Download - Mass Feature Available in Oracle Purchasing R12 · PDF file Page 1 Mass Feature Available in Oracle Purchasing R12 Few days back during enhancement phase on one of my client site

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Mass Feature Available in Oracle Purchasing R12

Few days back during enhancement phase on one of my client site client reported

some problems for which his implementer told him that no solution available.

Client Business: - Client (CT) is a semi government organization having multiple

locations throughout UAE. Procurement is working for all location throughout UAE

mostly based on projects.

� Problems:-

� First :- CT started one project in one state (say Dubai) started procurement

for that project raised some Purchase orders (around 100) by using budget from

that particular client site but after few days management decided to took that

project from CT and give it some other. Now CT has to cancel all purchase

orders earlier raised. CT was asking for some mass cancel option to do it

because it is really hectic to cancel all those ?

� Second: - CT hired a buyer for procurement department at that point of time

procurement was not very streamlined they were in process of setting up

department and implementation was also going on side by side so they defined

buyer and assigned it to items after that buyer resigned and still on items he

was assigned as default buyer whenever they are going to create purchase

request buyer automatically defaulted from item master and copied into

requisition lines as suggested / default buyer. Chief buyer was facing issues

because enforce buyer was there in purchasing options.

� Solution:-

� First: - There is one option available in Oracle R12 called Mass Cancel which

can be used for first problem resolution now question how to setup Mass


How to Setup Mass Cancel

Use the Define Mass Cancel window to specify criteria for cancelling groups of

requisitions or purchase orders that you no longer want to honor.

You can specify a range of Accounting Flex fields for which to cancel requisitions

or purchase orders. You can use this zone to specify a range of accounts, programs,

projects, or funds, or one account, program, project, or fund for which to cancel

purchase orders or requisitions. Purchasing selects for cancellation all purchase

orders or requisitions that meet your other selection criteria and have distributions

falling completely or partially within these ranges.

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You can define multiple ranges of Accounting Flexfield, each including both a low

and high value for each key segment. Purchasing excludes all values outside the

specified ranges.

When you enter the Include Low field, Purchasing displays a pop-up window that

contains a prompt for each segment you have defined for your Accounting

Flexfield. You enter both the low and high ends of each range in this pop-up

window. After you finish entering each range, Purchasing displays your low

segment values in concatenated form in the Low field and displays your high

segment values, similarly, in the High field.

Note that Purchasing does not perform checking for incompatible ranges, so you

must take care to insure that your High value is actually higher than your Low

value. Otherwise, no documents will be selected for MassCancel.

After you specify your cancellation criteria, Click on create batch button oracle

will submit a request “Define Mass Cancel”

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Once Request is finished successfully you need to go to “Run Mass Cancel Window”

find your Batch and Click on Run Mass Cancel

On Clicking Run MassCancel system will show you an alert

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It will submit request “Run MassCancel” on Successful closure click on view output

system will show you Cancelled Documents

Here you have another option to do it but that required technical skills to do it.Use

API PO_Document_Control_PUB.control_document .For help refer to metalink note

How to use the PO Cancel API - PO_Document_Control_PUB Doc ID: 833925.1

� Second: - There is a standard request available under purchasing super user

responsibility named “Mass Update of Buyer Name on Purchasing

Documents” Just submit this request with requires parameters as shown in

below image.

Refrences :

Oracle Doceumentation

Oracle Metalink

Instance used for screenshort is Oracle R 12.0.4