Download - MAXIMUM ESTIMATED TSUNAMI INUNDATION · Tsunami Inundation Map Panama City State of Florida Panama City METHOD OF PREPARATION ... coupled with the 2D model NEOWAVE (Yamazaki et …


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration (NOAA)National Tsunami Hazarad Mitigation Plan (NTHMP)Texas A&M University at Galveston (TAMUG)

Tsunami Inundation MapPanama City

State of FloridaPanama City


Tsunami modeling was performed by the Tsunami Research Group at TexasA&M University at Galveston, funded by the National Tsunami Hazard Mit-igation Program. The tsunami modeling process utilized the 3D modelTSUNAMI3D (Horrillo et al., 2013) to model landslide-generated tsunamis,coupled with the 2D model NEOWAVE (Yamazaki et al., 2008) which calcu-lates wave propagation and detailed runup for inundation mapping. T tsunamigeneration phase (TSUNAMI3D) used a 15 arc-second (∼450m) resolutiongrid with bathymetry obtained from the National Oceanic and AtmosphericAdministration (NOAA) National Geophysical data Center (NGDC) CoastalRelief Model (CRM) with 3 arc-second (∼90m) resolution. The propaga-tion/inundation modeling phase (NEOWAVE) consisted of a series of nestedgrids from 15 arc-second (∼450m) to 1/3 arc-second (∼10m) resolution.Bathymetric/topographic data used in the 15 arc-second (∼ 450m) resolu-tion grids were obtained from NOAA NGDC CRM. Near-shore grids with a 3arc-second (∼90m) or higher resolution were obtained from the NOAA NGDCTsunami Inundation Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) with 1/3 arc-second(∼ 10m) resolution and were adjusted to Mean High Water sea level con-ditions, representing a conservative sea level for the intended use of tsunamimodeling and mapping.

Local submarine landslides are considered to be the primary potential sourceof tsunami generation in the Gulf of Mexico (ten Brink et al., 2009). A suiteof seven tsunami source events was used for tsunami modeling, includingthree identified ancient events (ten Brink et al., 2009) and four syntheticprobabilistic submarine landslides (PSL-A, PSL-B1, PSL-B2, PSL-C) whichrepresent the maximum credible events that could occur in specific regionsin the Gulf of Mexico according to the local bathymetry, seafloor slope, andsediment information (Pampell-Manis et al., J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, underreview). The location of these sources is indicated in the adjacent table.

The accuracy of the flow depth and inundation line shown on this map issubject to limitations including accuracy of available bathymetry/topographydata, tsunami source information, and the current scientific understanding oftsunami generation and propagation as expressed in the models. This maprepresents the composite maximum inundation from all seven tsunami sourcesconsidered here and does not represent inundation from a single tsunamievent.


Horrillo, J., Wood A., Kim, G.-B, A. Parambath A., 2013. A simplified 3-DNavier-Stokes numerical model for landslide-tsunami: Application to the Gulfof Mexico. J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 118, 6934-6950.

ten Brink, U., Twichel, D., Lynett, P., Geist. E., Chaytor, J., Lee. H.,Buczkowski, B., Flores, C., 2009. Regional Assessment of Tsunami Potentialin the Gulf of Mexico. Open-File Report. U.S. Geological Survey.

Yamazaki, Y., Kowalik, Z., Cheung, K.F., 2008. Depth-integrated, non-hydrostatic model for wave breaking and run-up. Int. J. Numer. Meth.Fluids, 61(5), 473-497.

Pampell-Manis, A., Horrillo, J., Shigihara, Y., Parambath, L. ProbabilisticAssessment of Landslide Tsunami Hazard for the Northern Gulf of Mexico, J.Geophys. Res. Oceans, under review.


State of Florida - Panama City

SCALE 1:95000

Tsunami Sources Modeled for the Panama City coastline



East BreaksLong: -95.68Lat: 27.70

Mississippi CanyonLong: -90.00Lat: 28.60


West FloridaLong: -84.75Lat: 25.95

PSL-ALong: -94.30Lat: 27.98

PSL-B1Long: -91.56Lat: 28.05

PSL-B2Long: -91.01Lat: 26.17


PSL-CLong: -87.20Lat: 28.62


This tsunami inundation map was prepared to assist lo-cal emergency management in identifying their tsunamihazard. It is intended for local jurisdictional, coastalevacuation planning uses only. This map is not intendedfor site-specific or land-use purposes or regulations.

This inundation map has been compiled with the bestcurrently available scientific information. The inunda-tion line represents the maximum considered tsunamirunup from a number of maximum credible tsunamisources, thus all of the inundation seen in a particulararea will not likely be inundated during a single tsunamievent. However, actual conditions during a tsunamimay vary, so the accuracy of the inundation shown herecannot be guaranteed. Although an attempt has beenmade to identify a credible upper bound to inundationat any location along the coastline, it remains possi-ble that actual inundation could be greater in a majortsunami event. This map is intended to portray theworst case scenario and does not provide any furtherinformation about the return periods of the events stud-ied here. Interpretation of this tsunami inundation mapby qualified individuals is strongly recommended.


Topographic base map obtained from the ArcGIS WorldImagery database, exported with a resolution of approx-imately 1/3 arc-seconds (∼10m). Tsunami inundationline boundaries may reflect updated digital topographicdata that can differ significantly from contours shownon the base map.


The National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program(NTHMP) and Texas A&M University at Galveston(TAMUG) make no representation or warranties, ex-press or implied, regarding the accuracy of this inunda-tion map nor the data from which the map was derived.Neither the NTHMP nor TAMUG shall be liable underany circumstances for any direct, indirect, special, in-cidental or consequential damages with respect to anyclaim by any user or any third party on account of orarising from the use of this map.