Download - Margaret Fisher - Liberal Democrat candidate for Abbey Division on Essex County Council

  • 7/30/2019 Margaret Fisher - Liberal Democrat candidate for Abbey Division on Essex County Council













    lished, printed and promoted by Owen Howell on behalf of Margaret Fisher & Colchester Liberal Democrats, all at Magdalen Hall, Wimpole Road,chester.. CO1 2DE

    MFww MargaretFisher:workingwith SBRM SirBobRussellMPfora ourarea

    Change that works for Colchester

    Your local Lib Dem forYour local Lib Dem forEssex County CouncilEssex County Council





    Margaret FISHER 8

    Please help Margaret Fisher and the local Lib Dems win for local people bylling in and returning this form.



    e Liberal Democrats would like to use the information provided to contact you from time to time to keep you informed of campaigns we may think of interest to you.ease write to us if you do not wish to be contacted in this way.

    Please return to : FREEPOST NAT 6287, Colchester CO1 2BR

    will be supporting Margaret Fisher on election day

    can make a donation to help the Lib Dem campaign20 12 Other ____

    Help the Lib Dems win

    Elections in Abbey Division are always a closeinish between the Liberal Democrats and the

    Labour Party. Abbey covers areas like NewTown, Old Heath & the town centre. More andmore people are pledging to back Lib Demcampaigner Margaret Fisher this time.

    They know that every vote forMargaret is a vote for realaction on protecting our

    schools, fixing our streetsand stopping the massivewasting of money by the ToryCounty Council.

    The results from thelast County Electionhere. MargaretFisher has supportfrom across our area.

    s so close in Old Heath,ts so close in Old Heath,New Tow n and Castle!New Town and Castle!











    On May 2nd, voteOn May 2nd, voteMargaretMargaretFisherFisher



  • 7/30/2019 Margaret Fisher - Liberal Democrat candidate for Abbey Division on Essex County Council


    1. Fairer taxes that put money back in your pocketFrom April 2014, Lib Dem changes to the tax system mean you pay no tax on the first 10,000 you earn cutting most tax bills by700.

    2. A fair chance for every childExtra cash for every pupil - the Lib Dem Pupil Premium will bring over 33 million more funding for school children in Essex thisyear. Your Lib Dem councillors have protected the future ofColchester schools such as Alderman Blaxill and Thomas,Lord Audley. The Conservatives and Labour wanted this

    school closed for good.

    3. Streets of which we can be proud.nvest in public transport, proper road repairs andneighbourhood maintenance.

    4. A fair deal for you from the politiciansEnd the perks claimed by top councillors and officers. Cut thenumber of Council chiefs on over 100k per year. Use taxpayers money to provide services that we can all be proud of.This is our promise to every tax payer of Colchester.

    The Lib Demdifference

    The Liberal Democrats willtake action to save money at

    County Hall, whilst improvingservices.

    We will safeguard

    Colchesters schools,increase spending on road

    repairs and invest in supportservices for the vulnerable.

    We can make these pledges

    because we know thatcutting the waste at County

    Hall can pay for it. The LibDems are the only party with

    a plan to improve how ourCounty Council works.

    Lib Dem action for a better Essex

    The Lib Dem contract with the people of Colchester:We will put local people first. wewill be there to help, listen to yourconcerns and stand up for all

    members of our community.

    We will make sure your voice isheard at County Hall. We will be astrong voice for the people of


    We will be open and honestabout all expenses incurred inrepresenting you.

    Saving Tax Payers Money

    Fixing our Streets

    Better services for our kids

    Our streets are in a shameful state, thanks to yearsof neglect by the County Council. The Lib Demshave been fighting to get Colchester the road repairsthat we deserve, the repairs our Council Tax moneyshould pay for.

    We can only keep up this work with your help. If youspot dangerous pot holes, please let us know byusing the contact details on this leaflet. On May2nds County Council elections, if you would like tohelp our work, please vote for your local LiberalDemocrat candidate.

    Colchesters Liberal Democrat councillorssuccessfully fought to make sure that schools likeAlderman Blaxill have a future. Both Labour andthe Conservatives wanted it closed.

    Essex County Council has been failing theCountys five year olds. Essex was ranked a lowly139th out of 152 local authorities in the country.

    The take up of nursery places for three year oldshas been slow. Your Lib Dem councillors willensure that more people are able to take them up.

    What a


    The Conservatives running Essex County

    Council continue to waste millions ofpounds of tax payers money. 74% ofEssexs residents Council tax goes to theCounty Council.

    Their former Council leader spent over aquarter of a million pounds of public moneyon flights, luxury hotels and fine dining.

    Essex County Council has spent over 83million on Consultants in the past 4 years.

    5.1 million of taxpayers money was spentby their Council officers on Council debitcards. This paid for items from Antiqueweaponry to expensive restaurant bills.

    The Lib Dem opposition group continues tofight for more to be spent on services andless to be wasted on councillors & topofficers perks.

    Only the Lib Dems can stand up for Colchester at County Hall

    Lib Dem councillorslike Lyn Barton havehad thousands ofstreet repairs made.

    Colchesters Lib Dem teamworking hard at County Hall.

    Lib Dem councillors such asMargaret Fisher (right) has workedhard to help Childrens Services.

    ConservativeEssex CountyCouncilsSpending spreeMillions of WASTED

    The Lib Dem official Opposition on Essex County Council.

    More spending shocks from the former leader ofthe Council, Lord Hanningfield. It was revealedby the Audit Committee that another 70,000 ofpublic money had been spent on luxury goods,including paying the former leaders bar bills in

    the House of Lords.Your Liberal Democrat Oppositions demandsfor an investigation into the 290,000 claimed inexpenses by Lord Hanningfield was refused bythe Conservatives and by Labour.