Download - Maximizing the Impact & Optimizing the Performance of Sports & Recreation Assets


Maximizing the Impact & Optimizing the Performance of

Sports & Recreation Assets Jason Clement, Dev Pathik, Evan Eleff

What We Will Cover •  Introductions •  Define performance: Sports & Recreation Assets •  New Generation of Operations and Expectations •  Questions

Introduc)ons:  Speakers  Bio  •  Since  2003  -­‐  Firms  have  produced  funding  documents  for  a  por>olio  

totaling  over  $4  Billion  in  sport  &  recrea1on  venues.    

•  Past  3  Years  –  Opened  more  than  2  million  square  feet  of  indoor  facili)es  and  over  800  acres  of  outdoor  

•  2014  –  Venues  managed  &  advised  hosted  more  than  12  million  visits    •  2015  -­‐    Will  host  more  than  15  million  visits  this  year  •  2014  -­‐  Venues  generated  $20  -­‐  $50  million  in  Economic  Impact  

annually  to  their  communi)es    

•  Over  200  team  members  Improving  the  Health  &  Economic  Vitality  of  the  Communi)es  We  Serve  

Introduc)on  –  About  You  What  size  of  community  do  you  represent?  A.     Popula)on  less  than  15,000  B.     15,001  –  45,000  C.     45,001  –  75,000  D.     75,001  –  150,000  E.     151,000+  

Introduc)on  –  About  You  

Types  of  sport  &  recrea1on  assets  are  your  interest?  A.     League-­‐Based  Sports  Programming  B.     Membership  (Fitness,  Aqua)cs,  or  Recrea)on  Center)  C.     Sports  Tourism  D.     Leisure  E.     Group  Events  (Family)  Entertainment  F.     Start-­‐Up  (In  Planning)  

Introduc)on  –  About  You  

What  interests  you?  A.     Building  economic  impact  from  outside  community  B.     Capital  needs  for  asset  maintenance  &  replacement  C.     Facilita)ng  healthy  lifestyles  D.     Financial  Sustainability  –  increasing  %  Cost  Recovery    E.        All  of  the  Above  

Current  Sport  &  Recrea)on  Performance  

•  Nearly  3  million  fewer  kids  are  playing  above  sports  (SFIA)  •  Less  than  1  in  3  children  between  ages  6-­‐12  par)cipated  in  a  high  

calorie  burning  sport  or  fitness  ac)vity  3  )mes/week    

Current  Sport  &  Recrea)on  Performance  

•  Youth  from  homes  in  lowest  income  bracket  are  half  as  likely  to  play    

Current  Sport  &  Recrea)on  Performance  

•  Lack  of  ac)vity  links  to  obesity  

 •  40%  of  girls  &  

35%  of  boys  are  obese  

•  U.S.  is  country  with  highest  obese  youth  among  15  peers  


Performance  –  How  do  we  define  success?  Cost  Recovery  The  Great  One  -­‐  Wayne  Gretzky    

“I  skate  to  where  the  puck  is  going  to  be,  not  where  it  has  been.  A  good  hockey  player  plays  where  the  puck  is.  A  great  hockey  player  plays  where  the  puck  is  going  to  be.”  

Performance  –  How  do  we  define  success?  •  Cost  Recovery/Financial  Performance  •  Quality  of  Programs  -­‐  diversity  •  Economic  Impact  •  Venue  Door  Swings  

•  Ancillary  development,  incremental  spending  •  Family  Connec1vity  and  Par1cipa1on  

•  Family  involvement  •  Leadership  and  Character  Development    

•  Gradua1on  Rates,  standardized  tes1ng  •  Philanthropic  Involvement  •  Employment  tenure,  rates  

•  Improved  Health  –  Mental,  Physical,  Social,  Spiritual  •  Brain  ac1vity,  obesity  rates  

Performance  –  How  do  we  define  success?  •  Cost  Recovery/Financial  Performance  •  Quality  of  Programs  -­‐  diversity  •  Economic  Impact  •  Venue  Door  Swings  

•  Ancillary  development,  incremental  spending  •  Family  Connec1vity  and  Par1cipa1on  

•  Family  involvement  •  Leadership  and  Character  Development    

•  Gradua1on  Rates,  standardized  tes1ng  •  Philanthropic  Involvement  •  Employment  tenure,  rates  

•  Improved  Health  –  Mental,  Physical,  Social,  Spiritual  •  Brain  ac1vity,  obesity  rates  

Performance  –  How  do  we  ACHIEVE  success?  1  of  5:    Know  Your  Opera1onal  Model  

Anchor Operation Type Average Annual Revenue per Square Foot High

Sports Tourism $40

League Based (Traditional) $75

Membership Fitness $125

Group Event (Entertainment) $125

$- $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 $90 $100

Performance  –  How  do  we  ACHIEVE  success?  2  of  5:    Innovate  and  create  incremental  opportuni1es  

Ancillary Revenue Analysis

Ancillary Revenue Service % of Operations

% of Income

Avg Income Examples

Food and Beverage 91% 11% $175,000 $1,750,000 Advertising and Sponsorships 85% 2% $40,000 $500,000

Camps Clinics 70% 7% $119,000 $1,200,000 Parties - Group Event 70% 3% $48,000 $1,500,000

Kids Programs 67% 9% $187,000 $1,000,000

•  Sports  Leadership  Programs  •  Corporate  &  Group  Programs  (grad  par)es,  iron  skillet,  etc.)  •  Child  Development  –  Lil’  slugger,  kicker,  laxers,  infant  swimming  –  cogni)ve  motor  skills  •  Corporate  partnerships  •  Educa)onal  Academies  

Performance  –  How  do  we  ACHIEVE  success?  3  of  5:    Solicit  Guest  Feedback  

Performance  –  How  do  we  ACHIEVE  success?  4  of  5:    Recruit,  Train,  and  Retain  Talent  

Stanford  MBA  Graduate  �  Average  compensa)on:  $400,000  �  First  Year  Average:  $140,000  �  Average  Industry  GM:  $70,000  

ISU  MBA  Graduate  �  Average  compensa)on:  $125,000  �  First  Year  Average:  $65,000  �  Average  Industry  GM:  $70,000  

Train  for  Success  –  not  a  first  year  posi)on  �  Business  Development  –  Marke)ng,  Branding,  Sales  �  Financial  Competence  –  Repor)ng,  Cash  handling,  Forecas)ng  �  Strategic  Thinking  –  Market  awareness,  Leadership  �  Opera)onal  Excellence  –  Great  products,  service,  effec)veness  �  Risk  Management  –  Legal,  Human  Resources  

Performance  –  How  do  we  ACHIEVE  success?  4  of  5:    Recruit,  Train,  and  Retain  Talent  

Reten)on  Method:  

Ø  Engage, Educate, Equip, Energize, Empower, Elevate Ø How to create a culture of accountability:

Ø  “I want you to think and make decisions like an owner”

•  Trust  •  Clarity  of  vision,  intent,  scoreboard  •  Incen)ve  based  compensa)on  

“I’ll  kick  you  so  fast  I’ll  look  like  a  one  legged  man.”  -­‐  Burton  R.  Snook  

Financial  Investm


High  $$$  

Low  $  

Brand  Iden1ty  

Marke1ng  Systems  

Product  Appeal  

Sales  Process  

Quality  of  Service  

Ideal  Customer  Rela1onships  The  set  of  behaviors  your  advocates/raving  fans  exhibit.    

SFA|SFM  TARGET  MODEL  Performance  –  How  do  we  ACHIEVE  success?  5  of  5:    Lead:  Create  a  Culture  of  Business  Development,  

           Service,  and  Accountability  

Performance  –  How  do  we  ACHIEVE  success?  5  of  5:    Lead:  Create  a  Culture  of  Business  Development,  

           Service,  and  Accountability  q Crak  and  Communicate  the  Vision  q Establish  Goals  for  results,  rela)onships,  processes  q Alract  and  inspire  others  to  share  commitment  to  excellence  q Give  feedback  that  improves  performance  –  verbal  &  wrilen  q Measure  and  benchmark  

²  Inten1onal  Leadership  is  the  Biggest  Variable  many  can  control  to  op1mizing  the  performance  of  the  opera1on  

Characteris)cs  of  Successful  Opera)ons  �  Embrace  opportuni)es  �  Innovate  wisely  and  con)nuously  � Don’t  be  afraid  to  Learn  �  Proven  management  systems  &  repor)ng  �  Invest  in  high  achievers  

�  Engage,  Educate,  Equip,  Encourage,  Empower  �  Energize  and  ELEVATE  

Next  Genera1on  of  Sport  &  Recrea1on  Assets  Expecta1ons:  •  Cost  Recovery/Financial  Performance  •  Quality  of  Programs  -­‐  diversity  •  Economic  Impact  •  Venue  Door  Swings  

•  Ancillary  development,  incremental  spending  •  Family  Connec1vity  and  Par1cipa1on  

•  Family  involvement  •  Leadership  and  Character  Development    

•  Gradua1on  Rates,  standardized  tes1ng  •  Philanthropic  Involvement  •  Employment  tenure,  rates  

•  Improved  Health  –  Mental,  Physical,  Social,  Spiritual  •  Brain  ac1vity,  obesity  rates  

Next  Genera)on  of  Sports  Assets  will  achieve:  

Questions/Comments? Jason Clement

Founding Partner The Sports Facilities Advisory

The Sports Facilities Management [email protected]


Dev Pathik Founding Partner

The Sports Facilities Advisory The Sports Facilities Management

[email protected] 727-474-3845

Evan Eleff Vice-President

The Sports Facilities Advisory The Sports Facilities Management

[email protected] 727-474-3845