Download - May 15, 2016 15 de mayo 2016 - · May 15, 2016 15 de mayo 2016 ... Grandioso. “Out of the Seats, ... Amen./ Nuestro

  • White Plains United Methodist Church Iglesia Metodista Unida

    White Plains (919) 467-9394

    May 15, 2016 15 de mayo 2016

    Worship Notes/Notas The following afternoon projects are still available and need your help:

    Helping our Neighbor #7

    Helping our Neighbor #4

    Helping our Neighbor #1

    Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network

    With Love From Jesus Baking and Delivering Cookies

    Prayer Concerns/Pedidos de Oracin Anna Avery, Jack Baumer, Roy Carawon, David Driggs, Cyndy Fettig, Steve Fulghum, Nabor Gutierrez, Dylan Harrell, Hortencia Herlinda,

    Lynn Hines, Bob Hinshaw, Pat Johnson, Phyllis Lang, Lucy Lowry, Sally Lynch, Ernie and Jane Miller, Margaret Neill, Marcia Patton, Jim Payne, David and Lorraine Perkinson, Amy Pethick, Fred Pippin, Fritz Plenge, Don Remley, Porter Richardson, Mary Jane Root, Harlen Van Sloten,

    Pam Schmid, and those serving in the Armed Forces.

    Remember every time you check in on Facebook to White Plains a donation

    is made to charity!

    Sympathy/Condolencias Our prayers are with Kevin and Sue Schuh in the death of

    Kevins mother, Rosemary Schuh, on May 7th.

  • Church on the Street Unified Service Culto Unido, Iglesia en la Comunidad

    *Gathering Songs/Cancines De Bienvenida Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus/Levntate ponte de pie por Jess

    UMH #514 La Bamba Cristiana/La Bamba Christian Version

    Welcome and Announcements in Music/Bienvenida Y Anuncios en Msica Opening Song/ Primera Cancin Impossible/Imposible

    Passing of the Peace/la Paz Prayer for Illumination/Oracin de Iluminacin Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of Your Holy Spirit that, as the Scriptures are read and Your Word proclaimed, we may hear with joy what You say to us today. Amen. Seor, abre nuestros corazones y mentes por el poder de tu Santo Espritu y que al ser ledas las escrituras y tu palabra proclamada podamos or con alegra lo que tienes para nosotros hoy. Amn. Scripture/Escritura Acts 2:1-4, 41-47/Hechos 2:1-4, 41-47

    Choral Anthem/Himno O Come Thou Sweet Redeeming Fire/O ven t dulce Fuego Redentor Daniel Gawthrop Chancel Choir

    Message/Mensaje Better. Stronger. Greater./

    Mejor. Mas fuerte. Grandioso. Out of the Seats, Onto the Streets/ Fuera de los asientos, a las calles

    Rev. Ray Warren Children 3 years-2nd grade are invited to E9 for Childrens Church

    and will re-enter the service during the song Impossible. Invitamos a los nio de 3 aos hasta 2do grado a pasar al saln E9 para la Iglesia

    para nios. Ellos volvern al servicio durante la cancin de cierre.

    Song of Response/Cancin de Respueta Church Is on the Street/Iglesia est en las calles

    Please remain seated/Por favor permanezca sentado

    Reception of New Members/La recepcin de nuevos miembros UMH #38 We give thanks for all that God has already given you and we welcome you in Christian love. As members together with you in the body of Christ and in this congregation of The United Methodist Church, we renew our covenant faithfully to participate in the ministries of the church by our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service, and our witness, that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. Qu bueno es Dios que nos ha hecho su familia! Qu bueno es Dios que nos ha bendecido con la presencia de ustedes entre nosotros! Demos gracias al Seor. Los recibimos con alegra y amor. Hay un canto en nuestros corazones, porque ustedes vienen a formar parte de nuestra comunidad, y nos bendicen con ello. Como miembros, juntamente con ustedes, del cuerpo de Cristo y de esta congregacin de la Iglesia Metodista Unida, renovamos nuestros votos de sostenerla con nuestras oraciones, nuestra presencia, nuestras contribuciones, nuestro servicio, y nuestro testimonio. Amn. The Offertory/Ofrendas Vivir mi vida/To Live My Life

    Please sign the attendance pad in your row so we might have an accurate record of your presence in worship.

    Por favor poner su nombre e informacin en los cuadernitos blancos que estn en sus ban-cas. Esto nos ayuda a tener un registro sobre su

    participacin en el servicio.

    Prayer Time/Tiempo de Oracin The Lords Prayer/La oracin del Seor Our Father, in heaven, Honored be your Name. May Your Kingdom come, May Your will be done, On earth as it is in Heaven. Give us today our daily bread, And forgive us our sins, As we forgive those who sin against us. Lead us not into temptation, But keep us safe from all evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the glory, Forever and ever, Amen./ Nuestro Padre, en el cielo, honrado por su nombre. Venga tu reino, hgase tu voluntad, as en la tierra como en el cielo. Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada da, perdona nuestras ofensas, como tambin nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden. No nos metas en tentacin, mas lbranos de todo mal. Porque vuestro es el reino y la gloria, por los siglos de los siglos, Amn.

    *Closing Song/Cancin de Cierre Sweet, Sweet Spirit/Dulce Espiritu UMH #334

    *Benediction and Blessing/Bendicin y Envio *Postlude/Alabanza Final Leaning on the Everlasting Arms/Apoydandonos en los brazos eternos Jon Spong

    Please silence your cell phone before the service of worship begins.

    Por favor poner su celular en silencio antes que comience el culto.

    Devices are available near the entrance of the Sanctuary for those needing assistance with

    hearing the service in English.

    Alguien estar traduciendo el servicio al Espaol. Si necesita, los paratos de traduccin estarn cerca a

    la puerta.

    At the conclusion of worship, a Stephen Minister will be available for counsel and/or prayer at the left front

    corner of the worship space.

    Si alguien necesita un consejo o necesita oracin. Al final del servicio una persona de Stephen Minister estar disponible en la esquina izquierda de adelante

    de este lugar.

    Children ages 3 and under are welcome in the childrens wing for nursery care at any time during the service

    Hay guardera para nios menores de 3 aos durante el servicio. Puede llevar a sus nios a los salones en el rea de nios.

    CCLI #967142

    Join us for lunch in the CLC.

    Acompenos. Tendrmos almuerzo en el CLC.

  • Wet N Wild Water Park June 16

    Summer Nights Book Club June 16

    Breakaway 2016 June 20

    Billy Graham Exhibit Trip June 29

    Bridge Mission Week July 5-8

    Vacation Bible School July 11-15

    Trip to IMAX and Caf Luna August 17

    Save the Date. Save the Date. Save the Date. Wet N Wild Water Park June 16

    Summer Nights Book Club June 16

    Breakaway 2016 June 20

    Billy Graham Exhibit Trip June 29

    Bridge Mission Week July 5-8

    Vacation Bible School July 11-15

    Trip to IMAX and Caf Luna August 17

    Wet N Wild Water Park June 16

    Summer Nights Book Club June 16

    Breakaway 2016 June 20

    Billy Graham Exhibit Trip June 29

    Bridge Mission Week July 5-8

    Vacation Bible School July 11-15

    Trip to IMAX and Caf Luna August 17

    Ministerio en Accin Anuncios REUNION DEL CONSEJO DE LA IGLESIA- Esta noche, 15 de Mayo, a las 7pm, Capilla. Todos estn invitados a participar. EQUIPOS DEL VIAJE DE ESTRATGICO ESPIRITUAL: Te necesitamos en un equipo! Si todava no te has registrado puedes hacerlo hoy o mandar un email a [email protected] Si eres parte de un equipo por favor te esperamos el Domingo 22 a las 9:45am en el CLC para el servicio de inaguracin y la oportunidad de reunirte con tu equipo CUAL ES SU NOMBRE? CRECER COMO IGLESIA CONSTRUYEN-DO NUEVAS RELACIONES: Estudio Bblico sobre discipulado para toda la iglesia. Todos los domingos a las 9:45am con la Pastora Edith RECAUDAR FONDOS PARA LA ESCUELITA DE WHITE PLAINS (TICKETS PARA EL DURHAM BULL): Jueves 19 de mayo. Los tickets estn $10.00 el 50% sern donados para la escuelita. Los tickets que compre pueden ser usados para cualquier jue-go de la temporada (juegos entre Domingo a Jueves). ALMUERZO DE CONVIVENCIA AQUI EN LA IGLESIA: domingo 29 de mayo, luego del servicio tendremos un almuerzo de convivencia como iglesia. Tendremos un cookout tradicional de Memorial Day. PASEO AL PARQUE DE AGUA WET AND WILD: martes 14 de junio del 2016. Para nios y jvenes desde 4to. Grado. $50.00 incluye la entrada, transporte y comida. ESCUELA BIBLICA DE VACACIONES: del 11 al 15 de julio, de 9:00 a.m. a 12:00. Para nios y nias desde los 3 aos (que ya usen el bao) hasta los que han terminado el 5to. Grado. $15.00 por nio hasta Junio.

    Reserva el da Parque de Agua Wet and Wild 16 de junio Club del Libro de Verano 16 de junio Conferencia para jvenes (6-12 grado) 20 de junio Viaje a la exposicin de Billy Graham 29 de junio Semana de misiones (Bridge) para jvenes 5-8 de Julio Escuela Bblica de Vacaciones 11-15 de Julio Paseo a IMAX y al Caf Luna 17 de Agosto

    Ministerio en Accin Anuncios REUNION DEL CONSEJO DE LA IGLESIA- Esta noche, 15 de Mayo, a las 7pm, Capilla. Todos estn invitados a participar. EQUIPOS DEL VIAJE DE ESTRATGICO ESPIRITUAL: Te necesitamos en un equipo! Si todava no te has registrado puedes hacerlo hoy o mandar un email a [email protected] Si eres parte de un equipo por favor te esperamos el Domingo 22 a las 9:45am en el CLC para el servicio de inaguracin y la oportunidad de reunirte con tu equipo CUAL ES SU NOMBRE? CRECER COMO IGLESIA CONSTRUYEN-DO NUEVAS RELACIONES: Estudio Bblico sobre discipulado para toda la iglesia. Todos los domingos a las 9:45am con la Pastora Edith RECAUDAR FONDOS PARA LA ESCUELITA DE WHITE PLAINS (TICKETS PARA EL DURHAM BULL): Jueves 19 de mayo. Los tickets estn $10.00 el 50% sern donados para la escuelita. Los tickets que compre pueden ser usados para cualquier jue-go de la temporada (juegos entre Domingo a Jueves). ALMUERZO DE CONVIVENCIA AQUI EN LA IGLESIA: domingo 29 de mayo, luego del servicio tendremos un almuerzo de convivencia como iglesia. Tendremos un cookout tradicional de Memorial Day. PASEO AL PARQUE DE AGUA WET AND WILD: martes 14 de junio del 2016. Para nios y jvenes desde 4to. Grado. $50.00 incluye la entrada, transporte y comida. ESCUELA BIBLICA DE VACACIONES: del 11 al 15 de julio, de 9:00 a.m. a 12:00. Para nios y nias desde los 3 aos (que ya usen el bao) hasta los que han terminado el 5to. Grado. $15.00 por nio hasta Junio.

    Reserva el da Parque de Agua Wet and Wild 16 de junio Club del Libro de Verano 16 de junio Conferencia para jvenes (6-12 grado) 20 de junio Viaje a la exposicin de Billy Graham 29 de junio Semana de misiones (Bridge) para jvenes 5-8 de Julio Escuela Bblica de Vacaciones 11-15 de Julio Paseo a IMAX y al Caf Luna 17 de Agosto

    Ministerio en Accin Anuncios REUNION DEL CONSEJO DE LA IGLESIA- Esta noche, 15 de Mayo, a las 7pm, Capilla. Todos estn invitados a participar. EQUIPOS DEL VIAJE DE ESTRATGICO ESPIRITUAL: Te necesitamos en un equipo! Si todava no te has registrado puedes hacerlo hoy o mandar un email a [email protected] Si eres parte de un equipo por favor te esperamos el Domingo 22 a las 9:45am en el CLC para el servicio de inaguracin y la oportunidad de reunirte con tu equipo CUAL ES SU NOMBRE? CRECER COMO IGLESIA CONSTRUYEN-DO NUEVAS RELACIONES: Estudio Bblico sobre discipulado para toda la iglesia. Todos los domingos a las 9:45am con la Pastora Edith RECAUDAR FONDOS PARA LA ESCUELITA DE WHITE PLAINS (TICKETS PARA EL DURHAM BULL): Jueves 19 de mayo. Los tickets estn $10.00 el 50% sern donados para la escuelita. Los tickets que compre pueden ser usados para cualquier jue-go de la temporada (juegos entre Domingo a Jueves). ALMUERZO DE CONVIVENCIA AQUI EN LA IGLESIA: domingo 29 de mayo, luego del servicio tendremos un almuerzo de convivencia como iglesia. Tendremos un cookout tradicional de Memorial Day. PASEO AL PARQUE DE AGUA WET AND WILD: martes 14 de junio del 2016. Para nios y jvenes desde 4to. Grado. $50.00 incluye la entrada, transporte y comida. ESCUELA BIBLICA DE VACACIONES: del 11 al 15 de julio, de 9:00 a.m. a 12:00. Para nios y nias desde los 3 aos (que ya usen el bao) hasta los que han terminado el 5to. Grado. $15.00 por nio hasta Junio.

    Reserva el da Parque de Agua Wet and Wild 16 de junio Club del Libro de Verano 16 de junio Conferencia para jvenes (6-12 grado) 20 de junio Viaje a la exposicin de Billy Graham 29 de junio Semana de misiones (Bridge) para jvenes 5-8 de Julio Escuela Bblica de Vacaciones 11-15 de Julio Paseo a IMAX y al Caf Luna 17 de Agosto

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]://[email protected]://

  • Ministry in Action - Announcements (919) 467-9394

    [email protected]

    Church Council Meeting - Tonight, May 15th, at 7pm in the Chapel. All are invited to attend. Spiritual Strategic Journey Teams - We need you on a team! If you havent signed up, please do that this morning or email [email protected] with questions about teams or to sign up. If you have signed up, please come on Sunday, May 22nd, at 9:45am in the CLC for a commissioning service and a chance to gather with your team. Get Their Name Study - 2 classes, Sundays or Wednesdays, starting May 22nd and 25th. This church-wide study will help us share our faith in a way that is effective, biblical, and transformational. Sign up online at Spiritual Strategic Journey Fulfillment Maps are available from the ushers at each service. Durham Bulls Fundraiser for the White Plains Childrens Center - Thursday, May 19th. Tickets are $10 and 50% will be donated back to White Plains Children's Center. The ticket voucher that you purchase is good for any Sunday-through-Thursday regular-season game. Cookout at My Church - Sunday, May 29th, after the 11am services. You are invited for this time of fellowship including contemporary worship outdoors and a traditional Memorial Day cookout. Bring a friend and your outdoor chairs. Senior Recognition Sunday - June 5th, at both services. Please send the high school or college graduate's name and information (school name, degree) to [email protected] so that we can recognize them in worship. Sign up for the Senior Recognition Lunch online! The St. Francis Brass Band Concert - Sunday, June 12th, at 4pm in the Christian Life Center to raise awareness for Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network (WIHN). The concert is free to all, but they will accept donations to WIHN. The concert should last a little over an hour and will have popular music as well as Broadway, big band, and some classical tunes. Summer Nights Book Club - Thursday, June 16th, 7pm in the Chapel. Save the date and start reading Margot by Jillian Cantor. Vacation Bible School - July 11-15. Register the kids for Vacation Bible School NOW! Early bird price is $15 per child until June. Adult and Youth VBS registration is also online at

    Ministry in Action - Announcements Ministry in Action - Announcements (919) 467-9394

    [email protected] (919) 467-9394

    [email protected]

    May 15, 2016 May 15, 2016 May 15, 2016

    Church Council Meeting - Tonight, May 15th, at 7pm in the Chapel. All are invited to attend. Spiritual Strategic Journey Teams - We need you on a team! If you havent signed up, please do that this morning or email [email protected] with questions about teams or to sign up. If you have signed up, please come on Sunday, May 22nd, at 9:45am in the CLC for a commissioning service and a chance to gather with your team. Get Their Name Study - 2 classes, Sundays or Wednesdays, starting May 22nd and 25th. This church-wide study will help us share our faith in a way that is effective, biblical, and transformational. Sign up online at Spiritual Strategic Journey Fulfillment Maps are available from the ushers at each service. Durham Bulls Fundraiser for the White Plains Childrens Center - Thursday, May 19th. Tickets are $10 and 50% will be donated back to White Plains Children's Center. The ticket voucher that you purchase is good for any Sunday-through-Thursday regular-season game. Cookout at My Church - Sunday, May 29th, after the 11am services. You are invited for this time of fellowship including contemporary worship outdoors and a traditional Memorial Day cookout. Bring a friend and your outdoor chairs. Senior Recognition Sunday - June 5th, at both services. Please send the high school or college graduate's name and information (school name, degree) to [email protected] so that we can recognize them in worship. Sign up for the Senior Recognition Lunch online! The St. Francis Brass Band Concert - Sunday, June 12th, at 4pm in the Christian Life Center to raise awareness for Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network (WIHN). The concert is free to all, but they will accept donations to WIHN. The concert should last a little over an hour and will have popular music as well as Broadway, big band, and some classical tunes. Summer Nights Book Club - Thursday, June 16th, 7pm in the Chapel. Save the date and start reading Margot by Jillian Cantor. Vacation Bible School - July 11-15. Register the kids for Vacation Bible School NOW! Early bird price is $15 per child until June. Adult and Youth VBS registration is also online at

    Church Council Meeting - Tonight, May 15th, at 7pm in the Chapel. All are invited to attend. Spiritual Strategic Journey Teams - We need you on a team! If you havent signed up, please do that this morning or email [email protected] with questions about teams or to sign up. If you have signed up, please come on Sunday, May 22nd, at 9:45am in the CLC for a commissioning service and a chance to gather with your team. Get Their Name Study - 2 classes, Sundays or Wednesdays, starting May 22nd and 25th. This church-wide study will help us share our faith in a way that is effective, biblical, and transformational. Sign up online at Spiritual Strategic Journey Fulfillment Maps are available from the ushers at each service. Durham Bulls Fundraiser for the White Plains Childrens Center - Thursday, May 19th. Tickets are $10 and 50% will be donated back to White Plains Children's Center. The ticket voucher that you purchase is good for any Sunday-through-Thursday regular-season game. Cookout at My Church - Sunday, May 29th, after the 11am services. You are invited for this time of fellowship including contemporary worship outdoors and a traditional Memorial Day cookout. Bring a friend and your outdoor chairs. Senior Recognition Sunday - June 5th, at both services. Please send the high school or college graduate's name and information (school name, degree) to [email protected] so that we can recognize them in worship. Sign up for the Senior Recognition Lunch online! The St. Francis Brass Band Concert - Sunday, June 12th, at 4pm in the Christian Life Center to raise awareness for Wake Interfaith Hospitality Network (WIHN). The concert is free to all, but they will accept donations to WIHN. The concert should last a little over an hour and will have popular music as well as Broadway, big band, and some classical tunes. Summer Nights Book Club - Thursday, June 16th, 7pm in the Chapel. Save the date and start reading Margot by Jillian Cantor. Vacation Bible School - July 11-15. Register the kids for Vacation Bible School NOW! Early bird price is $15 per child until June. Adult and Youth VBS registration is also online at[email protected]://,d.cWw,d.cWw[email protected]://,d.cWw,d.cWw[email protected]://,d.cWw,d.cWw