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  • 8/9/2019 market scoping and analysis of financial investments


    Market Scoping andAnalysis of Financialinvestments andloans Products

      Presented by:

      Umesh.R. adav

  • 8/9/2019 market scoping and analysis of financial investments


      !ntroduction tocompany

    !!F" #!ndia !nfoline Finance "td.$ %as founded in &''( byMr. )irmal *ain#+hairman and Managing ,irector$ as anindependent business research and information provider.

    !t gradually evolved into a -nancial services solution

    provider. !!F" has a net%ork of /// business locationsspread over more than (// cities and to%ns across !ndia.!!F" is listed on the 0ombay Stock 12change#0S1$ and the

    )ational3Stock312change 3of3!ndia #)S1$ for securities trading4 %ithM+56 )+,15 and ,7+5 for commodities trading4 and %ith +,S"and )S," as depository participants.!!F" is registered as a

    +ategory !n merchant banker and is a S10! registered portfoliomanager.

    !ndia !nfoline #!!F"$ group6 is a brokerage -rm dealing in retailbrokerage6 institutional brokerage6 consumer lending6 institutionallending6 realty and %ealth management.

  • 8/9/2019 market scoping and analysis of financial investments


    IIFL have a presencein:• 18uities

    • ,erivatives

    • +ommodities

    • !nsurance

    • Fi2ed deposits

    • Mutual fund

    • Asset Management

    • 9ealth management

    • "oans

  • 8/9/2019 market scoping and analysis of financial investments


    Products !n 7old "oan 0ranch

    • 7old "oan

    • ousing Finance

    • Mutual Fund

    • Fi2ed ,eposits

    • !nsurance

  • 8/9/2019 market scoping and analysis of financial investments


    ;bing the a%areness levelof customers regarding di?erent -nancialinvestments and loan products.

    • =o measure satisfaction level of customersregarding di?erent products.

    • =he main ob

  • 8/9/2019 market scoping and analysis of financial investments



  • 8/9/2019 market scoping and analysis of financial investments


    Research ,esign

     =ype of design: 12ploratory research design.

    Sources of data: Primary data C

      Secondary data.

    Research 18uipment: Duestionnaire.

    Sampling techni8ue: )on probability


      sampling method.

    Sample si>e: &//

  • 8/9/2019 market scoping and analysis of financial investments


    Are you a%are about concept of gold

    loanE es B G

    )o B

  • 8/9/2019 market scoping and analysis of financial investments


    o% many times in year you have emergencyre8uirement of moneyEa) 0 05%

    b) 1 &(G

    c) 2 (G

    d) 3 H(G

    e) 4 &HG

    f) 5 (G

    g) 6 G

  • 8/9/2019 market scoping and analysis of financial investments


    o% do you manage %hen you re8uire moneyE Relatives (

    Friends &/

    "oan / Savings I

  • 8/9/2019 market scoping and analysis of financial investments


    9hat according to you is the safest instrument of!nvestment C SavingE

    a)Banks Saving !" 31%

    b)Ins#rance IG

    c)$ea &s'a'e &JG

    d)S'(cks Shares 'G

    e)Fi*ed +ep(si' &'G

    f),(s' -.ce &G

  • 8/9/2019 market scoping and analysis of financial investments


     7old market shares

    Muthoot -nance H&.&/G

    !ndian overseas bank &.J/G !ndian bank &&G Mannapuram I./G South indian bank G Muthoot -ncorp (.'/G

    !ndia !nfoline Finance "td .I(G

  • 8/9/2019 market scoping and analysis of financial investments



    • Among all the respondents J/G are a%are aboutdi?erent Financial services provided by !!F" andremaining H/G are not a%are about the same.

    • According to the survey most of the customers of

    !ndia !nfoline ltd says that the rate of interestcharged by !!F" satisfactory.

    • Many people kno% the concept of gold loan inspite of that they donKt take 7old loan.

    People %ant to invest their money in insurance6Fi2ed deposits and mutual fund.

    • !!F" targets there gold loan customer forinvestments.

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    • +reate a%areness using mass media.

    • Provide the facility of free demonstrations for all.

    • Some promotional activities are re8uired for thea%areness of the customer.

    • !mprovement in schemes is re8uired.

    • People at young age should be encouraged toinvest in Mutual fund as %ell as !nsurance.

  • 8/9/2019 market scoping and analysis of financial investments
