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1 ......... Marketing Automation Runs on Content

2 ......... Marketing Automation Runs on Content


• MARKETING AUTOMATION RUNS ON GREAT ORIGINAL CONTENT ............................................................................ 03


• KNOW YOUR BUYERS, CREATE MARKETING SPECIFICALLY FOR THEM ................................................................................................ 06 Buyer Personas + Marketing Automation + Content

• APPEAL TO YOUR BUYER AT VARIOUS SALES STAGES .................... 09 Sales Stages + Marketing Automation + Content

• CREATE CONTENT TYPES THAT RESONATE WITH HOW YOUR BUYER GETS INFO ...................................................................... 12 Diversity of Content + Marketing Automation + Content

• WRITE BETTER EMAILS ........................................................................... 15 Email + Marketing Automation + Content

• SYNC UP THE PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIALS ........................................................................................ 18 Alignment of Teams + Marketing Automation + Content

• TRACK WHAT MATTERS: REVENUE, INFLUENCE, REACH, GROWTH .................................................................................. 22 Analytics + Marketing Automation + Content

• THE ROAD TO MARKETING GREATNESS .......................................... 25

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MARKETING AUTOMATION RUNS ON GREAT ORIGINAL CONTENTMarketing automation is one of the fastest growing technology segments in business. More than a quarter of all Fortune 500 companies have invested in the software, and analysts predict it will grow to a $4.6 billion industry by 2016.

But there’s a problem.

More than three-quarters of those who’ve invested in marketing automation say that investing in processes and content is instrumental to success with the technology. In other words, to connect with the right buyers at the right time, companies need to combine a streamlined content operation—which includes processes for producing, distributing, and analyzing content— with marketing automation software.

Content is the key to keeping your marketing automation from going idle. All of your content—from emails to whitepapers to videos to research reports—plays a role in activating marketing automation tactics, from lead nurturing to deep dive reporting. For instance:

• What do you send to your leads or qualified opportunities to keep them moving down your pipeline? Content.

• When you examine the many “touches” from marketing that have influenced a purchase, what are you actually tracking? Content.

Give your marketing the competitive advantage: build a content operation into your marketing automation strategy from the get-go.

of those who’ve invested in marketing automation say that investing in processes and content leads to greater success.

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GLOSSARY OF MARKETING AUTOMATION TACTICSLet’s recap a few of the most powerful tactics marketing automation provides:

• LEAD NURTURING is the process of building relationships with potential buyers—regardless of how ready they are to make a purchase. The goal of lead nurturing is to develop trust and establish lines of communication, eventually earning that buyer’s business.

• LEAD SCORING is a method of identifying and ranking your potential buyers. Using marketing automation, you can assign values to activities that indicate buying interest—such as visiting particular pages on your website, downloading particular content assets, or engaging at in-person events. When a prospect reaches a certain score, he or she is passed along to sales.

• SEGMENTATION is the process of dividing your audience into segments in order to target each segment with the most relevant possible content. You might segment your audience by demographics, firmographics, behaviors, or all three. Once you’ve defined your segments, your marketing automation delivers and presents segment-specific content to your buyers.

• CLONING AND TOKENS help marketers streamline activities, avoiding unnecessary repetition. Marketing automation allows marketers to clone entire programs—multiple emails, landing pages, links, and segments—while tokens allow you to auto-populate your messages with personalized information like names, dates, and times.

• INTELLIGENT CONTENT DELIVERY acknowledges that content is the fuel for your lead nurturing strategy. The right content at the right time is often the difference between an “unsubscribe” and a “tell me more.” That’s why, if you’re continually creating new content, you’ll want to easily add it to campaigns, and ensure that the right people receive it.

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GLOSSARY OF MARKETING AUTOMATION TACTICSSome solutions make it easier than others to put the freshest content in front of prospects, add content to nurture campaigns, and avoid sending too many nurture emails— or duplicates—to your database.

• REAL-TIME PERSONALIZATION helps marketers target their website visitors in the same way they target recipients of email campaigns. By identifying each visitor’s behaviors, demographics/firmographics, and profiles, real-time personalization can then serve up the most relevant content to each person who visits your website. Note that advanced real-time personalization tools can perform this function for both known and anonymous prospects and customers.

• CALENDARS help marketers coordinate multiple programs and activities, getting the whole department on the same page. Calendars within some marketing automation platforms also allow you to deploy programs, which means that you can plan, adjust, schedule, and pull the trigger on programs—all in one place.

• PROGRAM LIBRARIES are repositories of pre-built, verified best practices and programs. Marketing automation platforms with these libraries help you avoid reinventing the wheel, getting your programs up and running quickly.

• SALES TEAM NOTIFICATIONS alert the sales team about prospects who are ready to buy. Ideally, the marketing and sales team come to an agreement about which developments should trigger a notification to sales— it might be when a prospect reaches a certain lead score, completes an activity, or fits a specific profile. Once these have been defined, your marketing automation will automatically send the alerts, ensuring that sales immediately follows up on hot leads.

• DEEP DIVE REPORTING gives marketers the ability to prove their ROI. While the success of marketing campaigns was once difficult—if not impossible—to measure, marketing automation has empowered marketers to definitively tie their activities to closed-won deals.

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The most successful marketing campaigns are created with specific buyers in mind. That means the modern marketer must create unique content that addresses the real concerns, needs, interests, likes, and dislikes of their buyers. To identify and understand these buyers, marketers create “buyer personas.” Most marketers find that they have multiple types of buyers, each of which needs a dedicated persona.

BUYER PERSONAS are research-based representations of your buyers, identifying who they are and how they act.

Once you’ve carefully researched and built out your buyer personas, you can create content geared specifically toward each one, and deliver that content using marketing automation software. The strategy works because, as you can imagine, a CEO might have very different consumption habits than a manager, and very different challenges to address as well.

But remember, while marketing automation can segment your lists by persona, you still need to build the persona-specific content it delivers.

Here’s how to create custom content around your buyer personas:

STEP 1: Group Your Buyers into Defined Personas

Identify 3–5 buyer personas that faithfully represent your customer base, getting as granular as possible about who these personas “are” and what they care about. Use market research, demographics and firmographics to understand the likes, dislikes, concerns, qualms, or interests of key buyers.

Need Help Getting Started?

Marketo has developed brilliant buyer persona worksheets. Fill them out, and you’re done.

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STEP 2: Map Current Content to Personas

After compiling a list of buyer personas, review your existing content. Do you already have content (such as whitepapers, webinars, ebooks, blog posts, presentations, or sales collateral) that adequately addresses common buyer concerns? Try using a free content auditor tool, like the Kapost Content Auditor, to locate all of your existing online content and tag those pieces by key buyer personas. This process categorizes your content assets by persona and allows for future use, reuse, and re-purposing of assets.

STEP 3: Identify Content Gaps

Based on the results of your content persona audit, identify gaps in your content as they emerge. Note what types of assets could be created to fill those gaps.

STEP 4: Build Email Segments in Marketing Automation by Persona

In your marketing automation platform, build email segments based on each persona. You could create something simple, such as one nurture track for each identified persona, or you can get crafty with your segmentation rules, factoring in complexities like a buyer’s place in the sales cycle.

STEP 5: Get Started

Once you’ve created your segments, set up your marketing automation to automatically send identified content assets to the relevant personas. Targeted content built to match specific buyer personas has been shown to increase conversion rates, open rates, and click-through rates.


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How Content Tailored Around Buyer Personas Amplifies Marketing Automation:

Content developed to target specific personas fuels your marketing automation. It personalizes your messaging to each lead at just the right moment in their journeys, demonstrating that your company is highly in tune to your buyers’ needs.

With persona-driven content, you can more effectively implement the following marketing automation tactics:


Automated delivery of content targeted to specific buyer personas allows marketers to engage and track the behavior of leads, providing buyers with an opportunity to better understand the topics, themes, and ultimately, the solutions that address their specific needs.


Use unique profile or demographic/firmographic data to inform email segmentation. Create lists around specific needs, interests, or concerns.


Use buyer personas to keep content relevant. For example, executive-level content will be useful to the Vice President of Marketing, but perhaps not a marketing specialist.


Personalize, target, and automate content on forms or pages that have dynamic content fields. Use buyer personas to keep messaging targeted.


Save campaigns that work for certain buyer personas in program libraries to avoid starting from scratch.

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APPEAL TO YOUR BUYER AT VARIOUS SALES STAGES Sales Stages + Marketing Automation + Content

Similar to mapping content to personas, understanding each stage of the buyer’s journey—including the unique behaviors, questions, and concerns that prospects have at each of those stages—allows marketers to deliver more relevant, personalized, and timely messaging to buyers.

By researching and evaluating the content that guides buyers into the top of the funnel, then propels them toward purchase at the bottom of the funnel, marketers can optimize their communication for faster sales.

Marketing automation tracks buyer behavior. It then allows for the automated delivery of relevant information to buyers based on their behavior and movement from one sales stage to another. But where does that relevant information come from? Content, of course. Without content mapped to specific sales stages, marketers miss the opportunity to build trust through thought leadership.

Here are the steps to effectively track and deliver content by sales stage using marketing automation:

STEP 1: Identify Your Buyers within Sales Stages

The easiest way to start mapping content to sales stages is to start with closed-won deals and work your way back through their buyer journey. Using analytics tools like content scoring and lead scoring, identify key conversion points in your sales funnel. Identify which online behaviors indicate a prospect is ready to hear from sales. Ask questions like:

• Do downloads, event registrations, or product demo requests indicate someone has moved from the middle to the bottom of the funnel?

• Do different interactions with different content types result in different lead scores?

By working backward and finding patterns in behaviors and interests—at every step in the buyer’s journey, from awareness to close—you’ll be able to identify where buyers are in their path to purchase. Once you understand these elements, segment buyers into specific marketing and sales stages to better tailor your content delivery.

The best content marketing companies are 25% more likely to have a process in place for aligning marketing content with marketing and sales funnel stages

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Now that you know which online behaviors result in conversions, take a close look at the content you’ve already produced. For each sales stage, identify 5–10 unique content assets that could be relevant to buyers at each step toward purchase.

STEP 3: Identify Gaps and Create Content to Fill Them

Step 2 gives you visibility into which stages are under-resourced by your content; Step 3 is identifying and filling those gaps. For example, you might have great case studies and third-party reports for the bottom of your sales funnel, but nothing that connects best practices with your product offerings for mid-funnel communications. Identify all the content gaps in your funnel and build a strategy for creating content to fill them.

STEP 4: Map Email Segments in Marketing Automation to Sales Stages

After you’ve found and created content to match the needs of buyers in each stage, build out specific email segments and lead scoring programs within your marketing automation. Develop smart lead scoring programs to help you track buyer behavior and identify signs that a buyer is getting closer to a purchase.

You’ll want to assign scores to your content—the more closely an asset aligns to your product or service, the more highly it should be scored. Generally speaking, when a buyer downloads content that is more product-centric, that buyer is more likely to be interested in your product. On the flip side, more broadly focused, early-stage content is weighted more lightly.

STEP 5: Send Identified Content to the Relevant Sales Stages

Time to activate your campaign! Using the steps above, send relevant content campaigns to specific buyers as they navigate their purchase decision.

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How Content Designed for Specific Stages Fuels Marketing Automation:


By understanding the types of information (content) your buyers care about as they move from awareness to purchase, strategically score buyer behavior and track key indicators on each of your leads.


Automate the delivery of informative content to your buyers, and set up your marketing automation platform to notify the appropriate sales development representative when that buyer has exhibited signs of purchase. Sales reps can also see which content that buyer touched, preparing them to tailor conversations to each buyer’s needs and interests.


Map content to sales stage to address unique concerns as buyers move from top of funnel to close.


Interactions with content—whether that be in the form of web copy, call to action buttons, or blogs—indicate and monitor movement from one sales stage to another. Establish unique landing pages and analytics tracking to see which content is driving the biggest results.

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CREATE CONTENT TYPES THAT RESONATE WITH HOW YOUR BUYER GETS INFO Diversity of Content + Marketing Automation + Content

Different people have different preferences when it comes to consuming content. For instance, some people prefer to watch videos on a tablet, while others prefer to read blogs on a PC. Your buyer personas should give you insight into which formats your audience prefers, but experimenting with a variety of content types (and testing which work best) is an important best practice.

Providing a variety of content types allows marketers to:

• Identify the most effective content assets based on persona and buying stage

• Keep users engaged by mixing up the types of content delivered

• Take advantage of the strengths of specific formats for delivering a certain kind of messaging or content experience

But how can you combine different types of content with marketing automation for the best results? Here are the steps you need to take.

STEP 1: Perform a Content Audit

First, perform a content audit to inventory which content assets and types your company has already published.

A content audit gives you insight into which content types you already have on hand, provides your marketing automation team with easy access to all of these assets in a single repository, and helps you identify which content types work best for your target audience.

Your content audit doesn’t have to be a long, scary process. Give the free tool, the Content Auditor, a shot.

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STEP 2: Map and Fill Content Type Gaps

Use marketing automation in conjunction with social media, content marketing, and CRM platforms to understand which content types perform best with your target audience.

• Which type drives the best traffic?

• Which type converts prospects to leads?

• Which type is tied to the highest revenue?

• How does each type compare to the rest?

As you answer these questions, strategize to create more of the content types that work for your buyers at every stage of the funnel.

STEP 3: Build Marketing Automation Rules to Deliver the Right Content

Marketing automation gives you insight into your buyers, then helps you act on that knowledge by setting up systems for delivering the most effective kinds of content to each segment.

As buyers interact with your content, you learn more about them, making it easier to deliver increasingly tailored content. To increase relevance, you can automate the types of content they receive based on what they’ve engaged with in the past.

STEP 4: Take Risks!

Create a steady stream of the content types you know resonate with your buyers. But don’t stop there. Wow your leads by experimenting with new content types, such as interactive web pages, GIFs in emails, or even activity books. You won’t know what works until you try it, and providing interactive, interesting content types will elicit emotions such as curiosity, surprise, and delight from your buyers.


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How a Variety of Content Types Fuels Marketing Automation:


Certain content types or assets may indicate that a lead is closer to purchase, and you can score interactions with this content more highly.


Hit prospects with messaging aligned around a target theme or product launch, but in various formats that will resonate.


By tracking the content types buyers most commonly engage with, you can serve up more of the same assets on valuable topics.

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WRITE BETTER EMAILSEmail + Marketing Automation + Content

On any given day, the average customer will be exposed to 2,904 media messages, will pay attention to 52, and will positively remember only four. The point? You have to produce high quality if you’re going to stand out among the quantity of messages bombarding your buyers.

The emails you send through your marketing automation are pieces of content in their own right—but they’re also important gateways to larger content assets. Their success depends on first capturing attention, then delivering relevant messaging, and finally driving the recipient to take action.

Too often, emails aren’t considered content. They’re written by a different team, or they’re created without the same standards one might use to create a blog post or article.

The fact of the matter is that well-written, personalized, and relevant emails spur action, and ensure you’re getting the most out of your marketing automation investment.

Here’s how to create better emails that inspire your audience to engage with your company:

STEP 1: Write Stand-Out Subject Lines

Your subject line is your first impression. Be clear and direct. Try to tell the recipient exactly what they’ll gain from opening the email. Limit your subject lines to 50 characters or less. Start by brainstorming 5-10 subject lines for each email, then choose the one that resonates best.

STEP 2: Be Brief (the Shorter the Better)

Every email should be powerful and compelling to your target audience. Like in subject lines, be concise and punchy with your messaging. Use bullet points, bolding, and images to spice up bland copy so you can capitalize on the first few seconds of buyers’ attention—these may be the only seconds you get.

Personalized emails increase both transaction and revenue rates by 6x. They also deliver 29% higher unique open rates and 41% higher unique click-through rates.

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STEP 3: Choose Effective Calls to Action, and Fewer of Them

Use one call to action (such as a link to an asset or a landing page) per email, and avoid any unrelated links that will distract from the main goal of your email. An email cluttered with links will only confuse your buyers, but linking to the one asset or landing page in multiple places will increase the chances that your buyer will click.

Include a contextual link in the first lines of the email, then also include a defined, active call to action (like, “Get Your Copy,” “Download Now,” or “Click Here for More”) toward the end. Tell the recipient exactly what you want him or her to do.

STEP 4: Implement Personalization Strategies

Personalization has been shown to increase open and click-through rates in email, and marketing automation makes it easy to add this powerful touch to your email communications.

Common personalization tactics include:

• Using a recipient’s first and last name in the subject line

• Addressing the recipient by first name once they’ve opened the email

• Mentioning the recipient’s industry, interests, or any other field you’re tracking in your marketing automation platform

• Referring to a product the recipient has already looked at or purchased from you (i.e. suggesting a complementary product, or alerting them to a new discount)

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How Writing Better Emails Enhances Marketing Automation:


Deliver personalized information and content based on fields you’re tracking in your marketing automation platform to increase engagement and click- through rates.


Emails often serve as the first touch in a campaign launch. Good emails are the gateway to getting your database to take action around the product or asset you’re introducing.


Deliver well-written, relevant emails to build trust with your buyer. Increased trust means more opportunities to influence a buyer’s purchase decision.

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SYNC UP THE PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIALSAlignment of Teams + Marketing Automation + Content

The best marketers are not the most creative content producers, nor are they the most sophisticated marketing automation users. The best marketers are a combination of both.

The alignment of your marketing operations and content team is core to your overall marketing success. Running a modern marketing department is a complex beast requiring attention to buyer personas, sales stages, and diversity of content creation and emails.

This massive effort requires the alignment of your various marketing arms. Specifically, aligning the folks in charge of your marketing automation (we call this the “marketing automation team”) and the folks in charge of content (we call this the “content marketing team”).

Here’s how you do it:

STEP 1: Identify Group Goals

Have all marketing decision makers agree on key performance indicators, or KPIs, to track the effectiveness of your joint effort between content marketing and marketing automation. Here are a few KPIs to get you started:

• Open Rates—the number of emails opened out of the total emails sent.

• Click-Through Rates—the number of emails that successfully triggered a clickable action out of the total number of emails sent.

• Conversion Rates—the number of email recipients that converted to the next sales stage out of the total number of emails sent—for example, the number of leads that became qualified leads, or the number of opportunities that became marketing qualified opportunities.

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Map out who in the marketing department is responsible for each task in an email campaign and how the communication of those tasks is tracked. Understanding ownership of each task maximizes efficiency.

For instance, if you’re launching a whitepaper you’ll need to define ownership of the following tasks:

• Person responsible for writing the whitepaper

• Person responsible for building a landing page for the whitepaper

• Person responsible for writing the copy on the landing page

• Person responsible for setting up marketing automation tracking for the email

• Person responsible for setting up marketing automation tracking for the landing page

• Person responsible for segmenting the list to receive the whitepaper

• Person responsible for tracking all analytics or KPIs associated with this campaign.

STEP 3: Get on the Same Calendar

Once the roles and responsibilities are in order, it’s time to get everyone involved on the same schedule. A successful campaign launch requires a planned “roll out” of your major content campaigns in a strategic manner. To do this, make sure your marketing automation team and content marketing team are in sync.

In the planning phase of your campaign, meet to mark key events and tasks leading up to the campaign and set a launch date. Make sure to keep communication lines open. Regularly update all stakeholders to ensure pieces being developed are on schedule, and the campaign roll out steps are ready to go.

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SYNC UP THE PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF MATERIALSSTEP 4: Align Definitions of Buyer Personas and Sales Stages

Defining your buyer personas and sales stages is key to building a full-fledged marketing strategy. But it’s also important to note that those definitions must be shared by members of both the content marketing team and the marketing operations staff. Fragmented definitions or lapses in understanding result in poor content distribution.

STEP 5: Create a Feedback Loop for Success and Failures

Track the success of marketing operations and content teams based on the identified and benchmarked KPIs (established in the goal-setting phase). Develop a regular cadence for tracking performance metrics, and assign ownership for those metrics—someone should be explicitly responsible for tracking and analyzing the data, and using that data to determine key insights for improvements in strategy or execution.

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How Internal Content Alignment Increases Marketing Automation Efficiency:


Hone in on the topics that interest your buyers and also align with your business’ strengths. Develop additional content around those areas, while decreasing production in areas that deliver weaker results.


Organize roles and responsibilities on a campaign launch day, and deliver streamlined processes and ensure each aspect of the campaign is accounted


Use attribution modeling to gather insights around campaigns and promotions. Pay attention to which content formats and/or topics compelled the user to convert to a new sales stage. Then, clone the most successful promotions for future use.


Coordinate all programs and activities. Get the whole department on the same page, using editorial calendars and marketing automation calendars to create and deploy content on the same schedule.

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TRACK WHAT MATTERS: REVENUE, INFLUENCE, REACH, GROWTH. Analytics + Marketing Automation + Content

Analytics are the cornerstone of intelligent modern marketing, the quantifiable metrics that CMOs and CEOs want to see. But before you start plugging various numbers into a spreadsheet, take these steps to ensure that your analytics are both trackable and worth tracking.

STEP 1: Ensure Content Assets and Landing Pages Are Uniquely Coded

To track the effectiveness of individual content assets within a campaign or multi-channel launch effort, uniquely code each page. This involves adding channel-specific query strings or unique URLs for each content asset, and allows data analysts to parse through web traffic at more granular levels.

STEP 2 : Identify the Content that Moves the Needle

When content marketing software and marketing automation software are aligned, marketers can see the value of individual pieces of content in terms of how far they’ve pushed leads into the sales cycle, and even how much revenue individual content assets drove. Unique attribution modeling, like Kapost’s content scoring and Marketo’s program/campaign reporting, give the most sophisticated insights on how marketing has impacted a sale.

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Set benchmarks for success for each type of content (whitepaper, blog, ebook, infographic, etc.), as well as for overarching campaigns. This could include things like performance metrics, or can be as advanced as mapping content scores for each campaign.

Common analytics include:

• Unique visitors

• Email open rates / click-through rates

• Clicks on call to action buttons

• Conversions

• Social shares

• Opportunities created

• Pipeline created

STEP 4: Do it Regularly

Set a regular cadence for tracking analytics. Give one person ownership of tracking content marketing analytics, using marketing automation intelligence and content scoring attribution modeling. Consistently update all stakeholders as to the tactics and strategies that are working (or not working). Improved content, campaigns, and lead nurturing will be the result.

Need Help Getting Started?Kapost has a succinct powerpoint deck on the analytics that marketers need to track.

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How Content Marketing Boosts Marketing’s Quantifiable Impact:


See which content types your buyers engage with most frequently, and which are particularly useful for driving a conversion action within your sales stage (see section 2 above).


Replicate campaign designs that work. Marketing automation allows marketers to clone email and content campaigns. This makes it easy to base new campaigns on historical successes.


Use attribution modeling to illuminate the entire content journey leading up to a sale. Get insight into which content motivates buyers to build a deeper relationship with your brand.

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THE ROAD TO MARKETING GREATNESS Being a great marketer takes tenacity, creativity, the ability to leverage modern technologies, and a holistic understanding of the modern buyer.

It takes clever, relevant messaging across all channels and technologies to connect with buyers and move them through your sales cycle.

Marketers can’t scale relevant messaging without marketing automation, but they can’t create relevant messaging without a content operation.

That’s why, when you combine marketing automation and great, original content, it’s the difference between good marketing and great marketing.

Marketo (NASDAQ: MKTO) provides the leading marketing software for companies of all sizes to build and sustain engaging customer relationships. Spanning today’s digital, social, mobile and offline channels, Marketo’s® customer engagement platform powers a set of breakthrough applications to help marketers tackle all aspects of digital marketing from the planning and orchestration of marketing activities to the delivery of personalized interactions that can be optimized in real-time. Marketo’s applications are known for their ease-of-use, and are complemented by the Marketing Nation™, a thriving network of more than 250 third-party solutions through our LaunchPoint™ ecosystem and over 40,000 marketers who share and learn from each other to grow their collective marketing expertise. The result for modern marketers is unprecedented agility and superior results. Headquartered in San Mateo, CA with offices in Europe, Australia and a joint-venture in Japan, Marketo serves as a strategic marketing partner to more than 3,000 large enterprises and fast-growing small companies across a wide variety of industries. For more information, visit

Kapost™ helps enterprise brands grow revenue with content. Their content marketing software simplifies the creation, distribution, and analysis of content across a range of channels. Marketing teams of all sizes can collaborate on content, manage assets in one platform, organize campaigns, and establish a process-driven operation. Hundreds of brands—including Lenovo, AT&T, and VMware—use Kapost to scale their content operation, so they can focus on serving customers and growing their business.

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