Download - May 2014 Trumpet

  • Trinity Trumpet

    Trinity United Methodist Church

    MAY 2014

    Dear Members and Friends of Trinity U.M.C.:

    We all know that being involved in the life of the Church enriches our faith, and nurtures our souls. However, medical science continues to dis-cover that the benefits go far beyond our spiritual well being. Spirituality is defined as a belief in a higher power that gives life meaning, defini-tion, and direction.

    Recently I read the following article, Spirituality Linked to Better Health, Longer Life that confirms many previous studies regarding this same is-sue. A scientific study found that in general, people who attend worship services one or more times a week live about eight years longer than those who never attend religious services. This report showed that people who never attend Church live to about 75, while those who attend ser-vices one or more times a week live to an average age of 83.

    This study, which analyzed data from the National Health Interview Sur-vey, also found that those people who never attended religious services had a 87 percent higher risk of dying from all causes during a nine year follow up period than those who attended services one or more times per week (Demography, May 2000).

    Exactly how faith lengthens life spans is not fully understood by the sci-entific community, but some research suggests that people of faith are healthier in part because they are less likely to engage in lifestyle behav-iors that are detrimental to ones health (i.e. smoking, excessive drinking, addictive drug use, etc). Also, strong social bonds are formed among congregational members who may help boost immune system function, thus improving overall health. Points that are indeed valid, but I prefer to believe it is primarily because of Gods favor for faithful obedience to Him. Remember the 4th commandment; Remember the Sabbath by keeping it holy (Exodus 20:8).

    See you in Church on Sunday.

    Grace & Peace,

    Rev. George R. Patterson, MDiv. Senior Pastor


    May 1

    Inside This Issue

    Health Outreach Ministry 2

    Parish Nurse 3,4

    Recipe of the Month 4

    Youth News 5

    Christian Education 6

    VBS Registration 7

    Bible Studies/ Ask the Rev 8,9

    Important Church Dates 10

    News and Notes 4,11,12

    Missions 12

    Membership News 13

    UMW News 13

    Thank You Notes 13

    Church Calendar 14

    Birthdays 15

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    Mental Health Awareness Month Health Outreach Ministry

    Dr. Dot Baker

    WHAT is mental health? State of well-being so that an individual recognizes own abilities, copes with

    normal life stressors, works productively, and contributes to life and community. WHAT is mental ill-

    ness? Health conditions with altered thinking, mood, or behavior and associated with distress and/or

    impaired function. HOW many people are affected? One in four Americans have a mental illness and 1

    in 17 live with a serious one during any year. From 13-20% of youth have serious mental illness(es).

    About 50-60% received no treatment. WHAT is the most common mental illness? Depression affects

    about 26% of the US population and expects to be the second leading cause of worldwide disability by


    WHAT are indicators of mental health? Emotional well-being (feelings of happiness, satisfaction,

    peace); Psychological well-being (self-acceptance, hope, spirituality, positive relationships, personal

    growth); Social well-being (acceptance, beliefs, community). Social determinants such as housing, safe

    neighborhoods, employment opportunities, education, health care access, etc.

    HOW does mental illness affect overall health? Positive mental health is related to improved health

    outcomes. Mental illness alters/changes/affects one or more of the indicators. Mental illness such

    as depression can be associated with getting and treating chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart

    disease, asthma, obesity. Depression can contribute to behaviors such as lack of sleep and physical

    activity, smoking & alcohol use. Anxiety disorders can affect sleep, concentration, physical symptoms,

    tension, anger, family & work issues, etc.

    WHAT can we do? Promote mental well-being for ourselves, family, friends, and community. Be aware

    of mental health and mental illness indicators. Notice feelings and behaviors of our selves, family,

    friends, and community members. Support mental health services and care for all ages (infants ag-

    ing) and all situations (loss, disaster, abuse, violence, bullying, eating disorders, homelessness, etc.).

    Learn about resources and support mental health initiatives and funding. God is our example: God is

    our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). Be present to listen and sup-

    port. Offer support that a person requests and is comfortable for them. Support may be a listening

    ear, hot tea, conversation, prayer, scripture, music, or something else. We tend to give also be

    aware when we need to ask for support for ourselves. Check for resources @ http://

    Sources: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, National Alliance on Mental Illness, National Institute of Mental Health, World Health Organization Mental Illness Facts & Numbers @

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    By Carolyn Lewis, RN

    Tom Maguire a former member of Trinity and news broadcaster for WBOC, had a saying on his morning ra-dio show, Everyday is a beautiful day as long as its on Delmarva, and indeed it is! It is nice to see that all the trees and shrubs are getting leaves and buds, but that also means high pollen counts, and that is bad for allergy suf-fers and asthma patients. Spring is a time of renewal for all Gods people. The kids are outside playing ball, riding their bikes, yards are being groomed for the summer, and flower beds are being planted to enhance the beauty of our surroundings. With summer around the bend, we need to encourage our families to make an effort to plan healthy meals over the summer months, since we have so many fresh fruits and vegetables grown here on the Eastern Shore of Mary-land. 5 Ways to Win Kids to Healthier Food It can be tough getting kids to eat healthfully when you're on vacation or dashing between sports practice, school, and family errands. Next time fast food signs loom and you've got a car full of kids clamoring for junk food, win them over to eating right with these five tips. 1. Plan Ahead: Whether you're eating on-the-run or running out to eat, you can find healthy food for the kids (and yourself) if you make advance plans. Try these do-ahead strategies to improve your child's eating habits. Make time for breakfast. Give your family a good start with the most important meal of the day. Breakfast helps boost concentration in the boardroom or classroom, may aid in maintaining a healthy weight, and provides the energy needed for morning activities. These tips can help you make sure breakfast is part of your child's healthy diet. Get ready the night before. Set out bowls, spoons, and cereal boxes. Or put out plates and forks, and then whip up a few eggs first thing in the morning. Keep it simple. If you or the kids aren't hungry in the morning, make breakfast small and simple. Eat a banana or apple with a handful of nuts, or pop open a small tub of yogurt. Prepare something to take with you. Toss pre-sliced fruit and cheese into a plastic container, make a peanut butter and banana sandwich, top a toasted bagel with hummus, or blend up a fruit smoothie. Grab some leftovers. A slice of veggie pizza tastes just as good for breakfast as it did the night before. So does a cup of pasta with roasted veggies. 2. Car-Friendly Snacks: Pack healthy snacks that kids can manage themselves, including shelf-stable foods and fresh foods (pack a cooler if you have the time). Kid-friendly, healthy foods can include: trail mix, fresh

    easy-to-eat produce like apples, bananas, grapes, dried fruit such as cranberries, raisins, apricots, apples, and pineapple, low-sugar granola bars, whole-grain crackers with peanut butter, pre-packaged cheese wedges, single-serving containers of yogurt, easy-to-eat veggies like red pepper, carrot, or celery sticks, dried cereal you've packed into single-serving containers. Before eating out: Dont wait until the last minute to decide where you are going to eat. Do some research and then let them know what options are available to them. Good options are often Asian restaurants, salad bars, and seafood places. Do everyone a favor and keep some eateries, like all-you-can-eat buffets, out of the pic-ture. 3. Give Kids Lots of Healthy Choices! Hand a kid a carrot for an afternoon snack and you may get a ho-hum reaction. Let them choose between a carrot, tangerine, or a handful of grapes, and you'll probably get a much live-lier response. We all like choice, so whether at home or away, you can win kids over to healthier eating and give your children's diet a boost by letting them pick what to eat. Just make sure their options are healthy ones. Next time you're at your favorite restaurant, give the kids a choice between two or three healthy options. Would they like a grilled chicken sandwich or a plain burger? A side salad, baked potato, or corn-on-the-cob? Fruit sorbet or frozen yogurt? Let them choose. At home, make healthier eating fun by starting with a kid-friendly base food: Try making a cheese pizza, a rice-and-bean burrito, or whole wheat pasta, then let the kids choose toppings or fillings such as red pepper strips, let-tuce, tomatoes, salsa, low-fat cheeses or sour cream. 4. Get the Kids Involved! Your kids will be more inter-ested in healthy meals if they help plan and prepare them. So get your kids brainstorming about tasty, fast, healthy breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and snacks, then let them help you: Make grocery lists and let them go grocery shopping with you. Prepare the food (little ones can mix foods, wash produce, or open packages). Create simple desserts (fruit parfait, frozen fruit juice, or yogurt Popsicles). Do not forget to plan treats at home and when you're eating out. To keep kids from feeling deprived, you don't want to ban food favorites like chips, ice cream, and candies -- just make sure they're special now-and-then treats. 5. Be a Role Model! Your kids notice how you eat, so be a role model to them for healthy eating behaviors. A few simple ways to be a healthy eating habits role model include: If you want the kids to eat their fruits and veggies, be sure they see you eat yours, too. Go easy on between-meal snacks, and when you do snack, make healthy choices like produce, nuts, or whole grains. Avoid portion distortion; if you say no to super-sizing and usually skip seconds, your kids will notice. Share a healthy dessert at home and when you're eating out. Be positive about your body and attitudes toward food. Want to make being a role model easier on you and

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    Parish Nurse (continued) help your kids eat healthy at the same time? Only stock the kitchen and pantry with healthy treats like dried fruits and nuts, low-fat yogurt and cheeses, and plenty of pro-duce. Always have a bowl of fruit on the countertop, where it's easy to grab on-the-go. Also keep goodies like whole-grain crackers on hand. Talk to Your Kids about Healthy Eating. It may sound obvious, but kids need to be taught about eating right. It's not necessarily obvious why an apple is a better snack than a candy bar, so talk to kids about nutrition. Discuss subjects like why some foods are part of every-day healthy eating, and why other foods are a special treat. Teach kids where their food comes from with a visit to a local farm or farmer's market. Show them how to read and follow a recipe. Help your kids plant and tend a gar-den, then, teach them to prepare the food they've grown. Show your children how to read nutrition labels, how to compare prepackaged foods in the supermarket, and how to shop. It's not that hard to improve your children's diet and win kids over to healthier foods. And it comes with a great bonus: Once they're eating right, it's likely that you are, too. SOURCES: American Dietetic Association: "Fast Food, Healthy Food," "Make Time for "Healthy Eating."

    WebMD Medical Reference Reviewed by Roy Benaroch, MD on June 27, 2013 2013 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.

    BUS TRIP I have made reservations for Sight and Sound Theater to see Noah. The trip is planned for August 20, and the cost of the trip is $90.00 per person. This includes the bus, show, dinner, and the gratuities. All reservations must be in no later than July 21. As has been our practice in the past, refunds for reservations will not be given after July 21. If you find you cannot make the trip, then it is up to you to find a replacement or forfeit your money. We will also be planning a Christmas show trip, but that has not been finalized as of this date. Please call the church office with your reservations, and all money must be in the office by July 21.

    LUNCH BUNCH This month we have Lt. Tim Robinson from the Wicomico County Sheriffs office as our guest speaker. Please get your reservations in to the church office no later than May 12. Our June lunch bunch program will be a musical tribute to ????? We never know who might be performing or who might be the subject of our musical whimsical dit-ties. It might be you even if you arent there to defend your-self, so make plans now to join us for our end of year pic-nic. We never know what talent might appear out of the closet, woodwork, kitchen, or basement. Come out and enjoy!!! RSVP no later than June 9. If you dont get your name in the pot, there might not be a filet for you!!!


    Our next meeting is on May 1 at 9:30 a.m. May 18 is Trinity Sunday and we will once again honor the 50 year members. There will be a reception after each of the services in the back of the sanctuary, and we will be taking pictures of the 50-year members in the parlor. Altar guild members will be providing the cookies and punch for the reception, and if you signed up for refreshments, please have them in the church office no later than Friday, May 16 before 3 p.m.


    Very Easy Cheesecake

    2 pkg. (8 oz. each) PHILADELPHIA Cream Cheese, softened cup sugar tsp. vanilla 2 eggs 1 ready-to-use graham cracker crumb crust (6 oz.)

    HEAT oven to 325F. BEAT cream cheese, sugar and vanilla with mixer until blended. Add eggs; beat just until blended. POUR into crust. BAKE 40 min. or until center is almost set. Cool. Refrigerate 3 hours. You can top with any flavor fruit pie filling or fresh berries. It is easy and quick to make. (To reduce calories you can us low fat cream cheese and low fat graham cracker crust.)

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    Christian Education

    by Janal Walton Director of Childrens Ministries


    A special welcome to our 13 new members! On March 30, a culmination of 9 weeks of study was completed by our confirmands led by Rev. Dean DeFino. Each 7th grader addressed many ques-tions: Why do we have confirmation? How does it relate to baptism? Whats involved in making an authentic decision for Christ? Our newest members are Grace Abercombie, Hailee Arrington, Dora Ashby, Rachel Bailey, Alyssa Berry, Katie Bryson, Michael Harmon, Kobe Heinicke, Margo Hunt, Noah Jordan, Jillian Massey, Will Men-gason, and Saige Oechsli. A special thanks to the parents of our youth who made this all a priority in their lives.


    Sometimes in the midst of the routine and the everyday, we suddenly experience the wonder of God. Were surprised. Were grateful. We say WOW! At the Workshop of Wonders VBS, your children will dis-cover their own WOW moments, as they explore how to imagine and build with God. Please mark your calendars so we dont conflict with your summer vacation! Well need lots of help, so let me know if you or your youth are available for one or more nights. Please call Janal Walton at 410 726-5893.


    Regular Sunday School continues through May 18, and then Summer Sunday School begins Memorial Day weekend. A special thanks to our dedicated teachers who made it such a special year for so many chil-dren. These special people, who share Gods love each week, are Margie Reading, Carl and Tina Vincent, Vicki Jackson, Jill McCabe, Laurie Webb, Laura Robertson, Shelia Loar, Beverly Tull, Ellie Ennis, Tom Wie-land, Molly Oechsli, Zac Wheeler, Rev. Dean DeFino, and our youth helper Sarah Phippin. In the summer, each Sunday, at 10:00 a.m., in room 204, we explore another part of our history. Well be reading the Bible, watching videos and making crafts! Come join us!


    Videos of the 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. worship services are made every Sunday morning and are available in DVD or CD for-mat at NO COST. If you would like a copy, please call the church office for pick up.

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    VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL June 22 26 6:00-8:15 pm

    REGISTRATION FORM Entering Kindergarten thru fifth grade, OLDER YOUTH MAY BE HELPERS

    **Pre-school (3 and 4 year olds) Class limited to 20 children 6:00 to 7:30 p.m.

    Child's Name _______________________________________Age ___

    Grade Completed _____ in June 2013

    If possiblemy child would like to be with _______________________________________

    Parent/Guardian Name _______________________________________________________

    Address ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

    E-mail Address ______________________________________________________________

    Phone Numbers: Home __________________ Cell ___________________

    Special Needs/Allergies/Medical Information/Other ____________________________________________________________________________

    Emergency Contacts Name _______________________________ Phone ____________ Name _______________________________ Phone ____________

    Name(s) of person(s) who may pick up this child from VBS ____________________________________________________________________________

    Parents Volunteer Opportunitieswhich of these can you help with?

    _____ help decorate the set - June 20 at 9:00 a.m. _____ be a crew leader at least 3 nights _____ help with the pre-school group _____ do whatever!! _____ help set up/clean up on Family Night June 27 ________________________________ _____ help serve dinner on Family Night June 27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    ***Other Information (church use only) VBS Group for Child _______________________________________________________________________ Family received music CD and song sheets ___________ Where are parents volunteering ______________________________________________

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    If you have a biblical /religious question, call the church office and have it answered in ASK THE REV!

    Q. When Jesus died on the cross we know that he descended to hell. What happened to him be-tween then and His resurrection?

    The answer is complex because we first must understand the true meaning of the place that Jesus went after his crucifix-ion. Matthew 12:40 and Ephesians 4:9 talk about Christ descending into the heart of the earth after his physical death, which has often been misinterpreted to mean hell. This misconception stems from the fact that the name of the place Christ descended (the heart of the earth) is called Sheol in Hebrew and Hades in Greek. Hades is often associated in English to the word hell, but there is more to the place of Hades than the place for the wicked.

    We know from the teachings of Christ in his sermon about the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19-31) (1) that Sheol was the destination of all who died before the resurrection of Christ. It consisted of two primary compartments: one for the righteous ones which is referred to in the Luke passage as the bosom of Abraham and the second compartment which is reserved for the unrighteous(2). There was a huge gulf between the two; however, those in one section could see those in the other. Every person who died from the time of Adam to the Ascension of Christ, whether they were righteous or unrighteous went to Hades, which is described as the center of the earth. The righteous went into Abrahams bosom. It should be noted that the word paradise refers to the place of the righteous no matter where that place may be located at the time. Thus, Abrahams bosom was paradise. When Jesus told the thief on the cross that he would be with Christ in Paradise, it meant that he was righteous and would go to the Abrahams bosom section of Hades for that is where all righteous ones went before the ascension of Christ. Humans, before Christ, who died not trusting in God and his plan of salvation, went to the second compartment which is known as Hades proper or sometimes referred to as Gehenna, while those who trusted God went to the section called paradise or the bosom of Abraham.

    During the time between Christs death and His resurrection, Jesus was in the place of Hades called the bosom of Abra-ham. 1 Peter 3:18-19 tells us that He preached unto the spirits in prison. These were the unrighteous ones in Hades proper, (they could be seen from the bosom of Abraham section), but it was not a sermon of repentance, but rather that His death guaranteed their future judgment. His presence in the bosom of Abraham section also indicated that His death would soon (upon His ascension) bring them out of this place into their eternal abode in Heaven.

    When Christ ascended into Heaven (40 days after His resurrection), he took the souls of the Old Testament saints with Him. Ephesians 4:8-10 says he led captives. These saints were taken out of the bosom of Abraham and thus this section of Hades was eliminated and the unrighteous side of Hades (Hades proper) expanded. As a result, all saints who die now go immediately to Heaven in the very presence of God.

    In summary, after Christs death on the cross he went to the righteous section of Hades called the bosom of Abraham and remained there until His Resurrection. During that time, he told the unrighteous that their judgment was final. His pres-ence in the bosom of Abraham assured the saints there of their soon journey to Heaven. When Christ ascended into Heaven, He took the souls of the Old Testament saints with Him.


    1. It should be noted that this sermon on the rich man and Lazarus is NOT a parable but a description of an actual event. 2. This second compartment actually is made up of three sections. The first section is Hades proper which is better known to us as Hell and which continues to be the destination for all unrighteous souls, while the other two sections are reserved for fallen angels.

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    New Members will be received into the church on Sunday, May 18 at 9:30 a.m.

    Berean Bible Class and Tuesday Afternoon Bible Study

    The study of Psalms continues in the Adult Sunday School class each Sunday at 10:45 and the Tuesday Afternoon Bible Study at 1:00 p.m. We are finish-ing the first two sections of the book of Psalms this month. Join us as we study a most amazing book containing great prophecies about the first and sec-ond coming of Christ.


    The Wednesday Night study of the Gospel of John is coming to a conclusion as we study the death, resur-rection, and commission of Christ. Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary.

    Dont Miss Seeing the Movie

    Gods Not Dead

    This is an absolute wonderful movie that shows what is happening in many places of higher education in America, and how as Christians we need to stand up and oppose godless philosophy.

    Peninsula Delaware Conference Salisbury District

    Rev. Peggy Johnson Peninsula Delaware Conference


    Rev. Frederick W. Duncan Salisbury District Superintendent

    Church Staff Rev. George R. Patterson, Senior Pastor

    Rev. Dean DeFino, Associate Pastor Rev. Dale Vroman, Associate Pastor Mr. Zachary Wheeler, Youth Pastor

    Mrs. Phyllis Oldham, Sanctuary Choir Director Mrs. Sarah McCabe, Childrens Choir Director

    Mr. David Lawson, Organist Rev. Harry Gray, Handbell Choir Director

    Mrs. Janal Walton, Director of Childrens Ministry Mrs. Carolyn Lewis, RN, Parish Nurse

    Mrs. Tracy Shannahan, CPA, Church Accountant Mr. Wayne Tull, Sexton

    Mrs. Sue Posey, Office Manager Dr. Dorothy Baker, Riverwalk Organist

    Mr. Scott Albright, Video & Sound Technician

    Church Leaders Mr. Chuck Dix, Administrative Board Chairperson

    Mrs. Lynne Smoak, Administrative Board Vice- Chairperson

    Mr. Tony Sarbanes, Lay Leader Mr. Bob Moore, Staff Parish Relations Chairperson

    Mr. Jim Thomas, Board of Trustees Chairperson Mr. Carl Vincent, Finance Committee Chairperson

    Mr. Kelly Shannahan, Nominations Committee Chairperson

    Mrs. Ellen DiCintio, Treasurer

    Committee Leaders Mr. Tom Hopkins, Annual Conference Member

    Mrs. Kay Hopkins, Missions Committee Chairperson Mrs. Carolyn Lewis, Congregational Care Committee

    Chairperson Mrs. Laura Robertson Safe Sanctuary Team Chairperson

    Mrs. Vickie Blades, Membership Chairperson Mrs. Jane Bowers, United Methodist Women President Mr. Ed Freshwater, United Methodist Men President

    Mrs. Sue Hetherington, Altar Guild President Dr. Dorothy Baker, Health Outreach Ministry

    Mr. Ron Moore, Trinity Trumpet Editor Mrs. Becky Blizzard & Mrs. Karen Albright, Video Ministry

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    May 6-7 UMW Spring Soup and Chicken Salad Sale Pick-up and Carryout Only

    May 6: 2-4 p.m. May 7: 12-2 p.m. May 11 - Graduate Recognition/Scholarship Presentation

    9:30 a.m. We will be recognizing our high school and college graduates and scholarship recipients.

    May 11 - Mothers Day

    May 18 - Trinity Sunday 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m.

    We will be recognizing our 50-year members

    May 18 - New Members Received 9:30 a.m.

    New Member Brunch 10:30 a.m. in JMB

    May 25 - Summer Worship Schedule Begins 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. WorshipSanctuary

    9:00 a.m. Riverwalk Service ( Next to the Holiday Inn ) 10:00 a.m. Summer Sunday School

    Runs through August 31

    June 1 - Communion At 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. only

    June 1 - ASP Commissioning At 9:00 a.m. at the Riverwalk Service

    June 5-7 - Annual Conference University of Maryland Eastern Shore

    June 11 - Lunch Bunch 11:30 a.m.

    June 15 - Fathers Day

    June 22-26 - Vacation Bible School 6:00-8:15 p.m.

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    Stories from the Basement Help and Outreach Point of Entry, Inc.

    By Donna Clark RN Director

    Every morning before I leave the house, I try to read a devotional, using either The Upper Room or Our Daily Bread. Today I picked up The Upper Room, and God hit me between the eyes. It is based on Esther 3- 4:14. What a great story of faith and trust in God. Here in our office in the church basement, the volunteers come to serve those in need with hope and anticipation of help-ing everyone who enters the office. They open themselves to Gods will and are sometimes amazed that ideas just seem to come out of nowhere into their heads, and the problems get solved. Gods presence is a part of this office and is as real as the people who sit and talk to the clients. It is a blessing to be a part of His work. The Community Emergency Shelter Project (CESP) has now closed for this winter. Prior to the closing, the guests were getting nervous. You and I would have started to think about where we were going next on the day we entered the shel-ter project, but the mentality of many of these guests is to only look ahead at the next 24 hours. In the past three months we have seen men get reunited with family, others get jobs and housing, and still others get into programs that will assist with returning them to being productive members of our community. Some guests have used the shelters just to stay warm and safe through this very hard winter. CESP is a worthy project, and we thank all who have invested their time, money, and prayers over the last months. One short story: A veteran who claimed to have never been homeless before appeared in the program. He was connected with the VA services, but refused any help from them, as he felt someone else could use the money better than him. He believed that he would find work and housing quickly. A part of the shelter project for two months, he searched relent-lessly for work. Pawning his tools for gas money and phone card time, he worked so hard to remain independent. Two weeks from the end of the shelter project, he found work, was able to pass the physical and drug test, reclaimed his tools, and started work. He found someone to share rent with and was able to leave the shelter. God is good!


    Trinity continues to wonderfully support this program. Since July 2009, we have exceeded the one mil-lion dollar value of coupons. We mailed March, 2014 coupons to U.S. Army, Brussels, Belgium.

    HELPFUL TIPS: Please do not tear the coupon booklets apart. Leave the booklets fastened together just like they arrive in the newspaper. If you do cut out the coupons: cut them into single coupons not in strips. Please do not staple or roll the coupons with a rubber band.

    As always, thank you for your response to support this mission to military personnel and families who serve our country.

    Report for the Program

    Year Month(s) Number of Months Coupons

    Dollar Value ($) of Months Coupons

    Grand Total Number of Coupons for year

    Grand Total Dollar Value ($) of Coupons for year

    Grand To-tal Number of Coupons

    Grand Total Dollar Value ($) of Coupons

    2009 Feb 2014

    702,844 $1,096,132.39

    2014 March 18,176 $31,543.54 46,239 $77,569.51 721,020 $1,127,675.93

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    Our food theme for the Lazarus Food Pantry for May is POTATOES!!! Any kind of boxed or canned pota-toes would be greatly appreciated by the Lazarus food pantry. The pantry is also in need of breakfast foods (cereal, oatmeal, pop-tarts, fruit bars), canned meats canned soups, vegetables, and fruit, macaroni and cheese, and hamburger, chicken, and tuna helper. They have an ongoing need for large diapers: sizes 3, 4, and 6, as well as mens and womens personal hygiene items such as deodorant, soap bars, shampoo, lotions, tooth brushes and tooth paste, womens personal items, razors and shaving cream, and chap stick. They also have a need for the plastic grocery store bags that are used to line the brown paper bags before packing with the food items. The BLUE Wal-Mart plastic bags seem to work especially well, but any plastic grocery bags would be greatly appreciated!

    Trinity volunteers continue to serve an average of hot meals to the poor and hungry at the Joseph House soup kitchen on the third Wednesday of every month. Our next day to serve is Wednesday, May 21, 2014. On April 12, 2014, 12 Trinity volunteers prepared and served a hot meal of Beef Goulash, Salad, rolls, pud-ding and fruit, with cookies for Gods Kitchen at Grace United Methodist Church. We served 120 meals including seconds to our guests. The extra food that was left over was taken to Halo, and was graciously received.

    Thank you again for your GENEROUS and CONTINU-OUS support of ALL Trinitys missions projects!

    Kay Hopkins Missions Chairperson 443-944-0698 [email protected]



    Food Pantry Data:

    We saw 208 Families 15 Families requesting financial assistance 13 New clients

    We distributed 244 Bags of food


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    March 30 7, 2014 - Confirmation Class Grace Delaney Abercrombie Daughter of Michael & Kathleen Abercrombie

    Hailee Grace Arrington Daughter of Jason & Suzanne Arrington

    Dora Kathrine Ashby Daughter of Bryan & Leisl Ashby

    Rachel Elizabeth Bailey Daughter of Eugene & Susan Bailey

    Alyssa Elizabeth Berry Daughter of Gary & Donna Pusey & the late Thomas Berry, Jr.

    Kathleen Marie Bryson Daughter of Kirby & Christine Bryson

    Michael Carrick Harmon Son of Joseph & Rae Harmon

    Kobe Shane Heinicke Son of Shane & Jennifer Heinicke

    Margo Nanci Hunt Daughter of Ruth Richins

    Noah Brooks Jordan Son of John & Susan Jordan

    Jillian Marie Massey Daughter of John & Kathleen Massey

    William Eugene Mengason, Jr. Son of William & Mary Mengason

    Saige Maria Oechsli Daughter of Louis & Molly Oechsli

    Membership News

    Thank you! I wish to thank the many members of Trinity for their calls, cards, and prayers during my recent recu-peration from surgery. It is heart warming to feel the love and support of the congregation. May God bless you all. T. A. Phillips


    The United Methodist Women of Trinity have been busy, busy. On April 5 we hosted the Peninsula-Delaware Confer-ence, Salisbury District Com-bined Spring Event. Ladies

    came from Wilmington, Easton, Dover, and all over the eastern shore. We had around 120 meet at the JMB for an all day conference. The ladies arrived around 8:30 a.m. and enjoyed a continental break-fast. There were reports from the District offi-cer, certificates given for the 5 Star program, and discussion on many other subjects. Boe Harris and Raggatha Calentine were representing the Commit-tee on Native American Ministries (CONAM). They talked about the life of the early Indians, and how they traveled across the country. They sang Indian songs, and we all joined in. We served lunch to all of the UMW members present. After lunch there was a work shop for the leaders of the conference. Our next project is our Fund Raiser for our Mis-sion projects which is to be held on May 6 and 7. You may have heard that this year we are doing a new concept. We are having Carry-Outs only. We just need our members and friends sup-porting this, as the monies earned will be given to organizations right here in Salisbury. We have a great group of women working hard getting the soups together and the chicken salad made. Pints and quarts of our two delicious soups, Vegetable Beef and Peas and Dumpling, will be available. These soups can't beat. Our special chicken salad is always so popular. Pick-up times are 2-4 p.m. for May 6 and 12-2 p.m. for May 7. Get out and enjoy the beautiful weather we are having. Just look around, and you certainly can see all of God's creation.

    God Bless,

    Jane Bowers

    WEDDINGS April, 5, 2014 William W. Humphreys III and Sandra Lynn Edler

    BIRTHS April 4, 2014 Cassidy Hope Wheeler Daughter of Zac and Stacy Wheeler

    April 10, 2014 Aubrey Lynne Sousa Daughter of Michael and Staci Sousa

  • 14

    May 2014

    Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

    1 9am Prayer Gr

    9:30am Altar Guild

    6:15 Handbell Choir

    6:30pm MOPS

    7:30pm Sanctuary





    Youth Acquire

    the Fire


    Youth Acquire

    the Fire


    8, 9:30, 11am Worship

    9:30am New

    Member Class

    7pm ASP Meeting

    4pm Youth Group



    UMW Spring

    Soup & Chicken

    Salad Sale

    1pm Bible Study


    UMW Spring

    Soup & Chicken

    Salad Sale

    6:30pm Bible Study

    7pm Moms in



    9am Prayer Group

    6:15 Handbell


    7:30pm Sanctuary




    11 8, 9:30, 11am Worship

    9:30am New

    Member Class

    9:30am Graduate



    No Youth Group


    12:30pm UMW



    1pm Bible Study


    Joseph House

    Feeding 11:30am Lunch

    Bunch 6:30pm Bible


    7pm Moms in


    15 9am Prayer Gr

    6:15 Handbell


    6:30pm MOPS

    7:30pm Sanctuary



    Articles Due




    8, 9:30, 11am


    9:30am New Members


    4pm Youth Group


    19 20


    7pm Moms in



    9am Prayer Group


    10am Pine Bluff




    8 & 10am Worship in


    9am Riverwalk Service

    10am Summer

    Sunday School Begins

    4pm Youth Group


    Church Office




    Moms Morning

    Out Closed


    Moms Morning

    Out Closed

    7pm Moms in



    9am Prayer Group



    Youth Busch

    Gardens Trip

  • 15

    PLEASE NOTE: If your name does not appear on this list it does not mean that we do not have you as a Trinity member. It only means that we do not have your birth date. Please give the church office a call with any addi-tions to, or corrections of this list.

    MAY 1 - Beverly Hamill Oris Horsey III Kathy Psota Anthony Sarbanes (Child) Emily Smoak

    2 - Ann Bozman Keith Coffin Wade Denson Jennifer Doyle George Harkins Rae Harmon Coralee Patterson Sally Pusey Beth Sheller

    3 - Rodney Abbott Joan Baysinger Meredith Benedict George Benedict, Jr. Joanne Cherry Coen Dempsey Kate Kelly Matthew Lischick Joshua McCarty

    4 - Alex Azar Gary DeMott Graham Hammond Mary Preller Mariah Robertson David Schofield Brooke Staton Dorothy Swann

    5 - Jeffery Burkett MaryAnn Carlson Samuel Ireland Jay Kitzrow Caroline Pusey

    6 - Michael Hill Alyxandrea Noonan Cathy Thomas

    7 - Jeff Evans Colby Jones David Lawson Alec McCabe Andrew Mengason Kaitlyn Quigley Lauren Williams Geraldine Wright

    8 - Bruce Culver Andrew Draucker Drew Dunsten Julia Mann Pat Shaner

    9 - Michael Bouton Bill Curry Kyle Cusick Amanda Fleetwood Amy Hedger Bill Martin Seth Windmuller

    10 - Gil Dunn Georgia Hudson Cindy Lawson Cindy Price Zac Wheeler Richard Wright, III

    11 - Chris Culver Courtney Culver Regan Haldeman Jonathan Price Walter Sandt Maura Stevenson Garrett Townsend Harold Warfield, Jr.

    12 - John Hall JoAnn King Reed Luppens Rachel McCain Megan Robertson Abigail Roglitz

    13 - Amelia Guy Jan Hill Christina Mertensotto Margo Sarbanes

    14 - Betty Berry Brenda Fleming-Briggeman Terry Greenwood Barbara Guy Canie Harkins Abigail Howard Edward Lambert III Shirley Mortimer Sue Parsons Evelyn Sarbanes Stephanie Willey

    15 - Doug Beach Charles Cooper Jim Cox Carol Davenport Spencer Jenkins Peyton Payne

    16 - David Andrews Kelly Brittingham Sarah McCabe Tom Miller Ian Parsons Dale Soper

    17 - Sarah Doyle John Gordy Doris Mariner Nancy Stewart Shannon Todd

    18 - Keli Berkman McKenna Davies Katie Mason Louis Smith

    19 - Reagan Haynie Nathan Heinicke Rusty Parker

    20 -

    21 - Douglas Jones Evan Long Shirley Poteet Gregory Stein Janet Veditz Malerie Warfield

    22 - Kyle Herberle Justin Kostelac Louise Pepper Ginger Rizzi Dick Robinson Luke Terrell

    23 - William Ahtes Stacy Dunne AnnaLucille Graves Gene Martin Bonnie Nay Jordan Reading Alicia Thomasian Benjamin Wattay Maureen Williams

    24 - Bill Davenport Betsy Drewer Donnie Drewer Dan Hearne Jared McCarty Kaitlind Meeks Louise Moore Shirley Sonnier

    25 - Neal Corbin, Jr. Ken MacFarlane Jackson Reading

    26 - Alyssa Berry Kim Chandler Allie Dees Anne Gilland Ava Mah Buddy Mills Barbara Morris Felix Paradis Jim Thomas, Jr. Virginia Wiese

    27 - Xiuhua Bell Tiffany Calloway Carroll Thamert, Jr.

    28 - Suzanne Alexander Dean DeFino Emma Dunne Abbey Loar Ron Moore

    29 - Keira Deysher Dawn Olds Laura Wright

    30 - Ron Boltz Owen Evans Jim Harkins William Hillyer Maria Mitchell Wayne Tull

    31 - Beth Bozman Susan Cabell Ashley DelGaudio William Downing Sue Hetherington Jourdan Kilgour Sherri Webster Frances Young

  • 16

    Sunday, May 11

    Thank You April Bulletin Folders

    Warren and Joyce Boyce Dolly Burkett

    Camilla Disharoon Bonnie Gibson Bill Horstman Linda Nelson

    Sarah Renshaw Barbara Webster

    Newsletter Staff

    General Editor: Ron Moore

    [email protected]

    Mailing Coordinators: Norman and Barbara Webster



    Salisbury, MD 21801

    Return Service Requested

    Church: 410-749-5562 FAX: 410-749-8830 E-mail: [email protected]

    Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday

    Trinity United Methodist Church 112 High Street

    Salisbury, MD 21801

    Visit us on the web at