Download - Mayor s Engaged City Task Force · Quick Start Sign Off – Saturday, March 1, 2013 11:00 am Check In & Welcome (Gregor) 11:15 pm Quick Start Review Full group – explanation of

Page 1: Mayor s Engaged City Task Force · Quick Start Sign Off – Saturday, March 1, 2013 11:00 am Check In & Welcome (Gregor) 11:15 pm Quick Start Review Full group – explanation of

Mayor’s Engaged City Task Force Orientation & Work Planning – Thursday, January 17, 2013

2:00 pm Welcome (Gregor)

2:15 pm Mystery Shopping De-brief (Andrea)

2:30 pm Presentations & Feedback Vancouver Foundation Research (Catherine) CoV Engagement Work Plan & Healthy City Work

Plan (Tracy); Events & pilots (Andrea)

3:45 pm Break

4:00 pm Quick Starts Timeline and process including criteria for a quick

start incl. how quickly does it have to show results & how to involve public in generating and/or feedback

4:45 pm Work Plan What does success look like? If that is what success looks like (the mission) what

are the main goals that would achieve it? What’s the best structure for this work?

5:10 pm Closing and review of next steps Review what the next steps are for quick starts and

main report Establish who is responsible & meeting schedule Final round of questions

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1. Split in three sub‐committees  

Group 1 City to Residents, Residents to City 

increased literacy of, and opportunities for engaging in, City processes and resource allocations 

enhancing how the City engages with citizens, and vice versa 

enhancing democratic decision making process (including elections/democracy)  

Colleen, Dennis, Elisa, Jennifer, Lyndsay, Peter, Scott, Tara, Tessica 

Group 2 Neighbour to Neighbour 

neighbour to neighbour engagement  Curtis, Lizzy, Meharoona, Olive, Richard, Sam  

Group 3 Communication Support 

Support the task force by providing: 

a plan for communicating the work the Engaged City Task Force is doing in an ongoing way to the public (ie. not just media hits) 

a public engagement "quick start" (or plan) for how the public will be involved in developing the final report of the ECTF to council  

In addition, Group 3 is tasked with providing a recommendation on the best way, and timing for, engaging the unsuccessful ECTF applicants in ongoing work. 

Catherine, Julien, Lizzy, Meharoona (may leave ‐ weighing whether to join group 2, 

3 or both), Olive, Tara, Tessica 


2. Sub‐committees to undertake work as follows 

Who?  What?   By When? Task force members 

Need a volunteer from each sub‐committee to act as a convener  

January 21 

Andrea  Compile all ideas generated by task force & received from public, staff, electeds and distribute  

January 22 

Andrea  ID a staff liaison for each sub‐committee  January 22 Sub‐committees  Review all potential quick starts against criteria, rank list and 

prepare recommendations for a prioritized list to full task force 

Btwn Jan 22 and  

Sub‐committees  Provide recommendations to full task force to review   February 16th Full task force  Meet as a task force to sign off on final quick start list  February 23rd 



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What does a successful quick start look like? 

Measurables    How it makes people feel   

Launchable mid‐March, June at the latest    City Hall is open, responsive, approachable   

Produce some results by October    They can *see* the quick start   

Ease of implementation (uses existing assets) + a good “bang for buck” (wide impact) 

  It’s easy  

for anyone to participate 

to see emotional return on investment 

to understand how it would improve their engagement with City or neighbours 


Evidence‐based approach that prioritizes addressing “weaknesses” 

  Immediate smile! The “happy factor”. Emotional impact. 


Enables learning for future engagement work    They want to talk to others about it   

Enables multi‐sectoral partnerships    Like they are in a two‐way conversation   

Win‐win‐win: prioritize actions that produce outcomes for all three main objectives 

  Access to Mayor, access to Councillors   

Sustainability past life of quick start  (incl. fit with city structure) 


Generates good news stories       



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Big Surprises (from Vancouver Foundation research presentation) 

Biggest reason people don’t engage is that they feel they have “Nothing to Offer” 

Chinese residents are less engaged in high Chinese resident areas, which is the opposite of all 

other disaggregated language groups in the research 

Southeast is the worst of the 5 areas, even though it includes Renfrew Collingwood which we 

perceive to have very high engagement, capacity to build engagement 

Surprised by how uniform concerns are across demographics and geographics, how “time” was 

not identified as a significant barrier to engagement 


Big Questions  

“Meta questions” inspired by the presentations and the day’s conversations 

What are the root causes of engagement gaps?  

Why do people feel they have nothing to offer? 

City as service provider? And/or City as activator and convener?  

Are we treating people as consumers or citizens? 

What are the goals for engagement and how do we measure them? 

How can the City encourage trust and connectivity among neighbours? 

Where is the City creating space for the conversations? 

How do we foster informal encounters with the City? 

What is the “invitation”? Does it provide people with the information they need to know what 

they can offer in the context the invitation is given? 

Should we look at the 5 “sectors” used in the Vancouver Foundation as having different needs, 

and therefore solutions? Should highest need (southeast) sector be highest priority? 

What City functions are best dealt within a neighbourhood? Can we take city committee 

meetings and/or Council meetings out into neighbourhoods? 

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Mayor’s Engaged City Task Force Quick Start Sign Off – Saturday, March 1, 2013

11:00 am Check In & Welcome (Gregor)

11:15 pm Quick Start Review Full group – explanation of each item on

Consolidated list (GREEN)

12:00 pm Quick Start Marking (Part 1) Small groups – agreement on Marking Sheet (YELLOW)

Note: refer to Quick Start Criteria (ORANGE)

12:30 pm Good Bomb Break Lunch and learn with Ben Scott from Good Bomb

1:00 pm Quick Start Marking (Part 2) Big group – review marks and finalize list Celebrate!

1:30 pm Next Steps Writing the Quick Start Report: one lead from each

group Proposal for three more full task force meetings Ongoing Group work Definition of Engagement (?) Communications: who speaks for the Task Force?

1:55 pm Closing Final round of questions

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Mayor’s Engaged City Task Force Launch Planning + The 3 D’s – Thursday, April 18, 2013 4:30 pm Check In & Welcome (Gregor)

4:45 pm D1: Development Staff presentation; Q&A Next steps

Background information on community planning and rezoning at:

6:00 pm Dinner!! (Food will be provided) And…. a word from 311

311 manager - Q and A session

6:30 pm D2: Digital Strategy Staff presentation; Q&A Next steps

Digital strategy online at:

7:30 pm D3: Definition Survey responses Next steps

7:50 pm Quick Start Launch (Kevin) The Plan & Task List run down Let’s go!

8:15 pm Next Steps Ongoing Group work May task force meeting: the plan May SFU/Dave Meslin event

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8:25 pm Closing Final round of questions

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WRITEBOARD – MAIN PROJECT PAGE: Summary notes from April 18 meeting Presentations: We heard from 3 city depts about development process, 3-1-1, and the digital strategy - see documents for copies of the presentations.

• See Group 1’s writeboard for development process discussion.

• 3-1-1 - are there opportunities to improve 3-1-1? is there a need to increase awareness of 3-1-1?

• Digital Strategy - Are there opportunities to move dig strategies initiatives forward or leverage them for the engagement problems identified?

Launch of quick starts:  

• Waiting for after the provincial election to launch publically. 

• Small group will present to CMT prior [ACTION - date to be determined, Kevin and Andrea to set up] 

Outreach activities and ideas (related to both quick starts release and gathering info for final report): 

• Go live with Ideascale platform to gather ideas from the public focused on three questions (see group 3 writeboard) 

• City Engagement team Twitter account – Tara and Lizzy to share responsibility 

• Do-it-yourself dinner party tips, translated 

• Existing Task force web page to be enhanced with ideascale widget and can also have twitter feeds - Tracy to coordinate with Group 3 

• Use Public Engagement department’s email during campaign:[email protected] 

• Posters 

• New idea: Car-free day booth presence 

Next steps – Phase 2, Toward a framework of transformation: Group 1 

• Coordinate and meet with UDP, UDI and NSV to further investigate opportunities to improve city to resident engagement 

• Share meeting details for anyone who wants to join 

• Post summary notes on basecamp 

• Draft roles, responsibilities and rights (see developer writeboard on group 1 project page) 

 Group 2 

• Andrea to send list of potential presenters for May 22 focused on enhancing neighbour to neighbour connection 

• Group 2 develop criteria for selection for May 22 presenters  

• Meet/converse with groups/people to determine suitability 

• Post summary notes of each meeting and final selection of presenters 

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• Coordinate about 12 presenters for Dragon’s Den event May 22 (2-2.5 hours): Agenda for the evening – presenters, report out from group 1, reflection time 

 Group 3 

• Work with Kevin to coordinate timing of quick starts launch 

• Propose final definition for engagement (end of April) – Tracy to send survey results 

• Develop key content for communications – including text for webpage and 

• Write do-it-yourself dinner party tips 

• Coordinate translation of specified materials 

• Launch and moderate ideascale and twitter 

 WRITEBOARD – GROUP ! PROJECT PAGE: Development Process Considerations  Theory: Contentious projects have a better chance of keeping trust and seeing a positive outcome if the developer is proactive and engages with the community prior to application (with full drawings).  What can the planner do? At the initial enquiry stage planners let the enquirer know, in confidence, if their project is viable to pursue given the existing community, policy, and council direction. If it is, the planner may recommend that the enquirer engage with the community before-hand, especially if the project is quite different from the existing policy.  Things to explore: 

• is there a way to regulate this final step in certain conditions 

• what do developers need to support engagement efforts? recommended steps? community org contacts? 


Rights and Responsibilities in Development Process ‐ identified from staff presentation and discussions afterwards (not a complete list) 


Community Rights             

• $$ created by density/zoning 

• Fair process 

• To input 

Responsibilities   Proponent   Rights 

• Fair process 

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• To make proposal they want 

Responsibilities  Staff     Rights 

• Refuse to recommend if outside policy   


• Legal (laid out in charter) 

• To recommend if within policy  

 Council Rights 

• Refuse to recommend if outside policy   


• Legal  

 WRITEBOARD - GROUP 3 PROJECT PAGE - Framing the problem and Questions to pose to the public How do we become more connected to our neighbours and our communities? How do we double voter turnout in Vancouver’s next municipal election? How do we make the relationship between City Hall and residents more inviting and easier to understand?  In order to support communications and outreach, it would be useful to give some group thought to framing the problem and identifying objectives for selecting solutions.  

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Mayor’s Engaged City Task Force This is What Success Looks Like: Defining What, How, and Who for the Final Report Wednesday, May 22, 2013 – 4:30 to 8:30 pm @ City Hall

4:30 pm Check In & Welcome

4:45 pm Imagining success What does an engaged city looks like?

5:15 pm Measuring Success Review definition If that is what a success looks like how will staff and

citizens be able to measure progress towards it?

6:15 pm Dinner (Food will be provided) + presentation on quick start roll out plan

Kevin to go over next steps on quick start announcements

Q & A

7:00 pm Key Constituencies & Group Commitments Who needs to be engaged in developing the

strategies (the how) to reach the metrics (the what) identified above?

What commitment will you make to facilitate the involvement of those constituencies in the creation of the final report?

8:15 pm Next Steps Quick Start Report to Council (May 28/29) May SFU/Dave Meslin event (May 30) June & July meeting dates

8:25 pm Closing Final round of questions

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Mayor’s Engaged City Task Force Regrouping Monday, June 24, 2013 – 4:30 to 8:30 pm @ City Hall (1st Floor Town Hall)

4:30 pm Check In & Welcome

4:40 pm Quick Start De-Brief Reflections on Council discussion Update from staff on next steps

5:00 pm Phase 2 Timelines & Process Proposal Proposal from “Kirin Working Group” on changes to

timeline, process moving forward Discussion Finalize agreements and next steps

6:30 pm Dinner Break (Food will be provided)

7:00 pm Check Ins Debrief on SFU/Meslin event (May 30) Debrief on City Conversations event (June 20) Check in on June 29 Youth Engagement Event Anything else?

8:00 pm Closing Final round of questions Reiterate Next Steps

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Purpose: The group focused on the timeline and key actions leading to the final report

Draft timeline agreed to:

1. Draft report structure before July 17 – to discuss at next meeting 2. Events/Engagement in July (dates booked by last week of June) 3. Synthesize public feedback/research in August 4. Draft report written, signed off and designed by end of September 5. Public consultation of report Oct to mid Nov 6. Council late Nov

Actions in July:

Below are a list of engagement/research actions brainstormed by the group to occur in July. *Members are encouraged to add to this list, volunteer to support other leads identified, provide more detail for each action (such as dates booked, budget needs) and to claim actions that are unclaimed.

The goal of the actions is to discuss and gather solutions for the three foundational questions:

1. How do we become more connected to our neighbours and our communities? 2. How do we double voter turnout in Vancouver’s next municipal election? 3. How do we increase more positive and meaningful civic engagement in Vancouver?

Internal initiatives

- Develop straw dog for report structure before next meeting (Andrea) - Develop report structure (Julien and Peter) - Research city-wide perspective for engagement (Lyndsay) - Research enhancement of development process and local area planning (Lyndsay) - Research how to incorporate metrics into report (Lyndsay) - Develop salon template/framework – a resource for meetings (Colleen, Tessica, Olive)

External initiatives

- Discussion with intercultural groups (Jennifer with Collingwood NH, Paul with Gordon NH?, Catherine, Meharoona) - Design jam with all applicants to task force and immigrant community service groups (IEBC, Immigration Task Force, SUCCESS, Mosaic, etc) (Curtis, Meharoona, Mark, Martin) - Engage SUCCESS, Chinese immigrant community, Chinese media like Fairchild (Sam and Dennis) - UDI meeting (Peter and Colleen) - NSV meeting (Peter and Colleen) - Engage with strata councils and housing coops/rentals (Curtis) - Convene meeting of elector process experts (Lyndsay, Waldo?)

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- Host meeting with venue owners who have lost spaces (Tara) - Salon in Dunbar (Colleen and Elyse) - Youth dialogue (Tessica) - Be my Amigo salons (Julien) - Meet with multi-cultural advisory group – group 1 (Colleen, Lyndsay, Waldo…) - Host city staff luncheon (Olive) - Moderate Ideascale (Olive, Julien, Scott) [what is the closing date for this now? End of July?] - Twitter outreach (Tara, Lizzy)

Unclaimed ideas

- attending cultural fests, night markets, volunteer at events with questionnaires - translation - research other ‘thought-leader’ cities - research city-wide engagement tactics like citizen juries - promote ideascale - Review ideascale ideas and summarize - target currently activated community groups w development

Considerations for the final report to keep in mind during July actions:

- Include who and how we have engaged in report (so be sure to track your activities and contacts – use the google docs document) - Review existing non-quick start ideas - Tactics need accountability and timeline - Consider how metrics inform this work - Whole city perspectives - Gather and tell good news stories in the report - Engage schools

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Mayor’s Engaged City Task Force Reporting out Wednesday, July 17, 2013 – 4:30 to 8:30 pm This meeting is NOT at City Hall but at WOODWARDS downtown 4:30 pm Check In & Welcome

4:45 pm Report out from external activities (report out on ideas generated + decision-making on what to do regarding not yet started items)

Discussion with intercultural groups (Jennifer with Collingwood NH, Catherine, Meharoona)

Design jam with all applicants to task force and immigrant community service groups (IEBC, Immigration Task Force, SUCCESS, Mosaic, etc) (Curtis, Meharoona, Mark, Martin)

Engage SUCCESS, Chinese immigrant community, Chinese media like Fairchild (Sam and Dennis)

UDI meeting (Peter and Colleen) NSV meeting (Peter and Colleen) Engage with strata councils and housing coops/rentals

(Curtis) Convene meeting of elector process experts (Lyndsay) Host meeting with venue owners who have lost spaces

(Tara) Salon in Dunbar (Colleen and Elisa) Youth dialogue (Tessica) Be my Amigo salons (Julien) Meet with multi-cultural advisory group – group 1

(Colleen, Lyndsay) Host city staff luncheon (Olive) Ideascale (Olive, Julien, Scott Twitter outreach (Tara, Lizzy)

6:15 pm Dinner Break (Food will be provided)

6:45 pm Prioritizing NOTE: this is somewhat dependent on time needed for report out section above. hope is to have time to prioritize recommendations brought forward from report out

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7:45 pm Metrics Ali Grant to present work on six metrics from May

meeting agreements Q & A + feedback

8:15 pm Next Steps Final Report timelines

8:25 pm Closing Final round of questions Reiterate Next Steps

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Engaged City Task Force July 17, 2013 Minutes Check in and welcome Intercultural groups

- Meeting August 8, Collingwood Neighbourhood House - 6-8 pm with dinner - Not limited to immigrants - Groups of 4 for world café - Up to 3 questions, 20 minutes per question - Please share with networks - Flyer is done, already have a good response - Very interested because it will feed into task force work - 30-40 participants - Immigrant citizen. See what is working, what’s missing - Invite in Multicultural Advisory Committee and invite them to facilitate - On the ground immigrants to talk about neighbourhood perspective - Looking for translation help - Interpretation at event is the issue - Possibly Mosaic as event sponsor - Andrea to look for $300 money for food. A sponsor? Another councillor? - Sam & Colleen to find help with translation

Design Jam

- Friday, July 19th, 6:30 – 10:00 at the Hive - Snacks and drinks - Presentations on process – Amanda Gibbs hosting - Jackie – SFU Public Square - Julienne – Task Force Rep, why, engagement at the City. - Answering the 3 questions - Brainstorming, top 3 ideas are presented - Top ideas go to the next round - Hot dotted ideas (non contenders) get to move forward - Next 45 min refining ideas, who to implement? Money? Sign off? Why? - End with Andrea and Task Force share thoughts - Next steps - Then they’ll create a report

SUCCESS 7 broader Chinese Community and Chinese media

- Running an event in Chinese with SUCCESS and Mosaic - Broader reach - Tracy to send GC Scholar reports on engaging Chinese community - There’s a Chinese specific report from the Vancouver Foundation Report - Add Colleen to group


- Scott, Elisa, Jennifer and Colleen met with UDI

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- It was a who’s who and developers made an effort to be there - They were engaged part of discussion, opinions on what the city should do and

opportunities - Colleen to summarize notes and send around - Number 1 thing – need a clear plan in the city of Vancouver on growth and

where it will go without that vision there are challenges - Number 2 thing – no growth is not an option - Used to do need assessment within plans. Now CAC are not aligned with any

needs. Designing a process to engage residents in CAC allocation - Thought the current approach (Public amenity) is hap hazard. Do that via

neighbourhoods. Move to a real time process - They feel they do a lot and people don’t realize where it comes from - Want credit to should how where funds for amenities came from - They want a monthly address from the mayor at UDI - State of the union address - Saw issues with neighbourhood assignment of councillor

o Want to depoliticize the planning process – but planning process is already politicized

o Could it be a staff person instead? And make it known in the community?

o But the City has moved away from a neighbourhood model - “Vancouver is a model in public engagement to other cities” - Neighbourhoods are political too – i.e. Dunbar with TEAM, CEADER - Control issues from City staff. Tension of getting out earlier verses advance

from staff to hold off until they understand look at developing best practices on how to go to community and give that to UDI


- Rejected invitation to contribute - Getting a meeting has proven to be absolutely impossible - They are beyond angry. And are of the mindset that if I attend a meeting with

you I recognize that you exist and they can’t do that. - Need to meet with 3-5 community members not associated with organization - Don’t have anything from neighbourhood perspective right now, and that is a

big hole. - Planning Commission did some work last year (sustainable Vancouver) about

consultation. The Task Force could look at that report - There’s also the Dave Meslin event that had a neighbour perspective - What about a meeting with other groups that don’t deal specifically with

development like the VPSN? - Meeting with Ann McAfee - Lyndsay to set up a mtg with VPSN when she returns


- Setting something up for August - Lyndsay talked to Meslin re: voter reform in Toronto - Might be meeting with key electoral reform people in Vancouver or interviews

if an in-person meeting is too difficult to organize Venue owners who lost space

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- Tara has emailed out notes and posted them on basecamp - Good turn out to the meeting - Over 20 people came out - There was a lot of venting and a sense of emergency and frustration - Issues were mainly bylaws, permits, licencing, zoning, communication with

City, rising rents - Especially all ages venues are being pushed underground so end up in unsafe

venues - How Task Force can make a recommendations - Not sure how many ideas are in scope of Task force, need to sort out what

can/can’t be done by the City - Next steps, take-a-ways

o Continue the conversation o Venue owners want to start a group to talk about ideas and how to keep

going o Suggest some metrics for the report to move solid ideas forward o Pooling resources o Shifting paradigm (us verse them. We hate the city) let’s drop that.

- Community venue liaison to help navigate the bureaucracy - Making communication more efficient - Ex. Bar owners created organization to have a voice. That’s what the economic

development group would do Salon in Dunbar

- Planned for mid-August - Create template for neighbourhood based conversations not lead by developer

or neighbourhood organization - Meeting with Gary Pooni about Stong’s site re: how to get people engaged in

development in a positive light? Be my Amigo Salons

- Jorge is moving to Toronto August 1 - Looking at roving location for something like that, similar to the Dunbar salon

but with dinner - Won’t be branding it as “Be My Amigo” but they have asked Jorge if he could

share his contact list Staff Luncheon

- Meet with existing staff - What about retired staff? Great resource and historical reference - Decided that this should be two separate events, one with existing staff and

one with retired - Colleen to host retired staff


- 123 ideas - 1800 votes - 1000 users - Andrea thinking we need a 1000 ppl event in September to wrap up the process

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- Currently have 368 followers Youth Dialogue

- 25-30 youth showed up - Did a co-design process - Selected ideas they could vote on - Dialogue facilitated by Engaged City - Andrea has 2 stacks of letters from Charles Dickson school - Andrea to share letters about the Keys to Street project showing the power of

simple interventions Healthy City Metrics Conversation

- Lead by Ali Grant - The Healthy City Strategy has 5 areas each with a 10 year target. - Some potential targets include:

o Social support networks o Volunteerism o Voter turn out o Civic literacy o Sense of belonging

- For the metrics, they want to track via year and look down at a neighbourhood level

- Some questions will be in the My Health, My Community survey - Need to collect data on a municipal level since the Federal census data is not

useful since they overhauled the system - Metrics questions to test alignment to the Task Force. If there is relevance.

o Can it be tracked o Does it matter to the Engaged City? o Will it drive policy/culture change in the City?

Potential target #1 Increase percentage of Vancouverities with a support network of 4+ people by 15% - Trackable? Yes! - Relevant to ECTF? No, and number is an issue and need quality - Will it drive change? Yes - Ultimate goal: 0 lonely people - Conversation:

o Why 4? o Can you look at loneliness instead? o Can we repeat the Vancouver Foundation survey? o 25% are alone more often than they would like o Can we do a drop in 10%? What’s an acceptable level of loneliness? o Are we looking at more shallow relationships verse deep relations? o Quality of relationships? o Suggest indicators to start tracking o Loneliness is a better target

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Potential target #2 “Increase percentage of Vancouverites who volunteer by 25%” - Trackable? Yes! - Relevant to ECTF? Yes But needs to be more often. Are you contributing to

neighbourhood? - Will it drive change? Yes but question needs to refer to full range of activates - Ultimate goal: 100% participation - Conversation:

o Meaningful but need to push the bar o Can metric be tweaked? o Can we attach to a different data set? Ones with volunteers? o And what’s the capacity of organizations to take on new volunteers?

May not have capacity to do that. o The question is “Have you in the last year done anything to help your

neighbourhood?” which isn’t really volunteering o Might be something better for Engaged City? o What about attend events? o What are we getting at? Contribution to the social capital of the city?

None of the metrics are getting there. o Is it one target or a composite of various targets? o Canadian Community Health Survey – can’t drill down to neighbourhood

level and the questions are limited o Are these the primary measures? o Task Force will need to come up with their own numbers o Can the City pay to have the Vancouver Foundation Belonging survey

repeated every few years? o This could be a recommendation for the report o Or pattern with another organization (like Vancouver Foundation) o Want info broken down by neighbourhood

Potential Target #3 Increase municipal voter turnout to 55% (or more aspirational target of 75%)

- Trackable? Yes! - Relevant to ECTF? Yes - Will it drive change? Yes, but double it - Ultimate goal: 75% voter turn out

Potential Target #4 Trust

- Trackable? Yes! - Relevant to ECTF? Yes - Will it drive change? Yes - Ultimate goal: 85% trust neighbour, 50% trust stranger - Discussion:

o Look at urban design Public Squares Shared balconies in high rises Community design Dialogues between others

o Boost # to 85% trust of neighbours and 50% trust strangers

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Potential Target # 5: Civic Literacy - Trackable? Yes! But City needs its own method - Relevant to ECTF? Yes - Will it drive change? Yes - Ultimate goal: % aware of local event - % believe they can contribute - Conversation:

o Do you have an impact? o I know how to exert influence o Can start asking at salons o People like to contribute when they know how

Potential target #6: Belonging

- Trackable? Yes! - Relevant to ECTF? Hard to directly correlate - Will it drive change? No

o Link to peter Block’s work o Vancouver Foundation didn’t find a lot of connection between sense of

belonging and interaction with communities o People interpret that differently than they intended o People define community as people and place o Can there be a proxy like the loss of a wallet question? o What about the racially framing? o Is belonging the goal and the question is trust? o 30% of people who don’t belong? What about using a decrease target? Or o Where do you feel the strongest sense of belonging? o What about strongly or less strong o Are there places in Vancouver that you feel unwelcome? o What about looking at rootedness “ home” is elsewhere o What about responsibility? Question on that?

Updated timeline

- Draft report on Labour Day - Kevin and Andrea to write report

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Parking lot comments - “10 people in a room” template? - How do you continue “spontaneous”, organic discussions? Conversing (post Task


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Mayor’s Engaged City Task Force Final Report Review – Monday, September 30, 2013

6:00 pm Check In & Welcome (Andrea)

6:15 pm Quick Start Implementation Update (Amanda & Kevin)

6:25 pm Final Report – Overview (Kevin) Explanation of process to date Q & A “temperature check” on tone, general sense of four

categories, metrics

7:15 pm Recommendation Marking (Part 1) Small groups – agreement on Marking Sheet (YELLOW)

Note: refer to Criteria {engaged city definition + metrics} (ORANGE)

8:15 pm Recommendation Marking (Part 2) Big group – review marks and finalize list Celebrate!

8:45 pm Next Steps Finishing the Final Report: one lead from each group Launch – need people for media, council meeting,

other outreach Implementation: Engaged City Champions Network?

8:55 pm Closing Final round of questions

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Mayor’s Engaged City Task Force Meet and Greet – Monday, December 17, 2012

Package of materials for committee Committee Terms of Reference from Council motion One pager outlining Mayor, Council, and Staff roles and

responsibilities respectively Code of Conduct Note: contact sheet to be emailed out

Orientation Session - proposed agenda items A. Follow up from meet and greet:

Review Code of Conduct B. Information items from staff

City draft internal engagement workplan City draft Digital Strategy City draft Healthy City Strategy City events overview (including Viva Vancouver) Pilots over 2009-2012 (ex. place speak, WEMAC)

C. New Business

Create draft work plan Agreements on committee process, roles and responsibilities.

5:00 pm Welcome from Mayor Gregor Robertson

5:10 pm Hopes, Fear and Expectations

6:10 pm Orientation Session planning

6:20 pm Homework – Mystery Shopping

6:25 pm Closing and review of next steps

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Report Next Steps

From:Andrea Reimer Date:Mon, 30 Sep 2013 at 10:28pm Great meeting tonight folks. Below please find the list of next steps. I will set them up on the calendar tomorrow so you can track them by deadline. You might notice some of the items involve please! In those cases you weren't at the meeting or you were and I didn't think to ask you about these items. Wasn't trying to be presumptuous. If it doesn't work, no worries! Almost there... By October 14 - Colleen to convene recommendation editing group from tonight's meeting - Lyndsay to edit electoral engagement recommendations - Tara to edit social convening spaces (cultural venues) - Jennifer to write dedication to Waldo - Meharoona (please?) to write "what didn't happen and why" section - Colleen and Lyndsay to determine "dropped recommendations" and work with Tracy to develop survey a send to group to decide which ones should be included - Lyndsay to edit metrics and work with Tracy to develop survey a send to group to determine agreement By October 3 - Andrea and Kevin to "rejig" structure and pass on to Peter Between October 3 and 10 - Peter to do grammatical edits, red flags and other specific edits in non-recommendation text and hand back to Andrea and Kevin Between October 11 and 17 - Catherine (please?), Jennifer, Julien (please?) to take a section of non-recommendation text for polishing and tone check Between October 14 and 17 - Andrea and Kevin to collate all text from all groups - all to fill out survey on dropped recommendations Between October 17 and 24 - Andrea and Kevin to write text for "dropped recommendations" that have group approval - Olive to do final pass through - Richard to do executive summary By October 25

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- report to graphic designer Ongoing - Mark and Marten to think about info graphics and video communications (please?) - Lizzie and Hanna to think about launch (please?) - Sam and Dennis to think about ethnic media and Chinese community launch (please?)