent the speed & quality of change. 18. Define Fear of unknown? [VTU Dec 09,June11]

Ø Changes substitute ambiguity & uncertainty for the known Ø Employees in the org hold dislike for uncertainty Ø Eg: the introduction of quality management means production workers will

have to learn statistical process control techniques, some fear they’ll be unable to do so. Hence they develop negative attitude toward a quality management program or behave dysfunctional if required to use statistical techniques.

19.Explain OD Techniques Directed at Organizational Level? [VTU Dec10,June11]

Ø Confrontation meeting Ø All managers meet to discuss whether goals are being effectively met Ø Free and open discussion of the situation Ø Change consultant divides managers into groups of 7-8 who discuss situation

& report back Ø Problems are categorized Ø Task forces are formed

OOrrggaanniizzaattiioonnaall DDeevveellooppmmeenntt Ø Respect for people Ø Trust and support Ø Power equalization Ø Confrontation Ø Participation

OD Techniques directed at Individuals Ø Counseling- to improve acceptance of diversity Ø Group training- on differences in perceptions Ø Trained consultants teach managers social skills

FFiivvee OODD IInntteerrvveennttiioonnss Ø Intergroup development Ø Process consultation

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Ø Sensitivity training Ø Survey feedback Ø Team building

20. Explain OD Techniques Directed at Groups? [VTU Dec 09,June11]

Ø Intragroup training Team building

• Goal is to improve the way the group works together & establish task & role relationships

Ø Intergroup training Mirroring

• Team building between functions or divisions in order to increase levels of cooperation

• Each group voices grievances & perceptions & then task forces are established to deal with problems that surface

People focused interventions OD has focused/emphasized 5 specific people focused interventions Ø Sensitivity Training Ø Survey Feedback Ø Process Consultation Ø Team Building Ø Intergroup Development

21.What is Sensitivity training? [VTU Dec 09,June11]

Ø Also called as sensitivity training, encounter groups or Tgroups(training groups).

Ø It refers to the method of changing the behavior through unstructured group interaction.

Ø The group is process oriented which means that individuals learn through observing & participating rather than being told.

Ø Members are brought together in a free and open environment in which participants discuss themselves & their interactive processes, loosely directed by a professional behavioural scientist.

Ø The professional creates an opportunity to express their ideas, beliefs & attitudes.

22.What are the Objectives of T Groups? [VTU Dec 09,June11]

Ø The objectives of T groups are to provide the subjects with increased awareness of their own behavior,& how others perceive them greater

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sensitivity to the behavior of others & increased understanding of group processes.

Ø Specific Results would include: · Increased ability to emphasize others. · Improved Listening Skills. · Greater Openness.

Ø Increased tolerance of individual differences. Ø Improved Conflict Resolution Skills. Ø If individuals lack awareness of how others perceive them, then the successful

T –group can affect more realistic self perceptions, greater group cohesiveness,& reduction in dysfunctional interpersonal conflicts.

Ø It will ideally result in a better integration b/w the individual & the organization.

23.Explain Survey Feedback? [VTU June12]

Ø One tool for assessing attitudes held by organisational members ,identifying discrepancies among member perceptions ,& solving these differences is the survey feedback approach.

Ø Everybody can participate in feedback Approach. Ø The key important factor is a organisational family---- consisting of a manager

of any given unit & those employees who directly reporto him/her. Ø The questionnaire typically asks members for their perceptions & attitudes on

a broad range odf topics including · Decision making Practices. · Communication Effectiveness. · Co-ordination b/w units. · Satisfaction with the organisation, job, peers & their immediate


Ø Data from this questionnaire are tabulated with data pertaining to an individuals specific “family” & to the entire organisation & distributed to the employees.

· These data then become the basis for identifying problems & clarifying issues that may be creating difficulties for people.

· Manger may be counseled by the external change agent. · Particular attention is given to the importance of encouraging

discussions. · Discussions should focus on issues & ideas &n not on attacking

individuals. · Finally group discussion in the survey feedback approach should result

in members identifying possible implications of the questionnaires findings.

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Implications of the questionnaire’s findings Ø Are people listening? Ø Are new ideas being generated? Ø Can decision making ,interpersonal relations ,or job assignments be improved? Ø The answers to these findings would be solutions to the problems.

24.Explain Process Consultation? [VTU Dec 11,June11]

Ø The Purpose of process consultation is for an outside consultant to assist a client ,usually a manger to perceive ,understand and act on process events with which he/she must deal.

Ø Process events such as: 1. Work Flow 2. Informal relationships. 3. Formal Communication Channels.

Assumption of the process Consultation Ø Organisational effectiveness can be improved by dealing with interpersonal

problems, Ø Its emphasis is on involvement. Ø Process Consultation is more task Oriented than sensitivity training. Ø PC is handled by the consultants.

25. What are the Roles of a consultant? [VTU June11]

Ø It gives the clients into what is going on around them, within them, & b/w them & other people

Ø They do not solve organization problems. Ø Rather the consultant is a guide or coach who advises on the process to help

the clients solve their own problems. Ø The consultant works with the client in jointly diagnosing what processes need

improvement. Ø The emphasis is on jointly, because the client develops a skill at analyzing

process. Ø The client actively participates in both the diagnosis & development of

alternatives Ø This will give greater understanding of the process & less resistance to the

action plan.

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26.State the Skills of a Process Consultant? [VTU Dec 09,June11]

Ø Need not be an expert in solving the particular problem that is identified Ø The consultants’ expertise lies in diagnosis & developing a helping

relationship. 27. What do we need to succeed in changing our organizations? [VTU Dec 09,June11]

• Leadership

• Articulated Purpose

• Focus on Service Quality

• Implement SIPOC Process

• Use Multidimensional Strategic Framework – planning, scorecard

• Understand the place & value of assessment

• Closing the Assessment Loop (act on) 28. Culture of Assessment – can it change organizational culture? [VTU Dec 09,June11]

• Catalyst

• Force for change

• Enhances customer focus

• Needs to be part of a framework – SIPOC, Balanced Scorecard, organizational planning

• Helps organizational learning

• Be part of a visible decision making loop

• Essential - without assessment how do we know what is needed & where we are going?

29. What Is Organizational Culture? [VTU Dec 09,June11] Shared Assumptions Ø Underlying thoughts and feelings that members of a culture take for granted

and believe to be true Shared Values A value is

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Ø A basic belief about a condition Ø That has considerable importance and meaning to individuals Ø Stable over time

A value system comprises Multiple beliefs that are compatible and support one another Some Value Statements

from the Organizational Culture Profile

30. Explain The Functions of Culture? [VTU Dec 10June11]

Ø Culture provides patterns of cognitive perceptions or understanding about the values or beliefs held by the organization.

Ø It also provides shared patterns of feelings to the organizational members to make them know what they are expected to value and feel.

Ø It provides a boundary that creates distinctions b/w one organization & other. Ø Culture facilitates the generation of commitment to something larger than

one’s individual self interest. Ø It enhances the social stability by holding the organizational members together

by providing them appropriate standards for which the member should stand for.

Ø It serves as a control mechanism that guides and shapes the attitudes and behavior of organizational members.

Ø Culture finally ensures that everyone is pointed in the same direction.