  • 8/10/2019 ``MATERI MATHS-ENGLISH




    1. In the following figure, what is the area of the shaded circle inside of the square?

    A. 512B. 256C. 16D. 50.2

    !. 12.5"

    2. In the figure #elow, deter$ine the area of the shaded region of the figure.

    A. %.&5B. 10.52C. 16.&"

    D. %!. 10.'6

    &. (hat are the coordinates of )oint A on the following gra)h?

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    A. *+&, +B. *+, &C. *&, +D. *+, +&!. *&,

    . (hat was the a-erage nu$#er of #a#ies that Dr. ones deli-ered each /ear fro$ 1%%5 to 1%%'?

    A. &5B. 0C. 5D. 50

    !. 55

    5. ow $an/ #a#ies did Dr. ones deli-er in 1%%'?

    A. 25B. &5C. 5D. 55!. 65

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    6. If Dr. ones deli-ered '5 #a#ies in 1%%%, how $an/ rattles would re)resent this nu$#er?

    A. 6 B. "C. " D. '

    !. '

    ". If 34 Auto Co$)an/ sold 2&,000 -ehicles in 1%%%, how $an/ were 78s?

    A. 2,%%0B. &,0&0C. &,50D. ,"60!. ,""5

    '. If ",650 truc9s were sold in 1%%%, how $an/ total -ehicles were sold in 1%%% #/ 34 Auto Co$)an/?

    A. &5,000B. 0,000C. 5,000D. 50,000!. 55,000

    %. If &,"50 2+door sedans were sold in 1%%%, then how $an/ +door sedans were sold in 1%%% #/ 34Auto Co$)an/?

    A. &,5"'B. ,%50C. 5,120D. 5,6"0!. 5,'5

    10. ow $uch did the infant gain in the first $onth of life?

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    A. 6 ouncesB. 12 ouncesC. 15 ouncesD. ' l#s ' ounces!. % l#s ounces

    11. (hat was the a-erage weight of the infant fro$ A)ril to :cto#er, rounded to the nearest ounce?

    A. 10 l#sB. 10 l#s 5 ouncesC. 10 l#s % ouncesD. 11 l#s 5 ounces!. 11 l#s % ounces

    12. Between which two $onths did the infant gain the $ost weight?

    A. A)ril and ;a/B. une and ul/C. ul/ and AugustD. August and e)te$#er!. e)te$#er and :cto#er

    1&. In the gra)h #elow, no a

  • 8/10/2019 ``MATERI MATHS-ENGLISH


    A. *1", +2

    B. *10, 6C. *6, 'D. *+10, &!. *+2, +1"

    1. ow $an/ #o/s attended the 1%%5 con-ention?

    A. &5'B. &%0C. 0"D. 50

    !. "16

    15. (hich /ear did the sa$e nu$#er of #o/s and girls attend the conference?

    A. 1%%5B. 1%%6C. 1%%"D. 1%%'!. =one

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    16. (hich two /ears did the least nu$#er of #o/s attend the con-ention?

    A. 1%%5 and 1%%6B. 1%%5 and 1%%'C. 1%%6 and 1%%"D. 1%%6 and 1%%2

    !. 1%%" and 1%%'

    Answer >e/1. !2. B&. C. C5. D6. !". A'. C%. B10. B11. C12. D1&. C1. A15. A16. A

    Practice Questions

    1. An instru$ent store gi-es a 10 discount to all students off the original cost of an instru$ent. During a#ac9 to school sale an additional 15 is ta9en off the discounted )rice. ulie, a student at the local highschool, )urchases a flute for @&06. ow $uch did it originall/ cost?

    A. @&25B. @&"5C. @00D. @0'!. @25

    2. If /*

  • 8/10/2019 ``MATERI MATHS-ENGLISH


    A. 50FB. 55FC. 60FD. '0F!. %0F

    5. If 5 ounces is equal to 10 gra$s, then 2 )ounds of ground $eat is equal to how $an/ gra$s?

    A. '6&B. '"'C. '%6D. %15!. %&2

    6. (hich /ear did the $ost children ta9e swi$$ing lessons?

    A. 1%%0B. 1%%1C. 1%%2D. 1%%!. 1%%5

    ". Between which /ear did the largest decrease in children ta9ing swi$$ing lessons occur?

    A. 1%%0+1%%1B. 1%%1+1%%2C. 1%%2+1%%&D. 1%%&+1%%!. 1%%+1%%5

    '. (hat was the a-erage nu$#er of children ta9ing swi$ lessons fro$ 1%%0 to 1%%5?

    A. 250

    B. &0'C. &'5D. 50!. 1,'50

    %. (hich of the following is equal to 5.%& < 10+2?

    A. 0.05%&B. 0.005%&C. 5%&

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    D. 5%&0!. 5%&00

    10. :n a ;a), 1 inch re)resents 20 $iles. Ehe distance #etween 2 towns is 6 15 inches. ow $an/ $ilesare actuall/ #etween the two towns?

    A. 65 $ilesB. ' $ilesC. 12 $ilesD. 1&' $iles!. 15 $iles

    11. (hich of the following is a correct gra)h of

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    15. (hat will it cost to tile a 9itchen floor that is 12 feet wide #/ 20 feet long if the tile cost @'.%1 )ersquare /ard?

    A. @22.51B. @2&".60C. @26.55

    D. @2"1.&'!. @2'2.&2

    16. In a writing co$)etition, the first )lace winner recei-es of the )rie $one/. Ehe second runner u)recei-es J of what the winner won. (hat was the total a$ount of )rie $one/ distri#uted if the winnerrecei-es @6,000?

    A. @6,000B. @',500C. @12,000D. @15,000

    !. @1',500

    1". 3ou are l/ing 120 ft awa/ fro$ a tree that is 50 feet tall. 3ou loo9 u) at the to) of the tree.A))ro

  • 8/10/2019 ``MATERI MATHS-ENGLISH


    D. 0.01!. 0.001

    22. Ehe cost to ride on a ferr/ is @5.00 )er -ehicle and dri-er with an additional cost of 50 cents )er)assenger. If the charge to get on the ferr/ is @6.50, how $an/ )eo)le were in the -ehicle?

    A. 1B. 2C. &D. !. 5

    2&. (hat is 1% of %?

    A. 1%B. 0C. 1

    D. 2!. &

    2. In his )oc9et, a #o/ has & red $ar#les, #lue $ar#les, and green $ar#les. ow $an/ will he ha-e tota9e out of his )oc9et to ensure that he has ta9en out at least one of each color?

    A. &B. "C. 'D. %!. 11

    25. (hich fraction is equal to 0.20?

    A. 120B. 10C. 150D. 100!. 1500

    26. Kind the $issing ter$ in the following sequenceL , %, 1%, MM, "%

    A. &6B. &"C. &'D. &%!. 0

    2". ow $uch $one/ did essica8s #udget allow for housing in A)ril of 2001?

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    A. @61".'0B. @620.%2C. @622.50D. @626.&'!. @6&&.20

    2'. (hat was the a-erage a$ount of $one/ that essica8s #udget allowed for clothing the first si< $onthsof 2001?

    A. @2%.%0

    B. @250.0C. @251.&2D. @25&.&&!. @255."5

    2%. If essica onl/ s)ent 20 instead of the 25 allot$ent for food in ;a/ of 2001, how $uch did shesa-e?

    A. @1&1.10B. @1.&0C. @1'.&2

    D. @152.22!. @15&.&&

    &0. onathan can t/)e a 20 )age docu$ent in 0 $inutes, usan can t/)e it in &0 $inutes, and ac9 cant/)e it in 2 $inutes. (or9ing together, how $uch ti$e will it ta9e the$ to t/)e the sa$e docu$ent?

    A. 5 $inutesB. 10 $inutesC. 15 $inutesD. 1' $inutes!. 20 $inutes

    &1. :f the following fractions, which is less than 2&?

    A. "'B. 56C. &D. &5!. 5"

    &2. A hoc9e/ tea$ won 6 ga$es and lost '. (hat is the ratio of wins to nu$#er of ga$es?

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    A. 6'B. '6C. &"D. '1!. 6"

    &&. ue recei-es a #ase salar/ of @%0 wee9l/ )lus a 12 co$$ission on all sales. ue had @&,000 in salesthis wee9. ow $uch did she $a9e total?

    A. @&"5B. @50C. @'0D. @510!. @525

    &. If the )eri$eter of a rectangular house is 25 1& /ards, and the length is 22 feet. (hat is the width?

    A. 16 feetB. &5 feetC. &" feetD. 0 feet!. 2 feet

    &5. i$$/ $ade a 15 )rofit on the sale of a custo$ designed #oat, and the original cost of the #oat was@15,000. Ehe #oat sold for how $uch?

    A. @1",250.00B. @16,50.C. @16,2&0.&D. @15,%'0.55!. @15,'"0.''

    &6. A recent stud/ showed that an increase in #od/ weight #/ 10 9ilogra$s resulted in a 0.15 increase inheart disease. (hat fraction is equal to 0.15?

    A. &2000B. 2"50C. "000D. 5&62!. 1500

    &". 6.&& < 10

    A. 0.0006&&B. 0.06&&C. 6&&D. 6&&0!. 6&&00

    &'. If &< 5< +', then < 1

    A. +2B. +1C. 0D. 1!. 2

    &%. Ewo angle in a triangle equal 120F. (hat is the $easure of the third angle?

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    A. 60FB. "0FC. '0FD. %0F!. 120F

    0. (hich of the following would #e an a))ro)riate unit to $easure sugar for a coo9ie reci)e?

    A. litersB. cu)sC. quartsD. 9ilogra$s!. )ounds

    Answer >e/1. C2. B

    &. B. D5. C6. !". C'. B%. A10. C11. A12. B1&. B1. C15. B16. C1". D1'. D1%. !20. !21. B22. D2&. C2. D25. !26. D2". C2'. !2%. A&0. B&1. D&2. C&&. B&. A&5. A&6. A

    &". D&'. C&%. A0. B

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    Practice Questions

    1. Ewo angles of a triangle each $easure "0F. (hat is the $easure of the third angle in degrees?

    A. 0F

    B. '0FC. 100FD. 120F!. 10F

    2. If ac9 needs 2 )ints of crea$ to $a9e a dessert. ow $an/ )ints will he need to $a9e & desserts?

    A. 2 B. &C. D. 5

    !. "

    &. A discount store ta9es 50 off of the retail )rice of a des9. Kor the store8s holida/ sale, it ta9es anadditional 20 off of all furniture. Ehe des98s retail )rice was @&20. ow $uch is the des9 on sale forduring the holida/ sale?

    A. @10"B. @11C. @12'D. @1&6!. @1%2

    . (hich -acation destination is $ost co$$on for the students?

    A. BeachB. istorical itesC. CruisesD. ;ountains

    !. :ther

    5. If 500 students attend (ashington ;iddle chool, how $an/ are going to the $ountains for -acation?

    A. 25B. 60C. "5D. 100!. 125

  • 8/10/2019 ``MATERI MATHS-ENGLISH


    6. If a J of a teas)oon is 1 $l, then how $an/ $illiliters are in 6 teas)oons?

    A. 10 $lB. 12.5 $lC. 15 $lD. 20 $l

    !. 2 $l

    ". (hich of the following is the correct gra)h for

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    D. 1, 1"25, &, 1116!. &, 1"25, 1116, 1

    12. (hat is the $athe$atical a-erage of the nu$#er of da/s in a t/)ical /ear, the nu$#er of da/s in awee9, and the nu$#er of hours in a da/?

    A. 100B. 115C. 1&2D. 15'!. 22

    1&. 1."5 < 105

    A. 1"5,000B. 1",500C. 1,"50

    D. 0.001"5!. 0.0001"5

    1. Ehe electric co$)an/ charges & cents )er 9ilowatt+hour. Peorge used 2'00 9ilowatt+hours in A)ril,&200 9ilowatt+hours in ;a/, and &600 9ilowatt+hours in une. (hat was his a-erage cost of electricit/ forthe & $onths?

    A. @"2B. @''C. @%6D. @102!. @11&

    15. :n a $a), 1& inch equals 15 $iles. Ehe distance #etween two towns on a $a) is & 2& inches. ow$an/ $iles are actuall/ #etween the two towns?

    A. 11B. 16C. ''D. 1&2!. 165

    16. a$es in-ested @,000 at 5 interest )er /earQ how long will it ta9e hi$ to earn @200 in si$)leinterest?

    A. 1 /earB. 2 /earsC. & /earsD. /ears!. 5 /ears

    1". ohn )a/s @650 in )ro)ert/ ta

  • 8/10/2019 ``MATERI MATHS-ENGLISH


    A. @26B. @2'C. @&0D. @&2!. @&

    1%. A $attress store sells their stoc9 for 15 off of retail. If so$eone )a/s cash, the/ ta9e an additional10 off of the discounted )rice. If a $attress8s retail )rice is @"50, what is the )rice after the storediscount and the cash discount?

    A. @550."5B. @562.50C. @5"&."5D. @6&".50!. @6"5.00

    20. '5 of what nu$#er is 1&6?

    A. 160B. 1"0C. 1'0D. 1%0!. 220

    21. A #uilding that is 150 ft tall casts a shadow of 20 feet long. At the sa$e ti$e a tree casts a shadow of 2ft. ow tall is the tree?

    A. 10B. 15C. 20D. 25!. &0

    22. (hich of the following is a true state$ent?

    A. Ehe )roduct of two negati-e nu$#ers is negati-e.B. Ehe )roduct of one negati-e and one )ositi-e nu$#er is )ositi-e.C. (hen di-iding a )ositi-e nu$#er #/ a negati-e nu$#er, the results are negati-e.D. (hen di-iding a negati-e nu$#er #/ a )ositi-e nu$#er, the results are )ositi-e.!. (hen di-iding a negati-e nu$#er #/ a negati-e nu$#er the results are negati-e.

    2&. (hat is the fractional equi-alent of 12.5?

    A. 1B. 2%C. 15D. 1'!. 2"

    2. Change &5 to an i$)ro)er fraction.

    A. 2&5B. "5C. 1220D. 2012!. 125

    25. Ehe fine for a dri-er riding in the car)ool lane without an/ )assengers is @1&&. A dri-er is issued a#ench warrant for @2,2%.25, which includes a 15 fee for late charges and court costs. ow $an/ tic9etshas the dri-er not )aid?

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    A. 10B. 12C. 1&D. 1!. 15

    26. Brett started a race at 6L&0 A.;., and he did not cross the finish line until 1L05 R.;. ow long did itta9e for Brett to finish the race?

    A. 6 hours and 15 $inutesB. 6 hours and &5 $inutesC. " hours and 5 $inutesD. " hours and 15 $inutes!. " hours and &5 $inutes

    2". (hat is the fraction equi-alent of the shaded region in the following circle?

    A. 2&B. &'C. 5D. &!. "16

    2'. ;ulti)l/ 2.&5 < 0.02&

    A. 0.5&%&5

    B. 0.05&%&5C. 0.005&%&5D. 10.1%5652!. 101.%5652

    2%. A $en8s #as9et#all tea$ won 2 ga$es and lost &2. (hat is the ratio of ga$es lost to the nu$#er ofga$es )la/ed?

    A. &2L2B. L&C. &LD. L"!. &L"

    &0. (hich of the following choices is equi-alent to 56?

    A. 512B. 106C. 20&0D. 152!. 151'

  • 8/10/2019 ``MATERI MATHS-ENGLISH


    &1. ill earns @120 for ' hours of wor9. At the sa$e )a/ rate, how $uch will she earn for 15 hours ofwor9?

    A. @1'0B. @225C. @25

    D. @2'0!. @&10

    &2. (hich two /ears were the least nu$#er of tires sold?

    A. 1%%' and 1%%%B. 1%%' and 2000C. 1%%' and 2001D. 1%%% and 2000!. 2000 and 2001

    &&. (hich /ear did the store sell 1& $ore tires than the /ear #efore?

    A. 1%%'B. 1%%%C. 2000D. 2001!. Ehis did not occur during the /ear s)an.

    &. (hat was the a-erage nu$#er of tires sold #/ the store fro$ 1%%' to 2001?

    A. %,000B. %,&"5C. %,55D. %,""0!. %,%%5

    &5. A sales$an sold 20 cars in the $onth of ul/, and 0 cars the $onth of August. (hat is the )ercentincrease in the nu$#er of cars the sales$an sold?

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    A. 50B. 100C. 150D. 200!. 250

    &6. If one side of a square is 5 units, what is the area of the square?

    A. 10B. 15C. 20D. 25!. &0

    &". If '< 5 21, then & <

    A. 2

    B. 5C. 10D. 16!. 1"

    &'. In triangle ABC, ABBC and *C8s $easure is 65F. (hat is the $easure of angle B?

    A. 0FB. 50FC. 60FD. 65F!. "5F

    &%. If the a-erage arith$etic $ean of ', 12, 15, 21, < and 11 is 1" then what is

  • 8/10/2019 ``MATERI MATHS-ENGLISH


    1&. A1. C15. !16. A1". D1'. B

    1%. C20. A21. B22. C2&. D2. A25. !26. B2". A2'. B2%. D&0. !&1. B&2. B&&. B&. B&5. B&6. D&". C&'. B&%. D0. B

    Practice Questions

    1. ow long will uc/ ha-e to wait #efore for her @2,500 in-ested at 6 earns @600 in si$)le interest?

    A. 2 /earsB. & /earsC. /earsD. 5 /ears!. 6 /ears

    2. Prace has 16 Sell/#eans in her )oc9et. he has ' red ones, green ones, and #lue ones. (hat is the$ini$u$ nu$#er of Sell/#eans she $ust ta9e out of her )oc9et to ensure that she has one of each color?

    A. B. 'C. 12D. 1&!. 16

    &. If r 5 then 15 & /, then r

    A. /B. 2 /C. 5 /D. 10 /!. 15 /

    . (hat is &5 of a nu$#er if 12 is 15 of a nu$#er?

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    A. 5B. 12C. 2'D. &&!. 62

    5. A co$)uter is on sale for @1600, which is a 20 discount off the regular )rice. (hat is the regular)rice?

    A. @1'00B. @1%00C. @2000D. @2100!. @2200

    6. A car dealer sells a 7 for @&%,000, which re)resents a 25 )rofit o-er the cost. (hat was the cost ofthe 7 to the dealer?

    A. @2%,250B. @&1,200C. @&2,500D. @&&,'00!. @&&,%%%

    ". After ha-ing to )a/ increased inco$e ta

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    A. 0B. 1C. 2.&&D. +&!. none of the a#o-e

    12. Kind the $ode of the following list of nu$#ersL 2, , 6, , ', 2, %, , &, '

    A. 2B. &C. D. 5!. 6

    1&. In the fraction &

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    1'. If the -alue of < and / in the fraction 43 are #oth tri)led, how does the -alue of the fraction change?

    A. increases #/ halfB. decreases #/ halfC. tri)lesD. dou#les

    !. re$ains the sa$e

    1%. (hat is the ne

  • 8/10/2019 ``MATERI MATHS-ENGLISH


    A. *1", +2B. *10, 6C. *6, 'D. *+10, &!. *+2, +1"

    2. :-er the course of a wee9, Kred s)ent @2'.% on lunch. (hat was the a-erage cost )er da/?

    A. @.0"B. @&.5"C. @6.51D. @2.%&!. @5.1

    25. :f the following units, which would #e $ost li9el/ to $easure the a$ount of sugar needed in a reci)efor 2 doen coo9ies?

    A. degrees CelsiusB. $illilitersC. quartsD. 9ilogra$s!. cu)s

    26. i$ has 5 )ieces of string. e needs to choose the )iece that will #e a#le to go around his &6+inchwaist. is #elt #ro9e, and his )ants are falling down. Ehe )iece needs to #e at least inches longer thanhis waist so he can tie a 9not in it, #ut it cannot #e $ore that 6 inches longer so that the ends will not showfro$ under his shirt. (hich of the following )ieces of string will wor9 the #est?

    A. & 5 feetB. & 2& feetC. & &' feetD. & 1 feet!. 2 12 feet

    2". After )urchasing a flat screen tele-ision for @"50, ohn realies that he got a great deal on it andwishes to sell it for a 15 )rofit. (hat should his as9ing )rice #e for the tele-ision?

    A. @'00.&0B. @'&&.60C. @'2.&5D. @'62.50!. @%"0.25

    2'. If &00 Sell/#eans cost /ou < dollars. ow $an/ Sell/#eans can /ou )urchase for 50 cents at the sa$erate?

    A. 150e/1. C2. D&. A

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    . C5. C6. B". !'. B%. D

    10. D11. B12. C1&. D1. C15. B16. C1". D1'. !1%. !20. B21. D22. B2&. C2. A25. !26. C2". D2'. A2%. B&0. B&1. A&2. C&&. C&. A&5. D&6. !&". !&'. A&%. A0. A

    Practice Questions

    1. (hat will it cost to car)et a roo$ with indooroutdoor car)et if the roo$ is 10 feet wide and 12 feetlong? Ehe car)et costs 12.51 )er square /ard.

    A. @166.'0B. @1"5.%0C. @1'.&0D. @1'%.%0!. @1%2.20

    2. If the )eri$eter of a rectangular house is /ards, and the length is &6 feet, what is the width of thehouse?

    A. 10 /ardsB. 1' /ardsC. 2' feetD. &2 feet!. &6 /ards

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    &. (hat is the -olu$e of the following c/linder?

    A. 210.%1B. 226.20C. "5.&6D. %0.&2

    !. 2'.26

    . (hat is the -olu$e of a cu#e whose width is 5 inches?

    A. 15 cu#ic inchesB. 25 cu#ic inchesC. 6 cu#ic inchesD. 100 cu#ic inches!. 125 cu#ic inches

    5. all/ has three )ieces of $aterial. Ehe first )iece is 1 /d. 2 ft. 6 in. long, the second )iece is 2 /d. 1 ft. 5

    in long, and the third )iece is /d. 2ft. 'in long. ow $uch $aterial does all/ ha-e?

    A. " /d. 1 ft. ' in.B. ' /d. ft. in.C. ' /d. 11 in.D. % /d. " in.!. 10 /d.

    6. A can8s dia$eter is & inches, and its height is ' inches. (hat is the -olu$e of the can?

    A. 50.&0

    B. 56.55C. "5.6'D. 11&.0!. 226.0'

    ". If the area of a square flower#ed is 16 square feet, then how $an/ feet is the )eri$eter of theflower#ed?

    A. B. 12C. 16

    D. 20!. 2

    '. :f the following units which would #e $ore li9el/ used to $easure the a$ount of water in a #athtu#?

    A. 9ilogra$sB. litersC. $illilitersD. centigra$s!. -olts

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    %. If a $atch #o< is 0.1" feet long, what is its length in inches the $ost closel/ co$)ara#le to thefollowing?

    A. 5 116 inch highlighterB. & 1' inch Sewelr/ #o

    1%. A20. C

    Practice Questions

    1. If the a-erage of three nu$#ers is 7. If one of the nu$#ers is 4 and another is 3, what is the re$ainingnu$#er?

    A. 43 + 7B. 47 Y & + 3C. 4& Y 7 + 3D. &7+ 4 + 3!. 7+ 4 Y 3

    2. Ewo c/clists start #i9ing fro$ a trail8s start & hours a)art. Ehe second c/clist tra-els at 10 $iles )er hourand starts & hours after the first c/clist who is tra-eling at 6 $iles )er hour. ow $uch ti$e will )ass#efore the second c/clist catches u) with the first fro$ the ti$e the second c/clist started #i9ing?

    A. 2 hoursB. hoursC. 5 Z hoursD. 6 hours!. " hours

    &. i$ can fill a )ool carr/ing #uc9ets of water in &0 $inutes. ue can do the sa$e So# in 5 $inutes.Eon/ can do the sa$e So# in 1 hours. ow quic9l/ can all three fill the )ool together?

    A. 12 $inutesB. 15 $inutesC. 21 $inutesD. 2& $inutes!. 2' $inutes

    . ;ar/ is re-iewing her alge#ra qui. he has deter$ined that one of her solutions is incorrect. (hichone is it?

    A. 2< 5 *

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    6. (hich of the following is not a rational nu$#er?

    A. +B. 15C. 0.'&&&&&&[[D. 0.5


    ". A stud/ re)orted that in a rando$ sa$)ling of 100 wo$en o-er the age of &5 showed that ' of thewo$en were $arried 2 or $ore ti$es. Based on the stud/ results, how $an/ wo$en in a grou) of 5,000wo$en o-er the age of &5 would li9el/ #e $arried 2 or $ore ti$es?

    A. 55B. 150C. 200D. 00!. 600

    '. ohn is tra-eling to a $eeting that is 2' $iles awa/. e needs to #e there in &0 $inutes. ow fast doeshe need to go to $a9e it to the $eeting on ti$e?

    A. 25 $)hB. &" $)hC. 1 $)hD. % $)h!. 56 $)h

    %. If te-en can $i< 20 drin9s in 5 $inutes, ue can $i< 20 drin9s in 10 $inutes, and ac9 can $i< 20

    drin9s in 15 $inutes, how $uch ti$e will it ta9e all & of the$ wor9ing together to $i< the 20 drin9s?

    A. 2 $inutes and secondsB. 2 $inutes and 5' secondsC. & $inutes and 10 secondsD. & $inutes and 26 seconds!. $inutes and 15 seconds

    10. If a$ can do a So# in da/s that isa can do in 6 da/s and Eo$ can do in 2 da/s, how long would theSo# ta9e if a$, isa, and Eo$ wor9ed together to co$)lete it?

    A. 0.' da/sB. 1.0% da/sC. 1.2& da/sD. 1.65 da/s!. 1.%" da/s

    11. i$ has 5 )ieces of string. e needs to choose the )iece that will #e a#le to go around his &6+inchwaist. is #elt #ro9e, and his )ants are falling down. Ehe )iece needs to #e at least inches longer thanhis waist so he can tie a 9not in it, #ut it cannot #e $ore that 6 inches longer so that the ends will not showfro$ under his shirt. (hich of the following )ieces of string will wor9 the #est?

    A. & feetB. & Z feetC. & feetD. & J feet!. 2 feet

    12. Ehe last wee9 of a $onth a car dealershi) sold 12 cars. A new sales )ro$otion ca$e out the first wee9of the ne

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    A. 5'B. 11%C. 15'D. 1"5!. 200

    1&. If two )lanes lea-e the sa$e air)ort at 1L00 R;, how $an/ $iles a)art will the/ #e at &L00 R; if onetra-els directl/ north at 150 $)h and the other tra-els directl/ west at 200 $)h?

    A. 50 $ilesB. 100 $ilesC. 500 $ilesD. "00 $iles!. 1,000 $iles

    1. During a 5+da/ festi-al, the nu$#er of -isitors tri)led each da/. If the festi-al o)ened on a Ehursda/with &5 -isitors, what was the attendance on that unda/?

    A. &5B. 1,0&5C. 1,"25D. &,105!. %,&15

    Answer >e/1. D2. B&. B. !5. B6. !". D'. !%. A10. B11. C12. A1&. C1. !

    Practice Questions

    1. \ound %0".5" to the nearest tens )lace.

    A. %0'.0B. %10C. %0".5D. %00!. %0".6

    2. At a certain high school, the res)ecti-e weights for the following su#Sects areL;athe$atics &, !nglish &, istor/ 2, cience 2 and Art 1.(hat is a student8s a-erage whose $ar9s were the followingL Peo$etr/ '%, A$erican iterature %2,A$erican istor/ %, Biolog/ '1, and cul)ture '5?

    A. '5."B. '".'

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    C. ''.%D. '%.!. %0.2

    &. Pinger o-er the course of an a-erage wor9+wee9 wanted to see how $uch she s)ent on lunch dail/. :n;onda/ and Ehursda/, she s)ent @5.& total. :n Euesda/ and (ednesda/, she s)ent @&.5 on each da/.

    :n Krida/, she s)ent @".'% on lunch. (hat was her a-erage dail/ cost?

    A. @&.1%B. @&."5C. @&.%0D. @.0'!. @.2&

    . (hat is 12&0.%&256" rounded to the nearest hundredths )lace?

    A. 1200

    B. 12&0.%&26C. 12&0.%&D. 12&0!. 12&0.%&&

    5. u#tract the following nu$#ers rounded to the nearest tenths )lace.1&.6"%+5.5'+6".''0"

    A. 21.&B. 21.25C. +5'.%"D. +5%.0!. 1

    6. (hat is the a#solute -alue of +%?

    A. +%B. %C. 0D. +1!. 1

    ". (hat is the $edian of the following list of nu$#ers? , 5, ", %, 10, 12

    A. 6B. ".5C. ".'D. '!. %

    '. (hat is the $athe$atical a-erage of the nu$#er of wee9s in a /ear, seasons in a /ear, and the nu$#erof da/s in anuar/?

    A. &6B. &&C. &2D. &1!. 2%

    %. In a college, so$e courses contri#ute $ore towards an o-erall PRA than other courses. Kor e

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    worth & )oints. Ehe -alues of the grade letters are as follows, A , B&, C2, D1, K0. (hat is the PRAof a student who $ade a WCX in Erigono$etr/, a WBX in A$erican istor/, an WAX in Botan/, and a WBX in;icro#iolog/?

    A. 2.5%B. 2.'6

    C. &.0'D. &.&&!. &.6"

    10. :-er the course of a wee9, Kred s)ent @2'.% on lunch. (hat was the a-erage cost )er da/?

    A. @.0"B. @&.5"C. @6.51D. @2.%&!. @5.1

    11. A roast was coo9ed at &25F K in the o-en for hours. Ehe internal te$)erature rose fro$ &2F K to 15FK. (hat was the a-erage rise in te$)erature )er hour?

    A. 20.2F KhrB. 2'.25F KhrC. &2.0&F KhrD. &"F Khr!. &".2%F Khr

    12. In the nu$#er "&.25 which digit re)resents the tenths s)ace?

    A. 2B. &C. D. 5!. 6

    Answer >e/1. B2. C&. D. C5. A6. B". D'. !%. C10. A11. B12. A

    Practice Questions

    1. Add 0.%' 5.102 &2.&&&& &1 0.0000%

    A. &6'.5"&B. 210.5&62%%C. 10%.15&%

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    D. %%.%%"5!. '0.'"6%5&

    2. Kind 0.12 T 1

    A. 12

    B. 1.2C. .12D. .012!. .0012

    &. *% T & < *' T

    A. 1B. 6C. "2D. 5"6

    !. "52

    . 6 < 0 < 5

    A. &0B. 11C. 25D. 0!. 2"

    5. ".%5 T 1.5

    A. 2.B. 5.&C. 6.2D. ".&!. ".5

    6. +&2 " equalsL

    A. +25B. 25C. +26D. 26!. 2"

    ". +&" +" equalsL

    A. 6B. +'C. 65D. +"5!. +66

    '. 1 equalsL

    A. .1B. .1C. .01D. .001!. .0015

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    Answer >e/1. C2. C&. B. D5. B

    6. A". B'. B

    Practice Questions

    1. Kor the Ehan9sgi-ing reunion, relati-es were sitting in the dining roo$, on the )orch, and in the car)ort.

    A. Ehan9sgi-ing, reunionB. (ere, sittingC. Rorch andD. =o error

    2. /dia see$s to #e a 9ind, considerate girl.

    A. ee$s, toB. Considerate, girlC. >ind considerateD. =o error

    &. Ehis fishing )ole =athan, has seen #etter da/s.

    A. Role, =athan,B. as, seenC. =athan,D. =o error

    . ;/ cousin has $o-ed to 56 Central treet =arragansett, \hode Island 02''2.

    A. as $o-ed,B. Central treet,C. 56, CentralD. =o error

    5. Ehe #adger, a sh/ ani$al so$eti$es $a9es friends with a co/ote.

    A. o$eti$es, $a9esB. Kriends, withC. A sh/ ani$al,D. =o error

    6. After the death of Blac9#eard, the fa$ous )irate, )irac/ disa))eared fro$ the coast of the A$ericancolonies.

    A. Ehe fa$ous )irateB. After the death,C. Coast, ofD. =o error

    ". Wilent =ightX was written #/ two $en fro$ the -illage of :#erndorf Austria.

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    A. $en, fro$B. ilent =ight,C. :#erndorf, AustriaD. =o error

    '. :n =o-e$#er 1%, 1%2% Ad$iral \ichard !. B/rd flew theFloyd Bennettto the #ase of the ]ueen ;aud


    A. Base, ofB. Ehe, ]ueenC. 1%2%,D. no error

    %. :h I forgot to #ring the coo9ies.

    A. :h,B. I, forgot

    C. Eo, #ringD. =o error

    10. WEhe #o/ in the 9a/a9,X whis)ered ue Wis the new foot#all ca)tain.^

    A. Bo/, in theB. =ew, foot#allC. (his)ered ue,D. =o error

    Answer >e/1. D2. D&. A. B5. C6. D". C'. C%. A10. C

    Practice Questions

    1. Descri#e the following sequence in $athe$atical ter$s. 1, "2, &6, 1', %

    A. Descending arith$etic sequenceB. Ascending arith$etic sequenceC. Descending geo$etric sequenceD. Ascending geo$etric sequence!. ;iscellaneous sequence

    2. (hich of the following is not a whole nu$#er followed #/ its square?

    A. 1, 1B. 6, &6C. ', 6D. 10, 100!. 11, 1

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    &. A nurse has to record her te$)eratures in Celsius #ut her ther$o$eter reads Kahrenheit. A )atient8ste$)erature is 100."F K. (hat is the te$)erature in FC?

    A. &2F CB. &6.5F CC. &'.2F C

    D. 21&.&F C!. 22&."F C

    . Art realied that he had 2 $ore quarters than he had originall/ thought in his )oc9et. If all of the changein his )oc9et is quarters and it totals to @'."5, how $an/ quarters did he originall/ thin9 were in his)oc9et?

    A. 2"B. 2%C. &1D. &&

    !. &5

    5. Ehere are 12 $ore a))les than oranges in a #as9et of &6 a))les and oranges. ow $an/ a))les are inthe #as9et?

    A. 12B. 15C. 2D. 2'!. &6

    6. (hich of the following correctl/ identifies consecuti-e odd integers where the su$ of the $iddle twointegers is equal to 2?

    A. 5, ", %, 11B. ", %, 11, 1&C. %, 11, 1&, 15D. 11, 1&, 15, 1"!. 1&, 15, 1", 1%

    ". (hat is the ne

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    D. 115!. 116

    10. :f the following units, which would #e $ost li9el/ to $easure the a$ount of sugar needed in a reci)efor 2 doen coo9ies

    A. degrees CelsiusB. $illilitersC. quartsD. 9ilogra$s!. cu)s

    Answer >e/1. C2. !&. C. D

    5. C6. C". B'. B%. !10. !

    Practice Questions

    1. Descri#e the following sequence in $athe$atical ter$s. 1, "2, &6, 1', %

    A. Descending arith$etic sequenceB. Ascending arith$etic sequenceC. Descending geo$etric sequenceD. Ascending geo$etric sequence!. ;iscellaneous sequence

    2. (hich of the following is not a whole nu$#er followed #/ its square?

    A. 1, 1B. 6, &6C. ', 6D. 10, 100!. 11, 1

    &. A nurse has to record her te$)eratures in Celsius #ut her ther$o$eter reads Kahrenheit. A )atient8ste$)erature is 100."F K. (hat is the te$)erature in FC?

    A. &2F CB. &6.5F CC. &'.2F CD. 21&.&F C!. 22&."F C

    . Art realied that he had 2 $ore quarters than he had originall/ thought in his )oc9et. If all of the changein his )oc9et is quarters and it totals to @'."5, how $an/ quarters did he originall/ thin9 were in his)oc9et?

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    A. 2"B. 2%C. &1D. &&!. &5

    5. Ehere are 12 $ore a))les than oranges in a #as9et of &6 a))les and oranges. ow $an/ a))les are inthe #as9et?

    A. 12B. 15C. 2D. 2'!. &6

    6. (hich of the following correctl/ identifies consecuti-e odd integers where the su$ of the $iddle twointegers is equal to 2?

    A. 5, ", %, 11B. ", %, 11, 1&C. %, 11, 1&, 15D. 11, 1&, 15, 1"!. 1&, 15, 1", 1%

    ". (hat is the nee/1. C

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    2. !&. C. D5. C6. C". B

    '. B%. !10. !

    Practice Questions

    1. 10is not equal to which of the following?

    A. 100,000B. 0.1 < 105C. 10 < 10 < 10 < 10D. 102< 102!. 10,000

    2. ;ulti)l/ 10#/ 102

    A. 10'B. 102C. 106D. 10+2!. 10&

    &. Di-ide

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    D. '".5 < 10+&!. '"5 < 10+

    Answer >e/1. A2. C

    &. D. D5. B6. B

    Practice Questions

    1. (hat is the i$)ro)er fraction or $i

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    . ol-eL 0.25 0.65

    A. 12B. %10C. "D. 2%

    !. 516

    5. (hich of the following state$ents is false?

    A. In the fraction , one is the nu$erator.B. (hen .'% is rounded to the ones )lace, the answer is 5.C. Een thousandths )lace is located 5 )laces to the right of the deci$alD. "6 is descri#ed as an i$)ro)er fraction.

    !. &&1& is equi-alent to

    6. Kind the square of 25%

    A. 5&B. &5C. " 5''1D. 152!. 650'1

    ". arah needs to $a9e a ca9e and so$e coo9ies. Ehe ca9e requires &' cu) of sugar and the coo9iesrequire &5 cu) of sugar. arah has 1516 cu)s of sugar. Does she ha-e enough sugar, or how $uch $oredoes she need?

    A. he has enough sugar.B. he needs 1' of a cu) of sugar.C. he needs &'0 of a cu) of sugar.D. he needs 1% of a cu) of sugar.!. he needs 1% of a cu) of sugar.

    '. Ehere are ' ounces in a 12 )ound. ow $an/ ounces are in " & l#s?

    A. 12 ouncesB. '6 ouncesC. 11% ouncesD. 12 ounces!. 1&' ounces

    %. If the -alue of < and / in the following fraction are #oth tri)led, how does the -alue of the fractionchange?43

    A. increases #/ halfB. decreases #/ halfC. tri)lesD. dou#les!. re$ains the sa$e

    10. (hich of the following fractions is the equi-alent of 0.5

    A. 120B. 1200C. 12000

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    D. 15!. 1500

    11. (hich of these nu$#ers is a factor of 21

    A. 2

    B. 5C. "D. 2!.

    12. If the a-erage )erson drin9s ', *'o glasses of water )er da/, a )erson who drin9s 12.' o of waterafter a $orning ee/1. C2. B&. C. B5. C6. C". C'. D%. !10. B11. C12. B1&. D

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    1. A15. C

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