Download - Marketing in the Now!

Page 1: Marketing in the Now!


6th Stage Marketing

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Stage 1Commodity SellingNo brandsProducers have powerNo targetingNo advertising

Stage 2MarketingBrands as referenceIncreasing competitionTargeting demographicRational advertising

Stage 3Classic BrandingBrands as personalityIntense competitionTargeting psychographicsLifestyle advertising

Stage 4CustomerdrivenMarketingBrands as iconsSaturated market placeSegmentation by user typeSymbolic advertising, through the line

Stage 5Post Modern MarketingComplex brandsCynical consumersNeeds –based segmentationDeconstructed advertising

Evolution of the Goodyear framework for the Connected Age


Page 2: Marketing in the Now!

[email protected]

+The Mary Goodyear Model

A construct was developed by Mary Goodyear on the evolution of marketing in terms of brand and ad literacy. References to and uses of this framework can be found here and here and …and a search will throw up many more.

This Framework is a simple but powerful structuring of evolutionary stages in marketing.

And how marketing forces shape and in turn are shaped by these stages.

I have also used it to help ‘explain’ markets in context

+Use the terms construct , model and framework interchangeably

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Educated consumers

Naive consumers

Stage 1Commodity SellingNo brandsProducers have powerNo targetingNo advertising

Stage 2MarketingBrands as referenceIncreasing competitionTargeting demographicRational advertising

Stage 3Classic BrandingBrands as personalityIntense competitionTargeting psychographicsLifestyle advertising

Stage 4CustomerdrivenMarketingBrands as iconsSaturated market placeSegmentation by user typeSymbolic advertising, through the line

Stage 5Post Modern MarketingComplex brandsCynical consumersNeeds –based segmentationDeconstructed advertising

The Mary Goodyear Framework Snapshot

Page 4: Marketing in the Now!

[email protected]

+Framework in Action

Communications giant was looking to set up a business built around phone call (PCO) booths with prominent branded characteristics and was facing an uphill task. The Goodyear framework helped clinch an argument

emerging from the data that the huge investments in the branding and construction of booths were better directed elsewhere

Marketing and brand ‘consultancy’ major was under pressure to set up shop in an ‘next 10’ economy The Goodyear framework aided in structuring the ‘market

feedback’ in the business plan and buttressed the recommendation to hold back for a few years- this lead to a very successful launch at the right time

A few years ago…

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+A small leap …

… a giant leap for marketing kind! :-)

Page 6: Marketing in the Now!

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Hyper Marketing !

The 6th Stage

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Educated consumers

Naive consumers

Stage 1Commodity SellingNo brandsProducers have powerNo targetingNo advertising

Stage 2MarketingBrands as referenceIncreasing competitionTargeting demographicRational advertising

Stage 3Classic BrandingBrands as personalityIntense competitionTargeting psychographicsLifestyle advertising

Stage 4CustomerdrivenMarketingBrands as iconsSaturated market placeSegmentation by user typeSymbolic advertising, through the line

Stage 5Post Modern MarketingComplex brandsCynical consumersNeeds –based segmentationDeconstructed advertising

Stage 6Hyper MarketingBrands as referenceConsumers have powerHyper TargetingRational communicationAttention-driven advertising

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[email protected]


EpilogueWhere’s India these days?

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Educated consumers

Naive consumers

Stage 1Commodity SellingNo brandsProducers have powerNo targetingNo advertising

Stage 2MarketingBrands as referenceIncreasing competitionTargeting demographicRational advertising

Stage 3Classic BrandingBrands as personalityIntense competitionTargeting psychographicsLifestyle advertising

Stage 4CustomerdrivenMarketingBrands as iconsSaturated market placeSegmentation by user typeSymbolic advertising, through the line

Stage 5Post Modern MarketingComplex brandsCynical consumersNeeds –based segmentationDeconstructed advertising

Stage 6Hyper MarketingBrands as referenceConsumers have powerHyper TargetingRational communicationAttention-driven advertising

Geo Market & Category Combos across Stages 1 to 6 ! And leapfrogging.


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The Elephant is Diff’rent!

It was six men of IndostanTo learning much inclined,

Who went to see the Elephant(Though all of them were blind),

That each by observationMight satisfy his mind.

The First approached the Elephant,And happening to fall

Against his broad and sturdy side,At once began to bawl:

"God bless me! but the ElephantIs very like a WALL!"

The Second, feeling of the tusk,Cried, "Ho, what have we here,

So very round and smooth and sharp?To me 'tis mighty clear

This wonder of an ElephantIs very like a SPEAR!"

The Third approached the animal,And happening to take

The squirming trunk within his hands,Thus boldly up and spake:

"I see," quoth he, "the ElephantIs very like a SNAKE!"

The Fourth reached out an eager hand, And felt about the knee

"What most this wondrous beast is likeIs mighty plain," quoth he:

"'Tis clear enough the ElephantIs very like a TREE!"

The Fifth, who chanced to touch the ear,Said: "E'en the blindest man

Can tell what this resembles most;Deny the fact who can,

This marvel of an ElephantIs very like a FAN!"

The Sixth no sooner had begunAbout the beast to grope,

Than seizing on the swinging tailThat fell within his scope,

"I see," quoth he, "the ElephantIs very like a ROPE!"

And so these men of IndostanDisputed loud and long,Each in his own opinion

Exceeding stiff and strong,Though each was partly in the right,

And all were in the wrong!

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The Blind Men and the ElephantJohn Godfrey Saxe

Page 11: Marketing in the Now!

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Diff’rent Strokes ,Folks .

Different Strokes !

The Many Indias

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DecisionsInformation Complexity

Muder Chiba

Managing Heterogeneity Insight Ignited Decisions

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