Download - MASS TIMES St. Alphonsus Rodri guez Church - Fata … · Sr. Martha Starrett, O.P. SATURDAY, APRIL 8 9am Frank Rodman + 5:30pm Paul Fetcho + ... Poor box Prerna hhatravas Hostel is


MASS TIMES Monday - Friday 7:30am Saturday 9am 5:30pmSunday 8am, 10am, 12 NoonHoly Day vigil 7pm night before

7:30am 7pm Reconciliation half-hour before weekend Masses

St. Alphonsus Rodriguez Church 10800 Old Court Rd, Woodstock, MD 21163

Phone: 410-461-5267 Fax: 410-750-7286 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9 A.M. to 3pm

Online at: www.

Bulle n for:April 9

WHY DO WE…..(E(Eacachh weweekek iincncluludede:: SoSomemeththiningg yoyouu araree cucuririououss ababouout?t? SSenendd yoyourur qqueuess ononss toto DDeeee aatt dedee@e@ststalalchchururchch o.orgrg

WHY DO WE…refer to Holy Thursday as Maundy Thursday?This is an ancient name for Holy Thursday that come from Jesus’ words that day and a former an phon of the day: in La n, Mandatum novum da nobis (“I give you a new commandment…” John 13:34).

WHY DO WE…call our Easter Holy Days the Triduum?The Great Three Days: the first day is from Holy Thursday sunset un l Good Friday sunset; it is the day of Jesus’ death. It includes the Evening g Mass of the Lord’s Supppep r and the Celebra on of the Lord’s Passion. The second dayy is from Good Fridayy sunset un l Holy ySaturday sunset and is called the Paschal Sabbath, the day of rest. In burial, the Lord rested, and we rest with him. The third day begins on Holy Saturday at sunset, with the holiest night of the year, the vigil of Easter, leading into Easter Sunday.





AAnnnnuuaall PPaallmm SSuunnddaayy BBaakkee SSaallee

April 8 & 9 before and a er all the Masses

Please call Jo Ann Russo (410-549-8403) Thank you. We appreciate your support.

Divine Mercy Chaplet

at 3 o’clock in the Church

on AApprriill 2233

April 9, 2017 Palm Sunday, Year A

We have Masses open for intentions, from April/May 2017 onwards. Please let us know if you have anyone you want intentions for. Please call the office or email [email protected]/ [email protected]

Please Pray for our deceased, their family & friends

Sr. Martha Starrett, O.P.

SATURDAY, APRIL 8 9am Frank Rodman + 5:30pm Paul Fetcho + SUNDAY, APRIL 9 8am Christopher Paul Fiorino + 10am Dave Schoonover + Noon Walter Caton, Sr. + MONDAY, APRIL 10 7:30am Deborah Kibler TUESDAY, APRIL 11 7:30am Frank Woods + WEDNESDAY, APRIL 12 7:30am Lou Szeliga + THURSDAY, APRIL 13 No 7:30am Mass 7pm Sr. Martha Starrett. O.P. + FRIDAY, APRIL 14 7:30am Good Friday Service no Mass SATURDAY, APRIL 15 No 9am Mass 7pm Parishioners SUNDAY, APRIL 16 8am Marien Bennett + 10am Joseph S. Jeppi + Noon Frank Passarello +

Please make sure to let us know if we can add or remove a name from the list. Please contact Valerie the office 410-461-

5267 x 130 or [email protected]. Thank you.

PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS Mark Amorose, Russell Armstrong, Casey Austin, Tony B, Mary Ballman, Lynn & Norbert Bartosz, Betty Jean Bollinger, Hadley Cash, Joan Caton, Norbert Chausse, Javier Corradini, Gregory Dorsey, Brady Duckhorn, Tim Farrell, Dennis Fields, Nathaniel Fillmore, Celestine Finn, Kristine Fornek, Joyce and Donito Frijas, Teresa Giese, Jack Gilbert, Barbara Guidera, Joseph Hale, Al, Bob, and Yvette Handley, Alexandra Haropulos, April Heselton, Branson Holsey, Norm Karolenko, Gladys Kemp, Mike and Robin Kenney, Sheila King, Dennis Landry, Debbie Leck, Barbara Levitt, Tim Maule, Catherine Meyers, Elissa Metzger, Andrew Morrissey, Jennifer Mearson, Karen Neary-Smithson, Frank Neff, Cory Noseworthy, Jim Nowakowski, Glenn Page, Edna Pietrucha, Lauren & Elissa Ramsay, Jill & Parker Read, Harold Rees, Bob Rubier, Lucy Grace Sherry, Cheryl Spezzano, Lee Snyder, Jennifer Webster, Shirley Weikel, Leocadia Wilson, Cameron Wisniewski, Faith Wobbeking, Carol Zimmerman, Betsy Peach Zito, Zachary Zito

Offertory April 1 & 2 Envelopes $ 6,383.00 Poor Boxes $ 342.25 Loose $ 2,024.45 Votive Candles $ 106.00 Total $ 8,407.45

Upcoming Second Collections April 14 Holy Land Shrines—Good Friday May 28 Catholic Comm. & Catholic U of America June 25 Peter’s Pence

Flowers for:

Joan Greene +

Friday Soup Supper Rice Bowl Collections March 3 - $ 155.00 March 10 - $ 146.00 March 17 - $ 100.00 March 24 - $ 117.10 March 31 - $ 138.00

Nari Gunjan Learning Center Poor box

Prerna Chhatravas Hostel is home to 150 girls from the Mushahar community in Dananpur, close to Patna India. These girls come from the lowest and poorest caste in India; they are

shunned by all, even the poor. The girls have never had an opportunity for education or a life other than that which they have known in poverty. The girls learn not only academics but also life skills. They learn about hygiene and health which they

take home to their families. The girls study, exercise, eat regular meals (a luxury many of them never knew), play, sing, learn

sewing and embroidery and undergo vocational training. Please support our collection for this worthy cause.

There is a brochure on the notice boards at the entrances with more information.


ST. VINCENT DE PAUL CHURCH, BALTIMORE, is seeking gently used furniture and household goods to furnish apartments of formerly homeless clients of Heath Care for the Homeless. THEY WILL PICK UP your furniture donations (no mattresses) – 4 or 5 drawer dressers especially needed. Pick up a brochure THE RESOURCE EXCHANGE at the main entrance of church, or visit their website at for a complete list of items needed. For more information contact Pat Frascati at 410-663-5542 or 410-917-2214 or [email protected]

DROP IN FAMILY YOGA! Every Sunday. 9-10am in between Masses

Located in Church Hall All ages and levels welcomed :) Contact Christina Landsman at

[email protected] for more info!


Holy Saturday 11am


Holy Week is an extraordinary experience in the Church year! We have the opportunity to participate in many rites of deep meaning and tradition during the period. One such rite is the foot washing ceremony that takes place during the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday, April 13th. The Mass of the Lord's Supper begins the Triduum. It commemorates the Last Supper and is a living memorial of the institution of the Eucharist and of the Lord's Passover in which Jesus left us sacramental signs of his new covenant. Through the mandatum, the washing of the feet, Jesus reminds us of the self-sacrificing nature of his love. Jesus, servant of the human race, loves us to his death. Jesus, servant of all, washes the feet of those he serves and instructs his disciples to go and do the same. We share in the servant hood of Christ. If you would like to participate in this rite contact Dee in the parish office 410-462-5267, ext 111 or [email protected]

Holy Week Mass Schedule Palm Sunday: Saturday Vigil, April 8, 5:30 p.m. Sunday, April 9, 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. & Noon Tuesday: Paschal Meal 6:30pm Holy Thursday: No morning Mass 7:00 p.m. ADORATION in the NARTHEX until Midnight Good Friday: No morning Mass 7:00 p.m. Holy Saturday: No morning Mass 7:00 p.m. Easter Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. & Noon

Join us for the movie Ignacio De Loyola

Sunday, April 9

at 1pm In the Church Hall

Join us for an afternoon of fellowship, fun and adventure! We will be showing the 2016 movie

Ignacio de Loyola, an independent film about the life of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Come and learn more about

the founder of the Society of Jesus!

Light refreshments will be served. Bring a snack to share, if you like.

All ages are welcome!

Not sure what time or what day? Check it out on our website!


April 1 Maria Salatti, Ellicott City $ 200 April 3 Sally Dimarco, Ellicott City $ 50 April 10 Matt Brunner, Ellicott City $ 50

FRIDAY NIGHT YOUTH MINISTRY for 6-8th Grade, 9th Grade & Peers

Games or Movie Night most 2nd & 4th FRIDAYS in the Parish Center * from 6:30-8pm*

No meeting April 14—Spring Break

April 28

HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY 9-12th Grade SUNDAY in the Parish Center

from 12 Noon –1:30pm

No mtg on April 9& 16—Spring Break and Happy Easter!

April 23 Walk in the Woods Please join us preparing for Pentecost as we walk in the woods and reflect on the Holy Spirit, who He is, what roles He fulfills, etc. Wear comfortable walking shoes, dress for the weather. LUNCH IS INCLUDED. PLEASE RSVP if you can by April 22 so that I know

how much food to buy.

April 30—Hinduism May 7—YM

No meeting May 14—Mother’s Day

May 21—Graduation & Family BBQ

Please contact Valerie for information about Youth Ministry: [email protected]


goal is to provide a culture of faith and fellowship for Catholics in their 20s and 30s who are living in Howard County who are

Single, Married, or Married with children.

Jennifer M. Youssef, Young Adult Coordinator for HoCoYA (443) 420 8447 [email protected]




APRIL 21-23, 2017 "Entering into the Father's Joy"

In the parable of the Prodigal Son, Jesus invites every disciple of every age into the Father's loving embrace. Through that embrace we enter into the Father's joy, which transforms us. This retreat invites us into the mystery of God's action in our lives, relying on the Spiritual Exercises and the spiritual wisdom of other Christian teachers of prayer. The retreat is open to anyone who desires to grow in their relationship with God through prayer. Contact Joy Aker for more information: [email protected]

It's never too

early... to be thinking of

our biggest event of the

year~ our Annual

Woodstock Festival. This year, our 102nd festival will take place the weekend of August 12th and 13th.

Our first planning meeting will be Wednesday, April 26 at 7pm

downstairs in the church hall.

All parishioners are invited and welcome.

We need you!

We especially need help with cooking the chicken

that weekend and cleaning the kitchen Sunday

evening. There are huge, heavy pots to clean!

Please consider prayerfully getting involved

with this fantastic parish event.

FLOWERS FOR THE SANCTUARY For many of us, live plants and flowers tap our spiritual core and enrich our worship experience. The colors can be coordinated to celebrate the season of the liturgical year. For others, they beautify the sanctuary. People donate flowers to celebrate weddings, births, and anniversaries, to honor friends and family, to memorialize those who have moved on--for any reason at all. With a beautifully renovated church, we want to establish a flower fund especially to keep coordinating fresh flowers in front of the altar and by the baptismal font. You can designate your donation to be used for a specific weekend and in memory of a specific person or event. Please consider donating! Contact Dee at [email protected]

In Our Community Married & Engaged Couples: Please join us on Friday May 12 at 7:00pm for a talk by Fr. Josh Laws: Living Marriage in the Image and Likeness of God. It will take place in Harrison Hall at Our Lady of Perpetual Help church in Ellicott City. The talk will be followed by drinks and dessert and a time of fellowship. For more information contact Kathy Schmidt 410-747-5611.

2017 DATES TO CALENDAR As you mark the important dates on the calendar for the year, be sure to include these events at St. Alphonsus…

April 8 Palm Sunday Bake Sale April 11 Paschal Meal (Tuesday 6:30pm) April 16 Easter Sunday April 23 Divine Mercy Chaplet at 3pm, Church April 23-29 One week Easter Ignatian retreat April 23-May 27 Five week Easter Ignatian retreat April 27 Fr. Kongari Night, 7pm INDIA TEAM PRESENTATION April 29 Ignatian 5km Runners for Others Race April 30 Lasagna Dinner 3-6pm April 30 Friends and Family Day at St. Gregory the

Great, 10:30am May 7 First Communion at 10am Mass May 8 7pm, Confirmation May 12 Adoration with Praise and Worship 7pm May 14 May Procession after 10am Mass May 20 St. Gregory Fellowship Mass & Potluck May 21 Lazarus Fund Raiser at Fish Head Cantina May 27 Memorial Day Mass in the Cemetery 9am June 9 Adoration with Praise and Worship 7pm TBD Woodstock, MD Music Festival July 14 Adoration with Praise and Worship 7pm July 10-14 Vacation Bible School July 29 9am Mass in Jesuit Cemetery August 11 Adoration with Praise and Worship 7pm Aug 12 & 13 August Festival Sat - 3-7pm Sun - 1-5pm August 14 HDO Vigil Mass at 7pm August 15 HDO Mass at 7:30am and 7pm August 26 & 27 Sacrament of Healing after all the Masses September 8 Adoration with Praise and Worship 7pm

Again this year, the raffle at the Lasagna Dinner on April 30 will be for a basket of cheer. The success of the raffle depends upon the generosity of our parishioners. Please consider donating a bottle of liquor or wine for the basket. Just leave the bottle where Father vests. Thank you in advance for your support. If you have any questions, please call Earl at 410-442-1248.

Raffle tickets for the basket of cheer are available at

the Church entrances. There are also envelopes at the entrances so you can return your ticket stubs and money in the collection basket. Or, you can turn in your tickets to Earl at the Lasagna Dinner.

The lucky winning ticket will be drawn at 6 P.M. on April 30.

We are now offering Online Giving. If you manage your bills online, we’re sure you’ll like giving to your church online. It’s safe and secure, and you decide exactly when your gift is made and where it goes. Online Giving lets you set up a recurring pledge or a one-time gift to our offertory and special collections, so you’ll be able to give the way you want—even if you’ve forgotten your envelope. Please visit to get started with this convenient giving option.


$81,060 $69,876







Goal Pledged Paid

2016 Archbishop's Annual Appeal

STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS FOR TAX PURPOSES WILL BE SENT ON REQUEST. If you wish to receive a statement of your contributions for the year 2016, please contact the parish office. Please be aware that we can only account for EFT donations, checks or cash donated using the family ID-number for regular and Holy Day collections. We do not keep track of loose checks donated in the collection baskets.

We can email your statement to you, please email Mary Jo with the request: [email protected]









Goal Pledged Paid

Embracing Our Mission

Shaping Our Future

FY 2017

Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb To Date


Offertory Col lections 46,052$ 40,293$ 65,255$ 54,193$ 45,313$ 374,431$

Restricted Gi fts* 5,253 18,023 26,638 11,156 4,311 185,952

Unrestricted bequests and gi fts 1,228 4,836 14,220 5,162 - 27,002

Embracing Our Miss ion (parish 80%) 14,775 - - - 14,781 43,433

Benefi ts , Net (August Festiva l , etc.) (1,092) 14,085 2,866 3,200 (600) 41,974

Cathol ic Schools Col lection, Net (1,333) 95 20 (958) 5,020 2,904

Pre-School , Net (after Sa laries , etc.) (15,556) (8,718) (17,854) 48,076 (5,109) 33,986

49,327$ 68,614$ 91,145$ 120,829$ 63,716$ 709,682$


Parish Staff Sa laries , Taxes , Benefi ts 25,020$ 27,961$ 28,962$ 23,826$ 24,998$ 207,337

Faci l i ties Costs 11,388 11,756 2,930 25,369 13,026 103,022

Archdiocese Tax 7,230 7,235 7,235 7,230 7,235 58,947

Al l Other Operating Items, Net (12,857) 9,920 97 10,157 4,986 35,551

Capita l Spending & Extraordinary Repairs 2,016 9,446 91,165 82,326 114,019 348,404

32,797$ 66,318$ 130,389$ 148,908$ 164,264$ 753,261$

Gain or (Loss) 16,530$ 2,296$ (39,244)$ (28,079)$ (100,548)$ (43,579)$

* Gifts designated for a specific purpose by the donor



Fiscal Year 2017
















Staff Joseph P. Lacey, S.J., Pastor [email protected] ext. 33 Dee Papania, Pastoral Associate & DRE [email protected] ext. 11 Mary Jo Mathena, Business Manager [email protected] ext. 12 Mindi Lawton, Pre-School Director [email protected] ext. 14 Valerie Herrington, Youth Minister [email protected] ext. 30 Beth Sembly, Music Ministry [email protected] 443-386-8971 In Residence Dinesh Braganza, S.J. [email protected] ext. 38 Richard P. McHugh, S.J. ext. 39

Committees and Ministries & Organizations Adoption Ministry Julie Neaman [email protected] Cathleen Maloney [email protected] Altar Servers, Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers Dee Papania ext. 11 Caring Souls (helping caregivers) Lizzy Pallan 410-442-2644 Education Dee Papania ext. 11 Evangelization Regina Smutz 443-668-5053 Finance Jim Hull 410-418-8588 Grass Cutters Harry O’Sullivan 410-549-1319 Health Ministry Joy Aker 410-730-7481 Homebound Ministry Norm Karolenko 410-521-4532 Hospitality & Welcome Carole Eckert 410-418-9834 Knights of Columbus Bob McAllister 410-952-7929 [email protected] Brian Lawton 410-303-9206 [email protected] Knitting Ministry Karen Bartosz 410-465-8521 Martha’s Meals Cathy Schoonover 410-750-2575 Maintenance Luke Browning [email protected] Jay Landsman 410-992-9120 Newsletter Barbara Bona 410-442-5935 Respect Life Ernie Tucker 410-442-8076 Social Justice: Food Pantry, Casseroles Mary Brinker 410-531-2455 Holiday Baskets Liz McEnaney 410-442-5712 Pregnancy Center Anna Whiteman 443-535-0505 St Alphonsus Society JoAnn Russo 410-549-8403 Stewardship Pat Mansfield 410-521-4383

Pastoral Council

Meeting at 7pm on the 1st Monday after 1st Sunday, all parishioners are welcome Jay Landsman, Sr., President 410-922-9120 Cathy Schoonover, Vice President 410-750-2575 Pat Mansfield, Corresponding Sec. 410-521-4383 Dan DiPaula, Recording Sec. 410-465-4740 Jim Birch 410-750-2124 Tim Hill 410-465-1581 Jay Landsman, Jr. 410-840-0548 Carol Lepeau 410-302-3758 Scott Walker 410-461-0976 Helen Weisel 410-750-1934

Know the gift...

...Live the gratitude.

Staff Joseph P. Lacey, S.J., Pastor [email protected] ext. 133 Valerie Herrington, Youth Minister [email protected] ext. 130 Sam Johnston, Director of Music [email protected] ext. 113 Mindi Lawton, Pre-School Director [email protected] ext. 114 Mary Jo Mathena, Business Manager [email protected] ext. 112 Dee Papania, Pastoral Associate & DRE [email protected] ext. 111

Committees and Ministries & Organizations Adoption Ministry Julie Neaman [email protected] Cathleen Maloney [email protected] Altar Server Training Dave Cooley 410-203-1014 Servers, Lectors & EM Schedules Dee Papania ext. 111 Caring Souls (helping caregivers) Lizzy Pallan 410-302-8413 Christian Jail Ministry Lynn Kochis 410-655-4035 Education Dee Papania ext. 111 Evangelization Regina Smutz 443-668-5053 Finance Jim Hull 410-418-8588 Grass Cutters Jim Sandoz 410-458-8528 Health Ministry Joy Aker 410-730-7481 Homebound Ministry Fred & Carole Eckert 410-418-9834 Selborne House Tom Brinker 410-531-2268 Hospitality & Welcome Carole Eckert 410-418-9834 Knights of Columbus Walt Chahanovich [email protected] 410-750-7799 Knitting Ministry Carole Neff 410-442-1766 Martha’s Meals Cathy Schoonover 410-750-2575 Maintenance Luke Browning [email protected] Jay Landsman, Sr. 410-922-9120 Newsletter Barbara Bona 410-442-5935 Painting Prayers Jen Landsman [email protected] Respect Life Ernie Tucker 410-442-8076 Social Justice: Food Pantry, Casseroles Mary Brinker 410-531-2455 Holiday Baskets contact office for information please. Pregnancy Center Anna Whiteman 443-535-0505 St Alphonsus Society JoAnn Russo 410-549-8403 Stewardship Volunteer needed call Dee in the office. Stich-’n-Share, Mondays 10am Valerie Herrington ext. 130 or email Vocations Ministry Ernie Tucker 410-442-8076 [email protected] Young Adult Ministry Jennifer Youssef, for HoCoYA 443-420-8447

Pastoral Council Meeting at 7pm on the 1st Monday after 1st Sunday, all parishioners are welcome Rich Baldwin, President 410-655-5351 Juli Hale, Vice President 410-531-6871 Lori Frederick, Corresponding Sec. 410-988-5471 Dan DiPaula, Recording Sec. 410-465-4740 Jay Landsman, Jr. Asst. Rec. Sec 410-840-0548 Fran Druffner 410-750-8489 Chris Jermann 410-442-7706 Harry Johnson 410-442-8207 Pat Lauer 410-442-4456 Joe Walchko 410-489-7480 Bruce Zimmerman 410-465-5915

Know the gift;

Live the gratitude.

ADULT EDUCATION Dee Papania ext. 111 See bulletin or call the office for more information. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Dee Papania ext. 111 Pre-K through 8th Grade on Sundays; 2 available sessions 9am or 11am from September to May. ST. ALPHONSUS PRESCHOOL Mindi Lawton ext. 114 Monday to Friday half day and full-day for 2-4 year olds. YOUTH MINISTRY Valerie Herrington ext. 130 6-12th graders, check website, call the office & see bulletin.

ALTAR FLOWERS Memorials are accepted. Call the office to coordinate display and delivery.

PRAYERS FOR THE SICK AND DECEASED Please call the office, or email [email protected].

HOMEBOUND EUCHARISTIC MINISTRY Please contact the office when a member of the parish is in hospital, or if they are unable to attend church and wish to receive the Eucharist.

BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS [email protected] Due via email 9 days prior to print date. Thank you!

SACRAMENTS BAPTISM, FIRST EUCHARIST & RECONCILIATION, CONFIRMATION & MARRIAGE for all sacramental preparation and for the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) preparation for adults and children entering into the

Catholic Faith please call Dee Papania ext. 111.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK for those in need of strength during an illness, available during the year at Mass and on


RECONCILIATION half-hour before Saturday evening and

Sunday Masses, or on request.

New Parishioner Registration/ Address Change Form

(Please drop this in the collection basket. The Parish Office will contact you for further information)

Name: __________________________________

Address: __________________________________


Phone: __________________________________

New Parishioner Address Change

WELCOME to our new Parishioners. We are glad that you have chosen St. Al. Please register in one of the following ways: 1. Pick up a form at any of the entrances or 2. Call the office or 3. Fill in the tear off slip below.

St. Alphonsus Rodriguez Church

10800 Old Court Rd, Woodstock, MD 21163 Phone: 410-461-5267 Fax: 410-750-7286

Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am to 3pm

Online at: www.

MASS TIMES Monday - Friday 7:30am Saturday 9am 5:30pm Sunday 8am, 10am, 12 Noon Holy Day vigil 7pm night before 7:30am 7pm

Reconciliation half-hour before weekend Masses

For ad information, call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at (410) 578-3600, toll free 1-800-934-1620, or write P.O. Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211 - © 2017


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