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MAT Interface Among Applicant, Institute & AIMA-CMS

APPLICANT1. To register for MAT.2. ToperusethenotificationofselectedInstitutesindetailandprocesstherequisiteapplicationformalities

directlywiththeInstitutes.3. ToappearinMAT.4. TocheckRollNumberandtestcentredetailsfromAIMAwebsite.5. TodownloadtheMATScorefromAIMAwebsite.6. ToliaisewiththeInstitutestocompletefurtheradmissionformalities.

INSTITUTE1. ToprovidetheadmissionnotificationoftheInstituteinMATBulletinwiththedescriptionoftheprogrammes,

contactdetails,etcwhichshallbeinformativetotheaspiringapplicants.2. ToadvisetheapplicantstoappearinMATintheprospectus,advertisements,etc.3. ToreceivethescoresandotherdetailsofthecandidatesoptedforadmissiontotheInstitute.4. Toshort-listandadvisethecandidatesastofurtheradmissionprocedures.5. ToensurethattheresultsprovidedbyAIMAcontainingthedatabaseofthecandidatesareusedsolely


AIMA-CMS 1. ToprintanduploadtheMATBulletinonAIMAWebsite.2. ToprovidewidecoverageaboutMATthroughmediaadvertisements,postersetc.3. TomakeAdmitCardavailableonAIMAwebsite.4. ToadministerthetestattestcentresinIndia.5. ToprocesstheresultsanduploadonAIMAwebsitesothatcandidatescantaketheprintoutoftheScore

cards.6. TofurnishscoresandotherparticularstotheparticipatingInstitutesinrespectofthosecandidateswho




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Registering for MATCandidatehastoRegisteronlineatwebsitelink withCreditCard,DebitCard(ATMCard)orNetBankingpayment.Detailedprocedureisgivenonthewebsitelink.

ADMIT CARD Admit Cards of the candidates provisionallyregistered will be accessible on the AIMAwebsite link

• ForPaperBasedTest(PBT):onor after 09 June2020 (Tuesday)

• ForComputerBasedTest(CBT):on or after 17 June2020 (Wednesday)

• For Internet Based Test (IBT) : 21May2020 (Thursday)Onwards

Take the following printouts from the abovewebsite link.

• AdmitCardhavingtheRollNumber andTestCentreAddress

• Test Instructions

Report to the allotted test center at least 90minutesbeforethescheduledcommencementof the test. Produce “MAT Admit Card” dulycompleted at the test centre for appearing inthe test.

AdmitCardwill be verifiedandsignedby theInvigilatorduringthetest.TheUpperHalfoftheAdmitCardwill be collectedby the InvigilatorandtheLowerHalfwillbehandedovertothecandidate.


September 2020

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LIST OF TEST CITIES IN THE ALPHABETICAL ORDER OF CITYAIMA reserves the right to change venue of a test centre/test mode or cancel a test centre/test mode as it deems fit due to administrative or any other reasons. Candidate may confirm the Roll Number and allotted test centre from AIMA website; on or after : • For PBT : on or after 09 June 2020 (Tuesday) • For CBT : on or after 17 June 2020 (Wednesday)The admit card will have the Roll Number, Test Centre details etc.



































































































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Test AdministrationGENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:Candidates are to report to the allottedtest centreat least90minutesbefore thescheduledcommencementofthetest.Candidateswillbepermittedentryintothetest centre upto half an hour before thecommencementofthetest.Candidatesaretobeinpossessionofthefollowingwhenreportingtothetestcentre:Document:AdmitCarddulycompletedandvalid IDProof.Writing Materials: Blue /BlackBallPointPen.The test roomwill be opened about 60minutesbefore thecommencementof thetest.Thecandidatesaretobeseatedattheallottedplace.YourAdmitCardandvalidIDProofwillbeverifiedduring the test.OnepartofAdmitCardwillbegiventoyouasproofofyourhavingappearedinthetest.Pleaseensurethatthisisdulysignedbyyouandthetestinvigilator.Thedurationofthetestis2hours30minutes.Thereare200questions.Allquestionsarecompulsory.Eachquestionhasfouroptionsmarked(1),(2),(3)and(4)or(A),(B),(C)and(D).All questions carry equal marks. There will be Negative Marking for wrong answers. Itisyourresponsibilitytomakecertainthatyou understand and follow the directionsfor answering. AIMA can accept the responsibility of scanning / capturing youransweraccuratelyonlyifitiscompletedinaccordancewithdirections.Take the questions in order, but do not

wastetimeponderingoverthosethatseemextremely difficult or unfamiliar to you.Awisepracticeistofirstanswerthequestionsyouaresureof.Then,ifyoucompletethetest before time is called, go back andreconsideranyquestionsaboutwhichyouwereuncertain.Although theMAT stresses on accuracymorethanspeed,itisimportanttousetheallotted timewisely.Make every effort topace yourself bymaking yourself familiarwiththemechanicsofthetest.The directions explain exactlywhat eachsetofquestions requires toanswer thosequestions.Readalltestdirectionscarefully.Readeachquestioncarefullyandthoroughly.Before answering a question, determineexactlywhatisbeingasked.Calculator, Mobile, Electronic Gadgets etc are not permitted inside the test room.AllthequestionsandinstructionsofthetestwillbeinEnglishonly.Candidatewillbeallowedtoleavethetestroomafterthecompletionoftestandonlyafterpermittedbytheinvigilator.Ifyouwishtoleavetheroomduringthetest,youmusthavetheinvigilator’spermission.Youwillnotbepermittedtomakeupthetimeyoulose.AIMA reserves the right to cancel theadmission/entry to the test/withhold theresultsofanycandidatewhoimpersonates/usesunfairmeansduring the test.This iswithout prejudice to any other action thatcanbeinitiated.Non-adherencetoanyinstructionorfailureto comply with any rules governing theconductof testwill lead tocancellationof

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yourcandidature.Alldisputespertainingtoanyaspectofthetestwillbesettledthroughanarbitrator,whoshallbeappointedbytheDirectorGeneral,AIMA.Further,alllegalcasespertainingtoanymatterofthetestwillbedealtwithunderthejurisdictionofDelhiCourtsonly.If thenumberofcandidates registered forComputerBasedTestatanycityislimited,thesecandidateswillbepermittedtoappearforthePaperBasedTest.PAPER BASED TEST: The candidatewill be provided a sealedQuestion Booklet and anOMRAnswerSheet.Donot open theQuestionBookletuntilannounced.Fillthenecessaryinformationinthespaceprovided on the cover of the QuestionBooklet and theAnswer Sheet beforecommencementofthetest.Thecandidatesaretosigntheattendancesheet during the test duly endorsing theQuestionBooklet Series as given on theQuestionBookletandotherdetails.Answersare tobemarkedon theAnswerSheet,whichisprovidedseparately.Sampleisgiveninpagesxiv-xviii.Choosethecorrectoption and darken the oval completelycorrespondingto(1),(2),(3)and(4)againsttherelevantquestionnumber.UseonlyBlue/BlackBallPointPentodarkentheovalforanswering.Pleasedonotdarkenmorethanoneovalagainstanyquestion,asscannerwillnotreadthesamecorrectly.Once an oval is darkened as answer tothequestion,itisfinal.Answeroptiononcedarkenedcannotbechanged.DonottearorbendormutilatetheAnswerSheet.

Roughwork, if any, is to be doneon theQuestionBookletonly.Noseparatesheetwillbeprovided/usedforroughwork.MATAnswerSheetisscannedbymachineand scores are computed.Accuracy inscoring is dependent on the examineesmarkingtheiranswersheetsproperlyandthecompletenessoftheirerasureswhenused.Thereforeaccuratescoringisdependentonyourstrictadherencetothefollowingpoints:

• Nocreditwillbegivenfortheanswersmarkedinthequestionbooklets.

• Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen tocomplete theanswersheet.Pleasedo not darkenmore than one ovalagainstanyquestion,asscannerwillnotreadthesame.

• Onceanovalisdarkenedasanswerto the question, it is final.Answeroption once darkened cannot bechanged.

• Do not tear, bend ormutilate theanswersheet.

• Besurethatyouaccuratelymarkallidentification and question bookletseries.

Attheconclusionofthetestyoushouldhandover yourQuestion Booklet andAnswerSheettotheinvigilator.Appropriate civil/criminal proceedingswillbe initiatedagainst applicant found takingorattemptingtotakethefullorpartoftheQuestionBookletorAnswerSheetoutsidethetestroom.COMPUTER BASED TEST:ComputerBasedTestmeansthecandidatesitsinfrontofacomputerandthequestionsarepresentedonthecomputermonitorand

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thecandidatesubmitstheanswersthroughthe use of keyboard or mouse. Eachcomputerisconnectedtoaserver,whichpreparesthequestionsetanddeliversittothecandidateonthecomputer.ComputerBasedTest assumes that thecandidate has basic familiaritywith useof computers like use of keyboard andmouseoperation.ItistheresponsibilityofthecandidatetoacquiretheseskillsbeforeappearinginthetestandAIMAcannottakeresponsibilityforthesame.Intherareandunlikelyeventofatechnicalfailureduringthetest,thecandidatemayberequiredtoattemptthetestagain.The candidates must ensure that thecomputerallotted to them isswitchedonandanyproblemwiththecomputershouldbeinformedtotheinvigilatorimmediately.DetailslikeyourName,RollNo,Formno.etcaretobefilledonthespaceprovidedonthescreenfortestappearance.Thereisnotimelimitforindividualpartsofthe test.Thecandidatecangobackandchangeanyofhis/heranswersamongthe200questions.AllquestionswillbeoftheMultipleChoiceQuestion (MCQ) type. EachMCQwillconsistofastemwhichmaybeintheformofaquestionoranincompletestatementandfouroptions.Candidatesmustchoosethe correct ormost appropriate answerby clicking on the button next to theanswer.Candidatecanchangethisanswerby clicking on the appropriate answer.Candidatescannavigatefreelythroughthequestions.Candidate canmovebetweenthesections.At the conclusion of the test you should

followtheinstructionoftheinvigilatorinordertoproperlyrecord/saveyourtestwork.Blanksheetsforroughworkwillbeprovided,ifrequired.Allcentersarecloselymonitoredforsecurityand candidates’ identity and activitieswillbe recorded usingweb cameras and/orclosedcircuitTVcameras.Anyoneviolatingthe rules of the test center will not beallowedtocontinuewiththetestandwillbeautomaticallydisqualified.REMOTELY PROCTORED INTERNET BASED TEST : Giventhechangingstructureanddynamicsof newWorld due to Covid 19, socialdistancing& travel related restrictionsarenewnormsnow,needofhour is toadapttonewapproachforconductingexamsforcandidates.ConsideringthisAIMAhascomeupwithnewsolutionofRemoteProctoredInternetBasedTest(IBT);throughthisTestmodecandidatescantakethetestfromtheconvenienceandconfinesoftheirownhome.Theproctoring(invigilationandsupervision)willbedoneremotelyfromthecontrolroom.Remote Proctored Internet Based Test(IBT)allowsproctorstomonitorcandidatesfrom afar and assist in conducting time-bound tests/examswith easeandwithoutcompromisingtheintegrityoftheassessment.RequirementsfortakingIBTarecomputersystem (laptop or desktop)withworkingwebcamandmic,OperatingSystemWindowsV-7orabove,andinternetconnectionwithminimum bandwidth of 512 kbps. Theprocess includes installing software thatkeepstrackof thecandidate’s testactivityusinghis/hercomputerscreen,utilizingthewebcamtowatchandrecordeverydetail,andharnessingthepowerofAItoanalyzethestudent’sactionsduringthetest/exam.

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Section SectionName Noof Time No. Questions Suggested (Minutes)

I LanguageComprehension 40 30

II MathematicalSkills 40 40

III DataAnalysis&Sufficiency 40 35

IV Intelligence&CriticalReasoning 40 30

V Indian&GlobalEnvironment 40 15

Total 200 150


A few sample questions are given below for theguidanceofthecandidatesinthepreparation.Thesesamplesdonotnecessarilyindicateeitherthetypesorthedifficultylevelsofquestionsthatcanbeintheactualtest.Ingeneralthepreparationstandardexpectedisthatofagraduate froman IndianUniversityhavingcompleted10+2+3patternofeducation.However,theknowledgelevelrequiredforattemptingthesectiononMathematicalSkillsisthatof10thstandardunderCentralBoardofSecondaryEducation.


Directions : Read the passage carefully to answer the questions that follow.

Procrastinationisacostlyanddrainingproblemforallofus.Theeasiestwaytodealwithprocrastinationistoneverletitgetstartedinthefirstplace.Procrastinationplaguesusall.Moreplansgoastray,moredreamsgounfilled, andmore time iswasted. It is amajorstumbling block for almost everyone seeking toimprovehisuseoftime.Formany,thisbecomesaninsidioushabitthatcanruintheircareers,destroytheirhappiness,andevenshortentheirlives.

Procrastinationisrespectfulofnoone.Allofussufferfromitatonetimeoranother.Procrastinationisdoinglowpriorityactionsortasksratherthanhigherpriorityones.Itisstraighteningyourdeskwhenyoushouldbeworkingonthereport;watchingTVwhenyoushouldbeexercising; callingon the friendly customerwhobuysverylittlewhenyoushouldbepreparingasalespresentation for that toughprospectwhocouldbuymuchmore;avoidingaco-workerratherthantellinghimthebadnews;stayingawayfromofficetoavoiddiscipliningasubordinate;andpostponingactivitieswithyourchildren,becausetherealwaysseemstobesomething“moreurgent”,untilsuddenlythey’regrownandyou realize it’s too late todoanyof the thingsyou’vealwaystalkedaboutdoingtogether.

1. Which of the fo l lowing best descr ibes‘procrastination’?

(1) lingeron (2) stop

(3) delay (4) wait

Test Structure and Sample Questions

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2. Why is procrastination said to be a stumblingblock?

(1) Itpreventsfulfillmentofgoals.

(2) Ithinderseffectivenessandefficiency.

(3) Itstopsonefromworking.

(4) Itmakesonelazy.

Directions : Choose a word or phrase nearly similar in meaning to the given word.

3. Self-esteem

(1) Self-respect (2) Dignity

(3) Decorum (4) Self-awareness

4. Sobriety

(1) Abstinence (2) Sober

(3) Moderate (4) Dry

Directions : A word in capital letters is followed by four words. Choose the word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word in capital letters.


(1) praise (2) crue

(3) slander (4) dialogue

Directions : The sentence has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one underlined part that must be changed for the sentence to be correct.

6. Thebookiswell-printed andattractivelybound


makingaltogether onattractivevolume.


(1) A (2) B

(3) C (4) D

Directions : In the following question a related pair of words is followed by four pairs of words. Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the original pair.


(1) criticism:redundant

(2) eulogy:laudatory

(3) adage:symbolic

(4) maxim:allegorical


8. Ascrewdriverandahammercurrentlyhavethesameprice.Ifthepriceofascrewdriverrisesby5%andthepriceofahammergoesupby3%,howmuchmorewillitcosttobuy3screwdriversand3hammers?

(1) 3% (2) 4%

(3) 5% (4) 8%

9. Ifnandparebothoddnumbers,whichof thefollowingnumbersmustbeanevennumber?

(1) n+p (2) np

(3) np+2 (4)n+p+1

10. There are 30 socks in a drawer. 60% of thesocksareredandtherestareblue.Whatistheminimumnumber of socks thatmust be takenfrom thedrawerwithout looking inorder tobecertain thatat least twobluesockshavebeenchosen?

(1) 2 (2) 3

(3) 14 (4) 20

11. Theratioofchickenstopigstohorsesonafarmcanbeexpressedas the tripleratio20 :4 :6.Ifthereare120chickensonthefarm,thenthenumberofhorsesonthefarmis

(1) 4 (2) 6

(3) 24 (4) 36

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12. Ifx2–y2=15andx+y=3,thenx–yis

(1) -3 (2) 0

(3) 3 (4) 5

13. ThehexagonABCDEFisregular.Thatmeansallitssidesarethesamelengthandallitsinteriorangles are the same size. Each side of thehexagonis2m.WhatistheareaoftherectangleBCEF?

(1) 4m2 (2) 4π3–m2

(3) 8m2 (4) 4+4π3–m2

14. Aworkerisdiggingaditch.Hegets2assistantswhowork2/3asfastashedoes.Ifall3workonaditchtheyshouldfinishitinwhatfractionofthetimethattheworkertakesworkingalone?

(1) 3/7 (2) 1/2

(3) 3/4 (4) 4/3


Directions: The table below gives the Human Development Index (HDI). The HDI value is between 0 and 1.

States Value Value Value 1981 1991 2001

Andhra Pradesh 0.298 0.377 0.416

Assam 0.272 0.348 0.386

Bihar 0.237 0.308 0.367

Gujarat 0.360 0.431 0.479

Haryana 0.360 0.443 0.509

Karnataka 0.346 0.412 0.478

Kerala 0.500 0.591 0.638

Madhya Pradesh 0.245 0.328 0.394

Maharashtra 0.363 0.452 0.523

Orissa 0.267 0.345 0.404

Punjab 0.411 0.475 0.537

Rajasthan 0.256 0.347 0.424

Tamil Nadu 0.343 0.466 0.531

Uttar Pradesh 0.255 0.314 0.388

West Bengal 0.305 0.404 0.472

All India 0.302 0.381 0.472

15. Selecttheincorrectstatement.

(1) KeralahasconsistentlyreportedthehighestHDI.

(2) BiharhasconsistentlyreportedtheworstHDI.

(3) Assamhasmaintainedstabilityinitscomparativerankingamongstates.

(4) Rajasthan has shown an improvement in itscomparativerankingamongotherstates.

16. WhichstatesimprovedtheHDIvaluein2001tomatchtheallIndiavalue?

(1) TamilNadu (2) Orissa

(3) Rajasthan (4) WestBengal

Directions: The following problem has a question followed by two statements labeled A and B. Use the data given in the statements to decide whether the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Choose your answer as

(1) ifstatement‘A’aloneissufficienttoanswertheproblem.

(2) ifstatement‘B’aloneissufficienttoanswertheproblem.

(3) ifstatements‘A’and‘B’aretogetherneededtoanswertheproblem.

(4) ifstatements‘Aand‘B’arenotsufficienttoanswertheproblem.

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17. CisacirclewithcentreDandradius2.EisacirclewithcentreFandradiusR.ArethereanypointswhichareonbothEandC?



Directions: The bar graph below pertains to estimates of incidence of poverty in India. It is given as percentage. The accompanying table gives population of India during 1971-2001 as per census.




















1973-74 1983-84 1993-94 1999-00

Rural Urban Combined

(In Thousands)

Poverty Ratio (%)

Population : 1971 1981 1991 2001

All India : 548160 684329 846302 1027015



ge (


18. Thetotalnumberofpoorin2000isapproximately

(1) 268millions. (2) 278millions.

(3) 242millions (4) 300millions.

19. Fromthegivendataitcanbeinferredthat

(1) ruralpovertyratioisconstantlydeclining.

(2) urbanpovertyratiohasbeenconsistentlyfalling.

(3) combinedratiohasbeendecreasing.

(4) Allthese.


REASONINGDirections: The question below is followed by two arguments numbered I and II. You have to decide which of the given arguments is a “strong’ argument. Give your answer as





20. Shouldtelecastingfeaturefilmsbestopped?


I Yes,thefeaturefilmsmisguideyoungchildren.

II No,thisistheonlywaytoeducatethemasses.

Directions: Find out the correct group of letters from the answer options (1) to (4) to represent the same relationship among the group of letters as established among the sets at the top.

21. AEZ:EIY:IOX:………………

(1) UYZ (2) AEX

(3) EIX (4) OUW

22. Isha is older thanSunder.Misa is older thanHarbans.HarbansisyoungerthanGyan.SunderandGyanareofthesameage.Iftheabovefactsaretrue,whichofthefollowingconditionsmustalsobetrue?





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Directions: There are two statements followed by two possible inferences A and B. Assume the statements to be correct even if they vary with facts. Choose your answer as





23. Everyminister is a student. Every student isinexperienced.



24. Sevenmen,A,B,C,D,E,FandGarestandinginaqueueinthatorder.Eachoneiswearingacapofdifferentcolourlikeviolet,indigo,blue,green,yellow,orangeandred.Disabletoseeinfrontofhimgreenandblue,butnotviolet.Ecanseevioletandyellow,butnotred.Gcanseecapsofallcoloursotherthanorange.IfEiswearinganindigocolouredcap,thenthecolourofthecapwornbyFis

(1) blue. (2) violet.

(3) red. (4) orange.


25. WhatdoestheacronymCTBTstandfor?





26. Whichnewspaperhasthemotto–JournalismofCourage?





27. TheIndianRailwaysisoneofthelargestrailwaysystemswithanextensivenetworkofover63,000route kilometers.Approximately……………..ofthenetworkiselectrified.

(1) 50% (2) 25%

(3) 45% (4) 60%

28. TheNational LiteracyMission (NLM) seeks toachievefull literacyi.e.asustainablethresholdlevelof75%literacybyyear

(1) 2005 (2) 2010

(3) 2015 (4) Noneofthese

Answers to Sample Questions

1.(1) 2.(2) 3.(1) 4.(1)

5.(1) 6.(3) 7.(2) 8.(2)

9.(1) 10.(4) 11.(4) 12.(4)

13.(1) 14.(1) 15.(3) 16.(4)

17.(1) 18.(1) 19.(4) 20.(4)

21.(4) 22.(4) 23.(1) 24.(3)

25.(3) 26.(3) 27.(2) 28.(1)

Sample Answer Sheet is given in page xi.

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NORTHERN REGION1 2120 Accurate Institute of Advanced Management Greater Noida A22 2049 Accurate Institute of Management & Technology Greater Noida A33 1101 AIMA-Centre for Management Education New Delhi A126-A1334 2037 Ajay Kumar Garg Institute of Management Ghaziabad A1405 2010 Amity University Noida A120-A1236 1226 Amity University Gurgaon A124-A1257 2605 Amrapali Institute Haldwani A48 1205 Ansal University Gurgaon A59 1427 Apeejay Institute of Management & Engineering Technical Campus Jalandhar A1210 1121 Apeejay School of Management New Delhi A6-A711 1111 AsiaPacific Institute ofManagement NewDelhi A8-A912 2023 Asian Business School Noida A10-A1113 2008 Bennett University Noida A1314 1142 Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan’s Usha&lakshmi Mittal Institute of Management New Delhi A14-A1515 1208 BML Munjal University Gurgaon A1616 1704 Chitkara University Rajpura A1717 2027 Christ Institute of Management Ghaziabad A5918 2426 Doon Business School Dehradun A2019 2434 Doon Business School Global Dehradun A2120 2003 Dr Gaur Hari Singhania Institute of Management & Research Kanpur A1921 1112 EMPI Institutions New Delhi A2322 2050 Footwear Design of Development Institute Noida A2223 1113 Fortune Institute of International Business New Delhi A2424 1147 FOSTIIMA Business School New Delhi A2525 2038 Galgotias University Greater Noida A2626 1200 GD Goenka University Gurugram A2727 1604 Gianjyoti Institute of Management & Technology Mohali A2828 2014 GL Bajaj Institute of Management & Research Greater Noida A30-A3129 2808 GLA University Mathura A32-A3330 2470 Glocal University Sharanpur A2931 2418 Graphic Era Deemed To be University Dehrdun A3432 2047 Greater Noida Instt of Technology Greater Noida A3533 1126 Guru Nanak Institute of Management New Delhi A3634 2411 Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya Haridwar A3735 2415 HNB Garhwal University-Centre for Mountain Tourism & Hospitality Studies Srinagar-Garhwal A3836 2416 HNB Garhwal University-Department of Business Management Srinagar-Garhwal A39

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37 2081 I Business Institute Greater Noida A4038 1221 IBMR Business school Jhajjar A4139 2224 IILM Academy of Higher Learning Lucknow A4240 2018 IILM College of Management Studies Greater Noida A4341 1171 IILM Graduate School of Management Greater Noida A44-A4642 1123 IILM Institute for Higher Education New Delhi A48-A4943 1202 IILM University Gurgaon A50-A5244 2015 IIMT COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING, Greater Noida A5345 2504 IIMT UNIVERSITY Meerut A4746 2214 IMRT BUSINESS SCHOOL Lucknow A13547 2001 Indirapuram Institute of Higher Studies Ghaziabad A1848 1243 Indus School of Business Management Gurgaon A5549 2071 Institute of Advanced Management & Research Ghaziabad A5650 2051 Institute of Management Studies Ghaziabad A5751 2402 Institute of Management Studies Roorkee A5852 1120 Institute of Marketing & Management New Delhi A136-A13953 2016 Institute of Technology & Science Ghaziabad A6054 1131 International Institute of Health Management Research New Delhi A6155 1115 International Management Centre New Delhi A5456 2431 Invertis University Bareilly A62-A6357 2029 ITS Engineering College Greater Noida A6958 1117 Jagan Institute of Management Studies New Delhi A66-A6759 1128 Jagannath International Management School New Delhi A64-A6560 1219 Jagannath University Bahadurgarh A6861 2070 Jagran Instt of Management Kanpur A7062 2234 Jaipuria Institute of Management Lucknow A116-A11763 2025 Jaipuria Institute of Management Ghaziabad A7164 2043 Jaipuria Institute of Management Noida A118-A11965 2079 Jaypee Business School Noida A7466 1210 JK Business School Gurugram A72-A7367 1215 KR Mangalam University Gurgaon A7568 2432 Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management & Technology Bareilly A7669 2007 Lloyd Business School Greater Noida A7770 1424 Lovely Professional University Phagwara A78-A7971 1289 Manav Rachna International Institute of Research and Studies Faridabad A11172 2024 Mangalayatan University Aligarh A8073 2040 Mangalmay Institute of Management & Technology Greater Noida A8174 2502 Master School of Management Meerut A8275 2522 MIET BUSINESS SCHOOL Meerut A8376 1801 Model Institute of Engineering & Technology Jammu A8477 1127 New Delhi Institute of Management New Delhi A86-A93

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78 1320 OP Jindal Global University Sonipat A94-A9579 2471 Rajshree Institute Of Management And Technology BAREILLY A8580 2441 Rakshpal Bahadur Management Institute Bareilly A9681 1302 Rishihood University Sonipat A14282 2229 School of Management Sciences Lucknow A9783 1217 SGT University Gurugram A10084 2107 Sharda University Greater Noida A98-A9985 2219 Shobhit Institute of Engineereing &Technology Meerut A10186 1705 Shoolini University Solan A13487 1809 Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University Katra A10288 1201 Soil School of Business Design Gurgaon A10389 1118 Sri Sharada Institute of Indian Management Research New Delhi A10490 1308 SRM University Sonipat A10591 2044 SRMS International Business School Lucknow A10692 1216 St. Thomas Management Institute Jhajjar A10793 2439 Swami Rama Himalayan University Dehradun A10894 2442 Teerthanker Mahaveer Institute Moradabad A10995 1291 The Northcap University Gurgaon A11096 2210 United Institute of Management Allahabad A14197 1170 University of Petroleum & Energy Studies Dehradun A112-A11398 2403 Uttaranchal University Dehradun A11499 1114 Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies-Technical Campus New Delhi A115 WESTERN REGION 100 4920 Amity University Raipur B68-B69101 4703 Amity University Gwalior B70-B71102 4003 Amity University Mumbai B72-B73103 3027 Amity University Jaipur B74-B75104 4013 ASM’s Institute of Business Management & Computer Studies Mumbai B2105 4144 ASM’s Institute of Business Management & Research Group of Institutes Pune B4-B5106 4143 ASM’s Institute of Professional Studies Pune B3107 4142 Balaji Institute of International Business Pune B6108 4133 Balaji Institute of Management & Human Resource Development Pune B7109 4135 Balaji Institute of Modern Management Pune B8110 4131 Balaji Institute of Telecom & Management Pune B9111 4905 Bhilai Instt of Technology Durg B10112 4134 Christ Institute of Management Pune B11113 4167 Dr D Y Patil B School Pune B12114 4163 Dr DY Patil Vidyapeeth Global Business School & Research Centre Pune B16-B17

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115 3804 Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India Gandhinagar B14-B15116 4151 Flame School of Business Pune B18117 4106 Flame School of Communication Pune B19118 3811 Hemachandracharya North Gujarat University Patan B13119 4122 IIEBM, Indus Business School Pune B20120 3022 IILM Academy of Higher Learning Jaipur B21121 4510 Indore Indira Business School Indore B22122 3812 Indus University Ahmedabad B23123 4154 Institute for Technology & Management Mumbai B24124 3001 Institute of Rural Management Jaipur B25125 4114 International Institute of Management & Human Resource Development Pune B26126 4129 International Institute of Management Studies Pune B27127 4119 International School of Management & Research Pune B28128 4506 IPS Academy, Institute of Business Mgmt&Research Indore B29129 4011 ISME School of Management& Entrepreneurship Mumbai B39130 3909 ITM Vocational University Vadodara B30131 4911 ITM University Raipur B31132 3010 Jagan Institute of Management Studies Jaipur B32133 3020 Jagannath University Jaipur B33134 4612 Jagran Lakecity Business School Bhopal B34135 3017 Jaipur National University Jaipur B35136 3034 Jaipuria Institute of Management Jaipur B64-B65137 4512 Jaipuria Institute of Management Indore B66-B67138 3007 JK Lakshmipat University Jaipur B36139 4914 Kalinga University Naya Raipur B37140 4104 Kirloskar Institute of Advanced Management Studies Pune B38141 4103 Lexicon Management Institute of Leadership & Excellence Pune B76142 3037 Manipal University, Jaipur Jaipur B40143 3302 Mody University Laxmangarh B41144 3405 National Law University Jodhpur B42145 4604 People’s University Bhopal B44-B45146 4157 Pune Institute of Business Management Pune B43147 4929 Raipur Institute of Technology Raipur B46148 4141 Sai Balaji International Institute of Management Sciences Pune B47149 3815 Shanti Business School Ahmedabad B48150 4906 Shri Shankaracharya Institute of Professional Mgmt&Technology Raipur B49151 4502 Shri Vaishnav School of Management Indore B78152 4005 SIES College of Management Studies Mumbai B50153 3104 Sir Padmapat Singhania University Udaipur B51154 3805 St Kabir Institute of Professional Studies Ahmedabad B56155 4138 Suryadatta Institute of Business Management & Technology Pune B52-B53

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156 4139 Suryadatta Institute of Management & Mass Communication Pune B54-B55157 3003 The IIHMR University Jaipur B58-B61158 3806 Unitedworld School of Business Gandhinagar B57159 4018 Vidyalankar Institute of Technology Mumbai B62160 4028 Vivekanand Education Society’s Institute of Management Studies & Research Mumbai B63161 4020 VPM”s Dr V N Bedekar Institute of Management Studies Thane B77 SoutHerNregIoN 162 5658 ABBS School of Management Bengaluru C110163 5686 Acharya Bangalore B-School Bengaluru C111164 5612 Acharya Institute of Management & Sciences Bengaluru C4-C5165 5641 Acharya Institute of Technology Bengaluru C2166 5629 Acharya School of Management Bengaluru C3167 5688 Adarsh Institute of Management & Information Technology Bengaluru C6168 5031 Administrative Staff College of India Hyderabad C7169 5604 Alliance University Bengaluru C88-C15170 6411 Amrita School of Business Coimbatore C31171 5011 Aurora’s Business School Hyderabad C16172 5656 Bangalore Institute of Management Studies BANGALORE C17173 5717 Bhavan’s Priyamvada Birla Institute of Management Mysore C18174 5314 Centre for Management &Technology Visakhapatnam C19175 5655 Christ Academy Institute for Advanced Studies Bengaluru C20176 5689 Community Institute of Management Studies Bengaluru C21177 6025 Crescent School of Business, Chennai C22178 5619 Dayananda Sagar Business School Bengaluru C24-C25179 6804 DC School of Management & Technology Kottayam C23180 6020 DG Vaishnav College Chennai C26181 5001 Dhruva College of Management Hyderabad C27182 6423 DJ Academy for Managerial Excellence Coimbatore C28183 5690 Don Bosco Institute of Management Studies and Computer Applications, Bengaluru C29184 5673 Don Bosco Institute of Technology Bengaluru C108185 5611 Dr Kariappa School of Art and Design Management Bengaluru C30186 6427 Firebird Instt of Research in Management Coimbatore C106-C107187 5306 GITAM Institute of Management Visakhapatnam C32188 5028 Guru Nanak Business School Hyderabad C33189 6422 Guruvayurappan Institute of Management Coimbatore C34190 5033 Hyderabad Business School Hyderabad C35191 5017 ICBM School of Business Excellence Hyderabad C36192 5601 IFIM Business School Bengaluru C100-C103

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193 5691 Indus Business Academy Bengaluru C38-C39194 6067 Institute for Technology & Management Chennai C37195 5692 Institute of Health Management Research Bengaluru C40196 5003 Institute of Insurance and Risk Management Hyderabad C41197 5019 Institute of Public Enterprise Hyderabad C42198 5305 Integral Institute of Advanced Management Visakhapatnam C43199 5670 International Institute of Business Studies Bengaluru C44200 5615 International School Of Business & Media, Bangalore Bengaluru C45201 5668 ISBR Business School Bengaluru C46-C49202 5039 ITM Business School Warangal C89203 5660 Jain University Bengaluru C52-C53204 6447 Karunya University Coimbatore C51205 6409 KCT Business School Coimbatore C54206 5721 Kirloskar Institute of Advanced Management Studies Harihar C105207 5640 Kristu Jayanti College of Management & Technology Bengaluru C55208 5662 Krupanidhi School of Management Bengaluru C56209 6449 KV Institute of Management & Information Studies Coimbatore C57210 5702 Mangalore Institute of Technology&Engineering Mangalore C58211 5704 Manipal Institute of Management Manipal C59212 6805 Mar Athanasios College for Advanced Studies Tiruvalla C60213 5676 MATS Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship Bengaluru C61214 6023 Measi Institute of Management, Chennai C62215 6005 MOP Vaishnav College for Women Chennai C63216 5622 MP Birla Institute of Management Bengaluru C64217 5609 MS Ramaiah Institute of Management Bengaluru C65218 5722 MYRA School of Business Mysore C71219 5634 NITTE School of Management Bengaluru C66220 5672 NSB Academy Bengaluru C67221 5632 Padmashree Institute of Management Studies Bengaluru C68222 5621 PES University Bengaluru C69223 6410 PSG Institute of Management Coimbatore C70224 6008 Rajalakshmi School of Business Chennai C112225 5643 Regional College of Management Bengaluru C72226 6203 RL Institute of Management Studies Madurai C73227 5653 RV Institute of Management Bengaluru C74228 5719 Sahyadri College of Engineering & Management Mangalore C75229 6819 Saintgits Institute of Management Kottayam C76230 6417 Sankara Institute of Mgmt Science Coimbatore C77231 6063 Saveetha School of Management Chennai C86232 6801 SCMS Cochin School of Business Kochi C78-83233 6802 SCMS School of Technology & Management Kochi C84-C85

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234 5015 Siva Sivani Institute of Management Secunderabad C87235 6301 Sona School of Management Salem C88236 6040 Sri Ramachandra College of Management Chennai C50237 6420 Sri RamaKrishna Engineering College Coimbatore C90238 5703 Sri Siddhartha Institute Of Management Studies Tumkur C91239 6065 SSN School of Management Chennai C92240 5756 St Aloysius College Mangalore C93241 6034 Tamil Nadu Dr J Jayalalitha Fisheries University Chennai C109242 6202 Thiagarajar School of Management Madurai C94243 6064 Vel’s University, School of Management Studies Chennai C95244 5016 Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management Hyderabad C96-C97245 5018 Vishwa Vishwani Institute of Systems & Management Secunderabad C98246 6032 Xavier Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship, Chennai Chennai C99247 6852 Xavier Institute of Management & Entrepreneurship, Kochi Kochi C104 eaSterNregIoN 248 7113 ABS Academy of Science, Technology & Management Durgapur D2249 7004 Adamas University Kolkata D3250 7039 Amity University Kolkata D52-D53251 8312 ARKA Jain University Jamshedpur D4252 7512 ASBM University Bhubaneswar D5253 7811 Assam Rajiv Gandhi University of Cooperative Management Sivasagar D57254 7546 Astha School of Management Bhubaneswar D6255 7013 Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Institute of Management Science Kolkata D7256 7515 Bhavan’s Centre for Communication & Management Bhubaneswar D8257 7526 Biju Patnaik Institute of Information Technology & Management Studies Bhubaneswar D9258 7543 Birla Global University Bhubaneswar D10259 7402 Calcutta Business School Kolkata D11260 7805 Dibrugarh University Dibrugarh D12261 7103 Dr BC Roy Engineering College Durgapur D13262 7006 EIILM Kolkata D14263 7028 Future Institute of Engineering & Management Kolkata D15264 7002 Globsyn Business School Kolkata D16265 8206 Gopal Narayan Singh University Sasaram D17266 7201 Haldia Institute of Technology Haldia D18267 7022 Heritage Business School Kolkata D19268 7506 Hi Tech Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar D20269 7030 Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management Kolkata D21270 7034 Institute of Business Management Kolkata D22271 7029 institute of business management and research Kolkata D23

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272 7010 Institute of Engineering & Management Kolkata D26273 7505 Institute of Management & Information Sciences Bhubaneswar D24-D25274 7041 Institute of Management Study Kolkata D27275 8301 Institute of Science and Management Ranchi D28276 7015 International School of Business & Media Kolkata D29277 8007 International School of Management Patna Patna D30278 7020 JIS College of Engineering Kalyani D31279 7503 KIIT- School of Management Bhubaneswar D32280 7511 KIIT- School of Rural Managenment Bhubaneswar D56281 8002 Lalit Narayan Mishra Institute of Economic Development & Social Change Patna D33282 7901 Manipur University Imphal D34283 7904 Mizoram University Aizawl D35284 7804 NERIM Group of Institutions Guwahati D36285 8306 Netaji Subhas Institute of Business Management Jamshedpur D37286 7106 NSHM Business School Durgapur D38287 7042 NSHM Business School Kolkata D39288 8003 Patna University, Patna D40289 7508 Rajdhani College of Engineering & Management Bhubaneswar D41290 7602 Rourkela Institute of Management Studies Rourkela D54291 8316 Sarala Birla University Ranchi D43292 7301 Sikkim Manipal University Rangpo D44293 7538 Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University Bhubaneswar D45294 7528 Srusti Academy of Management Bhubaneswar D46295 7048 Techno India Group Kolkata D47296 8101 TM Bhagalpur University Bhagalpur D48297 7902 Tripura University Suryamani Nagar D55298 7533 Utkal University Bhubaneswar D49299 8404 Vaishali Institute of Business & Rural Management Muzaffarpur D50300 7202 Vidyasagar University Kolkata D51301 7027 Xavier Business School Kolkata D42

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