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Page 2: Marketing product placement strategies


Visual Placement

Product placement strategies that focus on visual exposure rely on the

number of times a product appears within a show and how prominently it

displays within a story setting. This can be an effective advertising approach

for creating brand awareness when used within a popular show or program.

Another approach goes a step further by incorporating a product into the

show's actual storyline. This strategy is called plot connection and involves

the physical handling of a product by the characters in the story.

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Auditory Placement

Product placement strategies that focus on auditory exposure include the

product name within a show's character script. Placement approaches can be

based on the number of times the product is mentioned, the type of scene its

mentioned in, or the amount of emphasis placed on the product itself.

Auditory placement can be an effective way to connect with the fans of a

certain actor or character when that character uses a particular product


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Before the product is released, create an ad campaign for print,

online and television media. The campaigns should be used in outlets that will

reach your target audience. For example, if you are launching a new gadget

for teens, you may want to spend your advertising dollars in teen magazines.

Start the advertising campaigns around six months to a year before the

product arrives in stores. However, do not include an exact date on the

advertisements. Instead, use the year or season it will be finished. Once you

are closer to the product hitting the shelves, include the date.

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Sales promotions such as giveaways and coupons can be

effective for new product launches, giving customers an extra incentive to

buy in addition to the hype created by advertising campaigns. Price

promotions can reduce the risk associated with trying a new product,

especially when the promotion includes free samples or other giveaways. If

consumers feel they won't be losing much if they are dissatisfied, they are

more likely to give new products a try.

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Survey potential customers to anticipate customer reactions and

help target your advertising messaging. Consider using focus groups to

modify your product and advertising strategy prior to launch.

Customer Experience

Use in-person demonstrations, product sample giveaways or

other methods of allowing customers to experience your new product.

When customers have a positive experience with your new product, you

can increase direct sales and drive word-of-mouth advertising.

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Provide samples of your new product on an existing product. In addition to

driving sales of the existing product by offering a free bonus, you also get your

new product in the hands of potential customers.


Sponsor a community event to obtain beneficial media coverage and

product placement at the event. Fairs, festivals and even art shows can provide a

great showcase for your new product. Event attendees are usually in a relaxed

mode and willing to try new products. Draw attention to your product by

sponsoring prizes at the event, creating lively activities that prominently feature

your product or offering free samples.

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A new product launch can only go as far as the

quality of the product. Invest the time and effort to create a

superior product prior to launch. When you grab customers

with a product that is error-free and comprehensive from

the start, you create a lasting impression of quality,

innovation and value that will outlast launch activities and

can translate into long-term product success.