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By: Matthias and Miles

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This map shows where

the Vikings started off

and where there

civilizations expanded

to. In the 8th century

they started off in

Scandinavia but then

in the 9th century they

had moved to parts of

Iceland, England, and

Ireland. Over time

they had much of

Europe and even some

of North America. The

Vikings were a

dominate group.

Map of Viking Civilization

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The Vikings were a Scandinavian group who explored and raided most of Europe

The Vikings were around from the 8th century to the 11th century. This was known as the Viking age

They were mostly known for their big long ships and their trading. The Vikings brought their valuable goods with them and traded them to other civilizations

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1. Chieftain: The Chieftain owned all of the land they had raided. Every summer he and his army would raid other countries

2. Chieftains Wife: She stayed home and looked after farm

3. The Eldest Son: He inherited all of the money and land

4. The Freemen: Would stay at home and maintain the land, and complete tasks such as melting iron and making weapons

5. The Tradesmen: Would go to Villages to trade their goods

6. The Slaves: Would do all of the dirty work

The Viking Chieftain

Chieftain and his family The Freemen

The Tradesmen

The Slaves

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Most people throughout the Viking Age lived in farmsteads that were handed down father to son. All three generations of the family would live in it. The richer hired servants to work for them. The houses would consist of a byre, a storehouse, and a longhouse for living.

The floors were covered in reeds or herbs and the walls were made of wood. Most of the homes were on a farm allowing the family to grow food for themselves.

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Wearing jewellery in the Viking age was a sign of wealth that showed that you were rich enough to wear expensive jewellery. Also in a normal house it would usually be just one room but well off families would be able to have two rooms. Also only the rich could afford furniture such as tables and chairs. Most Vikings slept on hay or on a rug or bench but only the rich could afford beds, some rich people would also have tapestry on the walls to decorate but rugs had not been made yet instead the rich would spread rushes on the floor. Also if a Viking was more well of they could have more clothing that was made out of fine materials.

Viking wore their jewellery to show off their wealth

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Vikings enjoyed eating many types of seafood such as fish, seaweed, shellfish, seals, and whales. Sometimes the slaves pickled the fish in salt water to give it more taste. With all the vegetables they grew on their farms they ate as well. They also ate some wild animals. They drank milk, beer and other drinks with their meals. Also on holidays they had big feasts with a variety.

Here are some foods that the Vikings ate such as fish, vegetables, and bread

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Most of the Viking men were all around workers doing work such as boat building, or making tools. They also knew how to fight, so they could protect their family or the chieftain.

Most of the Viking women took care of the everyday household tasks. They would wash clothes, take care of the children. They also looked after the farms while the men were out.

The Viking women also made pottery in there spare time at home

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Girls usually get married around the ages of 12-15 year of age

When they got married they were expected to take over and run the household

The decision of the marriage was mostly between the two families. The girls didn’t get that much of a say in it

If the other partner wasn’t taking much part in the marriage or if he was treating her poorly she had the right to divorce him

She had to call over some witness’s to make it final

The children were kept with the mother if they were little, but if they were bigger they would be split

The Wives brought sewing supplies as well as a loom and a bed

That is a Viking engagement ring. The Viking men would propose to someone with it

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Women were always the care givers when a woman was delivering a baby. When a woman was delivering a baby they would take a position by kneeling on the ground with helpers behind the woman helping her up. Then they would hold her elbows and deliver the baby through the back. To calm a woman they would sing songs to help her calm down.

A Viking Childbirth Practice

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If the child survived birth then hardly any children got an education so they most likely wouldn’t go to school.

Children did not have toys like they have now but they did act out like their parents so for example they would ride sticks and pretend to be in a battle.

When a child would become old enough they would start to help around the house, in cleaning the house and working on the crops.

They would have to learn these skills when they have their own house. Skills in fighting were learned using pretend toy weapons.

Viking children would preform household tasks when they got older

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Our life

Many more children survive birth and live a healthy live because of good healthcare

Today we have many toys to play with

Today we have much more freedom but we still have to help around the house

We have the opportunity to really be a kid

Some Viking children didn’t survive birth or had a hard time living healthy

In the Viking age children didn’t have as many toys to play with so they had to use their imagination

When a Viking child turned a certain age they had to perform many tasks around the household and had little time for play

The Vikings had a much different life then we had growing up

Viking Life

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In the Viking age there were no public schools, all education was done at home. The Adults or parents educated the children

When Viking children reached the age of around 10 they were taught how to run a household so they could take over the family farm

Girls learned how to spin and weave while boys went fishing with their fathers

Viking children were always busy around the household, but they still had a bit of time for playing

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The Vikings believed in many different types of gods and goddesses who all had many different personalities almost like humans. The main gods or chief gods were Odin, Thor and Frey. The Vikings would worship the gods and ask different gods for different things for example, they would pray for good weather for crops. Later when Vikings went to other countries most people were Christian so some Vikings became Christian but most Vikings stayed loyal to the gods and didn’t become Christians.

Thor was one of the most common gods among the Viking society

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Thor is one of the most commonly known gods among Viking Heritage. He is the son of Odin and Fjorgyn. Thor is the god of thunder, sky, and law. Thor wore a belt carrying a hammer. Thor killed anything that moved. Thor was a very powerful god.

Thor, the god of Thunder

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The Vikings like most people back in their time made most of their clothes out of wool.

The Vikings would bring sheep around with them to create clothes; the women would weave the wool and create clothes.

They would also use fruits and vegetables to dye the clothes different colors. Men would typically wear a wool shirt and a skirt or kilt. The women would wear a long linen dress and would wear an apron around the house. In the cold both men and women wore wool hats and cloaks.

They wore wool sweaters with helmets on. They would sometimes wear a skirt or kilt

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Music in Viking times evolved over the ages. Every generation slightly changed music in Viking times. In the 17th century music started to be written down and kept. Then once songs had been written there was lots of singing and dancing with the music. The Vikings sang when they were sad and when they were happy. They also danced sang songs and played instruments when there was a celebration of some kind. Viking art was not very important; they instead decorated ordinary objects such as cones and buckets. They also made some out of metal and leather and wood to makes stuff such as belts and jewellery to sell.

Swan bone flutes were used to play music

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Thursebolt was a popular festival among Viking heritage honouring Thor who protected Midgaurd. At Festivals Vikings drank ale and mead from wooden cups. Some funerals in the Viking age lasted as long as a week

Popular food at a Viking festivals

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The Vikings were a ruthless group of invaders who took over and explored parts of the world mainly Europe. We admire the Vikings for their willingness to explore and invade new places. Overall many of the skills the Vikings possessed helped them during the Viking age.

A Viking battle

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The Vikings:

Social Structure of the Vikings:

Food of the Vikings:

Housing in Viking Age:

Vikings at Home:



Viking Gods:


Medical care:

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Margeson, Susan. Eyewitness Books—Viking. Stoddart publishing co. Toronto Canada, 1994

Morley, Jacqueline. First Facts about the Vikings. Peter Bedrick Books. New York, New York, 1996.

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Viking Chieftain:



Viking Children:

Viking Ship:

Viking Man:

Viking ring:

Viking Flute:

Viking Village:

Viking Battle: